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677 Try to maintain a fair and unfair battle

 Bulkesso has no anger.

He had no reason to be angry at the two people in front of him.

Does being misunderstood require anger?

Anger will not resolve misunderstandings, it will only expose the emptiness after the anger fades away like a tide.


There is nothing so confusing about this.

It's just that I chose a not-so-good path.

But is there anything to regret about saving your comrades?

"Banaar, I don't even know how to face your challenge.

You and I both know that when we come together we are ‘we’, but who among us would try to change others?

This time, it's just a simple battle.

I won't change my mind after defeating you, and you'd better not try to gamble your existence.

I won't change anything."

Bulkesso's voice was a little painful.

It feels a little strange to face challenges from your friends and elders.

It's just that he's just having fun and has no reason to give in.

"Does what you are going to do have anything to do with what I am going to do?

I do not exist because of you!

Nothing you do is unacceptable!

Your will goes against mine!

At this time, there is only one solution in the world!

bring it on!

kill me!

After you kill me, I will naturally shut up!"

Banal's words were sporadic.

Obviously he has no intention of changing.

"You can say that you do not exist because of me, but I cannot say that.

Banar, barbarians will always remember the names of their ancestors.

Remember what they did.

My strength is something you left behind, but I will not give in."

While Bulcaisel was speaking, Banal slowly got up from the ground.

He casually wiped away the blood on his mouth with a look of disdain!

"bring it on!

Beat me until I can't get up anymore!

Break every bone in my body!

Otherwise, even if I bite the ground with my teeth, I will still stand in front of you!"

Banal's momentum began to become crazy.

He broke the convention among his ancestors!

Dead people are no more powerful than they were alive!

Unfortunately, this is not powerful enough!

Even though Banar has stood at the height where Orak once stood, it is not enough!

"I like fairness."

Burcasso suddenly said something irrelevant and took off the two swords from his waist!

The two swords were nailed to the ground, and Bulcasso moved his shoulders.

Fighting with bare hands?

Perhaps in Bulcaisel's eyes, achieving this level barely gave Banal a fair fighting chance.

Even if this method seems full of insults!

Banal's eyes widened and the corners of his eyes cracked!

Then he walked up in a hurry!

He slapped his palm hard at Bulkesso's face!

Insults are only answered with stronger insults!

Barbarians will not accept the fallacy of repaying evil with kindness!

How to repay kindness with kindness?

"Fuck you uncle!"

Banal roared wildly, his voice was fierce.

Burcasso didn't speak any more this time, he just raised his left hand and pressed it on Banal's face!

The huge palm completely enveloped Banal's face!

Blocked vision will not affect the accuracy of Balnar's attacks.

Barbarians whose survival in war became legendary did not rely solely on one sense to fight.

The slap has no intention of stopping, just like Bulcasso has done nothing, there will be no pause in Banal's movements!

Isn't this how a berserker fights?

Trade injuries for lives, trade blood for blood!

When facing an invincible opponent, behave more arrogantly than anyone else!


It’s just something that has been experienced once!

Is there anything else he should be afraid of?

As for whether you still have nostalgia for this world?

Of course there is, but Banal believes that even he disappeared in the hands of Bulcasso.

Everything he cares about will be properly arranged.

Banar will only regret that he was unable to put an end to the war started by Bulcaisuo!



Banal was knocked down hard by Bulqueso with his right fist!

The sound of the fist hitting the skull was very clear!

When the body fell to the ground, it also made a clear and transparent sound!


Bulcasso looked at the skin on his chest that was broken by Banal's fingers, and for a moment he didn't know what to say.

Banal's actions during the battle did not go beyond his expectations. This guy is such a guy.

The term "madman" is not something that just anyone can bear.

It's not something that just anyone can call themselves.

Madmen just have different perceptions, they are not chaos.

"Bulkess, justice is not might."

The corners of Rorschach's mouth twitched.

He clearly saw the rough battle before.

Bulcaisel's punch nearly tore half of Barnard's face apart.

“Without strength and might, who will listen to you about your justice?

Have you forgotten what you have experienced in the past?

The doomsday sign is still standing on the corner over there, who listened to your words?"

Bulqueso shook his hand.

While the heavy punch shattered half of Banal's face, there were also wounds on his fists.

Fighting with fists is bound to face this kind of thing. How can a collision of flesh and blood not result in injury?

Bulqueso's words made Rorschach a little embarrassed.

Even the truth needs to be defended.

The truth spoken by the weak will only be rejected by the stronger ones.

Socrates also drowned his disciples because of the difference in truth.

This requires a competition for "strength" among people engaged in learning, so what reason can be used to require soldiers to use culture to measure when they talk about the truth?

You can’t just guess who’s right and who’s wrong, right?

"Does it make sense to have a big fist?"

Rorschach's face was a little bitter, and he felt as if he needed to re-understand the world.

But he still had no intention of changing his mind.

Never compromising is not a joke, he has been practicing this principle throughout his life.

"A big fist can make others listen to your reasoning.

But that doesn’t mean others will accept your teachings.”

While Bulcasso was preaching to Rorschach, he looked at Banal on the ground and slowly stood up.

It looks a little scary like that.

"Just like Barnard, he obviously doesn't intend to accept my reasoning."

Bulcaisel just stood there and spoke, and did not attack Banal before he stood up.

He likes fairness, and of course he abides by it.

Death is a fair thing that all lives need to face, so Burqaso will give death fairly to those who don't deserve to live.

Unless someone takes these matters under his control.

"Call the three ancestors back!"

Banal's words were so slurred that it was difficult to hear clearly.

If half of his face is missing but he can still speak clearly, then this person should become a reporter or host.

This basic skill is so awesome.

"Why do you think they were forced by me?

Isn't what you are doing now forcing me to follow your will?

The three ancestors did this willingly."

Bulkesso said helplessly.

It's hard to say anything at this time.

Because this is not about getting into trouble, but simply practicing your own will.

The same is true for the three ancestors, and the same is true for Leiko.

Bulquesso simply told them what he thought.

The decision to embark on the war was also made by the three ancestors themselves.

One of them must be in pain, maybe all three of them together.

But they did it anyway because they couldn't do it otherwise!

"Come again!"

Banal stretched his back hand towards his back, and this punch was obviously full of strength.

But this is not an excellent way to fight.

Even in boxing, this punch is called the phone punch.

It's like calling the other party and telling them that it's time to take the fist.

But such a fist is indeed heavy enough.


Bulcaisel raised his forearm, like a shield.

It would look more normal if Bulcaisel had a buckler on his arm.

But his thick arms alone were enough to block Banal's fist.

This punch is destined to be unable to change its impact point when it is thrown out.


The fist landed in the middle of Bulcasso's raised forearm without any gap.

The location is spot on!

Bulqueso's combat experience already told him where to place this punch.

The thick arm was visibly red and swollen.

But there was a sound of bones breaking from Banal's fist!

The effects of forces are reciprocal, as has been proven before.

"This is not a fight at all, it's just two guys who are in pain and choose to vent their anger on each other!"

Rorschach was a little angry.

He was angry at this seemingly meaningless battle.

Angry to the point of incomprehension.

Is there any point in such a fight?

Winners will not change anything about themselves, and losers will not change their minds.

So what is the significance of winning or losing this battle?

Is it just to silence the loser?

If this is the case, the meaning of this battle is not even as good as a roll of tape that can be wrapped around the mouth!

"So Rorschach, tell me what you would do when you were angry but couldn't change it?"

Bulkesso said without turning his head.

Now it was Rorschach's turn to shut up.

What would he do in this situation?


Ordinary sandbags cannot withstand Rorschach's current strength.

Is Rorschach going to say that he wants to judge the sandbag in front of him when he is punching it?

Many people's hands were injured because of the sandbags?

This is simply hilarious!

Or maybe go wandering around the remote streets and find a few unlucky gangsters to fix things?

That was a time ago.

Now he will go to the secret realm to find some demons to vent his anger.

But at the end of the day, it’s just a matter of venting.

There is no need for a valid reason to vent.

Just need a suitable opponent.


Luo Xia said these two words very unhappily. Anyway, his face was particularly ugly at this time.

Have nothing to say?

Probably so.

Rorschach has never been an intellectual, and even some simple mathematical calculations are a problem for him.

Rorschach's behavior has always been just following the simplest child-like dream.

Right is right, wrong is wrong!

Although most adults say the world is not black and white.

But in the eyes of children, there is never any room for ambiguity between right and wrong!

Rorschach is just a child full of dreams and demands.

He never chose to grow up, and this innocence is the reason why he can be chosen by justice.

Justice should be incompatible with evil!

If you are right, you should stick to it without any scruples.

Everything that is wrong needs to be faced squarely and judged!

Rorschach had the same view even when it came to Bulkeso's war.

Starting a war is wrong.

Saving friends is the right thing to do.

In Rorschach's eyes, these are two things, not one thing like launching a war to save his friends.

Everything is looked at separately, nothing is mixed.

This is also an important reason why Rorschach's concept of justice can persist to this day.

How can there be so many that cannot be distinguished?

It's just a trade-off of interests.

What should you do if you choose the wrong course of action for the right thing?

If someone steals someone else's finances to save someone else's life, how is the general law judged?

That's stealing!

Those who do this will surely be judged by the law!

As for rescuing people?

After the trial is over, such good deeds may be encouraged and rewarded.

How about a reward of money?

This amount of money can just save the person who needs to be saved.

Mistakes are judged, and correctness is encouraged.

That's fine.


Although it's not the answer I want, it's still much better than drinking alcohol.

Rorschach, the war over there won't last long.

It is true that the three ancestors and Reiko went to war, and it is also true that they will bring pain to that world.

But the war will end faster with their arrival.

Even because of the existence of a common enemy, the original war will take another form.

Rorschach, don’t underestimate any world.

There will always be people smarter than you and me in the world.

Something more powerful will definitely be born.

So Rorschach, remember to set an alarm for yourself when you go to bed.

You have to wake up."

Bulqueso said this.

Then he stepped on Banal's chest.

"Ha, that's ridiculous!"

Banal pushed Bulcaisuo's feet hard, and all the muscles in his body were trembling!

He had no intention of arguing with Bulkesso's remarks.

But for this "insult", Banal has something to do!


Banal let out a war cry!

When his chest was difficult to expand due to being trampled on, he let out an absolutely wonderful war cry!

Blood gushes out of the mouth like a small fountain.

The trembling of the muscles became more intense than the tide.

Waves of surges caused the muscles to break through his skin!

The blood began to spurt out under the pressure!

The Elder's Temple became filled with the smell of blood!

Who has ever seen a berserker who stopped attacking before he died?

The desperate methods are too many for the berserker.

Banal himself didn't know how many fighting methods of this type he had.

He came to Bulcasso with the intention of disappearing.

He was ready to "sacrifice".

Speak for the weak and speak out for injustice.

Fight for the equal right of all people to live.

Even the ultimate goal of Bulcaisel in front of him is the same.

But if the method is wrong, it is wrong!

It doesn’t matter whether this method works or not!

Banal just wants to fight!

It’s the same even if you choose to fight Bulcaisel arrogantly!

That's what he wants to do!

Arrogant person?

No, Banal is just a simple berserker!

Because I am not smart, I simply choose the stupidest way to achieve everything I want to do!

Is there any problem with this?

This chapter has been completed!
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