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792 How Many Opportunities Are Before You Need to Consider

 Well, for Dr. Strange, that's not necessarily a bad thing.

After all, after he had a pair of stable hands, he had nothing to do with the spell caster.

Who knows why Doctor Strange has such a strange setting in some worlds.

For example, as the Supreme Mage, he can't heal his own hands...

After healing his hands, Dr. Strange, the Supreme Mage, was unable to use the simplest portal to come out...

Hmm... maybe this is some kind of destiny?

A pair of trembling hands can make Strange feel like a spellcaster?

There doesn't seem to be any problem if you say this. After all, magic is somewhat of an idealistic thing.

"What you mean is that waiting for death is the best option for me now like a useless person, right!?"

Strange's eyes were already bloodshot.

If he had made the decision to treat Hela who was injured by the hell fire at the beginning, maybe he would not be so angry now.

But his arrival is entirely the result of SHIELD using some less visible means...

Strange has the right to complain about the people who forcibly brought him to this place and suffered such misfortunes.

"That's not the case. Maybe you can pursue the power of the mysterious test?"

Melinda's words sounded as if SHIELD had no intention of taking any responsibility, and just hearing it made people feel angry.

This may be the attitude expressed by this field agent known as the Iron Cavalry towards SHIELD's refusal to allow her to resign...

Hmm... rotten is probably a suitable adjective.

"Mysterious? Mage?

Stop making trouble, I am a doctor!"

Strange is not denying that mystery is as idealistic as it sounds.

His hands were injured by the flames on the mysterious side and became what they are now.

He wouldn't deny the source of his injuries, would he?

As for the seriousness of the titles "mage" and "doctor", it is a serious reference to Strange's past career of studying hard.

You must know that the word mage still means master in English...

Calling him a mage is undoubtedly a denial of his past academic career.

After so much hard work, I got a doctorate degree. Do I have to turn my degree into a master's degree just because I learned magic?

He is a medical student, and it is inexplicable to outsiders to see how much hardship he endured as he progressed to a higher degree.

Melinda could only spread her hands when she heard this.

Not all stalls can destroy the world, at least not Melinda.①

Here Melinda is just expressing her helplessness.

"Are you busy? Do you mind adding me?"

It’s the elusive Constantine again.

After this guy learned the teleportation magic used by the Nephalem, his overall annoyingness was further strengthened.

The magic system this guy masters is a bit complicated.

The Necromage's lineage, the Mage Supreme's lineage, and even some Nephalem methods.

This kind of chaotic power is well blended together in his body.

Although Constantine is annoying, this guy is indeed a genius.

It's just that he always doesn't speak human language. Of course, it may be intentional.

"Constantine, don't tell me you have any new ideas when you come to SHIELD now.

I think you should be near the black mist where you haven’t figured out the situation yet!”

Melinda was a little more serious at this time.

Although it is not appropriate for someone who has not been on the front line to speak like this to someone who may have just returned from the front line.

But Melinda obviously didn't feel this way.

Among the agents, there are those like Coulson who are good at communication, and there are those like Natasha who are good at infiltration.

There is also a guy like Rumlow who is just like a soldier.

Of course, there are also guys like Melinda who are good at everything, but are better at fighting.

Agents also have detailed division of tasks, and when Melinda was working as a field agent, her main task was to catch people alive.

"Obviously you were busy with other things during this time.

If you pay a little attention, you will know that the black fog has disappeared.

Craig was the only one present."

Constantine also spread his hands.

These guys really like body movements.

Agents occasionally use body movements to express the emotions they want to express when talking.

More often, they will use body movements to distract the target.

And Constantine...this guy's body movements are designed to make the other party tolerate his nonsense as much as possible.

Distracting attention can make both parties feel more relaxed.

If everyone relaxes, then the chance of Constantine getting beaten will be much smaller.

Although now he is no longer afraid of being beaten up with a sack over his head.

No ordinary person could beat him who became the Nephalem.

"What about the residents?"

Melinda got to the point.

"Disappeared, uh, although I think they became demons because of that.

But I think the person in the white house definitely doesn't want to get such an answer.

Otherwise he might have to move out of the white house.

By the way, actually I think there is nothing wrong with calling a white house a black house.

The wall was quite dark with smoke for a while."

Constantine's nonsense was revealed only after he told the important news.

So Melinda doesn't want to worry too much.

"Are you here for Strange?

I don't see anything special about him."

Melinda frowned and said.

It is not difficult for a good agent to find out Constantine's purpose.

Especially since Constantine himself didn't have much hidden meaning.

"The fact that his hands didn't disappear after experiencing the burning fire of hell is amazing.

At least now, if you are touched by the flame, then the only thing I can do is to find a way to summon the spirit and ask you if you have any unfulfilled wishes.

Um... maybe even the soul summoning may not be able to find you.

The fire that burns in hell is much more terrifying than the fire you know."

While talking, Constantine walked over to Strange and sat down.

Although Strange's face is a bit long, he is still quite an attractive guy.

It is not difficult to understand that such a person should have some favor with Constantine.

Fortunately, although Constantine is a scumbag, he has not yet reached the point of forcing others.

His bottom line is worthy of belief in some situations.

At least he won't use force on innocent people?

There is also a difference between scum and scum.

Constantine is probably the slightly better kind.

"What's so special about me?"

Strange asked looking at Constantine in front of him.

His instinct told him that the man in front of him, who looked too thin, wanted to help him.

But now Strange has not experienced the terrible life of being looked at with strange eyes.

Naturally, he won't hold on to it as if he has grasped a life-saving straw.

He was worried, but it wasn't that serious.

"You seem to be protected by the power of the Supreme Mage?

Otherwise, the previous flames should be enough to completely burn you to ashes.

Didn't you tear open the patient's skin with your bare hands?

So do you still remember what the scalpel you used looked like?"

Constantine took out the cigarette and handed it to Strange.

Passing cigarettes may be a good way to socialize.

When Constantine makes friends, he's either in a bar or a nightclub...

He can't even tell the number of friends he has with friends who smoke and drink.

"I do not know what you're talking about.

I’m still a little impressed by the condition of the scalpel.”

Strange did not take the cigarette from Constantine's hand, he just sat there and looked at the man in front of him.

Perhaps it was an intuition, but Strange always felt that keeping a distance from this guy was the best choice.

"As long as you understand.

There are actually not many people who can treat your hands nowadays.

But you don't look like someone who would be welcomed by barbarians.

You are too thin.

So are you interested in coming to Canduras?

I think you should already know about this newly built country from the news and other channels.

Canduras has the power to heal your hands."

Constantine wasn't angry because Strange didn't take his cigarette.

He is not mentally normal, but he is not a violent maniac...

Constantine slowly lit a cigarette for himself with a serious expression.

"What are the conditions for treating me!?

I don't believe in any unwarranted kindness.

Especially since I don’t look like someone who would be pitied!”

Doctor Strange is still very conscious.

Perhaps this is an ability that must be mastered to survive in this magical land called America?

Consider everything from the perspective of profit.

"Well, let the king of Canduras come and talk to you about this.

Although he is a king, he is not very busy now.

After all, the territory of Canduras is not that big.

Also, electronic products are really great inventions.”

Constantine showed a slightly weird smile.

Leoric has learned how to use a computer.

Perhaps out of freshness, Leoric basically uses the computer when working now.

This is probably due to the novelty after just being exposed to new things.

Of course, it could also be that SHIELD was trying to teach Leorick some "modern" stuff on purpose.

Leoric is very powerful, but he can't be a hacker, right?

Where do hackers come from in a world that doesn't even have the Internet?

This also means that most of the situations in Canduras cannot be hidden from SHIELD's eyes.

This is not surprising at all.

SHIELD just likes this tone, and their trust is actually just a corresponding weakening of suspicion.

Although I don’t know who started this, there is absolutely no problem in blaming Nick Fury.

"How can I trust you?"

It's amazing that Dr. Strange can still maintain his sanity at this time.

He accepted the news about the mysterious side almost immediately.

And the adaptability of the performance is very strong.

Strange, who can become a top doctor, is not a fool who has the ability to learn.

He has a good emotional quotient and a very good IQ. He is at least worthy of a doctorate.

"You don't have to believe me.

I am not a person worthy of being trusted. If you can trust me...

Then you probably can only believe that I am an untrustworthy person.

Fortunately, I am a human being~"

Constantine took a puff on his cigarette.

Just by looking at his deep breath, which was like stepping into death, Dr. Strange could feel the heat of the cigarette butt that could burn someone.

"Then let me put it another way, what do I need to pay at this time!?"

Strange's eyebrows knitted together tightly.

He got the best news since he was injured, but now he seemed to have to consider how to carry out this strange exchange of interests.

"How do I know Leoric will ask for something from you.

But he was pretty good when it came to treating his people.

Although the laws in Canduras are a bit strict, at least they are much better than prison."

Constantine said casually.

His desire to play hard to get was a bit too obvious, but Strange had no choice at all!

If you want to get your hands back to normal, you either have to go to the barbarian who "may not be recognized".

Or go to Canduras as Constantine said.

Strange is not the kind of child who will deliberately change his mind when his thoughts are guessed.

He is stubborn, but he also knows what is the right thing to do.

Traveling to Canduras is undoubtedly a good choice.

At least S.H.I.E.L.D. showed a level of caution when dealing with Khanduras that it had not seen before.

Strange still knew what this meant.

That means that SHIELD, which was able to tie him here from its own hospital, is absolutely weak when facing Canduras!

Since you want to take refuge in others, why not take refuge in someone more powerful?

"If you are ready, you can go through a portal with me.

This portal doesn't feel like it's like your navel is being hooked tightly, like it's flying like a kite.

Just take one step and you'll be where you want to be.

This ability is really scary. If it spreads widely, it can at least put most drivers of transportation out of work.

The person in the white house definitely doesn’t want this power to be controlled by ordinary people.”

Constantine said quietly.

These words sounded like pure nonsense.

But Strange didn't intend to understand it this way.

But when facing a stranger, Doctor Strange's psychological defenses have been broken to pieces by Constantine.

This in itself is a bad sign.

Constantine, who is good at talking, can always find teammates.

Even if all his teammates knew he was a scumbag who would sell out his teammates, they would still cooperate with him.

Maybe this is Constantine’s unique charm?

"How much time do I have to think about it?"

Dr. Strange gets straight to the point!

"Huh? Let me think about it, it will probably last until I finish smoking this pack of newly bought cigarettes?"

Constantine picked up the cigarette box with only one cigarette missing and gestured.

Using cigarettes as a timer is outrageous.

What's even more outrageous is that Constantine actually used a whole pack of cigarettes to time the time...

Who knows how bored Constantine was before he counted the time it took him to finish smoking a pack of cigarettes.

But this kind of performance is actually cool in the eyes of children who are not familiar with the world...

Well, this is completely redundant!

"If you put it another way that you can understand, it would be about an hour?"

Constantine said with a rim of his eyes.

"What if you can't finish a pack of cigarettes in an hour and you plan to continue smoking tomorrow?"

Doctor Strange expressed doubts.

Smoking a pack of cigarettes continuously without a break?

This is not very realistic...

Most people who do this are in two places.

One is underground and the other is a hospital.

"In fact, this time is probably the time it takes for those who go out to do errands to return to SHIELD.

That's thousands of people missing, to say the least.

Hmm...I guess tens of thousands of people are not impossible?"

Constantine worked hard to calculate the approximate number of people in the several neighborhoods enveloped by the arrival of the Plains of Despair.

Then we came up with a number that sounds a bit chilling.

Unfortunately, these blocks are large blocks, and the density of people in them is a bit chilling.

This chapter has been completed!
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