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072 Damm in action

 A few days passed, and it happened to be a weekend. At this time, Bulcasso was banging on an iron block.

In order to have some fun these days, he specially commissioned a mage from the New York Sanctuary to help him find a design drawing of a car.

Well, a design drawing of a powerful pickup truck.

He plans to build one by hand. After all, it seems that the construction of a car only pursues precision and strength, and these two points are not a problem at all for Bulcasso.

As for power, Bulcaisel has countless gems that can serve as power sources.

The power contained in these gems can only be used as engines and will not cause any loss at all.

Gil was resting today and stood not far away, waving his ax and watching the forging of Bulcasso.

Boys inevitably like machinery, and Gil was full of interest in Bulkesso's plan to build a car.

But after he learned about Bulquesso's plan, he wanted to know how to make car windows and tires.

Neither of these objects look like they can be made of metal.

"Hello, Mr. Bulcasso!"

Colson's figure appeared at the door of the blacksmith shop and glanced at Gil, who was wielding an axe. He was somewhat surprised.

"Colson? You sit down first, I'll be finished soon."

Burkas glanced up, then continued pounding on the metal.

He had a good impression of Colson. Perhaps because of Melinda May's support, Colson was regarded as a friend in Bulkeso's eyes.

After all, Coulson is probably the most sociable person in SHIELD, and he behaves appropriately and knows how to advance and retreat.

The last time we met Bulcasso, he had a very happy chat, so there was no reason why Bulcasso would turn him away.

Coulson certainly had a purpose in coming here this time. Although the last conversation with Bulqueso could not be said to be fruitless, they still had no way to confirm some key things.

After all, like Diablo in Bulcaisel's story, the kind of power that can be described as devastating, SHIELD needs more confirmation.

Colson did not need to observe the blacksmith's shop carefully. The structure of the blacksmith's shop had already been placed on his desk.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. have already been to places, so of course they won't miss anything.

If they hadn't been able to pull apart the metal wall in the basement without causing damage, they wouldn't have taken everything away.

After all, those equipment are not toys with nothing special except being sharp, they are things that can really improve human physical fitness.

Although they pretended that they left no traces, for Bulcasso, all this was already known clearly.

Colson looked at Gil who was wielding the ax with interest. He was still a little curious about Frank's son.

"Hello, kid. What's your name?"

Coulson knew that the child's name was Gil, but he knew that at least at this time it was not appropriate to show this.

Bulcaisel didn't have very strict requirements for Gil, he just let him swing the ax for a fixed time every day, and he was free to do it when he wanted.

Gil stopped swinging, put the ax on the weapon rack specially built for him, ran to the table and chose a seat where he could see the forging process of Burkas and sat down.

"Frank Custer Gill, my name."

Gil stared at Bulcasso and only responded to Colson with his voice.

"My name is Phil Coles, nice to meet you."

Coulson's kind tone can prevent anyone from immediately hating him, and perhaps this is also a talent.

Of course, Gil didn't respond to Coulson's greetings with "How happy". He was a well-behaved and sensible child.

He jumped off the stool, walked to Colson and stretched out his right hand.

"Mr. Coulson, nice to meet you too."

Colson shook hands with Jill in a funny way, which was considered a formal acquaintance.

"Do you know what Mr. Bulcasso is forging?"

Coles saw that Jill was very concerned about forging, so he deliberately brought the topic to the past.

"A car, Uncle Bulkesso is forging a car!"

Gil didn't think this was a secret, and of course Bulcasso didn't think forging was a secret either.

After all, anyone who is not blind can recognize what the finished product is after seeing the result of forging.

"Is it a car model?"

Colson asked in surprise.

"It's a car, a pickup truck!"

Jill spoke to Colson with a serious face, seemingly dissatisfied with Colson's questioning.

During the time he lived with Bulcasso, Gil's character gradually moved closer to that of a barbarian, straightforward and simple.

Although Jill hasn't become rude yet, it seems to be a destined thing.

Coulson was a little surprised by Bulcasso's plan.

"Have you bought the engine and other parts?"

This is not Coulson's lie, he is really curious.

"Uncle will make it, it's not a problem."

Although Gill didn't know what Bulkesso planned to do with the engine, this did not prevent him from having full confidence in Bulkesso.

Burcasso finally completed the staged forging and threw the metal plate that looked like the hood into the expanded pool.

Then he walked to the table and sat down.

"Colson, what happened today?"

Bulcaisel was straightforward and rude, but he was not stupid. He knew exactly what Coulson wanted.

"I want to ask you about Mount Harrogas. We still have some doubts about this mountain that suddenly appeared in our world."

The purpose of Colson's visit was to get specific information about Harrogas Mountain from Bulcaisel.

Nick Fury has made up his mind to go there again to investigate, and is also ready to catch the enemy who is likely to appear in the team.

"Do you plan on having a drink then?"

With that said, Bulcasso took out two bottles of water of life and placed them on the table.

"Thank you Bu Min."

Colson saw the things on the table clearly and quickly shook his hand.

It's a pity that Bulcasso doesn't know how to make flammable oolong tea, otherwise Colson might drink it.

"So you're going to that mountain soon?"

Damn Dugan is still smoking his cigar as if he has an endless supply of cigars.

"Are you really going to let me 'get' vibranium from that?"

Rumlow sat on the stool, his eyes hesitant.

"Of course, we've reached this point now, why give up?"

Dugan took out a piece of vibranium from his pocket and threw it over without giving Rumlow a chance to speak.

Rumlow put the vibranium away silently. Now he had to think about how to avoid other people's sight and "obtain" this piece of vibranium from the holy mountain of Harrogath.

This chapter has been completed!
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