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688 There is no righteous executioner in the war


“I have no interest in this kind of war for the purpose of plunder.

 Seriously, I cannot accept such a reason.”

Leiko shook her head.

 Although she appeared in this world, she still couldn't accept what they were about to do.

This is not a fight for survival, it is just a fight to get something so that you can continue to survive.

 Even this is not necessary for their survival.

 But she came anyway.

 “Leiko, put away your meaningless kindness.

 You are not kind, I am absolutely sure of this!

 At least in my eyes, you have never been kind.

 The same is true for us.”

Kahn waved the two swords in his hands, his face looking very unhappy.

 When survival requires getting something from other places, then survival has nothing to do with justice.

 It’s just that people have been accustomed to doing this for a long time.

 Are plants not life?

Kahn had some difficulty understanding the thinking of vegetarians.

 In order to protect "life", you choose to be a vegetarian?

 This is just deceiving yourself and others.

These guys arrogantly believe that plants have no thoughts, so they put the lives of plants as unimportant.

 But what is it actually like?

If this kind of question is left to a druid to answer, it would be to eat and drink...

 Life is never something that exists alone.

 The birth of one life represents the passing of countless lives.

 But this is a natural choice in itself...

If those monsters who are animal advocates and vegetarians really have such a consciousness, then what they should do is to commit suicide.

 In this way, you can give your life back to the world...

All the isms are actually business, just a group of despicable howling monsters trying to hide their true colors.

 “Kahn, you are very pure.

 So it’s up to you to start the battle.”

Kelik said with a sarcastic smile.

 He didn’t listen to what Kahn said at all.

 Who among those present is considered innocent?

 The answer is none.

 The strong men spawned in the war are also nicknamed "monsters", but there is no room for explanation.

“I don’t want to get involved in this matter at all, but I am now the third ancestor.

What the hell, did that bastard Madoc end himself because he suffered such a blow?

This guy is really irresponsible!"

Kahn complained casually, already holding the weapon tightly with both hands.

 Isn’t it just to be an executioner?

 He can do it.

 As for sin or something else, let’s wait until the time of reckoning.

 “Let’s go, start from a corner.

This world is not a small one, so we should start from the edge of the battlefield.

 At least those guys who died in the war don’t have to resent us, the final victors.

 We are just foreigners, aren’t we?”

Talik said with a grimace.

These words seemed to be used to convince himself.

 “We are all rubbish.”

Leiko shook her head, her hair flying.

The original high-spirited charm disappeared at this time.

 The executioner does not need to be very good-looking, as long as the weapon is sharp enough.

 The dead began to join the battlefield and started fighting from a corner.

  Their battle will continue until they find something from this world that represents the essence of time.

That might be a group purchase, or it might be a blue police box?

 Perhaps even a certain person?

 The thing that represents the essence of time in this world may be anything that exists, or even just existed.

 What if the essence of time remains in the severed ear of an artist?

 This is not impossible.

At this time, in the crystal dome of the high-level heaven, Bulcaisuo was looking at the forehead of the demon who fell to the ground.

 He hit it very hard, but the devil's head was still strong enough.

 At least it’s not something that can be damaged easily.

Burkeso is waiting for the results, but he is a little dissatisfied with the process.

 No one likes boring time.

And a bored person might even go to a dictionary to look up the meaning of boredom.

 It’s just that now this place has nothing to think of except boring.

 Waiting itself is a somewhat boring thing.

 Unless that person values ​​this matter very much and values ​​it so much that he tries to use his will to interfere with something that cannot be touched by his own strength.

 The appearance of these legendary demons in the field did not exceed Bulcaisuo's expectations.

 He thought about this when demons appeared in the world.

 At first he suspected that all this was caused by the Shadow Fang, a weapon transformed from the essence of the Burning Hell.

 But later it was discovered that this was not the case.

So it seems that it is not unacceptable to have doubts about going to higher heavens?

 The similarity between the two places is quite high, so this is not impossible.

And probably the strangest power possessed by the higher heavens is making people believe.

What is the role of something like faith?

 Higher heavens have existed for countless years before the birth of mankind.

With no human beings to believe in them at that time, would the archangels have starved to death?

 Apparently this is not the case.

 Faith is the least meaningful thing for higher heavens, or gods.

 Because if that god is real, then they must have been born before humans.

 Otherwise, the story of the creation of man in the myth would be unexplainable.

 God and humans are different...

 In the Eastern Ming Dynasty, the simplest definition of gods and immortals is that those who were born before humans are gods.

 And those born after humans are immortals...

 The birth of human beings is just a dividing line.

 The standards set by human gods are just a joke.

“I thought you were going to remain silent for a while, Jotun Kule.”

Burkaiso said casually to Jotun Kule.

Although they can now simply communicate with each other through a year, Bulcaisel still prefers the feeling of talking.

 Habit itself is a terrible force.

Just like when an ordinary person starts running for survival, he will probably forget when he started to forget his dream.

 They are just used to not thinking...

“I just want to see what choice you will make in the end.

 After all, that’s what I did in the past.

 I am a bystander, so I can clearly see the problems between you.

Perhaps there will be a day when you need my help?”

Jordon Kule's voice seems to be born to bore people.

 He is a powerful Nephalem. He may be a little worse than the first few, but he is also at the forefront when it comes to strength.

 Even the situations he and Rasma faced at the beginning were similar.

 It's just that Rasma's natural strength is weaker.

 “I often need help from others, and there is nothing to say about it.

 I am just one person, how can I cover everything?

 Or do you know a guy who can be the best at anything?

If such a person really exists, then I would be interested in meeting him."

Burkeso's words were very strange, not at all like what he said at this time.

Jotun Kule was a little confused, but still chose to believe what he knew at the beginning.

People always need to be stubborn in some strange places.

 Otherwise, it is easy for a person to think of giving up.

 Giving up is doomed to failure, but it can make you less tired.

“Do you plan to publicize the truth about the birth of these demons?

If Rorschach knew about this matter, it would probably develop in the direction you want.

 How can a human being put his hope in angels for his destiny?

Faith is poison. Those fools who call themselves gods rely on faith to exist. Perhaps this can ensure their long-term strength.

 But this strength is bound to fade.

 On the contrary, a guy like you has unlimited possibilities.

I mean, can a guy like you relax a little?"

Jordon Kule's tone seemed to suggest a discussion.

This guy used to say nothing except cynicism.

Now this approach is like making some mistake and trying to make up for it.

“This is the Crystal Dome. If possible, I plan to help that idiot Banaar return first.

That guy is different from Vera and the others, he can come back.

 It just takes a little energy and determination.”

Burkeso did not make any reaction to Jotun Kule’s statement.

 It’s like if you don’t take everything, it’s nothing…

 Such a performance made Jotun Kule a little uncomfortable. He had not been treated like this for a long time.

 A Super Nephalem is a chatterbox?

This of course exists for a reason, and no one behaves the way they do without a reason.

A child knows how to cry when he is hungry, let alone a willful and powerful guy like Jotun Kule?

 “You are crazy.

 Of course, I know what you are going to say.

 For example, you have gone crazy a long time ago.

This kind of thing is not new at all. I still can't understand why guys like you become so stubborn.

 Or is stubbornness also the secret to your strength?

 All the savages I have seen are like this, I am just making a reasonable guess."

Jordon Kule seemed to be a little scared when he spoke?

This performance puzzled Bulcaisel.

Jotun Kule is a mage whose development direction is knowledge.

 But at most it is just a dictionary that can be looked up.

 The awareness between him and Lilith is still very high.

Even if Jotun Kule is able to have his current strength, he still has to thank Lilith...

This guy is a devil but his approach is very similar to that of an angel. She doesn't put everything about herself in a box for fear that others will get it.

Knowledge is also a gift, but it must be combined with wisdom to show its power.

“It’s obvious that angels are not very friendly to humans.

 Comparing the direct war between the devil and us over the living space, is there any reason to give in?

 Zodun Kule, tell me now whether your blockade on my memory has been strengthened?

 I can no longer detect Kanai’s aura.”

Burkeso just asked casually, but this kind of question fell into Jotun Kule's ears as if it was a question.

This atmosphere gave Jotun Kule the urge to tremble...

 It's just that even if he trembles, it's of no use...

 He is now in the Dark Soul Stone and has no chance to leave here yet.

If there was any chance of him leaving that was closest to him, it was probably when Bulcaisel retrieved Uldyssian...

 When memories and souls are played with wantonly, problems will eventually arise.

 This is equally dangerous and equally fascinating.

“How do you plan to decide the future after the fact?

 The archangels don’t have any thoughts about human beings, they have always thought highly of themselves..."

Jotun Kule was a little confused.

 Although saying this at this time is more like changing the subject.

 But this is indeed what he wants to know now.

“Why do I need to decide the future path?

How to live is something they need to think about themselves.

 Do you still plan on me throwing disobedient guys into the furnace?

Zodun Kule, if nothing else, your blood and limbs have disappeared with the destruction of that world.

 You can only exist as a soul now.

 What do you plan to do next?

  I mean after completing the dream of making the Nephalem the top.”

Bulkessor easily broke off a single horn from the head of a demon corpse on the ground.

Although the strength of this thing is average, it is still good as an additive.

 Throwing it into the furnace can at least speed up the forging...

  "If such a day comes, I think I will probably move towards the path of wisdom?"

 Wisdom always fascinates people.

If the authority of Wisdom had not represented Malthael, I would probably have chosen Wisdom from the beginning.

Perhaps if I say something funny at this time, it will make you more serious about telling a story here?

Although the protagonist's name is Zoltun Kule, this protagonist is a complete villain.

 Except that he never deceives anything with lies.”

Jordon Kule's voice has always been very distinctive.

 You can understand what he said almost as soon as he speaks.

“In that case, just shut up now.

 Wait until I successfully bring back my comrades.

 Then find an opportunity to start a war with Malthael?

 There is rarely such a thing as civil war among archangels.

The last time there was such a seedling was due to the ideological dispute between Prius and Tyrrell.

 You don’t have the strength, so you’d better shut up.

If you let me be forced to become a madman like Leoric by the voice inside my head, I would have no problem with it."

Burkeso’s words made Jotun Kule even more nervous.

It was only at this time that Jotun Kule had to painfully admit that he had done many wrong things.

 But no matter what, isn’t it a good thing to be strong?

 Isn’t it an instinct of life to want to become stronger?

Jotun Kule is somewhat looking forward to what Bulkesso will do.

Powerful but stick to the bottom line?

 But who can know the bottom line of everyone in the world?

This chapter has been completed!
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