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859 Remembrance Day of the First Ancestors

 "Okay, don't be so nervous.

For the sake of this ring, if I plan to challenge you, I will tell you in advance."

The first generation ancestor suddenly became disinterested.

The ring in his hand represents a piece of his past.

It's just that this past event is not mentioned even in all the legends about the ring in his hand.

"I remember that I forged this thing in Harrogath City.

But at that time, no one seemed to know why I cast this ring.

So how did you know this ring was my wedding ring?"

The first generation ancestor asked as if he had discovered something interesting.

There was a little bit of hope in his eyes.

"Legend has it that this ring commemorates a sacred festival.

And if it has anything to do with you, what else could it be for?

What else can you commemorate except that you begin to spread branches and leaves for the barbarians?

Although I don’t know who recognized this thing as your wedding ring in the first place.

But after so many years, the legendary story has not changed.

It's not like you're dead and can't refute rumors.

It can only be said that you have acquiesced in this name.

So do I need to say more?"

Bulcaisel lost his fighting spirit as he spoke.

The guy in front of me at this moment is no longer the powerful ancestor who created the barbarian race.

He is just an old man who wants to know his legend from others.

"Okay, are you interested in hearing a story from me?

If so, prepare a campfire and food.

I haven't eaten anything in a long time.

Today is a good day to drink."

The first generation ancestors talked nonchalantly.

As for why today is a good day to drink, no one asked.

It’s just drinking, and every day is a good day to drink.

As long as there is wine, nothing is a problem.

"Hirab, go prepare a banquet.

Today is a holiday, that’s it.”

Bulcasso arranged it casually.

Because I want to celebrate the holidays, today is a holiday.

As for what holiday today is commemorating, it doesn't matter.

It's okay for barbarians to be barbaric from time to time when doing things.

If I had to name this holiday...

It's okay to call it "because I want to drink, so I celebrate the festival."

Bulcaisel usually wouldn't care about such things, but this was the first time he asked other ancestors to regard a certain day as a festival.

You must know that on the day he became the Immortal King, he had no intention of setting a holiday to celebrate himself...

"You are the immortal king, so you have the final say.

But why must I be the one preparing these?

Or do you simply don’t want me to join in the fun?”

Hailab cursed, but his body started to move naturally.

Everything on the Holy Mountain is familiar to these ancestors.

They are so familiar that they can tell how many pieces of black bread there are in the granary...

In the past days, the Holy Mountain was just too boring.

Building a snowman is already a tiring activity.

And counting the bread...

This was a bet between two bored barbarian ancestors hundreds of years ago...

The loser has to count the loaves of bread and make sure that the number he knows is exactly the same as the number left on the loaves.

This kind of bet is really boring.

But the guy who lost keeps doing it again and again every day.

The name of the losing barbarian was Hirab.

"Isn't it because you have to count the bread every day?

Sometimes when I want to be lazy, I close the door of the granary and stand guard at the door.

This way today’s number will be exactly the same as yesterday’s number.”

Calga, who had not spoken for a long time, said with a smile.

He would not tell Hairab that he had to secretly get rid of a piece of bread every day.

When nothing happens, Calga will stay in the granary.

Wait until the day is over and stuff a piece of bread into your backpack.

Then find an opportunity to give the bread you collected to others.

Most of the time, the bread he took would be given to Bulcasso.

This is something that started when Bulcasso was still confused.

Even though the name of the holy mountain has changed, these habits have been brought to the new holy mountain.

This is also the only proof these ancestors have for the present.

Prove that you still exist.

Instead of completely stopping the moment his life ends...

"I know you take away a loaf of bread every day.

So most of the time I just subtract one from yesterday's number.

You probably didn’t think of it, right?”

Hailab shouted to Calga from a distance.

Then the figure disappeared.

He was going to inform all the ancestral spirits.

When celebrating festivals, no barbarian can be left out.

After Hailab's figure completely disappeared, Calga said in a low voice: "Then you probably don't know that I will put back a few pieces of bread every seven or eight days. You have to count them yourself after all.


Calgar waved the flag in his hand.

This flag did not become his legend, but it was his favorite weapon.

His legend is the talent skill called "Inspiring Style", which can also be called "Inspiring Military Spirit".

Although Calgar still hopes that his legend will be the banner in his hands.

But perhaps there is no greater proof of his legendary existence than this skill.

"I'm going to start telling my children's children's children... a story.

What part do you want to hear?

Was it my wedding day? Or was it the story of the birth of my first child?

I have something to say up front. When we started taking action, humans had already been born.

Unsurprisingly, they are also considered Nephalem.

After all, my father and mother are not the only ones escaping in the sanctuary.

It's just devils and devils' children who are still devils.

Angels and angels' children can only be angels.

Only the children of angels and demons can be human.

I am the first Nephalem, yes, but I am not the first Nephalem.

I am just the first child born to the angel named Inarius and the demon named Lilith."

The faces of the first generation ancestors were somewhat kind.

At this time, he looked more like his father.

It's just that his father is not as old as he is at this time.

"Let's get started, I'm ready to listen to the story.

If you wish, perhaps I can also call those barbarian continuations of the future.

Let them hear your story.

The story will one day become a legend, at least let them know more about it."

Bulqueso's voice was no longer strong.

Facing challengers who want to challenge the Immortal King, Bulcaisel is filled with the majesty of the Immortal King.

But when faced with an old man who just wants to tell a story, he can also be a listener.

Simple, direct, and matter-of-fact.

This is the barbarian style.

"Then don't bother.

You guys will use my story as a conversation piece anyway."

The first ancestor touched his beard.

Then he sat on the ground and gently placed the ring in his hand on the snow.

The first generation ancestor is the child who is most favored by his parents.

At least that was the case until his younger siblings were born.

Inarius discussed it with his wife and made a decision.

That is to give a kind of knowledge to his son.

Of course, this is a gift from a mother to her child, and this gift can last a lifetime.

This gift contains all knowledge of blacksmithing.

It's just that this knowledge is too vast for the first generation ancestors.

This approach can be said to be that Lilith handed over a ray of power, knowledge, to her children.

Whenever new knowledge about forging is born in this world.

Then the first generation ancestors would naturally know all this.

As a father, Inaris also gave his child a gift, which was the name "Bulkessor".

If this name has any meaning, it probably means "the one beloved by fate".

The wedding of the first generation ancestors can be said to be extremely simple.

It even smells of blood.

That was what happened after the first generation ancestors chose to follow their mother's instructions and started killing all the other angels and demons in Sanctuary.

The wife of the first ancestor was the child of the last demonic couple.

And this child seems to have some congenital deficiencies.

It can be said that he is very thin.

The first-generation ancestors who were already mature enough to control all the power in their bodies certainly knew why.

This child lacks vitality.

When his blade was slashing at the couple, they were using their own vitality to nourish the child.

Before that moment, the first generation ancestors had never questioned their mother's decision.

It should be said that none of their brothers and sisters had ever questioned Lilith's decision.

When the first-generation ancestor looked at those eyes filled with endless compassion and pain, his heart began to thaw from the killing.


The first generation ancestor looked into those eyes and didn't know what to say.

Looking at the thin and even pale face, the calm face stained with the blood of her parents.

He didn't know what to say.

Do you mean that all this is for the great "Lilith"?

Or just make up a random reason for killing the other person’s parents?

This stare-down lasted for a long time.

Until those eyes blinked slightly.

"My name is Bulcasso."

These were the first words spoken by the first ancestors to the owner of those eyes.

This was also the first time he communicated with someone other than his own family.

Before that, he had just unconsciously let out a war cry while killing.

Just because this battle cry seems to make him stronger.

"I don't know what my name is."

The owner of the eyes spoke softly.

The voice was weak and very weak.

It seemed as if he would die at any moment.

But the sound was unexpectedly not unpleasant.

The ancestors of the first generation have heard countless times the words spoken before death, and without exception they all sound unpleasant.

But this woman's voice was not unpleasant at all.

"So you want to live?"

The first generation ancestors themselves didn’t know why they asked such questions.

But he knew that the person in front of him didn't need to wave the weapon in his hand.

Because his mother only asked him and his brothers and sisters to kill other angels and demons.

The person in front of me is a person.

A woman who could die at any time.

"if you can."

The woman still said in a low voice.

The first generation ancestors can no longer remember the expression of that woman at that time.

All he has left in his memory are those eyes filled with compassion and that soft, not unpleasant voice.

The first ancestors kept that woman alive.

To this end, he borrowed a little authority in life from his brother Vasily.

Just a little bit, probably as much as a fingernail is to the sky.

For ordinary people, this vitality is enough for a person to live healthily.

But for that woman, it wasn't enough.

This woman is like a bucket full of holes, and life force is constantly flowing out of her body.

It was only at this time that the first generation ancestors knew why the couple who should have been so strong were so fragile when they died.

He didn't even react to his attack.

The first generation ancestors gradually got used to this woman's existence.

He also gradually became accustomed to borrowing a little life force from his brother on a regular basis.

For Vasily this was no loss at all.

Because the life force leaked from this woman will return to him.

It's just that Vasily will also get bored because every once in a while he needs to see his brother, whom he doesn't like very much.

This cycle of days continued until Vasily and his first ancestors parted ways due to disagreements over their ideas.

From that moment on, the first generation ancestor began to constantly pursue the location of his younger brother.

Vasily, on the other hand, kept trying to escape from his brother's gaze.

The chase and escape lasted for many years.

Until Vasily saw an archangel!

Archangel Israel of Balance!

Israel was able to help Vasily escape the pursuit of his first ancestors.

The method is very simple, it just changes Vasily's own balance.

It's that simple.

At least for Israel, this is very simple.

Then Vasily changed.

There has been a change in the understanding of one's own "person" and the balance of being a "person".

From this moment on, the first generation ancestors could no longer trace the location of their younger brother using breath perception.

But it's just like the name of the first generation ancestor.

Bulcasso, "The Beloved of Fortune."

He can always find the person he is looking for.

He can always do what he wants to do.

Everything comes from the love of fate.

But Vasily has already made his choice!

It begins when he is able to blur the difference between humans and animals, and when his balance as a "human" is changed.

Vasily looked more and more like a beast.

The first time the two brothers met, the first generation ancestor just wanted to borrow a little bit of life as usual.

Vasily only felt that he seemed to be hurt.

When this little bit of life passed away from the leaky barrel and returned to Vasily.

Vasily only felt that this was a miracle brought about by the beast's life.

Life will be restored to its "perfect" state...

Vasily never asked why his brother wanted to borrow so little of his life.

Then wait for life to return to him, and then borrow it again.

For a rational "person", he knows that he is not harmed.

But for a "beast", he has always been hurt by his brother.

The consciousness of "human" and the consciousness of "beast" begin to interfere with each other.

Then the beast gradually won!

Immediately afterwards, it became extremely difficult for the first generation ancestors to borrow a little bit of life!

Vasily is not weak, at least for the first generation ancestors Vasily is not weak at all!

As naturally powerful Nephalem, every one of them except Rathma.

They all have power that rivals the archangels.

So the matter of borrowing life force became even more difficult.

When the first ancestors borrowed their lives, they had to consider the time they lost in fighting.

Even the borrowed life force is still a drop in the bucket for Vasily.

But Vasily, being a beast, began to be unable to bear this process.

It was under such circumstances that Rasma learned the lesson!

He met Israel, the Archangel of Balance!

Rathma, who was only able to rival high-ranking angels at the time, gained power that rivaled that of archangels.

The price is that the balance of life and death is changed by Israel...

For this, he needs vitality!

After I don’t know how many years this cycle went on.

Vasily finally became a beast.

Even before that, Vasily had already left behind his own blood.

In the dense mountains and forests, a group of civilizations called druids are multiplying...

But Vasily has become a complete beast.

He began to think from the perspective of the beast.

Hostile to humans!

When the first generation ancestor met his brother Vasily for the last time, he was met by the youngest brother Rasma...

When facing humans, beasts turn from fearful to hostile.

When human beings face wild beasts, they change from awe of nature to greed!

The first ancestor made the decision under Rasma's persuasion!

This decision was not taken lightly!

Vasily’s years as a beast were definitely not short-lived!

That was another uncountable period of time!

This decision is the result of countless struggles between "man" and "beast"!

It was also Vasily’s decision only after he lost his name as a “person”!

With the help of Rasma, the first ancestor killed his younger brother who had forgotten his identity!

The power of life fell into Rasma and his hands.

half each!

The wedding of the first ancestors was on that day!

Bulqueso's wedding ring commemorates this legendary day, not only his wedding!

It was also the end of Vasily!

An anniversary that cannot be said to be full of happiness and beauty!

For this purpose, Bulcasso forged a ring.

And he focused on the power of his still unfamiliar half of life authority.

The shape is slightly rough.

But it works well enough!

This chapter has been completed!
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