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707 Buster House regains its tranquility

 "This is the reason why Ozil chose to wake you up at this time.

He is an angel, so how much does he need to have some face?

And you are just a devil, so you can have no scruples?"

Constantine's tone was as frivolous as ever.

He had no idea about the current situation.

Saving the world is a very tiring thing, and it just so happens that Constantine doesn't need to think about these issues now.

Even his own body was used as a sacrifice. Is there anything else that needs a soul that cannot move freely to do?

"Hey, please don't say that Ozil is smart, please.

Although I have to say that there is nothing wrong with your statement. The angels want to save face to some extent.

But this is not something that Ozil guy can think about.

Maybe it’s just a coincidence?”

Lucien said this, his words full of disdain for Ozil.

Even if angels and demons cooperate, they still dislike each other.

"These demons, did you forget to add some restrictions to them?

Or do you think these guys can control their power well enough not to harm the planet?

You won't care, you are a devil after all."

Dr. Voodoo’s questioning voice sounded, which was actually quite normal.

Dr. Voodoo is a hero, and heroes always think about more things.

And this cannot be said that Lucien did not consider these things.

After all, the place of Sanctuary is stronger than the planet beneath your feet.

If a guy who has been dead for many years has a chance to come back to life and laughs loudly without losing his mind, he is considered very smart.

"Yeah, I understand.

Is this planet the space where you humans live?

Looking at it this way, this planet is simply not enough to be a special existence in the eyes of those archangels.

Unless there are other factors affecting it.

Justice is a barbarian. Things like this have happened, so the strongest man now is a barbarian?"

Lucien's figure kept drifting away into the distance.

He is ready to leave this place.

This position didn't look right, and Lucien's demonic instinct told him that the most important thing to do now was to find a relatively safe position.

Otherwise, it may be reinstalled into someone's domain at any time.

At that point, he and Ozil would have to die together.

"The good news is that I vaguely understand what a field is.

The corresponding bad news is that I'm not sure I can control this power well.

But it doesn’t matter, who makes my status special!”

Rorschach roared without any scruples.

The sound sounded like a war cry.

A burst of blue light flashed from the Hammer of Judgment in his hand!

Then he brought back all the beings he had just left!

"Damn! What have you done!

This is not something you can master!


Lucien was anxious.

This could not help him not being anxious.

Rorschach misunderstood something. The light that flashed from the hammer was a domain, but it was not his domain.

But the realm of judgment!

The source of everything is the hammer of judgment in his hand!

Inaris, who gave up his archangel status, is not the only being who made other choices when he was born!

And Tyrael only retains the power of judgment!

The authority of judgment finally gathered together and became the hammer that continuously flashed azure light!

Tyrael does not use this hammer just to prevent judgment and justice from becoming one!

The balance of the world does not require the strongest person!

Because the strongest one can easily break all balances!

Double authority plus double power was enough to make Tyrael lose respect for his brothers.

So this somewhat kind-hearted archangel of justice gave up this part of his power.

It also makes the world more balanced...

Although this seems to be a bit too noble, as an angel, Tyrell deserves to have anything that can be said to be noble happen to him!

"Are you afraid?

That's best!

People deserve to know everything about themselves!

Whether it is cruel or beautiful, the truth is there! No one can hide it!

This is my long-cherished wish!

If I die one day and become the spirit of my ancestors.

Then my long-cherished wish must be that people all over the world know the hidden truth!

As long as--they want to know!"

Rorschach seemed a little crazy at this time.

This time, Dr. Voodoo and the others were not brought into the realm.

They just imprisoned those huge spiders and Lucien, the ignorant demon, together.

It can be said that the crisis caused by the emergence of Spider Queen Alanya has passed.

The rest is the story between the righteous Rorschach and Lucien and those annoying demons!

The brilliance flashed!

The power supply to the Buster Building that turned into a spider lair has been restored!

Apart from the corpses everywhere, only the angry Reed and Susan were filled with murderous intent!

Their relatives were turned into ashes before their eyes under Dr. Doom's attack.

This can’t be a misunderstanding, right?

Although Reed and Susan also knew that Dr. Doom's approach was the best approach at the time.

After all, at that time, who was sure that Johnny would be able to save Johnny's body and soul from Ozil's hands?

Maybe Reed thinks he can.

But there was absolutely no way he and Susan could defeat Ozil at this time.

But this does not prevent them from murdering Dr. Doom.

Heroes are people too.

Even an epic hero like Beowulf still likes beauty and bragging.

But everyone has shortcomings.

If there were such a person with no flaws, he would have been taken to a higher heaven to become an angel long ago.

In a high-level paradise, where does it take a lot of effort to cultivate noble people everywhere?

"Victor, please leave now!

The next time we meet, I am 100% sure that I will be able to do it to you!

This time is left for you and me!

I will prepare all the weapons I need to fight you.

And you also need to arrange your country first!

I won’t say any more unnecessary words!”

When Reed spoke, it could be seen that he was suppressing his inner feelings.

As a hero, many times this hero cannot even achieve gratification and revenge.

There is no way, the hero must be on the right side.

Therefore, personal emotions need to be given up.

Being a hero is not something easy to do. It is precisely because of this that heroes enjoy everyone's respect.

Well... I will also suffer a similar amount of slander.

It doesn't make any sense, people are quite complicated.

"very good!

I've long wanted to have a serious fight with you.

But I have to say, if I find Susan anywhere in La Toville.

I won't wait for you to come over."

Dr. Doom did not refuse the fight.

Some even flock to it.

Competitiveness will always happen, whether it is beasts or humans.

Perhaps this is the instinct that remains in life.

It is difficult for people who do not fight or grab to grow up in nature.

Human beings do not become the "spirit of all things" by staying in a corner and eating vegetarian food without competition.

Rather, it is a status that humans gained after basically defeating all living things on this planet.

Human beings have not evolved for so many years just to let people rush into other people's slaughterhouses and ask everyone to become vegetarians.

"So, Dr. Voodoo.

Now do you have time to take me to Canduras?

I think you should have heard the previous conversation.

I need Leoric's help.

Of course, if you are worried that you will lose this zombie behemoth after I come back to life.

I think Leoric can give you a bone stronger than mine.

I actually still hope that I can exist as a human being."

Although there is no way to see what Constantine looks like.

But Dr. Voodoo could imagine Constantine's expression at this time from this frivolous voice.

That must be with a smile!

"I'm not sure you guy showed the real you before this.

But I can choose not to do what you want.

Your past has told me that there are only a few ways to avoid being tricked by you.

The most important thing is not to act on your thoughts."

Dr. Voodoo said it naturally.

At this time, Anderson had already rushed into the Gate of Heaven with Birdman's spear attached to it.

Johnny slowly and leisurely got into the place that looked more like a hole than a door.

He even got some ice cubes and sealed the door.

It seems that if Anderson cannot find the results he wants, he will not leave the so-called paradise.

Pray for those birdmen!


Um...who are you praying to when praying to those birdmen?

Please protect Birdman from being slaughtered by Anderson?

Is this a different kind of asking for help from others rather than asking for yourself?

"Of course, if my plan is disrupted, I won't be sacrificed as planned.

But I don’t cheat people every time.

For example, I helped a friend of mine who had liver cancer and was destined to go to hell go to heaven.

By the way, I also humiliated Lucifer once.


Constantine was stunned when he said this

Send to heaven?

Constantine glanced at the frozen gate of heaven in the sky.

Well, he still cheated his friend.

Souls that go to heaven do not go there simply to enjoy happiness.

Do you really think heaven is for charity?

When a soul goes to heaven, he will have to work. If he can't afford it, he will have to take out a loan to buy a house.

But after Anderson entered heaven, it seemed that heaven would no longer be safe.

"So you just proved that it can take a long time between when you screw people.

It’s like revenge was carried out deliberately and for a long time.”

Dr. Voodoo also understood what Constantine was worried about.

But what should he say in this situation?

"Don't worry, Anderson is a noble angel.

He represents the fearless blade. You will never let your man feel the pain before he is finished."


Is this consolation?

"Okay, let's continue talking about going to Canduras.

That guy had an advantage if he could avoid going to hell.

This time just think that he is paying off a debt!"

There was no emotion in Constantine's voice.

But Dr. Voodoo's intuition told him that Constantine was suffering from this incident.

Constantine is a hero accustomed to being powerless.

So I won’t show my pain too much.

Even among the friends with whom he could share his pain, there were no ordinary humans.

After all, Constantine is always surrounded by misfortune, and most people cannot endure it for a day.

This kind of difficulty is not the kind of difficulty of survival in the wilderness, it is the type of facing various visible and invisible dangers.

Loneliness is perhaps the most painful thing deep in Constantine's heart.

Otherwise, I really can’t figure out how Constantine could break through his “limitations” as a human being.

One cannot, at least one should not...

Even my own aesthetics have been changed, which is definitely not a happy thing.

"To see Leoric in Canduras?

No problem, but I think we need to go to Harrogas first.

Perhaps the help you can get there will be more normal than the help from the Skeleton King.

There's at least one Crusader out there."

Dr. Voodoo still compromised with Constantine.

Although he still didn't plan to act according to Constantine's plan, he didn't refuse to help Constantine.

All problems now have nothing to do with them.

The outcome of the battle between Rorschach and Lucien is not that important.

Lucien's victory means that the barbarians will seek revenge on him.

Although Dr. Voodoo doesn't think Rorschach will lose to the devil Lucien.

In particular, Lucien's expression of horror at the field used by Rorschach already speaks volumes.

Obviously, ignorance is somewhat powerless in the face of judgment.

This is not something to be punished without teaching.

Can people who don’t understand the law get away with punishment if they break the law?

Obviously impossible!

Ignorance may make justice hesitate, but judgment will not be delayed!

If there was no accident, Lucien would be dead!

But now Dr. Voodoo is starting to think about whether the trial is a good thing for Rorschach.

Although he didn't know what the two powers of justice and judgment looked like in Tyrael's time.

But that didn't stop him from worrying.

And this worry is not unreasonable.

Tyrael was able to restrain himself and become an archangel of justice and judgment when exposed to the Hammer of Judgment.

But Rorschach may not necessarily be able to do this.

Moreover, Rorschach's body does not have Tyrael's power, which is twice that of other archangels.

Even if he is aware of the problem, does Rorschach have enough power to separate these two powers that are originally one?

In other words, what kind of price does Rorschach need to pay so that the world will not be shattered because of him!

But Dr. Voodoo can only think about it here.

His power is still not enough, but fortunately he can still contact someone with such power.

Dr. Voodoo used his own way to leave Buster Tower with the zombie behemoth Constantine and three zombie dogs.

Dr. Doom also left directly.

He had to make some arrangements for his kingdom as he said before.

At least if he unfortunately dies in the battle with Reed, the Kingdom of Latovilia can continue to exist.

Dr. Doom is not a good person!

But he is a very good king!

A perfect king who can make his country rich, powerful and dignified!

This chapter has been completed!
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