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845 Who is the enemy to face?

 "I heard from our ancestors that I might be needed to help here.

Looking at it this way, it seems like there is nothing wrong with me?"

Casillas inevitably became a little rough when he spoke.

Although he couldn't be said to be a good person before, he was still full of style.

But now he does have a barbarian style.

"And this mage, judging from his aura, he has just taken office.

He is also here to help? Doesn’t he have to have someone protect him during the battle?”

Casillas tilted his head and glanced at Strange.

Well, Casillas spent a little too much time with those ancestors.

He even developed a dislike for mages.

In other words, Casillas is now proud of being a barbarian, and as for his experience as a mage, he regards him as young and frivolous...

This is a bit strange.

"Our enemy should be the devil.

It's true that combat power is needed.

But until now we are not sure how many numbers those demons will use to attack us.

But I don't think there will be anyone too powerful coming.

After all, human beings today are not powerless to fight back.

Although he still has the light of the Nephalem."

Tony frowned.

This situation is fairly controllable.

Tony and SHIELD have some understanding of the Nephalem's habits.

Especially S.H.I.E.L.D.

After Natasha and Hawkeye became Savages, their relationship with S.H.I.E.L.D. became a bit subtle.

But I am still willing to share some simple information.

And there are no secrets among savages that cannot be known.

So SHIELD basically has a complete database of barbarian analysis.

According to the analysis of the data.

Barbarians will not protect young warriors without any bottom line.

This can be seen from Orak watching countless young barbarians die in his secret realm...

Sometimes barbarians can be quite cruel to each other.

No one should dictate the choices young people make.

Most of the time, revenge will only be taken after the young warriors have reached their destiny...

Of course, there is a prerequisite for this.

That is, this is not an encounter...

If the warrior who had just embarked on an adventure ran into someone like the Demon King of Hell,

If nothing else goes wrong, it will turn into a somewhat bizarre group fight.

"Oh, that means the guy coming here might be stronger than us.

But there’s a limit to how powerful you can be, right?”

Casillas touched his backpack, then looked at Rumlow:

"Hey, man! Do you have any wine?

I drank all my wine before I had time to replenish it.

Damn it! Even though the demons in the secret realm have no brains.

But the number is really too much.

If I take a sip of wine, I will drink half a mouthful of blood."

Casillas patted Rumlow on the shoulder.

He looked unconcerned.

This simple and rough lifestyle is sometimes quite attractive...


Rumlow handed Casillas a bottle of vodka directly from his backpack.

Then I watched Casillas break the mouth of the bottle directly...

Well, the movements are also very barbaric.

"The problem now is that if we lose, it also means that our research has failed.

At least Reed must be rescued first.

Otherwise, if something happens, we won’t even have the possibility to fight back.”

Tony had a sad look on his face.

Sometimes smart people think too much, which naturally leads to more distress.

"Wuhu~ If you fail, the ball will be dead, what are you worried about?

Only the strong can sacrifice is only the first half of the sentence, the second half is that only the living can suffer.

So be happy, don't you just want to fight the devil?

Humanity will not perish."

Casillas was too cheerful...

Rumlow looked surprised and planned to ask which ancestor was responsible for his cultivation after returning to the Holy Mountain.

This is almost as effective as personality modification...

"If we can reverse the consequences of corruption, we can potentially gather more power.

After all, not everyone is willing to be corrupted.

Just in case, I mean just in case.

Once one of us is forcibly corrupted by the devil, there is at least the possibility of saving him.

You don’t want to be captured by the devil and then fight with us heartlessly, do you?”

Natasha said quietly.

This person is also very good at dealing with people.

At least these words silenced Casillas.

"We need Reed, not just to reverse engineer corruption.

There are also some ideas he left behind that need him to implement.

Although if you give me time, I might be able to realize these ideas.

But what we lack most is time.”

Tony interrupted.

A face full of perseverance.

He has made up his mind.

"Who is the enemy?

Since the one who is about to attack is a demon, there must be a leader, right?

Otherwise, just rushing over to fight in a swarm would not be acceptable to the ancestors.

When we get to that point, those ancestors will not just stay on the holy mountain of Harrogas and watch."

Casillas tilted his head and asked.

As a result, no one answered his question.

“So you don’t even know who your opponent will be?

How about we find a few people to ask at the door of the Burning Hell?

When I was in the secret realm, I witnessed the scenery of burning hell with my own eyes.

That scene was always exciting."

A malicious smile appeared on Casillas' face.

Staring directly into the burning hell?

This approach is actually not much different from staring into the abyss.

If a weak person does this, he may immediately enter the process of corruption.

But there should be no one present who is so weak.

"Whose secret realm did you enter?"

Rumlow couldn't help but ask.

This treatment is really scary.

Take Rumlow as an example, he has not yet broken into one-seventh of Talik's secret realm.

The most powerful enemies I have ever seen are elite demons.

Although Casillas's strength has become much stronger, Rumlow seems to be almost the same as himself.

Which ancestor is so brave that he has been to the gate of the Burning Hell before he became a top expert?

It's true that Casillas inherited Canuk's power at first.

But Kanuk is gone...

Even if it were Canuck, there was no possibility of going to the edge of the Burning Hell under such circumstances.

"Well, it's a secret realm that Orek directly opened to me.

I don't know whose it is.

But the battle along the way convinced me.

If only Ancestor Kanuk hadn't given me the shoulder armor he used when he was young.

Then I probably won't survive.

Well, this is it, Sakala's Pauldrons.

It is said that a Crusader came out of some desert back then.

It is said that he met the angel Ares in the desert and wanted to give this shoulder armor to humans to ensure victory in the holy war.

The Crusaders were already very weak and met Ancestor Kanuk before his death.

He used this until the ancestor Kanuk created the evil-proof shoulder armor.”①

Casillas muttered.

The effect of this shoulder armor is very simple and crude, it is to make the equipment on the body indestructible.

The pickup truck previously manufactured by Bulcaisso utilized the legendary effect of Saqqara's shoulder armor on the front of the truck.

Although the effect of this shoulder armor cannot increase the lethality of Casillas Reunion.

But this thing is really strong enough.

Casillas used this thing to smash one of the teeth of the Coffinless Corpse Demon, but he didn't even suffer any external injuries.

And Casillas felt the angel's breath from this shoulder armor.

So he believed that this thing was the creation of the angel Ares.

"That's not the point.

I'm just curious about which ancestor can run outside the Burning Hell with similar strength to you?

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According to the laws of the secret realm, that ancestor's strength at that time might not be as good as yours now."

Rumlow asked.

The problem is that even Casillas himself can't answer this question.

Perhaps only Orek, who opened this secret realm, knows the name of the owner of this secret realm.

But since Casillas has broken through this level, it probably means that the owner of this secret realm died at the door of the Burning Hell...

Otherwise, there is no reason for Casillas to end his current training.

"How would I know.

Aren't we going to discuss how to fight that demon now?

Why are you asking me about the secret realm?"

After Casillas finished speaking, he poured all the vodka in the bottle into his stomach.

After finishing the drink, he glanced at Strange, who was shaking.

He didn't know why, but he felt a little unhappy when he saw Strange.

He regarded this feeling as the hostility of his barbarian blood towards the mage, and didn't pay much attention to it.

"First think about how the Burning Hell can be filmed and fight with us.

And the level of demons that wouldn’t make the ancestors take action in anger is probably high.

I estimate that if you go long, you will be at the level of a hammer.

Craig killed a new Hamelin at the time.

With his strength, it shouldn't be a problem to kill Hammer.

Looking at it this way, as long as Craig doesn't appear here.

The enemy is at most that level.

As for the demon who gave blood to the blade before, he is probably a guy of this level."

Tony reasoned with a serious face.

Although this answer is not very accurate.

Vidien's strength is far superior to that of demons like Nian Hammer.

Even among those demons with names, the gap in strength is still huge.

For example, although Nian Hammer is the strongest among demons.

But the positioning of the race itself is a means of transportation.

Of course, the fighting power of the hammer is not as good as those demons whose race is born for fighting.

For example, the gap between the strength of Nianhui and Kuangshou Pudge is already huge.

And this kind of demon can only bow its head obediently in front of Vidien.

"You all just talk nonsense.

If it's weaker than that, it won't be enough to put any pressure on us.

If this is the case, it is no different than the demons directly choosing to admit defeat.

The question is will the demons choose to admit defeat?"

Constantine tilted his head and smoked a cigarette, with a look of disdain on his face.

He is better at this kind of thing that relies on his brain.

I estimate that the opponent's strength should be similar to that of Rakanos before.

Due to the existence of the powerful Nephalem, this guy probably wouldn't do it himself.

But only a guy of this status can preside over this kind of thing.

If nothing else happens, other Nephalem will come after a while.

If I could choose, I would like a stronger living Nephalem.

Constantine twisted his mouth and looked careless.

"What I wanted to say before, Teacher Li Min said let us solve it ourselves.

Also, she said that we can handle the danger this time and don't need to worry about the appearance of enemies beyond a certain level.

Someone will help us solve the problem.

At that time, the Nephalem will come to the scene to ensure the fairness of the battle."

Strange finally found a chance to speak.

Although his strength is not that great, his background is strong.

Li Min's name among the Nephalem is the strongest background.

When Li Min speaks, even the Demon King of Hell must listen carefully.

"So who is it?

I know Li Min, don't look at me being in the secret realm during this time.

But I can chat with my ancestors when I rest."

Casillas felt the strange looks around him and quickly explained.

"It's me, I just came back from the higher heaven.

Also, I brought the words of Bulcasso."

The voice came first before a figure solidified.

This is Ulena.

She's the kind of Nephalem who doesn't really like using portals.

One is because she has very strong mobility.

It can even be said to be one of the so-called outstanding ones among the monks in the past.

The other one is the legendary monk York Chen...

This York Chen Dan said that few people can recall his name.

But if we talk about the legend he left behind, then many people know about it.

His legend is called the Boots of the Eight Demons...

That's right, they are the shoes in the Thousand Storms set.

The status of this suit among the monk suits is about equal to that of the Ninety Barbarians among the barbarians.

This is not a set created by a legend.

It is a set that was passed down by a group of legendary Nephalems and then formed.

This York Chen represents the best user of Wind Strike.

If we just look at the degree of mastery of skills, then this York Chen is even better than Ulena.

But Uliana still has a Yin sword in her hand...

In the battlefield, Ulena's speed surpassed that of York Chen.

With this kind of mobility, Ulena naturally wouldn't like to use the portal skill.

After all, when using a portal, you have to make sure there are no enemies around.

It won't be much slower if you just use the blast to hit the road, and the feeling on the road will be more refreshing...

"Well...what did the great Immortal King say?"

Casillas struggled with his title before asking.

When he was on the Holy Mountain, the ancestors called Bulkesso by his first name.

But when he called him by his first name, he was almost beaten by a group of ancestors.

According to the ancestors, the reason why they call Bulkesso's name is because they and Bulkesso are basically the same generation.

Respect is not something you put in your mouth.

But for a guy like Casillas, it's more appropriate to just call him the Immortal King.

"Bulkasso said that if you lose this battle, he will personally avenge you..."

Ulena felt a little embarrassed when she spoke...

Because there is no important news in these words...

On the contrary, it feels a bit ironic.

This chapter has been completed!
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