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764 Martha's Hope for Rorschach

"I would like to ask, if I were to attack you in this place now, would you kill me?"

Rorschach's tone was brisk, as if he were telling a funny joke.

This performance made Malthael want to laugh a little.

Of course he could see that Rorschach really wanted to know the answer to this question.

On the contrary, Rorschach really wanted to give Malthael a hard blow right here.

"I wouldn't do this if I were you.

But it is a pity that I am wisdom and you are justice."

Malthael's words were a bit strange, and his hood was constantly shaking, as if he was trying hard to suppress a smile.

"Then give me an answer, if you won't kill me.

Then I’m going to take action. As for whether you torture me or not, I don’t care!”

Rorschach’s voice is sonorous and powerful!

That fearless awareness can be felt by everyone who hears him speak.

Malthael looked at Rorschach in front of him and silently put his hand in front of Rorschach.

The Soul Reaper, which had taken away countless lives, gradually solidified from its illusory appearance, and was then slowly grasped by the slender hands.

"Rorschach, you can try to pick up this Soul Reaper.

I think you should already know from the barbarians that this scythe itself is the embodiment of death.

If you can master it, you are the new death!

An existence that brings judgment in the name of justice and can control the life and death of those being judged.

If you can do this, I don't care if you are an archangel of justice or a barbarian.

Of course, you have been Rorschach from beginning to end, now! Rorschach, make your choice."

Malthael's voice was suddenly very gentle, as gentle as a mother nurturing her child.

Malthael's compassion and kindness as an archangel never faded.

It was just his wisdom that allowed him to make a choice amid that hesitation!

Angel or demon?

Survive or perish?

The death of mankind and the continuation of the eternal war...

This series of questions have appeared in Malthael's mind.

He who once managed the Destiny Library in High Heaven seemed to have obtained the answer a long time ago.

After all...who stipulates that wisdom cannot acquire knowledge?

If you learn without thinking, you will be in vain; if you think without learning, you will be in danger.

The knowledge Malthael learned was not as good as Lilith, the embodiment of knowledge.

But what he knows is definitely no less than Lilith.

The biggest difference between the two is probably that Malthael's knowledge requires learning to increase his reserves.

And the scope of Lilith's knowledge is increasing every moment.

No one thought Malthael was stupid, even though he was particularly rough in his handling of the end of the Eternal War.

However, even Bulcasso never intended to accuse him of anything.

This is a matter of implementing your own ideas.

This is not something that should be measured and criticized.

Malthael wants to kill all humans, so it is natural for Bulcaisuo, a human, to stop Malthael.

The opposition of ideas eventually turned into violent comparison.

The strong can continue to implement themselves.

The weak will be accidentally remembered by the strong countless years later.

"Justice tells me I can't do this.

But this time I'm not going to follow the lead of justice.

If picking up the Reaper of Souls in your hand is unjust, then justice should at least tell me why."

Rorschach spoke calmly, and then slowly stretched out his hand.

Although Rorschach could not observe Malthael's expression, he noticed Malthael's expectant gaze!

The rough, calloused hand slowly reached over the Reaper of Souls!

Then slowly fall!

Until that hand successfully grasped the handle of the Reaper of Souls!

"Congratulations, now I can give you an answer.

If you attack me, I won't kill you."

Malthael said so!

Rorschach heard a sigh of relief from Malthael's words!

"No one can kill death, right?"

Rorschach's hand began to wither the moment it came into contact with the Reaper of Souls.

Traces of life are disappearing from Rorschach's arms little by little!

Life is being poured into that weird sickle!

In Rorschach's eyes, the blue light of justice became more intense!

"In fact, I tried to let Tyrael control this power in the beginning.

However, I did not expect that Warusk back then could actually cause the essence of death to cause waves in the unconscious 'existence'.

Death seems to be truly giving birth to its own will.

I can't decide whether Death will become an archangel or a demon of hell.

I still can’t forget the way Inaris looked at death.

That's expectation.

Rorschach, dear, can you tell me?

Do you think death will be just or otherwise?"

Malthael's voice became gentler.

But Rorschach just gritted his teeth!

He is trying hard to fight against the scythe in his hand sucking away his life!

He was feeling the barbarian blood in his body roaring horribly!

"Rorschach, open your mouth?

When do you think the justice Bulqueso hopes for will be achieved?

Under what circumstances do you think justice and fairness can be regarded as unbiased?

Or do you think that judgment made by wisdom can bring about true fairness?

Rorschach, you have grasped the Reaper of Souls and are feeling the power of death.

You should already know this!

It is impossible for humans to master death, whether they are barbarians or wizards, or even witch doctors or warrior monks.

No human being can master death.

There is only one big thing they can do from beginning to end, and that is to stand death in front of others.

And you, do you still think that you are Rorschach, not death, and even more unjust?"

Malthael's voice had a gorgeous accent like a hymn.

The expectation in his words kept haunting Rorschach!

Rorschach is a little confused!

He is constantly wandering among "Rorschach", "Justice" and "Death"!

"You were once weak and wanted to fight injustice, but the foundation for your execution of justice lies in the law.

But your approach has always been at the edge of the law.

At that time, I guess you would probably say ‘I am Rorschach’.”

There was no sarcasm in Malthael's voice, even though his words seemed like sarcasm.

Rorschach didn't show any emotion.

It was as if he didn't hear Malthael's words at all.

Only that hand is still holding the Reaper of Souls tightly!

It’s like holding the power of death!

Suddenly, Rorschach spoke!

"Why is your weapon a sickle?

Is your opponent a piece of wheat?

Or is it that when you harvest the wheat, the thought you have is not praise for life, but hatred for those wheat?

I wish those wheats would die immediately, and it would be better not to grow again next year?"

Rorschach's words sounded full of sarcasm!

Although if these words just look like they are asking for advice modestly.

But the moment these words came out of Rorschach's mouth, Malthael understood that this was Rorschach's taunt!

"Wheat is also life.

When have you ever seen an old farmer resenting the bumper wheat fields?

He was just doing what he was supposed to do.

The act of harvesting has nothing to do with praise or hatred."

Malthael said this.

Then he saw the hammer in front of him, shining with azure light, hitting his head hard!

Hammer of Judgment!

Even barbarians would choose to use this huge hammer with both hands.

But at this time, Rorschach just used one hand to lift the legendary hammer high above his head, and smashed the Hammer of Judgment down with a posture that did not look like a warrior!

That action felt familiar to Malthael, but for a moment he couldn't remember where he had seen it.

"You said you wouldn't kill me."

Rorschach said lightly, and then the hammer of judgment struck both hands with anger!

Between the two stacked hands is the handle of the Reaper of Souls!


A sound like a huge copper bell being rung!

Malthael heard such noises more than once when he appeared in the Sky Temple.

Monks can always hear this sound when they try to practice the Golden Bell Break!

Then the next moment, severe pain spread throughout the two people's bodies!

"Now! I will judge death!"

Rorschach was not affected by the severe pain at all!

His voice is passionate and heroic!

The passion in it is radiating the heat of life like the sunrise!

“So gorgeous!”

Malthael let out a trembling voice of praise!

The phantom of the round giant hammer in his sight was struck down by a square hammer filled with ferocious spikes!

Rorschach doesn't have a third hand!

But he has his own way of using the Hammer of the Ancestors!

"I declare on behalf of justice!

Malthael! You have violated the justice of life!

It’s not human justice! It’s not the justice of an archangel either!

It is not, and will never be, the devil's justice!

Just! Justice for life!”

Rorschach spoke faster and faster, and the more he spoke, the more high-spirited he became!

"Mathael, you deserve to be punished!

Even if I crawl on the ground one day! Justice will never let go of your judgment!

This is my authority!

I will take away your...


Rorschach's headbutt hit Malthael directly in the face!

The Hammer of Judgment smashed the hands of Rorschach and Malthael into minced meat and mixed them together!

Among the minced meat is the handle of the Reaper of Souls!

At this time! Death... is free!

"I guessed that you would do this, and I also expected you to do this. Ahem~"

Malthael's outstretched hand was directly smashed off!

He staggered and fell backwards, and his figure swayed several times before he stood firm on the spot!

In the darkness under the hood, blood was seeping out bit by bit, and then it gathered together and fell to the ground!

The blood stains were not like lava when the Prius was injured by the Great Demon.

Just ordinary, bright red blood stains like normal people!

The blood fell to the ground, nothing out of the ordinary.

There are neither gorgeous visions nor powerful energy.

It's just bright red blood that flows out from everyone's body!

The hood on Malthael's head slowly slipped off!

From the moment he appeared in this place, he never showed the gray wings of light behind him!

The hood is just like a hood worn by an ordinary person. It is slipping off under such impact!

Then Malthael's somewhat sickly pale face was revealed!

Even if the bridge of his nose was broken by an ancestral hammer, or even scratched by a sharp thorn, he could still see his extremely handsome face...

Only full of joy!

"Rorschach, we will meet again.

When the time comes, I hope the person standing in front of me to stop me will be you.

Not that rough Bulcaisel...

Although there is actually not much difference in the actions you take when facing me.

But compared to Bulqueso, the guy who is always taciturn and only yells when necessary.

I still like you more."

Malthael said very calmly.

He has no anger at all!

There is no sadness at all.

He just stood there alone, looking at Rorschach with eyes full of expectation.

That’s right!

Malthael is already alone!

No one knows when Malthael began to become a human being.

Rorschach seemed to have noticed something from his words.

But Rorschach just stood there quietly after completing his attack!

The Reaper of Souls just fell to the ground at this time!

There was no sound, only the slapping sound of the minced meat formed by the two hands falling to the ground, which seemed a bit funny!

Malthael's figure was fading away little by little, disappearing into this unknown location.

The Reaper of Souls, which was stuck in the minced meat on the ground, did not disappear and was just left there.

When Malthael completely left this place, only the blood stains on the ground were left, symbolizing that he was a human being.

God will not bleed.

But once a person is injured, bleeding is the most common condition!

"Does Tyrael know your choice?"

Rorschach watched Malthael completely disappear from his sight before slowly speaking.

The voice seemed a little choked.

Malthael's compassion may have never disappeared, and it seems that this archangel of wisdom never thought about what he would be like after his success.

Rorschach couldn't quite understand what Malthael was doing.

Even my heart is filled with doubts.

He was keenly aware of something, but he couldn't figure it out in his mind no matter what.

"In other words, did Bulcaisel know your plan from the beginning?

And you and him just have different ideas?"

Rorschach asked questions to himself, as if praying for the answer to suddenly appear in front of him.

At this moment, Rorschach suddenly had a completely different understanding of the title Archangel of Wisdom.

He even fell into deep thought and completely forgot about the bloody mess in front of him, and that the Reaper of Souls, which represented death, had not been put away.

Perhaps at this time, what death represents has lost its meaning to Rorschach.

"I am Rorschach, and I am just Rorschach."

Rorschach muttered softly.

He no longer cares about labels like "righteous barbarians".

Now he just wants to know what he represents in this seemingly fragmented struggle.

Maybe, he was just representing himself from beginning to end.

Perhaps strength has little to do with power?

Rorschach thought so.

This chapter has been completed!
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