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806 As long as you do something, courage will follow!

 "Prius, it's time for you to do what you have to do."

Auriel just caressed her bulging belly with a gentle look on her face.

She did not turn her head to look at her lover, as if all her love was poured into her unborn child.

"Really, when will a truly smart person realize that I am courage.

I'm really fed up with this show.

I also want to live a peaceful life instead of acting like a violent maniac every day."

Imprius drew his own Solarion Gun of Courage as he spoke.

"Come on, that's what you're like,

You will only be like that.

It's just that no one wants to believe that courage, which represents virtue, is really such a rough guy.

Okay, go do what you have to do.

Help anyone who wants to do something."

Auriel said angrily.

No matter what you do in this world, as long as you have thought about it before, there must be traces of courage.

The four most famous archangels are not completely divided into two opposing groups.

Hope and courage, wisdom and justice.

The powers of the Seven Demon Kings of Hell complement each other, so will the power of the Archangel be independent?

The role of the Archangel of Wisdom is beyond imagination.

But it's not just irreplaceable.

It's just that the archangel made the choice he made now in the face of the only opportunity to choose.

Everything under the guidance of wisdom is always better than crawling in the shadow of fate.

This is the truth.

Back then, Inaris was willing to resist fate.

But Inaris was never the only one who wanted to resist fate.

Tyrael believes that fate is not as fair and just as he stated!

Because the Prius supports everyone who wants to do something.

Auriel believes that the light of hope under the perfectly perfect destiny is like a future that will never come.

As for Malthael, he once supported fate.

But even Inarius, who represents destiny, is opposed to this choice.

A vote that took place in the Angris Council in its infancy.

Three votes to defy fate!

One vote counts for one who obeys fate!

Inaris, who represents destiny itself, is deemed to have abstained from voting due to the self-division of "Inaris" and "destiny"!

Its voting rights are inherited by Israel, the Angel of Balance, the sixth born angel chosen by Inarius!

It was also at that time that Israel became an archangel.

Although he barely meets the standard in terms of strength, he himself is considered unqualified!

Because balanced authority most of the time makes Israel make the most boring and worthless choice...

"Why should we submit to a being we simply cannot understand?

I don’t even know if fate has already determined my choice when it tells me that I should do this!

I even suspect that everything I said at this time is something that he has already determined!

We cannot understand fate, but I see that this world is guided by fate and does not have any justice that I want to see!

The glory of justice will always dim somewhere!

And you're trying to tell me this is fate!?"

Tyrael waved the Glory of the Holy Feather in his hand and roared.

This is not the first time that Tyrael, the Archangel of Justice, has questioned the value of fate.

If destiny is immutable, then why doesn't it directly tell all existences about everything in the world?

If he can change, then why does fate require all existence to obey fate?

Destiny! It’s just the humble words of the strong!

"Tyrrell, it is our brother you are questioning.

You can say that we were born at the same time, but it is an indisputable fact that fate preceded us.

So now, do you want to do something?

I'm just curious about it."

As Prius stood there, the Solarion in his hand kept tapping the ground lightly.

"Do something?

What can I do!?

I just want justice!"

Tyrael's radiance was unprecedentedly strong.

His power is undoubtedly the strongest among the archangels.

Justice has another form of expression in Tyrael, but he rarely uses it.

That's called "power"!

"Justice can finally serve itself.

This is a good thing.

I just want to know, can you see the brilliance of those prayers?

Have you seen whether those who call for justice will always have justice in their hearts?

They were asking for hope, and hope now requires asking about justice itself.

Tyrell, do you really know what you're going to do?

Do you really know what justice those mortals need?

This is my only worry before I fall asleep listening to those prayers every day."

Auriel put the ribbon in her hand behind her back.

The bright yellow power can be seen shining on the ribbon that is as bright as a galaxy.

The color of hope is bright yellow.

The color of kindness is blue.

Auriel uses azure light to indicate her presence most of the time.

Because she doesn't want to interfere too much with hope.

Hope always exists, the only difference is whether it is right in front of you when it arrives.

And kindness needs Auriel to show it.

"Tyriel, you can ask Inarius itself all about destiny.

Rather than anxiously speculating here.

Your power has interfered with the birth of other brothers."

Malthael, who was still cheerful at that time, said slowly.

His voice was not as hoarse as it was later.

Some just have a calm and trustful atmosphere.

"Ozir and Yizuel?

They are attached to the birth of justice, so they should understand what justice requires!

If their power really comes from justice!"

Tyrell looked particularly irritable at this time.

I can't see the slightest bit of his kindness after incarnation as a human being.

Does justice require mercy?


But is justice really unshakable?

That’s not true!

The eternal battle in which justice must prevail is like a joke!

Justice triumphed.

Whether justice faces fear or hatred, pain and war, or even destruction...

Justice has triumphed.

However, the High-level Heaven did not achieve even a victorious outcome in its war with the Demon King of Hell.

Justice always wins alone.

So what is the value of justice?

"You are just righteous. If you can control the trial, your words will be more convincing.

But at this time, every time you inflict violence on the devils of hell.

Every time you use force to promote the legitimacy of justice, your next victory will be more difficult.

I'd say it's you who needs Malthael, not Malthael who needs you.

Tyrell, your justice is too pale.

I can’t even see anywhere where I could add even a little bit of courageous gold!”

Because the sound of the gun of courage in Prius' hand hitting the ground coupled with these words made Tyrell become irritable.

"Justice is justice!"

"Bullshit! Your justice is worse than shit in my eyes!"

Because the armor on Prius turned red in an instant!

Among the archangels, only Inprius wore that full-coverage heavy armor.

His bravery needs no words.

Among the Archangels, only the Prius is truly what it looks like.

And Tyrael, the strongest among them, only had a few pieces of light armor on him.

Act as if justice does not require high-intensity fighting.

"You're provoking me! Prius!"

“Then what do you want to do!?

Come on! Tyrell, do something quickly!

Do you think I need to give you courage to make you make a choice!?"

Tensions arose between Prius and Tyrell.

Auriel remained silent at this time.

Malthael lowered his head and looked at his empty hands.

It's like holding a world in your hands.

The archangels chattered endlessly.

Inarius has not yet made a complete decision at this time.

But the sixth angel Israel has been born, but he is simply unable to join the debate at this time.

The venue fell into an eerie silence.

I don't know how much time has passed in this silence.

Maybe just a few breaths, maybe centuries?

By the time Tyrell spoke again, Yizuer and Ozil, who were still in the process of being gestated, had already been born!

"Because of the Prius, I want to defy fate!"

Finally Tyrell decided to do something.

"Then just do it.

Courage is always there if someone intends to do something."

Because of the high temperature emanating from Prius' armor, his color changed from fiery red to blazing golden.

"Prius, you are deceiving justice!"

There was a bit of anxiety in Malthael's voice, and anxiety was an emotion that shouldn't appear in Wisdom.

"Then what are you going to do?

Like stop me?

Or do you want to prevent justice?

That’s all right, let’s do something now! Malthael!

As long as you make a choice, your courage will stay with you until it burns out!"

Because the Prius' laughter can be heard clearly through the helmet.

That kind of laughter was so rampant that it made the angels present feel uneasy.

"For Prius, stay quiet.

I'm listening to the world's prayers."

Auriel said with dissatisfaction.

This scene fell into silence for the second time.

This silence lasted until the end of another war with the Burning Hell.

The angels sat back in the meeting room of the prototype Angris Council.

"Tyrell began to lose strength.

Maybe he should add a little more color to his justice."

There was a sharp scratch on the Prius' helmet.

That's what Diavolo left behind.

In this battle, courage faced fear.

The battle between the two is generally evenly matched.

But if Inprius is to evaluate this battle, it would be that he won!

Courage is not afraid!

Then only the most basic fight between the Archangel as Iprius and the Demon King as Diablo is left.

Because Prius' armor protects his body better than Diavolo's skin.

And Solarion's spear of courage is just a symbol...

No one knows how many Solarions Imperius has forged at this time.

Anyway, there are still countless stars in this world.

The worst case scenario is to pluck a shining "gem" from Auriel's ribbon. This spear isn't that important anyway.

"Do something, Tyrell!

Or say something, Malthael.

I don't care who of you can convince the other.

I just want to know if you want to do something about your destiny!"

Because the Prius's voice is as violent as ever.

Only this time he didn't get any answer.

Malthael had not yet begun to tire of the eternal war.

Although the first point of eternity has passed, Malthael has not yet realized the horror of eternity.

At least at this time, he didn't think fate was something terrible.

"For Prius, stay quiet.

I heard the voice of prayer again, and the voice became clearer and clearer.

I will always hear his appeal clearly.

I'm curious about what kind of being can still chatter about hope after so many years."

Auriel said softly.

Because the Prius started to quiet down.

At this time, the number of angels also began to increase.

This incident brought a lot of laughter to the high-level heaven.

It is easy to attach all kinds of beautiful blessings to things like birth.

Especially a place like High-level Paradise, which seems to be full of beautiful places.

A lot of time has passed.

No one knows whether this past is the second point of eternity.

But the war between the High Heaven and the Burning Hell has happened countless times.

The archangels gradually lost their innocence and began to think more.

And Malthael seems to have some different ideas about the eternal war.

When this time, the archangels gathered together again.

Auriel spoke first.

"Everyone, I finally heard the voice of that prayer clearly.

He said that he hoped to be able to take comfort in his fate."

There was a hint of playfulness in Auriel's voice.

Her eyes were firmly locked on Malthael, who was gradually becoming taciturn.

It's like trying to find some answer from Malthael.

"Whose voice is that?

He seemed ready to do something."

Imprius said with a heroic laugh!

Tyrell looked at Auriel with a serious face.

He seemed to realize something.



Auriel said the name with some difficulty.

Malthael's body trembled uneasily.

He seemed not to have expected it to be this name at all.

But he is smart, he should have thought of it already.

It's just that I'm not ready yet.

"Inprius, let's go help Inarius.

As fate itself, he wants to rebel against fate. I think he must have seen something bad.

Then it's like when I first spoke.

There is no place for justice in destiny."

Tyrell said very firmly.

He no longer needs the Prius to give him courage.

If you do something, courage is already with you!

"Courage will gradually be consumed after making a decision.

But before your courage is exhausted, just keep your head down and move forward.

I'm a Prius."

Prius slowly stood up.

Auriel followed him silently.

Malthael stretched out his hand as if to stop him, but his outstretched hand was turned away by Tyrell's passing figure.

The whereabouts of the archangels could not be observed that day, which made the demons in the Burning Hell a little worried.

But after a few days, the archangels returned to where they should be.

And a new angel was born in the higher heaven.


This chapter has been completed!
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