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699 The Arrival Angel and the Truth from Ozil's Mouth

   Just as Constantine kept making calculations, the battle situation escalated further!

This place is called Buster Building!

 This is the territory of the Fantastic Four!

Even though Ben the Thing and Johnny Human Torch, who are the most powerful in frontal combat among the Fantastic Four, are not here.

 But they also have the dignity of being heroes!

 Stone book.

  The Rubber Man Fantastic Mr. Reed.

 Invisible Susan.


Thunderbolt...Qin Ming?①

 No! That’s Johnny!

 The Invisible Woman’s younger brother is Johnny with a Burning Angel living in his body!

 Johnny's own strength is indeed not strong enough, and he cannot even teleport like a mage.

 But that angel can do it easily!

Nephalem can locate their comrades through the perception of breath, thus breaking the connection in space and appearing next to their comrades.

 This kind of ability is also possessed by angels!

 Johnny has made his decision!

The moment Ozil in his mind told him that the Fantastic Four were in danger, he compromised!

 A childish hero?

 A superhero whose hobby is being in the limelight?

 A naughty kid who can increase his body temperature to that of a star?

 Is Johnny like this strong?

 Perhaps powerful, but not enough!

 But before he truly understood what a hero was, he was just a naughty kid with powerful destructive power.

 He left the prison of dreams!

 Take Özil with you!

 This approach broke Rorschach’s expectations!

 This was not part of Tony’s plan either!

The reason why so many people gather in the Dream Prison is that the real purpose is always the Burning Angel!

 All the ideas came from Tony and Wayne’s calculations!

 They need Johnny to be there!

Ozil needs to be brought to an environment like Dream Prison by Johnny, a naughty kid!

 The existence of the hammer was part of Tony and Wayne's plan.

 This is also the most suitable opponent to force Ozil, the Burning Angel!

 It’s just that the development of everything will always exceed the initial expectations!

 The operation of the world will never change according to one person's will! This is a matter of course!

 Even Inarius, the angel of fate, cannot control everything.

 It is absolutely normal for some changes to occur.

 What is more shocking than a magnificent fate?

 That should be the moment when the gods who once only appeared in some thoughts truly arrived!

 And this is what Ozil did at this time!

he came!

 Come to fulfill the wish of the owner of your body!

Flames appeared in the Buster Building, and the continuous blazing flames made the Buster Building, which had lost its power supply, shine like a fire scene!

  In other words, this is the fire scene!

  Ozil is free!

Only the angry Rorschach in Dream Prison and Tony and Wayne who had to come up with backup plans in the face of emergencies were left!

 “Alanya, the Spider Queen, a humble reptile!

Your life will become the fuel needed for burning, and your soul will become ashes in the flames!

 And I will return with this!

 I no longer owe a humble human being anything!”

Ozil’s arrival was very sudden!

 Suddenly, Dr. Doom and Dr. Voodoo both stopped what they were doing!

Those giant spiders that were born because of Spider Queen Alanya also gave up their previous enemies and all turned around.

 Countless spiders in the shadows raised their heads!

 They all looked at Johnny’s body with wings of light growing out of its back!

 At this moment!

 The Soul Reaver Legion has launched an operation!

"damn it!"

Constantine gritted his teeth and shouted while wrapped in spider silk.

 This is also beyond his plan!

It only takes a short time to wait, but Queen Alanya can't help but pierce the spider silk with her mouthparts and absorb Constantine's life.

This is also the opportunity that Constantine has been waiting for for a long time to truly become a strong man!

 But all this was ruined before the arrival of Özil!

Alanya, the spider queen, is very weak at this time. After using her life essence to ripen her offspring, she is not even Ozil's enemy.

This is all terrible!

Especially since Ozil arrived using Johnny's body, this will inevitably bring Reed and Susan, two guys who are not good at fighting, into the fight!

 Change one hair and move the whole body!

Constantine was already in trouble!

“Ozil? I have heard of your name a long time ago.

  There is no difference between taking away a person's body and killing a person.

 You are still the Soul Reaver, still serving death.

 You really won’t provoke the more powerful Nephalem like this?”

  Dr. Voodoo looked at the Burning Angel floating in mid-air with a cold face, and spoke unhurriedly.

 “Other powerful Nephalem?

Of course, I know there are quite a few of them who are good enough to fight me.

 There are even a few of them who can crush me now.

But unfortunately, no one among the Nephalem here will kill me at the cost of killing an innocent body.

That kid named Johnny is not dead yet."

Ozil’s voice, which should have been as majestic as a flame, had a bit of coldness in it.

 Dr. Voodoo was a little at a loss. He couldn't confirm the difference between the current Ozil and the one he knew.

 But one thing he was sure of!

 That is, this battle has changed again!


 Just a boring trick!”

 Dr. Doom’s attitude is a bit clearer.

 His power is closer to the demons in the Burning Hell.

His will allows him to stick to his decision whether he is facing a higher heaven or a burning hell.

This kind of performance is commendable!

 It’s a pity that he is still not strong enough!

 Although his abilities are not much different from Ozil who is now weakened to an unknown extent.

 At least have the ability to fight back.

 But if he wants to win, the price he has to pay is not something he can bear now.

 Who among the strong people who survive in this world does not have a few trump cards?

“You can all rest assured until I take care of Spider Queen Alanya!

 Compared to demons and guys with demon blood, of course the latter need me, an angel, to punish them more!

 You still need to queue up!”

Ozil said coldly.

 Then he raised his head and looked at the sky!

 The breath of other angels is there!

 Especially with the aura of a brother he was once most familiar with!


 But Yizuel is dead!

 In Ozil's eyes, Yizuel had already died after being corrupted by the seven demon kings including Diavolo.

Even if there is still the soul of the former brother in the decaying body that still exists, it has long been distorted.

 In Ozil's world, Yizuel died gloriously in battle.

 The name of the demon that has taken over his brother's body is Freeze!

“The power of Yizuel, but without the stench of demons.

 Are you here to watch the battle?

Does it represent hope and courage to see how the Burning Angel deals with demons!?"

 Özil’s voice seemed to have a hint of laughter.

That’s how happy I am to see my brother!

Even after becoming the leader of the Soul Reavers, Ozil has not forgotten his identity as an angel!

 He just didn't like Tyrael's hesitant justice.

 But he never had any doubts about the Archangel's body.

The contradictory angel, whose body is covered in flames, seems to have turned his own reason into fuel for burning Ozil!

 “We only represent ourselves.”

There was a cold sound in the sky!

 This voice comes from Johnny Blaze.

 But this accent is not like that of a motorcycle rider at all, but more like a cold angel.

As an angel of high-level heaven, he has gained the power of the angel Yi Zuer and now seems to have forgotten his identity.

 This is also the “gift” of higher heaven to the “noble ones”!

 Forget your sad past and face the challenges of the future with a new attitude!

 Doesn’t this sound very magnificent!?

Does this seem kind enough?

Higher heavens are always the incarnation of order, but how much of this order is contrary to the existence of "human beings"?

 The answer is almost all!

 “In the name of courage!”

Anderson’s figure also appeared!

 At this very moment, the only three angels from higher heavens in the world are here!

This can be regarded as a kind of fate, but it is not a good thing!

  “That’s enough!

 I thought this time was my chance to finally escape that miserable fate!

 But your appearance ruined everything for me!

 Are you ready to compensate me?”

Constantine stretched out his dagger and the spider silk wrapped around him broke a little bit!

 The venom flowed directly to the ground along the broken hole!

Constantine cursed and squeezed out of the spider silk, and then took out the cigarette case that had been soaked in venom!

  He pulled out a cigarette that was already full of poison!

 Light the weapon for yourself!

That handsome face that was always cynical was now filled with crazy anger!

 Get rid of the TM commandments!

 At this time, Constantine only felt hatred!

 Do you really think that he is the kind of villain who only accepts submissive orders and has a low eyebrow?

Constantine is a guy who always has a lot of tricks up his sleeve!

 It’s just that most of the time there is no need to make other people pay such a tragic price!

“If I use the blood in my body to sacrifice to the local supreme god.

Would you like to take a guess as to whether I will get a response?

I dare say that no one in this world can do such a thing like me!

 But you are persecuting me one by one!

 I just want to declare myself reborn!

 Why do you have to force me to follow the old path?


Constantine roared with a ferocious face!

What kind of long-cherished wish should a guy who has blocked half of his soul and made himself less human have?

 In fact, it is very simple, that is, let yourself live like a person.

 Existences without fear will basically lose awe.

 Even Bulcaisel could not escape this outcome.

It's just that unlike Constantine, Bulkesso is not a born weak.

  Nor has the human body been locked beyond the upper limit of one’s own growth.

 That’s why Bulkesso can face everything he encounters relatively rationally.

 As for Constantine...who dares to say that he is a normal person?

The dagger stained with divine blood in Constantine's hand began to glow!

That means the power of Jesus is spreading rapidly.

  In other words, this thing is a real legend in this world.

But the legend is showing hostility to the three angels who appear before him!

Jesus, the Son of Jehovah.

 As the most valued among God’s children.

 A guy who occupies the name of a human being and uses divine power without any pressure in the world will naturally not be ignorant of everything that happens here.

 After all, hell is swallowed up by burning hell.

 But heaven has not been replaced by a higher heaven!

Constantine reused his old methods. He wanted to take advantage of the contradictions between strong men to deal with those strong men he could not defeat.

 This is the source of Constantine’s pain and the reason for his notoriety!

 Drive out the wolf and devour the tiger!

 And he just needs to take the risk to see if he can achieve that dangerous balance.

 It seems wonderful, but every time someone pays the price for Constantine.

This time, Constantine himself didn’t know who would make the sacrifice!

“Ozir, your arrival cannot be concealed from the Nephalem!”

Johnny said with furrowed eyebrows.

He and Anderson are somewhat different from the angels they once were.

They have not been angels for a long time, and naturally they are not used to completely hiding their faces under hoods and armors.

 You can still see the expressions on their faces.

Perhaps this is a weakness?

“I know, but all the nephalem have their own things to do now!

 Or, as angels, are you going to stop me from killing a demon in front of me!?"

Ozil said without politeness at all.

 The temperature has begun to rise dramatically!

 Johnny’s body is considered to be gifted, but the high temperature he can withstand is also limited!

 His body showed signs of melting!

 It’s not carbonization, it’s melting!

That flesh and blood body seems to be turning into a viscous liquid like a stick of ice cream!

Ozil’s strength is not something Johnny’s body can fully bear!

 But Ozil has no better choice.

 “We want to stop you from doing the wrong thing.

 Just like Tyrael once stood in front of Malthael!"

 Johnny said it matter-of-factly.

But these words almost made Ozil laugh out loud!

“You have seen Imperius and Auriel, so they are also transformed into humans.

 Why do you think that courage and hope can retain great power as humans, but not Tyrael?

 Don’t forget Leah!

When Leia was pulled into the illusion because of her bloodline and witnessed Azmodan's hell army, who brought her out?

 It’s Tyrael!

 Tyriel and Impris are the same!

 As a human being, he is still the righteous one!

 Still has unparalleled power!

So what do you think, do you think that justice will fall helpless in the face of Malthael, who has the power of death?

 He is just acting!

 You have never understood Tyrael’s justice!

 So you can’t understand why I, an angel who once served under righteousness, chose wisdom!”

Ozil roared as if venting his anger.

 Johnny's body melting process became more rapid! This was obviously related to Ozil's excitement.

This chapter has been completed!
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