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849 The power of destiny can be challenged!

 On the holy mountain of Harrogath, Jessica is chatting with Kultur.

Calling it a chat can actually be seen as trying to extract some information.

For example, how those legendary equipment are created.

"If I have to say it, it's probably the power of belief.

Everyone believed that this equipment had magical power, so this equipment really had this power.

In fact, to be honest, you can't say that we have no power without equipment.

Anyway, there are some things I can’t understand.

Let’s use Orak’s Blade of the God of War as an example.

You should know the power of this weapon, but if Orak is willing, he can use that kind of slam even with a wooden stick in his hand...

Because this in itself is his strength.

It's just that it was solidified by some kind of power on his commonly used weapons."

Kotul is not very good at communication.

But he still tried his best to tell Jessica what he knew.

Jessica's status is somewhat special.

As a pure barbarian from the Big Bear Tribe, it is not surprising that he would receive extra care from his "elders".

"It sounds like a lie come true.

You can't say that the legendary equipment was originally created by the King of Lies, right?

If so, then the Nephalem's power may be just a hoax.

As long as Bilie lifts the lie at the critical moment, those who rely on legendary equipment to become stronger will immediately become weaker.

Have you never thought about this problem?"

While Jessica wiped the weapon in her hand with a clean cloth, she rolled her eyes at Koutul.

The answer given by Kurtul did not convince Jessica.

"Bile did not have this kind of power.

Even if he raised his strength to the level of the Three Demon Gods, he still wouldn't be able to do such a thing.

We had our suspicions, but that guy was an angel."

Kotur hesitated when he said this.

He seemed to be wondering whether he should tell Jessica this unconfirmed conjecture.

"I think it's the power of fate.

If this is really a conspiracy of some existence, it can only be fate.

As the first angel to be born, even before other archangels.

Inarius may have done something the moment he was born.

After all, Inarius was still able to control his destiny at that time.

Maybe...I mean maybe.

The first thing Inarius did when he wanted to resist fate was to allow the world to produce legendary equipment.

Only his first resistance to fate can he harness such a powerful power of fate."

Couture said it anyway.

Although this is not what he speculated.

It was a conjecture made by Kanai during a casual chat.

It's just that Kanai doesn't let others mention him when talking about this matter.

When Jessica heard this, she finally wanted to believe it.

This guess is more convincing than that lie.

"You haven't asked?"

Jessica looked at Koutur who looked embarrassed and asked.

She really wanted to know the answer, so she still asked the question even when Couture was embarrassed.

"We? You want to say Burquesso?"

I don't know, maybe he asked those archangels?

It’s just that I don’t think he cares about this kind of thing.”

Kotur said stiffly.

It does make sense that legendary equipment is the product of defying fate.

Because legends are not created only by the Nephalem.

Angels and demons are the same.

Both the High Heaven and the Burning Hell have their own legends.

If this is a lie, then why would Billie do such a thankless thing?

Even if the existence of legendary equipment does not pose any threat to the comparison, what about other hell demons?

As long as the Burning Hell can give birth to legends, the high-level heavens will be in a hurry.

The increase in legendary equipment is still very powerful.

"What will you do if I die in battle?"

Jessica said very seriously.

As the last living barbarian from the Great Bear Tribe, can she enjoy certain special treatment on the sacred mountain of Harrogas?

This question can determine many things.

"Once you die in battle, I will take Cassius to avenge you.

But we won't get involved in every battle you have.

If you die, then die."

Kotur said angrily.

He is serious.

The continuation of the race is indeed something that the barbarians value.

But it would be impossible for them to pay special attention to a certain tribe.

Tribes and ethnic groups cannot be assigned registration numbers.

Bulcaso was still the last stag, and there were no other barbarians asking him to get married immediately.

As long as there are still savages alive, that is enough.

Perhaps when it comes to protecting the last living barbarian, these guys will make some different choices.

But since things have not reached that point, everything will be according to tradition...

Even if this tradition seems a bit crude and inhumane.

"I know, anyway, I just need to be myself.

I don’t need to think too much about other things, right?”

Jessica smiled.

She stuffed the cloth in her hand into her backpack.

Then he carefully hung the God of War's Blade on his waist.

Then he turned his body and felt whether his actions would be affected.

Then a portal opened directly.

"Since I have not been given the responsibility of reviving the Big Bear Tribe,

Then I can fight as a barbarian.

Enjoy victory and blood, wield anger and swords!

This kind of life is much better than what I feared at the beginning."

Jessica seemed to be relieved of something.

Although she had been becoming stronger before, she had always been entangled in her heart.

The title of "The Last Barbarian of the Great Bear Tribe" made her feel heavy pressure.

Now that there is no such pressure, she can live her life the way she wants.

What could be more relaxing than this?

"Have a nice trip, and chop off a few more demon heads by the way.

If possible, I'd like to use the little head of the Earthbreaker as a punch bowl."

Kotur smiled and waved his hand in farewell.

After the portal closed in front of his eyes, Koutul showed a sad look on his face.

"Cassius, do you think it's okay for me to do this?

Although it is not a good thing to let others bear our responsibilities, we are already dead.

Are you really willing to let the Big Bear tribe disappear?"

Kotur sat cross-legged on the ground, his thick arms hitting the ground heavily.

Obviously his mood was not good, even very bad.

"We are dead people.

Even if the Big Bear Tribe disappears, it has nothing to do with us.

When will you learn not to think so much?

I know you're not stupid, but you have absolutely nothing to do with being smart.

This kind of problem is for smart people to consider. Although I am not smart either, I am at least a little smarter than you.

Do you think it’s a good thing for a soldier to go to the battlefield under great pressure?”

As Cassius spoke, he blocked the flying snow and mud with his hands.

He is the most discerning person.

"Orak made a choice, he just relieved himself of the responsibility that he was unwilling to bear.

There is no need for you to let another person carry that heavy backpack again!"

Cassius shook his hand and shook aside the mud dots in his hand.

Then he wiped his hands on Koutul's clothes...

"I'm just not willing to give in!

Orak dedicated his life and honor.

You and I are on the hook for our own lives!

Lost countless familiar faces along the way!

But now, you told me that the Big Bear Tribe is going to become a thing of the past!

How can you let me be so willing!?"

Kotul seemed a little manic.

When faced with this kind of thing, perhaps Couture behaved more like a normal person.

"I am not reconciled either.

But what I'm not reconciled to is why I didn't survive after my victory.

Now that he is dead, let us accept the future of our tribe calmly.

The barbarians have not come to an end yet.

Perhaps one day there will be new barbarians who plan to establish their own tribe.

Then, as if destined, the tribe was named Big Bear.

Then, by coincidence, a powerful barbarian who can take on everything will be born among the newly born Big Bear tribe.

The name happens to be Orak.

Then there will be born a Cassius who incorporates his foul-mouthed words into his battle cry, and a taciturn and powerful Kotur.

So what are you worried about?

We are dead people.

It is enough to be able to appear on the battlefield as the spirit of the ancestors to help the younger generations fight.

Other things have nothing to do with us."

Cassius tugged on his braided beard and forced a smile on his face.

Obviously, he was not as relaxed as he said.

"What a fucked up world, what an angry world!"

Kotur cursed in a rare way.

Cassius became silent.

"I don't care if I win or not! I only care if I look good when I fight!

If it really comes to a critical moment, can you and I still stay here and watch?

Bulkesso is not so heartless.

He probably just wants to put a little pressure on young people."

Cassius said this with a smile.

The muscles in Kotur's face were trembling.

"It better be so!"

It was as if squeezing these words out of his mouth had exhausted all of Kultur's strength.

He lay directly on the ground, staring blankly at the sky.

"Bulkess, the only people who are still here are you and me.

If you want to ask something, I will consider whether to ask."

Inaris said feebly while hanging on the cross.

The principle of using the cross as a torture instrument to kill a life is actually extremely cruel.

The reason for the death of the person hanging on it is usually not excessive blood loss, but death from suffocation...

When every breath requires muscles to bear most of a person's weight, muscle cramps are imminent.

When the muscles are completely fatigued and lose their strength, the person will die of suffocation.

Fortunately, Inarius is not an ordinary person, and hanging on the cross will not make him unable to breathe.

He can even stop breathing...

"The birth of legendary equipment!

What I want to ask is this.

This is a thing of the past, and you might be able to do something about it."

Bulcaisel looked at Inarius who was hung up in front of him with a cold expression on his face.

Although Bulcaisel could not find the part of him that was Uldyssian in his memory.

But he had noticed clues related to Uldyssian from different places over the past few hundred years.

Perhaps it was something left over from Uldyssian that made Bulcaisso not have the slightest fondness for Inarius.

There was even a lot of hostility.


Inaris chose silence.

He didn't say "can't" or "can" in reply.

Just pure silence.

Bulcaisel stared at Inaris, as if he wanted to see traces of fate in this angel.

As long as he gives any uncontroversial answer, whether it is agreement or rejection.

That will make everything doomed...

And Inarius has been working hard to reduce this trouble.

"You still don't speak.

He won't even say any reply.

I can't let you speak, not even through torture or any other humiliation.

But there is always someone in this world who can make you talk.

I'll give you a name and you can think about it yourself.


As Bulcasso said the name "Lilith".

Inaris's body trembled very obviously.

At that moment, Inarius was struggling like a fish that had just been fished out of the water and placed on the chopping board.

He still didn't speak and even closed his eyes directly.

He should have many, many things he wants to express with this name.

But he chose not to express anything.

Even the eyes were closed tightly!

"I don't want to torture you by hanging you here.

It's just that I don't want to lift your hair to make you look directly at me.

Inarius, after all, it was because you saw everything that everything was born.

Or do you see it because those things exist?

This problem has troubled me for a long time.

I even pressed Tyrael about it, but he actually turned swords against me over it.

I think you are never alone in looking at your own thoughts, right?

If anything you have followers trying to achieve everything you want.

So Tyrael? Or Auriel?

Is it Diavolo? Or is it Lilith now?

Even the old me!?”

There was no fluctuation in Bulkeso's eyes.

But the anger is being ignited little by little.

Then the flame turned into substance and burned on Bulcasso's body.

Inaris's body trembled slightly.

The trembling was very weak, as if a person's body was vibrating with the force of his heart beating.

"Inaris, you can transform back into the Archangel of Destiny at any time.

But what are you afraid of?

Are you afraid that you will no longer be yourself?

Or are you worried that even if you submit to your fate, everything will never be undone?

Or is it that not even what Malthael did escaped your eyes?

But I don't believe that everything you've ever seen hasn't changed.

Just like my hundreds of years of life as Bulcaisu, can every bite of food I eat be under your gaze?

Or have you already foreseen the outcome of everything I have done?

Do not make jokes.

Countless things have been born in this world.

And how could you observe all of this and then make the fate of everything unchangeable?

Let’s put it this way, I don’t believe that fate is omnipotent!

I want to drink next. You can just name the wine I want to drink next.

And I will not drink this bottle of wine.

You can even make up a name for a wine and say I will drink it in ten minutes.

I want to see and experience for myself the destiny you have appointed.

Even if you have to pay a price for this level of designation, it’s not unbearable, right?”

There was a rare sarcastic look on Bulcaisel's face.

It's like asking a prophet if he can foresee the future.

Then the moment the other person says he can do it, he gives the other person a slap in the face.

This is to use personal will to change the so-called "destiny".

And if Bulcasso does this, there will be no strong external force forcing Bulcasso to act in accordance with the "appointment" of "fate".

At present, no one can force Bulcaisuo to do anything, whether it is high-level heaven or burning hell.

Even if Bulcaisel is allowed to drink a bottle of wine that never existed but whose name was just made up by Inaris for such an hour, it is impossible!

"I want to warn you, but my warning is definitely not a good thing.

Bulcasso, let me rest for a while."

Inaris said this with pleading in his voice.

The next moment, Bulcasso's expression changed.

Because he noticed the auras of the first generation Bulcaisuo and Rasma appearing behind him.

"Let our father rest for a while.

We have already done what you are doing.

You want to know what's going to happen, we'll tell you."

The first-generation Bulcaisu scratched his messy hair and said helplessly.

This chapter has been completed!
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