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704 Is this devil really that stupid? Is he still acting?


The high priest of the Trinitarian Cult!

This guy's power cannot be underestimated.

But the biggest role of this guy's presence in this place is definitely not to help Ozil face the enemy.

But so that Ozil’s existence will not be abandoned by the world!

By the way, Lucien had the strength and status to command those giant spiders that turned into demons after Alanya's Spider Queen collapsed.

With such a truly legendary demon commander, those giant spiders would no longer be like headless flies stumbling around.

Although Lucien's power is not enough to cause the world to enter the tide of demons, it is still the result that Ozil hopes for.

If Lucien could reach that level, Ozil would never bring him back in this way.

On the contrary, a clean death is the choice Ozil would make.

It was precisely because the harm Lucien could bring was within the controllable range that Ozil had the courage to do so.

Of course, this method is not something that Ozil's slow and burning head can come up with.

Apparently, Ozil has already made contact with Malthael.

"Ozir! Although I thought you would regret that I did not die in your hands!

I even thought that one day I would be awakened by you to fight again only between us!


Damn it! What did you do!?"

Lucien finally woke up!

But when he spoke, he was still shocked by the situation.

In front of you is a huge zombie beast.

Well, Lucien doesn't know much about this thing...

After all, Natsubo didn't know where he was when he was gone.

Perhaps Nazeebo was confused at that time because he was expelled by the witch doctors?

Or was Nazebo still feeling suspicious at that time because of the differences between himself and the witch doctors?

Anyway, what shocked Lucien was not the zombie behemoth belonging to Nazebo's power.

But Ozil is disappearing little by little!

The old enemy of his destiny pulled him back from disappearance, and then he disappeared?

Is this a joke?

He thought he was facing a heavily armed Burning Angel.

After all, Ozil is arrogant and arrogant.

A real fight for life and death was still within Lucien's expectation...

But this does not prevent Lucien from understanding the situation he is currently in.

There are a lot of big spider demons around that you can tell are just spawned...

Standing before him was a creation of the Nephalem of immense power...

There is a guy with an aura of destruction on his body who is looking at him in the distance!

Then there are two angels a little further away chasing the birdman...

And among the two angels, he was not familiar with the power of Anderson's fearless blade.

But the power on Johnny's body is obviously that of Izure! There's no way he wouldn't recognize this thing.

As Ozil's destined enemy, even Yizuer, Ozil's good friend, can't tell the difference.

Then it would be impossible for Lucien to be the first high priest of the Tritheist Religion.

This is not a position that a demon who only knows how to fight and kill can sit securely.

Faced with such a complicated situation, Lucien couldn't tell who was the enemy and who was the friend.

This scene is quite chaotic.

But he was sure that the Nephalem were enemies.

It's not surprising that there is cooperation between demons and angels, but as long as the nephalem don't have the aura of corruption on their bodies.

Then it must be the enemy of the devil!

Looking at it this way, demons are indeed not as good as angels in the area of ​​​​Sanctuary.

“Lucien? Mephisto’s son?

Then do you have to call the Demon King of Hell uncle?"

Constantine said with a very surprised tone.

However, his attitude will not affect any actions of the zombie behemoth.

So this situation actually pushed Lucien into further chaos.

Who am I? I am Lucien! The son of Mephisto!

What am I doing?

Who is this familiar guy in front of me?

What do I have to do now so I don’t look like a newbie?

A series of questions rushed into Lucien's mind.

Of course, what also rushed into his mind was the arm of the zombie behemoth that was bigger than the holy sword of physics!

That's right! It was the zombie behemoth that launched the attack!

Do you really think that other people present will be as dazed as Lucien?

Obviously not!

Dr. Voodoo is not the kind of young man with no combat experience at all.

Although it is not like Master Gu Yi who fights enemies almost every day.

But Dr. Voodoo has also fought against guys like Dormammu in the past.

Anyway, he was not Dr. Voodoo among the guys who were confused about the identity and position of the people at the scene.

No matter how you look at this Lucien in front of you, he is an enemy.

Naturally, there will be no stagnation in the attack!

There was a crisp sound like a watermelon being smashed, and Lucien's head exploded.

For Mephisto's great boy, the only thing worth celebrating is that his head being smashed is not considered a fatal injury, right?

However, this still weakened his strength somewhat.

"So there is no need to think too much about the Nephalem being the enemy!

damn it!

How dare you humans take action against the high priest of the Three Gods Religion!

Aren’t you afraid of punishment from the great God?”

Lucien fought back while talking.

There are some demons who like to talk a lot.

Lucien is perhaps the most representative of them.

But he will still attack when he talks.

Otherwise, should we give our opponents some time to prepare?

What if you meet a guy who recovers quickly from his injuries?

Because he didn't take any action when he spoke, so he watched the other party completely recover from a serious injury?

Normal legendary demons don't have this problem.

At least in the era when Lucien was active, demons did not have this problem.

As for what the devil's style would be later on, he had no idea.

A gust of wind blew by!

There seems to be a lot of dust on the ground in this environment.

No one present was familiar with Lucien's fighting style, so they could only choose to use it as they saw it.

At this point, both sides are under the same fighting conditions.

Maybe this is interesting?

"Tsk tsk, you want to get rid of me?

I know that my familiarity will make some strangers dissatisfied with me.

But you have to give me a chance to get to know me, right?

Maybe I’m the one you like?”

Constantine was still chattering.

The two guys kept talking and talking, and they showed no intention of stopping.

The zombie behemoth attacks without any hesitation.

Perhaps Dr. Voodoo's determination during the battle was a bit unexpected.

But Lucien's demonic body was not helpless after being prepared.

By the way, Lucien's appearance is not very similar to Mephisto's.

But he is very similar to Diavolo after he took over Leia's body.


This seems to be evidence of the fact that "Mephisto occupied Diavolo's position"?

Ozil represents burning, so what does this guy in front of me represent?

This is a question worth exploring.

But Lucien is not an arrogant angel, and he will never tell these strange enemies in front of him the nature of his power.

He is not the Seven Demon Lords of Hell whose reputation is so notorious that he cannot hide it.

Anything that conceals his power makes sense to him.

"The fight continues!

But if you only have the power you are showing now.

Then you will surely die soon!

So cherish every breath of air you breathe now!"

Dr. Voodoo continued to urge his friends to start attacking!

The three zombie dogs also rushed forward.


At least two zombie dogs have already grabbed Lucien's arms.

Another one is on the way!

Forgive me that the running speed of short legs will be a little slower...

"Woof woof woof!"

Well, the short legs can't bite Lucien's hand even if he jumps up.

“Tsk, tsk, Corgi is definitely not the type that is suitable to be a police dog.

This doesn’t have much fighting power at all, right?”

Constantine's teasing came as promised...

"Breathe every breath of air in this world?

This is the human world? Damn it!

This air quality is not even comparable to that of the Burning Hell!

How many years have I been dead?

What kind of things have happened to human beings in the years since I died!"

Lucien seemed to have a little understanding of the current situation.

At least, he felt the theoretically "so fresh" air quality in the United States.

How good can the air quality be in a country on wheels?

Even in places with fewer cars, most of them are pastures.

The amount of carbon dioxide emissions is staggering.

"Gee, you remind me of every image of a country bumpkin I can think of.

Let me start by saying, I know country bumpkin is a derogatory term.

So I never use this word to describe people.

If the great legendary demon Lucien High Priest feels insulted by me.

I think you are qualified to find a place to sue me."

Constantine still has a bad mouth.

However, he has finally let go of what he had been worrying about before.

The sense of oppression displayed by this Lucien was not as strong as the previous Ozil.

This is the same even if the previous Ozil just borrowed Johnny's body to appear.

At the moment, Lucien doesn't see any sign that he can be evenly matched with Ozil.

Maybe it's because this guy isn't the kind of demon who's good at fighting?

But this does not prevent everyone present from being wary of this new demon!

You can certainly tell how powerful a person is by looking at his followers.

Just like Lucien now, you can tell from the attitude of those giant spiders that he is very powerful.

But if you want to know how powerful he is, you should look at this guy's opponent for a clearer idea.

In particular, Lucien's opponent Ozil was no stranger to those present.

At least compared to Lucien, Ozil's power is not unfamiliar at all.

But those giant spider demons on the ground also made other moves.

Everyone seems to be arranging a formation?

Dr. Doom, who was watching, struggled to shift his gaze from the fierce gazes of Reed and Susan to these enemies.

He seemed to have made some other discoveries.

It seems like this battle has come to an end.

If you are just good at commanding battles, your current combat effectiveness should be more than enough!

“So would you guys be interested in stopping for a little bit?

Hear the gospel of our denomination?

Or listen to my great god?

By the way, you may not know who the three gods in the Tritheism are.

If you can give me some time, I can talk to you in detail."

Lucien seemed to be trying to delay time.

But what he said was very sincere.

In this way, Lucien is more like a messenger of God than those lunatics preaching on the subway.

Perhaps this face was the image he specially created when he was spreading the Tritheism in Sanctuary?

Anyway, very professional!

"Three Demon Gods of Hell? Is this how you come?

I originally thought that the name Three Demon Gods was because these three guys were more powerful than the remaining four.

By the way, there should be one left now?

Among the three demon gods, including the guy whose whereabouts are unclear, it seems that only two exist?

And if the Demon King still has a Poison King, does he still have his own will?"

Constantine's words succeeded once again, making Lucien's mind go blank.

The Poison King?

Who is this!?

What does it mean that there are only two remaining demons out of the three?

It all happened too hastily.

It's like a person falls asleep normally and wakes up in the middle of the night to find that he has seen the bright starry sky.

People who saw the starry sky at that time definitely did not think that the starry sky was beautiful.

But where is your roof?

This confusion made the situation Lucien faced become even worse.

But no one present will relax.

Even Anderson and Johnny, who were chasing the birdmen in the sky, turned their attention to this strange demon.

It's just a conjecture that Lucien is good at command.

And it’s still a guess that’s not very likely.

After all, there is already an Azmodan among the Seven Demon Kings, so there is no point in having another Lucien to command.

Is Mephisto planning to have all the power over the Burning Hell by having children?

If this is the case, then Mephisto is too stupid!

Raising offspring is a very thankless task for the Hell Demon King.

Ambition is like a natural talent for demons.

In charge of the Seven Demon Kings of Hell, only Mephisto has clear children.

But Mephisto is also a demon who has truly made achievements in creation and authority over life.

The devil may like meaningless destruction, but to that extent, he will never do something meaningless that damages himself, right?

If that were the case, the Burning Hell would have been gone long ago.

Otherwise, the high-level heaven is playing a trick to make the invaders proud...but this is unlikely.

"So what you're good at is the power to confuse people?

Mephisto is the demon of hatred.

So mastering some power to incite emotions is best for you.

Isn’t your preaching just about talking nonsense about why other people’s lives are so good?”

Constantine's bad mouth sounded at the right time.

This seems to be a bit of a defense breach for Lucien?

Or maybe this guy is also doing some kind of performance?

It's just that there are more grains of sand on the ground.

Those huge spider demons seemed to have lost their independent will one by one, and they just lined up quietly and stood in place.

"Mind control!"

Dr. Voodoo finally revealed some valuable news.

This is inseparable from the fact that he himself has psychic powers.

But Dr. Voodoo feels that there is still something wrong with the current situation.

Because he didn't feel any sign of Lucien controlling the demon.

Nor was he aware of any fluctuations in psychic power.

Unless Lucien, the legendary demon, is too much better than him in the spiritual realm!

This chapter has been completed!
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