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698 Under mutual calculations, who is most likely to be the winner!?

 Alanya, the Spider Queen, is indeed smiling!

This smile might be very charming if she were in human form, but this smile would be very scary when it appears on a spider.

The ferocious mouthparts opened wide, revealing a mouth big enough to fit a person in!

Then a shock wave flew out from the mouthpiece! Everything in front of it was turned into ashes!

Even if a legendary demon has just been reborn, its power is not something that just anyone can bear.

The shock wave spread in all directions as if it was completely under control!

It's not a sudden impact that turns everything into powder, but it's like a continuous wave crashing on the rocks!

But just the most basic impact is enough to turn stubborn rocks into powder!


Dr. Voodoo shouted this!

This is his unique spiritual power, not the means of a voodoo sorcerer!

Anyone with a soul will be affected to this extent!

The shock wave released by Alanya Spider Queen subsided for a moment under this sudden impact!

Taking this opportunity, Dr. Voodoo left the ground in a strange way and hung his body in mid-air!

"The power of the mind is really scary.

I feel like I’m going to freeze in place when you yell~”

Constantine's teasing was completely inappropriate, but he did it anyway.

It seems that this guy has expanded a lot after gaining extraordinary strength.

From a weakling who needed others to sacrifice in the face of danger, he became a strong man capable of solving troubles relatively easily.

Any swelling on Constantine's body is natural.

He himself is not a saint, and all the bad nature of human ears can be found in him.

Perhaps it's because his worldview became fragmented at a young age.

It may also be that those years of self-degradation made him lose his sense of awe.

Or from the moment he realized that he was just a human being and was always powerless in the face of disasters, he lost the nobility that a human being should have.

But one thing hasn't changed.

That's how proud Constantine is of being a human being!

"The sharp dagger pierced the devil's heart.

This is a heroic script. If you were a dragon, I would be able to achieve Beowulf's legendary achievements.

It's a pity that you are just a devil.

Among the reputations that have spread to the outside world, I probably only have the title of Demon Hunter.

I have to say I have some regrets~”

Constantine seemed to be gritting his teeth when he spoke.

I don’t know if it’s because I feel ashamed and angry because of the fear I feel in front of the spiritual power!

As he finished speaking, the dagger appeared in his hand again.

With bursts of electric light, he stabbed hard at the huge body behind Alanya Spider Queen!

It doesn't look like using a dagger at all.

If this scene falls in the eyes of Vera, maybe Constantine will have to learn how to use daggers!

The way he used force and his ferocious expression were like holding a hand axe!

"Get out of the way!"

Dr. Voodoo only had time to issue such a reminder, but it was already too late!

The dagger in Constantine's hand has broken open the body of the Spider Queen Alanya!

Then it pierced into that huge drag like a balloon!

Then there was an explosion!

The size of the spider has many weaknesses for the Alania spider!

Even the huge visual range brought by eight eyes has blind spots.

For example, directly behind your own body.

Just like Constantine is proud of his human identity, Alanya is proud of her spider identity.

How could she leave such an obvious weakness to her enemies!

This is one of her methods!

The venom suddenly spreads along with the sticky spider web!

Constantine was hit from the front!

A white ball of spider silk that could no longer be said to be a web but a cloth completely enveloped Constantine in it!

The venom that can easily kill ordinary people is also turbulent in the chrysalis!

Constantine was like a corpse soaked in formalin, drowned in the pupa by venom!

The violent corrosiveness is causing serious damage to his body!

Severe pain!

At this time, the skin has almost no protective effect and disappears!

His skin disappeared faster than Constantine took off his own clothes!

The scope of this explosion was extremely huge!

Even if he stayed a little further away, Dr. Voodoo was still affected by such a tragic attack.

It was like Mr. Bean entering an innocent crowd while painting the room with firecrackers.

Apart from Constantine's posthumous influence, there is not much influence.

This lair has completely become a world filled with spider webs and venom!

"damn it!"

Dr. Voodoo said these three words with great effort.

Then green flames erupted from his body, clearing away the spider silk and venom bit by bit!

But the damage has been done!

Dr. Voodoo's clothes became full of tears.

And there were scars on his body that looked like they were burned by flames!

Dr. Voodoo no longer dares to think about Constantine's current state.

In terms of total power, Dr. Voodoo is far superior to Constantine.

Dr. Voodoo doesn't think Constantine can withstand an attack that even he can't withstand!

Now all he can do for Constantine is to break the pupa as soon as possible!

Let’s see if Constantine inside still has a chance to leave a whole body behind!

"damn it!"

The same words came from Dr. Doom who was further away!

His position is not behind Constantine!

Naturally, he was also attacked by the sudden blow from Spider Queen Alanya!

The previous shock wave didn't make him feel that difficult.

It's not like he has never seen similar methods before.

But this violent explosion was indeed beyond his imagination.

It doesn't seem so strange that the devil would use this method of greater attack on itself to give birth to children.

Even when human beings are willing to fight to the death and plan to die together, this method is not uncommon.

But for the current war situation, Spider Queen Alanya is far from reaching the point where she needs to fight to the death.

This kind of attack seems extremely irrational and even stupid.

But the effect is surprisingly good!

Dr. Doom also has scars on his body!

The technological armor, which was no worse than Tony's steel armor, was also damaged by the eyes!

But what makes Dr. Doom angry is not that he was hurt!

But this armor is not his own product!

This was a gift given to him by his friends to celebrate his new life!

From the hand of Fantastic Mr. Reed!

You know, Reid has never studied this kind of thing!

In other words, this is a unique gift in heaven and earth!

Even if Dr. Doom won't show mercy to Reed in battle, friendship is real!


Dr. Doom shouted angrily!

A burst of dark green light waves was launched from between his hands in the direction of Alanya Spider Queen!

This is no longer a simple energy shock!

With Reed's help, Dr. Doom mastered the basics of destroying everything.

In other words, his energy carries the smell of destruction!

The level of power changes just like the change of fuel!

"Wait for it!"

Alanya, the Spider Queen, made a sound!

But her mouthparts didn't move at all!

As a demon speaking human language, does he still need to use his mouth?

What she did before was just a little bit of concealment!

That mouthpart is definitely not an organ that can produce sounds normally!

A huge change occurred in an instant!

After the explosion, the cobweb lowered itself and there were waves of tremors!

Then each huge spider lifted off the cobweb like a quilt!

The function of the exploded body to stop itself is not to explode! It is to lay eggs!

The reason why Spider Queen Alanya did such an unwise act was just to save her offspring from the long growth time!

She is nurturing her children with her own flesh and blood!

In an instant, countless large and small spiders started moving in the Buster Building.

The sharp body movements made a rustling sound, like grains of sand rubbing against each other!

Countless giant spiders began to rush out in the direction of Dr. Doom!

Their mothers sacrificed their own flesh and blood to help their children grow up quickly.

As children, countless spiders will naturally do whatever they can for their mothers.

Maybe there isn't much family affection here.

But this is the instinct of these spiders with the power of burning hell!

Demons are existences with distinct levels of hierarchy!

A large number of spiders blocked Dr. Doom's attack!

The damage from the mana blast easily shattered a few spiders at the front, but it soon seemed to have insufficient stamina.

If it is a complete power of destruction, even if Spider Queen Alanya personally resists it, it will have no effect.

The only consequence is to be easily killed.

But Dr. Doom only gets a little whiff of destruction.

Maybe given him enough time, Dr. Doom's talent will have a great chance of mastering more powers of destruction.

But now he no longer has this strength!

After Spider Queen Alanya made such a counterattack, she undoubtedly entered the period when she was at her weakest.

But this is also her most powerful state!

Countless children defend their mothers.

As long as the invaders cannot crush them, Spider Queen Alanya will be in the safest state!

But after all, it is still a choice in a state of emergency!

It's not perfect.

But as long as you persist through this danger, countless giant spiders will start to look for food for their mother.

Spider Queen Alanya will quickly return to her peak!

She was very weak at this time.

But Dr. Doom and the Voodoo Warlock on the periphery have lost the chance to get close to her!

The spider silk created by the previous explosion has firmly blocked this nest!

Even the Nephalem's teleportation methods are limited here!

The interference of those spider silks represents the domain of Spider Queen Alanya!

Her domain can overlap with reality, and these spider threads are the most important factor!

"Constantine, you are the only disaster in this world!

I would rather you be that weak bastard than become the arrogant fool you are now!"

Dr. Voodoo shouted angrily!

He was prepared that he would be betrayed by Constantine.

But thinking that these problems can be solved, he doesn't see anything wrong with taking greater risks.

But what now?

Constantine has been imprisoned in a chrysalis!

There wasn't even the slightest movement.

After Dr. Voodoo personally experienced the power of the venom and cobwebs, Dr. Voodoo didn't think Constantine could survive.

The shouting at this time contained pity for the loss of a life, and catharsis for the bitter battle that I was in!

But is Constantine really dead?

of course not!

This guy always has a lot of life-saving things in him!

Spider Queen Alanya could not feel his life.

That's because Constantine has already made corresponding preparations!

The blood obtained from Nanase, and the materials obtained from unknown demons before.

They were all turned into things that he could use to hide his status when facing the enemy.

The unlearned Constantine even concentrated on learning a lot of knowledge about demons.

For example, when spiders eat, they do not chew, but turn their prey into drinks, and then drink them first.

He made a huge gamble!

He was betting that Queen Alanya would find a way to turn him and Dr. Voodoo into food!

How could the flesh and blood of the Nephalem and the body of a powerful mage be destroyed without value?

And this big spider is now extremely lacking in nutrients!

Next, we have to see how much pressure Dr. Voodoo and the newly appeared Dr. Doom can put on Alanya, the Spider Queen.

The stronger the pressure, the sooner Spider Queen Alanya will enjoy "him"!

Although this self-destructive explosion was beyond Constantine's expectations, the result was pretty good.

Even though he was seriously injured, Constantine was still a Nephalem!

When facing the Nephalem, Bulcaisel had never been stingy with the medicine bottle with the power of life!

Coupled with Constantine's previous preparations, he can still persist for a long time!

While being locked up, Constantine had already used the pill bottle once!

Although Spider Queen Alanya is powerful, she is not yet able to ignore authority!

There is no saying that the damage she caused is irreversible!

Constantine is still waiting!

Wait for the straw-like mouthparts to pierce the spider silk pupa!

Then he will send the added "nutrient" substances into the body of this big spider!

Constantine was a little excited when he thought that he was about to become a new legend who had killed a powerful legendary demon.

This was the first battle in which he achieved victory without sacrificing anyone!

The only person who made a sacrifice in this battle was Constantine!

Only the strong are worthy of sacrifice?

Does that mean that only those who have made sacrifices are strong?

Constantine has a free and easy smile on his face!

He could hardly resist his desire to say dirty things!

He must say these words in front of the body of Alanya, the Spider Queen!

Constantine has been preparing for this moment for too long!

Say goodbye to the powerless past! Constantine spent too long preparing!

Just for this moment and the farewell ceremony of the powerless past can be perfect like fireworks in the sky!

This chapter has been completed!
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