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720 Reading news and newspapers requires critical thinking

 That’s right, the location of the space gem is relatively safe.

After all, Black Bolt's power is obvious to all.

If this guy were to fight Dr. Voodoo, he would definitely lose as long as he didn't give Dr. Voodoo time to prepare his spells.

Black Bolt basically does not need to move forward to activate his abilities, and he can send out terrifying shock waves even in a vacuum.

Opening the mouth is only a prerequisite for the use of this ability, and it actually has little to do with the environment.

"Nick Fury, it seems you are hiding a lot from us.

But I don’t really care about these things. As long as you don’t cause any trouble, I’m willing to treat you as a noble person.”

Tony's eyes were a little strange.

Tony now has some understanding of Nick Fury's situation.

"If I were you, I would never have any trust in this black-hearted guy."

Constantine appears~

This is definitely unpleasant news.

This guy Constantine can quickly make others unhappy every time he appears.

"you are dead?"

Tony looked at Constantine's figure and said with some doubts.

There are many ways to judge whether a person is alive or not.

There is also a market for saying that spiritual beings are alive even if they are alive.

But Tony is a scientist who believes more in science. From a biological point of view, Constantine without a heartbeat or blood flow is a dead person.

The death was even more complete than those of vampires.

"I'm here to see Frank Custer, so to speak.

The agent of death must be able to contact death, and I have some questions to ask the god of the world."

Constantine shook his head and said.

There was also his favorite cigarette in his hand.

Although he can still perform the action of breathing, the exchange of gases has also moved away from this body.

"You tried to revive?"

Wayne couldn't help it at this time.

Resurrection is contrary to the existence of life. Death has the ability to do this, and scientists are also trying to do it.

But it is undeniable that resurrection, like cloning, can bring chaos.

Not only ethics or other issues, it has a strong impact on today's society.

"Otherwise? Am I planning to fall in love with death?

Death is a state and an existence.

It is a blessing to life, but it does not mean that I will like death."

Constantine was still shaking his head. After taking a deep puff of the cigarette, he didn't spit out any smoke.

His body has completely absorbed these things. This can be considered a gift from Leoric to him...

At least Leoric didn't want this guy to always have to trade his soul for body repair services.

What Leoric wanted was not a walking corpse named "Constantine", what he wanted was this bastard who was mean-mouthed but always very resourceful.

"Haha, if I were you I wouldn't worry about these problems.

Now you may have something more dangerous to worry about."

It’s the voice of a mage again!

A cold but arrogant mage's voice!

From Loki!

"Is Dream Prison the largest gathering place for extraordinary beings that you know of?

If I were you, I would mobilize a lot of fighting right now to support an existence that you basically ignore!


Loki's tone was unhurried, and there was no hint of the importance he attached to Asgard.

But there are still some subtle manifestations on Loki's body, such as his trembling hands and the constant coldness on his head!

Obviously, Loki did not appear in this place in a playful manner.

Maybe his previous location was Asgard!

"Jarvis, the situation of projecting New Asgard is revealed!"

Tony said a little eagerly, and the satellite projection was directly displayed on his steel suit.

It was still peaceful up there.

But Tony did not feel relieved, but frowned!

"There seems to be something wrong with this picture."

Nick Fury did not stop his hands. He simply operated the controller in his hand a few times, and another screen appeared on the monitor behind him.

The two images are almost identical and full of tranquility and peace.

"There may be something wrong with the satellite, but I can't think of any reason or possibility for the devil to be able to operate the satellite."

Wayne tapped the palm of his left hand with the back of his right hand uneasily.

Such small actions can always reveal a lot of people's habits and thoughts.

"Contact those agents living in New Asgard, hurry up!"

As Steve spoke, he put the tower shield in his hand on the ground! He was already ready to set off.

Fighting is always inseparable from warriors, and the world is never as peaceful as imagined.

This is the conclusion Steve came to after waking up and looking at the current world.

He knew this since the last time he saw the hypocritical old man who lived in the white house and even became incontinent.

This country has long since gone from a hero who defeated evil to a new evil.

The only possibility that can allow this country to barely survive normally is the emergence of a real crisis that threatens humanity.

When the demon began to cause chaos, Steve had to admit that he actually felt lucky in his heart.

What better way to bring everyone together than an external enemy?

"Haha~ Didn't you see that Loki over there couldn't help but tell you the situation?

You just need to give him the prince of Asgard, uh, he should be a prince now, and you just need to give him enough face.

In addition to asking for help, could he come here to show off his strength to you?"

Constantine directly told off Loki's idea, which was like a knife in Loki's heart.

It's just that Loki has no other choice. All he can do is leave a little bit of dignity for himself.

"We have some understanding of Loki's strength.

If he fights with all his strength now, he will not lose to those legendary demons who have just begun to revive.

If Thor is added, they can clean up at least three or so legendary demons!"

Steve's face became even more ugly.

Of course there is nothing wrong with what he said.

It's just that what Asgard faces is not just a simple legendary demon...

At least it's not the kind of legendary demon that is still weakening after resurrecting from the dream prison!

But a true legend!


Perhaps the hands of the legendary demons are somewhat stained with human blood debt.

But when it comes to the legendary demon that can truly be called the enemy of mankind, the only one is this arrogant butcher!

People who were dissatisfied with killing and dismembering livestock turned into madmen, and then they turned into demons because they took pleasure in killing humans!

Finally reached the position of legend!

This guy's birth time is relatively short among the legendary demons, but he is not weak at all in terms of strength!

Even Kuangtu's strength is higher than that of the peak hammer!

And facing the existence of flesh and blood type, Kuang Tu is a piece of fresh meat in front of him!

To say that Skeleton King is a blasphemy against life.

Then the existence of Kuangtu is blaspheming life!

Life is just a piece of meat in his eyes!

Life in his hands is food waiting to be divided!

"Have you really seen the terror of those guys at their peak?"

Loki smiled, and the coldness on his body completely dissipated.

As the cold air dissipated, the wounds he had frozen with ice began to bleed!

And Loki turned into a bloody man almost instantly!

The knife edges all over his body opened like small mouths!

The holes in his clothes connected by the ice spread apart, causing Loki to lose the last bit of his delicacy.

This is much more embarrassing than being smashed on the ground together by the Hulk.

Being beaten up by Hulk made him feel that he was not superior.

But in the end, his dignity as a god was only damaged.

But now, he is really injured, and it is still a very serious injury!

"Apparently not."

Tony gave Steve a look, and Steve immediately began to use his own laws.

As the light of the Crusaders flashed, Loki's injuries began to heal.

But this is definitely not an injury that can be healed in an instant!

Whether they are Asgardians or Loki, a hybrid ice giant, their physiques have already entered the ranks of extraordinary beings.

Although Loki is a mage, his physical fitness is only slightly worse than Wayne's.

Even though most of these are defense points that have been increased.

"Where's Thor? And your sister!"

Wayne is more sober.

Loki's request for help has been confirmed, but looking at Loki's appearance, although the situation there is critical, it has not yet reached the point of collapse.

So now Wayne is thinking about why.

Demons don’t do worthless things. What is there in New Asgard that attracts demons?

"Thor is struggling, and my sister is too.

We see no chance of victory, so once again Asgard needs to be relocated.

My brainless brother is stalling for time.

As for Hela, she seems to think that Asgard should not be depressed like this.

It's just that her approach is a bit... reckless."

Loki's words lost their arrogance, but still had a hint of teasing.

The name of the God of Mischief is probably one of Loki's favorite titles.

“You’ve almost been beaten to death, and you’re still telling jokes here?

If I were in your position, I would be kneeling on the ground holding Teacher Tony's thigh and begging for help."

Constantine tilted his head and said his most likely approach when faced with this dilemma.

This is something he can do.

Tony just frowned when he heard these words.

Because the title "Teacher Tony" always makes Tony feel like a hairstylist.

"That's the difference between you and me.

I like pranks because I like people being bored and helpless.

And you are just a bitch.

Although it is no longer necessary to emphasize my identity as a god, you obviously have not yet understood your new identity."

Roy still spoke calmly.

At this time, his injuries had finally basically healed.

This is not a good choice.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. agents in New Asgard have lost contact."

Nick Fury's face turned a little dark.

If possible, he just wants to find a life substitute.

The black face helps hide his current complexion.

Being an agent of SHIELD is a high-level job, and now the level of danger has become even higher.

"Did SHIELD trick you again?

That's just right, we need the experience of fighting demons now!"

A strong voice sounded along with the loud bang of the office door being kicked open.

The voice was, of course, General Ross.

At this time, he was shirtless and transformed into a red giant, and his body was full of evil energy!

That is to say, there are no strong ones among the demons causing trouble near SHIELD, and besides their huge numbers, they don't pose much of a threat.

The gap between Red Giant General Ross and Hulk is quite big.

Hulk has the potential to become infinitely stronger, but Red Giant doesn't have such a high upper limit.

"General Ross, although I think you did a good thing by coming to the battlefield this time.

But I think what you should do now is think about how to explain it to the white house!

You are here with the troops this time, and the White House cannot tolerate your behavior."

Nick Fury has once again begun to use his power to overpower others, which he is good at.

In other words, you can also use your strength to gain strength.

General Ross helped SHIELD, but this approach will definitely bring disaster.

“White house?

Now I have a question, that is, are the people in the white house the same people as before?

Although those guys were originally bastards, they were no less generous than demons.

But at least they’re human!”

Wayne said something scary.

"Can those things be considered human beings?

If those things are classified by us into the category of demons, do you believe that the devil of hell who is still alive will come out to defend himself?"

Constantine said with a crooked mouth.

He didn't care what the white house symbolized.

Constantine was originally an Englishman, and now he was included in the New Canduras.

If the people in the White House plan to sue him for his remarks, they must first help Leoric establish a court.

Then you have to spend some time learning the laws of Canduras.

Although the laws set by Leoric are a bit too simple, it is not something that those litigators can figure out in a short time.

If you are unlucky, you might even be beaten to death by the Court of Arrogant Khanduras.

"The question is, if the White House is controlled by the devil, will it become worse?"

Nick Fury could not bear this result.

Although SHIELD is a global organization, the stability of the United States largely determines the stability of the world...

"You are joking?

No matter how many presidents preceded that incontinent president, who could be considered a good person?

Compared with the other presidents who played the accordion, he really could have been elected for the Nobel Peace Prize!

It’s just that he didn’t launch a new armed war!”

Constantine showed a contemptuous expression.

Yes, Constantine is a bastard who is active in goulan bars on the streets.

But that doesn't mean he doesn't read newspapers.

Well, there are still newspapers and news reports that he doesn’t read. For example, he doesn’t read reports from the New York Times and BB...

Some of what President Accordion said was quite right. For example, the phrase "fakenews" simply exposed their truth.

Although bb is the news media in Constantine's hometown, he knows exactly what this thing is.

It is true that the world would be a much better place without the United States.

At least there won't be such a thing as a once-prosperous country being reduced to rubble.

Iraq was very wealthy before the war. A primary school teacher in a city could buy two cars with one month's salary.

What now? Not to mention teachers, even primary school students have to carry guns if they want to eat!

"The focus of our discussion now should be the situation in New Asgard!

As for the White House matter, it can only be investigated by people from SHIELD.

There is no reason for us to approach that place.

And General Ross, you are not suitable to appear in their sight now.

Don't forget, you are not a normal person now. It would be terrible if you were caught by those ambitious people and used as a research subject.

Maybe the incontinent president hopes to get the serum to treat incontinence from you!"

Tony's speech at this time had the final say.

But it is indeed necessary to do so now.

This chapter has been completed!
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