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751 The Canduras that makes Coulson feel weird and terrified

 There is indeed one professional psychologist and psychiatrist in Canduras.

He is also a high-end talent who once studied in Arkham Asylum and successfully completed his "study".

Harley Quinn...

At this time, I should have called her "Dr. Harley Quinzel" very seriously...

Just after graduating from Arkham Asylum, Harley Quinzel became part of the past.

Colson got on the plane to Canduras with a very frustrated fastball.

The results of this operation may not be very good, but it won't be worse either.

What's worse than being doubted by the people around you? That's probably being stabbed in the back by the people around you.

The time required for the plane to sail is not too long because of Leoric's great strength.

S.H.I.E.L.D. provided Canduras with the best civilian technology they could muster.

The plane flew very fast. Colson and the others arrived at the only airport in Khanduras without much delay...

The land area of ​​Canduras is not large. If it were large, it would be the area of ​​a large city.

Moreover, this place is still under construction, so it looks a bit dilapidated.


A nervous voice sounded.

The person who spoke out was Harley Quinn.

"Miss Harley, I have not received any news that Canduras will come to greet us."

Colson looked very helpless.

Faced with this situation, how could he not know that there was a problem with the infiltration mission he thought he had at the beginning.

"Yes! But there is only one plane that comes to Canduras every day, and it only flies from SHIELD.

So the visitor list every time is no secret to us.

And there’s no need to keep it secret, right?


Harley Quinn put her face close to Coulson and smiled very touchingly.

Well, although Harley is a crazy woman, her appearance is really great.

It even goes so far as to ignore gender to a certain extent.

I heard that the current environmental ambassador in Gotham City is trying to find traces of Harley.

By the way, this environmental ambassador is very powerful, and he is almost incompatible with the devil.

After all, demons will cause corruption and damage to those plants, which completely angered the environmental ambassador Poison Ivy.

"Okay, I have to admit you're right.

So what does Canduras want to say about our arrival?

Like warn us not to run around in this place?"

Colson was somewhat helpless in testing.

To be honest, even if the person standing in front of him was Leoric, he would not make him feel so powerless.

Leoric can still be analyzed under normal circumstances.

But it would be too difficult for Coulson to analyze the logic of Harley Quinn's actions.

The thoughts of a madman are things that normal people cannot understand.

"No! I just want to see you.

I heard you did something I always wanted to do but didn't dare.

For example, kidnapping Ms. Peggy Carter in front of Steve~

Tell me quietly, did you have any strange thoughts about that legendary woman at that time?

Huh? Are you going to kill him?"

Harley shouted with her eyes widened.

And Coulson in front of him looked helpless.

He didn't say anything...

"Oh, I'm sorry, that's what the voice in my head told me.

It looks like she made a mistake, right?


Harley Quinn's performance can treat most forms of hypotension.

And any small expression or movement in front of her will reveal a lot of information.

Although Harley Quinn is already a madman, the knowledge she learned will not disappear.

The word doctor also means doctor...

This is also why Strange was so stubborn about his doctorate title after becoming the Sorcerer Supreme.

Because the word mage also means master...

This kind of people attach great importance to their academic qualifications, because what they have to pay for is not very understandable to outsiders.

"Then what's wrong with this young man who looks very depressed?

Robbie? Are you okay?

Did you hear that buzzing sound?

Oh! Sorry, this is the sound of the aircraft engine. I thought it was the voice in my head again.

So are you in trouble? I might be able to help you."

Harley Quinn made a somewhat seductive hum, and this performance made the young fastball unable to resist at all.

"I know you, Harley Quinn! You're a super criminal!"

Qi Qiu suppressed his blush and found a topic to talk about.

Then he was hit in the lower body by Harley Quinn with a baseball bat that she found out from somewhere...

Qi Qiu, who was completely unresponsive, curled up and fell to the ground, and the way he kept twitching was a little scary.

"I hate hearing the name clown! You are such an unpleasant little bastard~"

Harley Quinn swung the baseball bat in her hand.

"If I see that clown guy, I will definitely give him a hard slap!

Yes! Just like I did to you!

That bastard abandoned me!


Harley Quinn burst into tears as she spoke.

This is a little too scary.

"Ms. Harley Quinn, we came to Canduras on orders.

I don’t think you came here under King Leoric’s orders, right?”

Coulson couldn't just let his new partner be dealt with like this, so he took a slightly tougher stance.

Pulling the flag of SHIELD is sometimes useful.

Especially when Leoric won't break up with SHIELD just yet.

Most of the people Khanduras needs are transferred from various prisons by SHIELD.

Without the help of S.H.I.E.L.D., it would be more difficult for Canduras to have enough population to support the country.

Leoric would not be so short-sighted...

"I just thought you would be interesting, so I came here.

You seem to be very interesting, but how can you be so cruel to me?"

Harley Quinn looked at Coulson with wide eyes and a pure and innocent expression.

Such an expression made Colson feel like he was breaking out in a cold sweat!

"Okay, please tell us where King Leoric's palace is.

I think we need to visit him."

Colson looked a little anxious.

The pressure I feel when facing Harley Quinn has nothing to do with whether the opponent is strong or not.

It's the conflict between "normal" and "abnormal".

This feeling is a bit too scary, and it belongs to the type that makes you extremely frightened when you think about it.

“Leorric’s palace?

Where do you think Canduras is?

This is a realm where the land of the human world was plundered and most of it sank into death.

As for the palace? What you see is his palace and also his tomb.

How about it? Is the current Canduras beyond your imagination?

If you ask me, Leoric should bring this world into his kingdom.

In that case, I can build another birdcage big enough~"

Harley Quinn said with a smile.

The longing in his eyes completely fell on Colson's gaze.

"Birdcage? Are you a canary?"

The little fastball guy who finally regained his strength on the ground said with obvious pain.

Even stretching his body was a little difficult for him at this time.

But it’s okay to use your superpowers a little bit.

"Huh? Little brother? Why do you seem to be in pain?"

Quickball was angered by Harley Quinn's words, and then he glared at Harley Quinn in front of him.

Coulson was fine with that…

It seems that letting Rumlow give this young man a little blow is not a bad thing.

The job of an agent often involves some grievances.

If you can show off your temper in everything, then you will be very unqualified as an agent.

"King Leoric can pay attention to us at any time, right?

I did a little research before to find out what their field is about."

Colson tried to get the conversation back on track.

To be honest, he really didn't want to deal with people like Harley Quinn anymore.

Not even meeting the arrogant Tony would have brought him so much frustration.

"Does he want to see what you have to do with me?

If he wasn't busy, you should be in his office by now.

What? Your black-hearted one-eyed bastard leader didn’t tell you the news?

If this is the case, I suggest you go back and check whether your hazardous work insurance beneficiary has his name filled in."

Harley Quinn said with a horrified look on her face.

It's like an indictment of Nick Fury and a feeling of fear for this guy.

I have to say, this performance is quite convincing.

At least this suspicion flashed through the young fast ball's mind for a moment.

This seems to be something Nick Fury can do...

"Don't worry, he won't get compensation if he does this.

Strictly speaking, what he did was considered insurance fraud, and those insurance companies would not make it easy for him to do this."

Colson didn't know what to say for a moment.

All I could say was something that sounded very depressing.

At this moment, a building made of bones began to appear on the ground.

The walls of bones were rising from the ground, and then they were piled up bit by bit to look like a palace under Colson's eyes.

Just like the bones are constantly growing according to a certain will, this performance is a bit too exciting for Coulson.

"Well, it looks like he's free now."

Harley Quinn curled her lips, and then looked at a bone prison next to her, locking her inside.

If Leoric was willing to this kind of prison, he could grow some internal bone spurs inside to torture the prisoners.

But he can't do this to Harley Quinn.

Because this madman hit the bone spur directly with his neck last time.

Crazy people are indeed incomprehensible.

Although Leoric was once a madman, now he at least retains the sanity of a normal person.

"Your arrival is a little later than I expected.

According to my estimation, you should send people over after the satellite cannot observe Khandulas."

Leoric sat behind the skeleton desk, holding a quill in his hand and constantly correcting documents.

As a king, he fulfills his duties sufficiently.

Especially during this time when there is nothing left to do, his workload has never been reduced.

"Hey! Big Skeleton! If you can build a palace with bones, why do you let those little cuties help you build a house?

Wouldn't it be possible for you to complete the construction of the city faster and better by yourself? And it can also reduce the consumption of materials and so on!"

Harley Quinn's eyes widened and she wrapped herself around the vertical bones of the Bone Cage.

That's naughty enough.

"Guys who have not made any contribution to this city will not cherish this city.

Those who have not shed their blood for Khanduras will not understand the greatness of Khanduras!

As for you, you can't die yet.

Not because you are beautiful enough, nor because you are interesting enough.

Just because you are more useful when you are alive than when you are dead."

Leoric said without raising his head.

The bones that trapped Harley Quinn grew crookedly, and then held Harley Quinn firmly in place.

At this time, he looked like he was wearing an external mechanical skeleton made of a layer of bone...

His movements were stiff, even his head was pressed against the bones on both sides, and he couldn't even turn his neck.

"Looks like my fun time is over today? Hehe~"

Harley Quinn grinned.

"Seriously, you are so unique.

It reminds me of the bad boy from before.

If I get a chance, I'll try on you what I plan to do on my little pudding.

Of course, there is no part about it~ And do you really still have that thing?


Harley Quinn's voice became a little vicious.

This tone was a bit overwhelming for both Colson and Fastball.

"Card it~"

A bone grew into a circle from outside Harley Quinn's chin, and then physically blocked Harley Quinn's mouth.

If you can't open your mouth, it will be much more difficult to speak.

And this time, several teeth in Harley Quinn's mouth were broken...

Leoric never tolerated anything endlessly.

As a king, how could he be a completely good person?

Tough and even cruel methods are definitely not unfamiliar to Leoric, he is even familiar...

"Colson, what are you here to investigate?"

Leoric asked without raising his head.

“Everything about Canduras.”

This is a somewhat vague answer.

It's so vague that people can't fully believe it.

However, this answer cannot be said to be wrong...it is just a bit too general.

"How long do you plan to stay in Canduras?"

Leoric said.

"Until the investigation reaches a point where we feel that is sufficient."

This answer sounds a bit like a challenge.

"Kanduras doesn't support idle people. If you want to stay and investigate, then go to work every day.

I don't need your wealth, wealth has no value to Khanduras now.

As long as you build the country for me, then stay.

You can investigate whatever you want outside of working hours.

Work one day, stay one day. That’s what I ask.”

After Leoric said these words, the palace made of bones returned to the ground as if turned upside down.

Leoric and his desk did not know where they went.

Only the bone cage was still in place, and Harley Quinn tried her best to squeeze out a wink and handed it to Coulson.

Everything that happened in Canduras made Coulson feel a little dizzy.

Help Khanduras build the country?

Even if you move bricks, you need to have a charter, right?

Colson sighed helplessly.

The fastball guy on the side finally got through the severe pain before and stood up with a livid face.

Although it's not as painful as before, it's still not that uncomfortable now.

"Colson, I want to know where the hospital in Canduras is."

Kuai Qiu asked a little embarrassedly.

Coulson also felt that Fastball needed to go to the hospital to check his condition.

But he looked at the busy construction site around him and couldn't see anything that looked like the location of a hospital.

"Then what? Are you the new ones?

Follow me, I will tell you about my daily work process and introduce our kanduras!"

In the distance, a man with long hair, wearing tights and goggles walked over while talking carelessly.

Coulson, who had read the existing information on Canduras, knew this man. This man was called the Wise Man...

The criminals originally imprisoned in Meimeng Prison also suffered from mental illness.

But now it seems that this guy is not sick?

The error in time sense is a kind of torture... Coulson didn't know how Leoric made this guy seem to be cured of the disease...

According to the assessment they made before sending the wise men to Khanduras, the wise men regarded the battle of less than one day as more than ten years...

For nine of those years, he shivered in the darkness...

This disease is actually very terrifying. It is a terrible disease that can make a person completely imprison himself for a day until he goes crazy.

But now it seems that the wise man is full of enthusiasm for life, and a little bit of enthusiasm for building Canduras...


Harley Quinn's body in the cage made a little movement as she rubbed her bones.

The pitiful look in Coulson's eyes made Coulson feel a little shaken.

"Don't be stunned, and don't worry about this guy.

This guy is locked up like this most of the time every day.

Although there was an extra step to shut her up today, there was nothing to worry about.

But you are lucky, it will be time to eat in about ten minutes.

At that time, I will tell you what you need to pay attention to when living in Canduras.

Also, you can call me a wise man who likes to use work to realize the value of life."

The wise man's way of introducing himself made Colson feel like he saw a red flag...

He felt a little uneasy...

Is Internechonaire a must?

"I want to ask, is there a hospital here?

I feel like I need to go to the hospital for a checkup."

Kuaiqiu mustered up the courage to say to "the wise man who likes to use work to realize the value of life"...

Please remember the first domain name of this book: ._

This chapter has been completed!
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