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852 Stupid Rasma

 "Your Excellency Burquesso, thank you very much for your accommodation.

Now is the time for me to give out my most precious reward.

I have never been the only seed of the power of destiny."

Rasma looked calm.

It was as if his brother's anger towards him didn't exist.

"Can you really take it out?

I originally planned to steal it directly from you.

Although I still have doubts about fate,

But what Inarius left you is real."

Bulcasso's eyes were a little cold.

He understood it when Rasma said that he would not give up the opportunity in Bulkesso's position.

The necromancer in front of him was not solely interested in saving his father.

That's why Bul-Katho gave him the contemptuous insult of "the unfilial son of Inarius" when Rathma invited him to name the legend.

But Bulcaisuo cannot deny that Inaris's current strength has indeed gone a step further.

The legendary set of the Necromancer represented by Rathma,

Each set is a standard legendary with only six pieces of equipment.

But Rathma's strength is not as simple as a six-piece legendary suit shaper!

The Necromancer has a total of five legendary sets!

And four of them were created by Rasma herself!

"The Incarnation of Tageo" is Rasma who made his teacher into his own legend!

"Rathma's Bone Armor" is a legend that was naturally formed after Rathma integrated his own power!

"The Grace of Inarius" is a legend that Rathma cast from his father's bones!

The "Burning Carnival Ball Costume" was also created by Rasma herself, although it is not known what kind of mental journey Rasma had behind this legendary set.

One person! Four sets of legends!

This is the power of Rathma, known as the ancestor of the Necromancer!

Although he is not really the original Necromancer, he directly replaced the original Necromancer with the profession of Rathma's Sacrifice!

Rathma can already represent the Necromancer profession!

Along with "Inarius's Grace" the set became "Inarius' Unfilial Son".

After consuming the weapons left by his teacher!

Rasma's strength has become even stronger!

"You two! You both owe me an explanation!

Or you plan to use your own blood to explain to me!"

The anger in the first generation ancestor has reached the edge of losing control.

A pair of eyes turned blood red, just like Banal who had not yet regained his senses at that time!

Only about half of the life authority is constantly operating in his body!

Waves of powerful vitality transformed into more powerful blood! Then it was ignited by anger!

"Brother, I knew it when I used your soul as my puppet.

You didn't intend to fight for me at that time. You hid at least half of your strength at that time.

So do you think you can ask me to give you an explanation now that you are so angry?"

Rasma waved the sickle that turned pale white in her hand casually.

His face is full of carelessness!

"First generation ancestor, you are indeed not as smart as you think.

But you are the most common look of a barbarian.

Sometimes I am surprised how you managed to plot against my three friends."

Bulcaisel made no secret of his contempt for his first ancestors.

This is a simple personal grudge!

Watching his friend plunge into that irreversible pit.

Bulcaisel wanted to stop him, but he had no reason to stop his friend.

Do you want to tell your friends that the first ancestor who wanted you to become the protector of the barbarians was a despicable person?

Or is it not an honor to be the gatekeeper of the Holy Mountain?

No, this is an honor!

The three ancestors did not make any mistakes.

It was simply used by the first ancestors.

"That's our father! Rasma!

What on earth did you do!

Don't talk nonsense about your father resurrecting in a high-level heaven!

The last time he was able to come back, it was because of the 'grace of Inarius' you had!

But now, you have taken away the ownership of this suit from my father's body!

Even an angel bearing the name of Inaris stands before us again!

Can you honestly call him ‘Father’?”

The anger of the first generation ancestors became increasingly uncontrollable.

The environment maintained by the archangels in the high-level heaven has been destroyed again!

The anger began to show high temperature, melting all the buildings made of unknown materials little by little!

"Brother, apart from your strength, you are only worthy of praise for your concern for your family.

But it's just like the doubts in your eyes when you are choked by the Archangel of Destiny.

After I seized the power and slightly defeated my fate, you still looked at me with that incomprehensible look.

Brother, do you really think it was ‘Father’ who let go of the hand that had pierced your skin and strangled your throat!?”

There was a bit of sadness in Rasma's voice.

Even with ridicule!

He is laughing at his brother!

Laughing at the other person who still believed in his father's love even when he was almost killed by the Archangel of Destiny.

He laughed at the other person for not realizing that his father could never appear with the Archangel of Destiny until now!

"It was not your father who spared you back then.

But the fate that killed my other brothers and sisters!

Because in destiny, you are really easy to take advantage of!

Look what stupid things you did!?"

Rasma's voice became high-pitched, even a little sharp.

"You killed brother Vasily with me!

I got part of life, you got half of life!

But I didn’t tell you that I didn’t even have half of the authority over life!

Guess where the missing part of life went!

You watched as archangels and demons plotted against your people.

With your acquiescence, they even destroyed the World Stone that the barbarians had guarded for countless years!

Do you think that once humans are qualified to face the true form of the Demon King of Hell, it will be possible to kill them?

How ridiculous!

The Worldstone was never meant simply to limit the Nephalem!

Instead, it strengthens the world’s barriers!

So that neither the high-level heaven nor the burning hell can easily come to the place of refuge!

But what about you?

There is not a single one of my own tribe left! My body was turned into pieces by the explosion of the World Stone!

My dear brother Bulkesso!

When you stand in front of this barbarian with the same name as you!

Have you never felt ashamed?

What are you protecting!?"

Rasma's voice became shriller!

The anger of the first generation ancestors is also getting higher and higher!

"Brother, you should change your name.

The current Bulcaisso is more like a barbarian king than you are.

And He has done far more than you have done!

You have been being used from the beginning to the end!"

Rasma's voice began to turn into sadness little by little.

That kind of sadness can even affect the emotions of all nearby beings.

"Rasma, is this what you want to say?

You want me to change my name just because what I do is not as good as that young man over there?

Since you asked about these things, I will simply tell you everything I know!"

The first ancestor slowly bent down and picked up the two knives thrown to the ground by Bulcasso.

Then wipe it carefully with a leather sleeve.

"My grief for killing Vasily will not be less than yours!

Vasily is a druid, but you don't know that Vasily is turning into a beast little by little!

In his eyes, the beasts are his people, not the druids who present him with the best food!

I don't know if it was the Burning Hell or the High Heavens that had a black hand on him.

But I noticed that Vasily was being separated from the ranks of the Nephalem little by little!"

The first generation ancestor picked up his two swords and looked at them carefully.

Then he nodded with satisfaction, as if he was satisfied with Bulcasso's maintenance of the pair of knives over the years.

"When Tyrael threw the Glory of the Holy Feather in his hand towards the World Stone, I stood there.

Look at the cracks already covering the World Stone!

So, dear brother, tell me!

The World Stone has been shattered bit by bit.

So which of the Archangels and Hell Demons broke through the restrictions and came to Sanctuary faster?

Or will the shackles on the Nephalem's talents be broken faster?"

For the first time, ridicule of Rasma appeared on the face of the first ancestor.

Although there is still anger in this sarcasm!

The beard and hair are all spread out! The anger is full of flames!

"And you said that the hand that was holding my throat pierced my skin.

Why do you think that the father who stood in front of me and lifted me up was the Archangel of Fate instead of our father Inaris?

Yes, you were not born yet at that time.

That was the first time my father tried to lift me high.

A clumsy father and a mother who knows nothing.

Our father lifted me high the same way he lifted the devil.

Yes, you don't know. Because you weren't born yet.

When fate choked my throat, you stood behind my father!

Have you not seen the surprising love in your father’s eyes?

Rasma! Do you know what you have done?"

The anger of the first generation ancestors broke out again!

The crystal corridor of the high-level heaven was completely incinerated by the anger!

The ground turned into lava!

Even the air has been consumed completely.

Every breath you take can only inhale the blazing anger into your body!

"We are the Nephalem!

The child of Lilith of Knowledge and Inaris of Destiny!

We are the sons of Lilith and Inarius!

Also the child of knowledge and destiny!

I don't know where you heard this evil thing from!

I don’t want to know why you must treat your father and the Archangel of Destiny separately!

When you raised the sickle in your hand, didn't you see the happy smile on your father's face?

There was even relief in that smile!

Why do you! How dare you!

How dare you not even lower your damn head to look at your father!

Only when father saw your choice! He narrowed his eyes with a smile! "

The muscles on the face of the first generation ancestor have completely lost control in anger!

Every muscle is trembling for no reason!

Every bit of skin turned into a tidal wave of anger and trembled!

"Bulkess is right!

You are the unfilial son of Inaris!

Father wanted you to be born strong!

It is your mother who has absorbed all the power that should belong to you!

Vasily and the others knew nothing about this, because they were still children at that time!

But I am no longer a child! I am your brother!

He is the eldest son of Inaris, the angel of fate!

I saw my father crying silently alone by the quiet river!

Because of His mercy!

Because he can't hurt his wife.

Therefore, I cannot give one more source of the power of destiny to you who is still in your mother’s womb!

So, he's crying!"

By the last few words of the first generation ancestor's voice, it was already the kind of roar that could resound throughout the world!

"Father thinks he owes you!

But I know! It was your mother who took away the power that belonged to you!

Vasily noticed this change when you were born!

You underestimate your kind and gentle brother!

Do you think why Vasily gradually moved further and further away from the Nephalem!?

I don’t know who the archangel was who intervened!

But the devil is involved! It is the Lilith of Knowledge whom you kneel before!

Do you think the mother who takes you with her at all times truly loves you!?

Do you think the mother who has armed you with knowledge really loves you!?

Do you think! How much does the mother who handed you over to Tageo love you!?

Now! Rasma! Tell me who our mother is!

Then tell me who your teacher Tagio is!"

The anger of the first ancestors continued to spread.

Just before it spread to the crystal dome, it was blocked by a burst of soft sky-blue light!

"Lilith! The daughter of the leader of the hell demons who hates the demon Mephisto.

Tageo, the guardian of the world's balance, the first person to understand balance..."

Rasma's voice became fainter.

He said these two sentences slowly.

"The daughter of hatred has learned about love. I admit that my mother loves us.

But her love is mixed with hatred!

Even with a strong and irreversible fear!

She is afraid of us, afraid of us as her children!

And your teacher is the first person to understand what balance is.

Where do you think he understood balance?

Do you need me to say the damn name Israel?

Tell me! Rasma!

Where is your vaunted wisdom!?

Where is the wisdom you boast about in your mind that is filled with knowledge and experience!?

You unfilial son!

You killed our father who loved us selflessly.

But you are my last brother!

I can't wait to tear you into pieces! Then burn you to ashes with endless rage!

Then pile the ashes forever on the ground where everyone will step on them!

But because you bastard are my last brother!

But I can't kill you, a fool who has been taken advantage of countless times!

Your authority is the balance of life and death struck by Israel!

From that moment on! Your power is under Israel's control from beginning to end!

You idiot are still complacent about this!?

The power you get is nothing more than a casual charity from Lilith!

It's just a random chess move arranged by Tageo and Israel!

You now! Show me the savage you speak of who is more worthy of the name 'Bulkesser' than I am!

Then tell me what his eyes mean!"

The first generation ancestor thrust the two swords into the ground fiercely!

Then he turned his figure towards the direction of the crystal dome!

Rasma turned her head to look at Bulkesso with a dull expression.

The name of that look...is called "ignorance"!

"I want to challenge fate.

But Inaris obviously doesn't intend to give me the chance to meet the Archangel of Destiny.

Although I was prepared to kill him if I had to.

But I thought you would convince him."

Bulcasso looked at the ancestor with the same name as him and said calmly.

"I also thought we would convince him.

But it's like you didn't expect Rasma to kill him.

I didn't think of it either.

We all thought that this idiot Rasma was not hopelessly stupid.

It seems that our agreement has failed.

But I'm warning you! Don't take advantage of my brother!

Even now I want to beat him to death! Then chop him into mincemeat!"

The first ancestor didn't even turn his head when he replied.

At this time, he was trying hard to prevent his tears from evaporating from his eyes due to anger.

He is the original Nephalem!

Brothers of all the Nephalem!

But he was never omniscient and omnipotent,

So anything he does wrong will have a huge impact.

But he always remembers that he is the last resort for his family.

"If you want to cry, I can lend you the Elder's Temple.

The place on the sacred mountain of Arreat was originally prepared for your sleep.

Although the current holy mountain is Harrogas, I still think you can rest there.

As for the angel over there, I happen to have some physical needs to talk to him about."

Bulcaisel clenched his fists.

Then the Immortal King suit appeared one by one on his body!

He slowly pulled out the delicate and heavy-looking gravel hammer in his hand!

"I only have one home now, Holy Mountain."

The anger of the first ancestors began to subside little by little.

"Only savages are admitted into the homes of savages.

I have no place left for the necromancer."

Bulkesso said casually!

This chapter has been completed!
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