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729 The Long-lost Holy Mountain Is Trying to Be Lively

 Death's departure was as hasty as her arrival, but there was nothing to worry about.

After all, no matter what death wants to do, these people present cannot stop it.

"So now should we think about New Asgard?"

Loki, who had been silent since his arrival, said with a sneer.

Not speaking out when facing death may be the best decision he thinks he has made.

Although it was possible that death could bring his father back to life, Loki still didn't ask any relevant questions.

"Let Black Bolt help you.

He is very powerful, at least he will not lose to those legendary demons.

If the news you brought is true, then Black Bolt should be able to help you solve that mad massacre."

Nick Fury rubbed his temples and said this.

Black Bolt, as the most powerful fighting force in his hands, was still exposed to the eyes of others at this time.

In this case, Nick Fury will no longer have any need to hide.

Don't others know how far Black Bolt can do this?

The previous major earthquake alone has proven Black Bolt's power.

If anything, these people probably just don't know how far Black Bolt can fight.

"If I were you, I wouldn't act so recklessly.

Now that you've seen death, don't you think you should go to Harrogath?

Although according to the ancestors Bulkesso is not there at this time, we can at least get some information we need!

It is not impossible to get those barbarian ancestors to help us fight."

Tony's impression of Nick Fury is getting worse and worse.

Although he could understand why Nick Fury did what he did, Tony couldn't agree with this.

The act of sacrificing a few for the sake of the many is a bit strange in itself.

It's like the baldness effect that keeps pulling out hair. There will come a time when Nick Fury can't save anyone.

When that time comes, look back at those people you have sacrificed before.

Unknowingly, the people who were sacrificed have become the majority.

Ten thousand people sacrificed does not mean ten thousand people died.

That's one person's death happening tens of thousands of times.

Life has never been something that can simply be measured by any data, although some people are better off dead than alive...

"With all due respect, do you trust death too much?"

Nick Fury's tone at this time was not polite at all, even a little offensive.

“If you don’t trust death, what should we trust?

Trust you? Stop making trouble.

If you can honestly tell me how you lost one of your eyes, then I can trust you a little more.

But you can't..."

Constantine's tone always seemed to be filled with contempt.

Perhaps because the person he was satirizing was Nick Fury, others didn't have anything to say.

"It's because when I was young I touched a cat that I shouldn't have touched."

Nick Fury told the truth without any hesitation this time.

This is the truth, but someone has to believe it...

"Wow~wow~wow~Nick Fury, if you said you were betrayed by someone you trusted, I would trust you a little more.

How could a guy like you be blinded by a cat?

If you don't want to say it, none of us would have to ask about this unimportant matter, but it would be meaningless for you to use such lame excuses to deceive us.

Is there no way SHIELD can help you perform eye replacement surgery?

Although it is impossible to plug and play, isn't it a matter of a training period of up to three months?

You can even bring people back to life, let alone one eye?"

Constantine's tone became a little fierce.

In his opinion, Nick Fury's reason is simply nonsense!

Although Constantine cannot say that he knows everything about S.H.I.E.L.D., he still has an idea of ​​what the technological level can achieve.


Nick Fury took a deep breath to calm down.

Although he had not thought about what would happen after he told the truth, he never thought that he would be ridiculed for this reason...

He even thought about being treated as a joke, but he never thought that no one would believe his words...

"Nick Fury, to be honest, if this reason is used to show that you still have a sense of humor, I think it's not bad.

But now is no time for joking."

Tony also expressed his dissatisfaction.

He was already floating in mid-air.

Tony has realized his disadvantage in upgrading his suit.

Although he has begun to constantly reconstruct his knowledge ladder and upgrade his armor.

But at this time, his best suit was still not as good as the sealed saber suit...

No matter how dangerous that thing is, it will still be better than the current situation.

And Tony now has the help of death. Although those Cybermen are not the same kind of existence as normal humans.

But after all, it can still be regarded as a kind of life.

In this case, it is impossible to transcend the power of death and treat Tony as a puppet again!

Tony plans to put on the saber suit again when he returns. Of course, he will also upgrade the saber suit.

It was not that he had no research results during this period.

At least in the weapon system, Tony has a new invention.

After optimizing the energy release structure, the firepower can be increased by more than three times compared to the original.

"Okay, so who's going to Harrogath?"

Nick Fury has given up trying to convince those who don't trust him that being blinded by a cat is the real reason for his one eye.

If you say anything you will be suspected, then just don’t say anything.

Every one of the people here has unique skills, and their will is equally bright.

These things don't require much thought.


Then he saw an uncontrollable smile on Black Bolt's rigid face...

Well, Black Bolt knows why Nick Fury is blind.

Black Bolt was the one who felt the most joy about what happened at this time.

"Let me go. Since New Asgard has sufficient support, I'll just go back.

I still have a lot of things that I need to discuss with my ancestors."

Rumlow cracked his neck and made a series of bone rubbing sounds.

As soon as the action was over, he began to open the portal.

Others have no problem with this.

The sacred mountain of Harrogath.

The place itself is not that lively, and even with a pickup truck that can't be driven, it just makes a little more noise.

Nowadays, those ancestors don't like driving around in cars very much.

After many things become familiar from novelty, they lose their initial enthusiasm.

Moreover, there are far fewer people who like to have fun on the Holy Mountain of Harrogas.

Such as Madoc, such as Banal, Orak, Qualkek, Kalju and Warusk...

"Ha, I haven't seen you for a long time.

Why are you back in Harrogas today?"

Jessica, who had stayed in Harrogath since the last battle, said carelessly.

She has changed a lot, from being sensitive and irritable before to becoming more confident.

It's not because her body has the power left by Orak, but because Jessica, a tortured person, finally found her faith again.

"Jessica, I would like to ask who is the most important ancestor on the Holy Mountain now?"

Now Rumlow doesn't like to talk nonsense either.

Since we have serious business, we don't even need to say hello.

"It is said that it is Kalju who is a non-staff member of the Three Ancestors, but I think the one who speaks with the most weight has to be Anda Kurgas."

Jessica is not pretentious.

Rumlow looked like he was about to do something serious. It would be ridiculous if he was being pretentious.

"So where is Andacoulgas?"

"At this time, you are probably on the rocks in the back mountain, right? Or are you watching the flames burning in the stove?"

"Okay, when I come back from my work, I'll invite you and Luke to have a drink together."

Rumlow said goodbye to Jessica in a hurry.

Business is more important.

"Mocott's breath has disappeared from you.

Did you gain Mocott's trust, or did Mocott meet an enemy that he thought he was the only one worthy of sacrifice?"

Jessica whispered with a smile on her face.

"Jessica, keep training!

You are not qualified to go out and fight now!

Since Orak has chosen you, I hope you can truly shoulder the glory of the Great Bear Tribe!"

Kotur appeared next to Jessica holding his elbows, which were thicker than an ordinary person's waist.

Many ancestors are missing from the Holy Mountain, but none of the other guys are in sorrow.

What's so sad about this?

Everyone is already a group of dead people, and being able to enjoy the complete peace that death brings is the best outcome.

"Let's go."

Jessica patted the God of War Blade on her waist, and her body was filled with rage!

Secret realm? No!

Jessica is not pursuing Orak's power in the secret realm now, but is learning with Kotur how to use just the right amount of power within the limit of what the body can bear.

Orak's gift was still too large.

Rumlow on the other side has found the location of Anda Kurgas.

Because everything is not peaceful over there in Andakulgas.

"Cassius, if you have any complaints, you can wait until Bulcasso comes back to talk about it!

Or go boxing with Hailab!

Can you please stop punching the rock I use as a chair?"

The roar of Andakulgas combined with the roar was already very easy to notice.

"I'm just unhappy!

But I can’t bear the day when Bulcasso comes back!

What do you think I should do!?"

Cassius' fist struck the stone in front of him.

For Cassius, this is already the kind of powerlessness.

"Get out! Unless you plan to fight with me too!"

Andakulgas has already taken out the Oath Keeper in his hand...

It's just a fight, what a big deal...

"Ancestor, I have something to ask."

Rumlow directly interrupted the conflict between the two ancestors with an indifferent expression.

He's not afraid, the worst he can do is get beaten up.

Even if he was about to be beaten, he had to resolve the matter in front of him first.

"Mocott is gone?"

Cassius just glanced at Rumlow and said nothing more after saying this.

"The merciless man is the one who has the most mercy.

Needless to say, that guy did something stupid again, right?"

Andakulgas curled his lips and said.

"I don't know, but I can almost guess.

We encountered Crushing Hammer and Hamelin. Although they are new legendary demons, they are obviously not something we can handle."

Rumlow said what he had guessed.

During the battle in the Dream Prison, their biggest imaginary enemy at the beginning was Hammer.

But until Rorschach finally came over, there was no sign of Nian Hammer.

This doesn't seem to need anything more to say.

"I'm just going to talk about why that monk boy has a shadow rat on his body, but it doesn't matter.

That guy Mocott can't lose.

Unless that guy relents again."

Cassius clapped his hands and finally stopped destroying the big stone.

"You came here now because you have something else to say, right?

If it were just these words, you wouldn't need to act in such a hurry."

Andakulgas tilted his neck and looked at Rumlow.

There seemed to be some light shining in his eyes.

"We saw Death, and I don't know how credible what Death said was."

Rumlow hesitated when he said this.

But then he told the two ancestors in front of him everything he heard.

"So you're suspecting that Death is just using the name Bulcaisel to trick you?"

Cassius tugged on his beard, which was tied into a whip, with a strange expression on his face.

"It's okay to be suspicious of these inexplicable guys, but do you doubt she can stop him?

That guy isn't a demon, he's not an idiot who just stops him no matter what he does.

So you didn’t get his style from that guy Tariq?”

Cassius's words made Rumlow a little confused.

He didn't know what he had learned less from Tariq.

"Keeper Talik is a fool.

As long as the person who needs him to do something is not a demon, this guy will basically not refuse.

If Madoc and Korik hadn't been guarding it, this thing could have been deceived into being used as a duck by those low-life people."

Andakulgas said such slanderous words without any politeness at all.

"Go away! Tarik is not smart, but he is not stupid either!

He hasn’t reached this level yet!”

Cassius jumped up angrily and knocked Andakulgas over in the snow with a swing of his fist.

"What you didn't learn from Tarik is that as long as your opponent is not a demon and this guy can crush you, then just be obedient."

As Cassius spoke, he casually wiped Andakulgas' nosebleed on his body.

Then he immediately slipped away to avoid the Oath Keeper who was attacking him...

"Didn't you say that barbarians won't compromise?"

Rumlow's tone was a little strange.

"That depends on what it is about.

Why, you insist on eating barbecue, so when there is only bread in front of you, you really don’t take a bite?

If that happens, people like you will probably starve to death on the way out."

While Cassius was talking, he broke Andakulgas' hand that was pulling his beard, and gave Andakulgas a headbutt...

There was nothing noble about this fight.

It's like a simple street fight...

This chapter has been completed!
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