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726 The Purpose and Mercy of Death!

"I think we need to think about the space gem now."

Nick Fury's face turned dark.

This time, he appeared in his own body, but his white face looked exactly like his life double.


Tony acted relatively calmly, perhaps because he was almost used to these things happening constantly.

Anton Vanko's death is a very bad omen.

And that death sign seems to be inseparable from death.

"An underground base ten kilometers away from here!"

Nick Fury had no intention of delaying anything.

But a distance of ten kilometers is not considered short.

And none of the teleportation spells among the people present can touch that place...

The Nephalem don't know what Black Bolt's aura looks like, so naturally they can't use teleportation skills.

And knowing the teleportation ability of mages in this world, they cannot go to a place that they don't know at all.

This scene is bad enough.

"Nick Fury, lead the way!"

Wayne said breathlessly.

The pressure that death brought to him was a bit too great. Now Wayne just wanted to quickly solve the problem at hand, and then go back and think carefully about how to deal with death as a possible enemy.

Some people want to kill God because they are on the opposite side of God.

But Wayne is the kind of person who needs to be careful because God is too powerful.

Give him time and enough information, maybe he can defeat death.

The group of people quickly left the devastated S.H.I.E.L.D.

Many people in S.H.I.E.L.D. have died at the hands of death, and no one knows what the standard of death is.

Those with slightly superior fighting ability have already gathered together regardless of their current state.

Only a few Lantern Ring holders were left with SHIELD to deal with the commotion here, and the others... even in wheelchairs set off.

Black Bolt's location has become ruins.

The man who was kind and chose to remain silent was looking at the skeleton in front of him.

Death came to this place, something Black Bolt never expected at first.

Originally, Black Bolt thought it would be a mercy to let him go after Death had wiped out all the Inhumans and mutants except him.

Now it seems that Death may have simply forgotten the existence of Black Bolt at that time.

"You can speak up, and if I disagree, your voice won't hurt anyone."

Death said calmly, holding the space gem in his hand.

The original Cosmic Rubik's Cube has been shattered, leaving only fragments on the ground.

The shining gem remained motionless in the hands of death.

"This gem should have no effect on you."

Black Bolt's voice was very low, he still didn't want to cause too much commotion.

His power is not as controllable as those of the Nephalem, and the destructive power caused by speaking is not under his control from the beginning.

Black Bolt is a good person, so he chose a method similar to self-sealing.

Even in order to enable himself to assume the throne of the Inhumans, he chose the most difficult path of tempering his body.

It's just so that you don't destroy your home during the battle.

This man is truly noble.

Black Bolt's opening caused tremors to continue to occur. Although it was only a relatively simple shock and tremor, as long as the intensity was sufficient, it would be enough to hurt any being.

But Black Bolt doesn't intend to do this.

"Originally, I would have chosen someone to collect these gems on my behalf.

But now things have changed.

He is still a believer in death, but he is no longer a believer in me."

Death said very scary things with a nonchalant look on his face.

Black Bolt knew who Death was talking about, but at this time he could only remain silent.

The purpose of Nick Fury asking him to protect the Space Stone was also to guard against that guy.

The world-destroying Titan Thanos! Also called Thanos!

As long as Thanos does not possess more than two Infinity Stones, Black Bolt can ensure that the space in his hands is moisturized.

But I never thought that Death would one day collect these gadgets himself.

This far exceeded Black Bolt's imagination.


Black Bolt looked at the death in front of him without saying a word.

He felt that this reason was not sufficient!

Although there are many unknown secrets about Black Bolt in this world, the connection between death and the Infinity Stones should not be like this.

"I gave you the opportunity to deliver your message.

I think those guys are coming soon too?

I just want to master the power of the infinite stones, and what I want to do is actually no different from what you are doing.

I just don't want the Infinity Stones to fall into Thanos' hands."

Death seemed very kind at this time.

Something strange!

Because the gap between Death and Black Bolt is so big that even Black Bolt doesn't expect to be able to talk to Death.

But this bizarre thing happened at this moment!

"What you know from Nick Fury is not comprehensive, at least regarding those Nephalem things, Nick Fury did not tell you everything he knew.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, you were not placed on the frontal battlefield by him in the first place.

You can't face me, and naturally you can't face Thanos at this time.

The Infinity Stones don't mean much to me, because what this stone has is only part of the authority to control this world.

Of course we will not fight for something we already have. There is no strong or weak definition of authority for us.

But for outsiders, the role of permissions is very huge.

I will prevent the High Heavens from getting the Infinity Stones, and I will stop the Burning Hell from getting the Infinity Stones.

But I will not stop the Nephalem."

Death said a lot of things, and the amount of information was a bit too much.

In the eyes of death, the Nephalem are also different from the incarnations of those rules.

Even the strongest among the nephalem were already above her.

But death still doesn't worry me at all.

"What is Nick Fury hiding from me?"

Black Bolt still asked.

Death had no need to deceive him.

Because you can’t do it!

Although Black Bolt also has hatred for death, he has never been arrogant enough to think that death needs to face him.

"You should still remember mutants, right?

Mutants are even more powerful than you Inhumans.

Especially the kid named Franklin, even I am worried.

Because as long as his power continues to grow, he will be able to cover this world.

That hurts our fundamental strength, so I will not hesitate to understand their existence.

Even the mutant race was directly eliminated.

But the nephalem are different."

Death looked at Black Bolt and said these words, as if he was addressing his desire to talk.

The Nephalem bring a dangerous side to this world, but on the other hand they also increase the strength of the world itself.

Foreign rules are integrating with this world, although the speed is not very fast.

Even Death is not sure who will eventually become the new god of the new world.

But one thing is certain, that is, the Nephalem's position will not affect Death's plan.

Whether it's destroying the world or making the world stronger.

The leader among the nephalem has always planned to redeem his own world.

Whether it was to accumulate strength or something else, they had no intention of seizing power in this world from the beginning.

If the world becomes stronger due to the arrival of the Nephalem, then death will become the existence that transcends eternity.

At that time, it will not be difficult whether the world is destroyed or reshaped according to death's ideas!

Originally, eternity should be the biggest beneficiary of this change, but with that new life court standing in front of eternity.

With the fall of Annihilation and Infinity, the authority of eternity has fallen to Death!

Annihilation is the power that is opposed to creation. This power has become much safer after being obtained by the Nephalem.

And infinity, she is the opposite of eternity!

The infinite fall gave Death an opportunity!

Whether it is to resurrect the talisman or to completely control the world, death only requires a little waiting.

Wait until the Nephalem have the strength to realize their ideals!

Wait until the Nephalem begin to return to the world they once were!

Death can easily do what you want to do!

This is the fundamental reason why Death reached an agreement with Bulka Soin Prius and the others.

There is even no archangel named among Death’s true collaborators!

But there is only one Bulkesso!

Death is not one of those archangels in the higher heavens!

The archangels have never been able to believe in human will, because they have seen too many strong men fall into the burning hell because of the so-called "mortal heart".

But death is more about seeing the human will conquer everything!

Even though the hero was traumatized and lying on his back with bruises all over his body, he still saved the world!

Death has more confidence in the Nephalem than the Archangels!

Death is complicated because she is the death of two worlds and the life of one world!

She wants to destroy the world just so she can avenge the other half of herself!

But once the Nephalem's goal is achieved, rebuilding another world will not be an unattainable fantasy!

It's just that she has been making preparations.

If the Nephalem succeed, Death will find a way to reappear in another world!

If the Nephalem fail, death will destroy everything. Complete your revenge before your end!

The existence of the talisman is just for this moment!

The talisman is just an insurance policy!

"Your desire to control is deeper than I imagined."

Black Bolt slowly retreated, and then retreated until he was in front of his throne.

Then he sat down firmly!

Humans will not trust God!

Human beings will not trust anything! They will doubt everything, and they will even contradict known truths.

Even now that technology has reached a certain level, some people still believe that the earth is a flat surface.

Some people even plan to know the moon landing rocket themselves to expose the "lie" of the "round earth theory"...

It's funny, but sometimes it's not that funny.

Questioning this quality still has its positive meaning...

It is the anti-intellectual people who are ridiculous, not the questioning spirit.

“God is in control?

Not so, but what you see together is like breathing to God.”

Death said very calmly, as if when facing Black Bolt, Death would be more willing to give him some due respect.

"I see a soul like mine next to you.

Is that Anton Vanko? Someone who slipped through the cracks just like me and Nick Fury.

But you fished him out when you noticed him."

Black Bolt's words were sarcastic, and he had doubts.

Black Bolt even believes that Death intends to fill up the loopholes left one by one.

"If I was going to put on a patch, you would still see Nick Fury's soul next to me.

I just gave Anton Vanke liberation."

Death is truly peaceful at this time, like a benevolent goddess.

Anton Vanke's transformation of his body was full of pain!

Just one Ark Reactor can cause the problem of palladium poisoning. Anton Vanke has more than a hundred Ark Reactors in his body?

As long as he takes one breath, he is enjoying the pain of one breath!

For Anton Vanke, death is really just a relief.

"Then you should take him away from the beginning instead of waiting until he turns himself into a monster.

I can't believe you stopped paying attention to us after you left us."

Every word spoken by Black Bolt makes the world shock and tremble.

The level of destruction is gradually increasing, but there have been no casualties.

Death kept its promise from the beginning.

"So you think God should be omnipotent?

The length of your life is no different to me than one breath.

The life I leave you is a kind of kindness, because I represent life.

I give you death in fairness and mercy, for I am death.

Humans, don't look at me with your eyes.

Even that Bulcaisuo didn't question my actions when he was fighting me.

He was just trying to change an outcome in his own way.

Did you know that in Bulcaisel's eyes, death is as normal as breathing?

He never denied the legitimacy of death."

Death looked at Black Bolt in front of him and suddenly felt a little funny.

Recalling her first encounter with Bulcasso, it was not a pleasant experience.

But Bulcaisel only wanted to regain the souls of a few people from beginning to end. This does not mean that he denied death itself.

Bulcaisel knew the meaning of death very well, and he only fought against death because of his beliefs.

Positions and mutual recognition are not in conflict.

This is also the reason why Death has never used dirty means to retaliate against Bulcaisel.

God will not bleed, but he will come to an end.

The focus of life is death, which gives life value and meaning.

Death respects life and loves everything in life, whether pain or joy, they are all part of life.

There is no difference between these and death.

Bulcaisel is now trying to fight against time, just like he was fighting against death in the first place.

Bulqueso will not deny the validity of the time, but he is resisting for his own New Year.

God will not deliberately target a person who has no intention of becoming a god from the beginning.

Unfortunately, not everyone can face death.

Even death is seen as part of evil.

Death is just amused by this...

Perhaps death was, like hope, a mercy from the beginning?

Is it just that the mercy of death is a little colder?

This chapter has been completed!
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