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875 The past is reflected in the present

"Although I thought you would probably end the fight this way.

But when this scene appeared in front of me, I was still a little uncomfortable."

Ulena's figure flashed and caught Ms. Shiva.

She slowly laid Ms. Shiva flat on the ground and said to Cassius with a bit of helplessness.

“Isn’t technology meant to defeat opponents more easily?

After all, this thing depends on the effect.

It's like trying your best and then losing, which also cost you your own life.

Do you still want to praise the dead man for his skill in such a battle result?

What kind of skill is it? A skill that seeks death?"

Cassius didn't care.

He won anyway.

"Bring the life potion, I think her ancestors need this.

And I will ask her later where her destructive power comes from.

But for the time being, it looks more like she has leveraged the power of destruction without knowing it.

Baal is not a generous demon.

Even if he could give power to other beings, he would not do so.

It’s just because he is stingy.”

Ulena became a little more serious.

When talking about the Lord of Hell, the Nephalem are mostly serious.

After all, there are only a few Nephilim geniuses who can truly surpass the Seven Demon Kings.

"I think she'll be impressed by the fight and me.

If possible, I suggest she use the dagger afterwards.

Even you need gloves strong enough to fight.

And she doesn't seem to have much talent in terms of strength.

At least the Lion's Claw and Fist of Azturask, which are fine for you, may be too heavy for her.

Not to mention big guys like Hammerfist.

Although the gap in strength can be made up by agility.

But that is always just compensation, not transcendence.

I suggest you think about it more.

Your fighting style may not be suitable for her."

Cassius looked Ulena up and down.

Although the tone is a bit rude, no one will care.

Even if these powerful nephalem have never met each other in life, they still have some knowledge of each other's existence.

The quality of being strong is in this place of refuge,

That's more dazzling than a firefly in the dark.

As Cassius spoke, he threw the medicine bottle in his hand to Ulena.

This can be regarded as a medicine bottle given to Ms. Shiva in advance.

After all, the look on Ulena’s face shows that she particularly approves of Ms. Shiva.

Becoming a warrior monk seems to be the destined ending.

"Have you forgotten that my fighting style does not necessarily rely on the muscle breaking technique?

In fact, Hundred Split Fist is also possible.

Even if you use Hundred Split Fist, the damage can be higher.

You don't need to worry about these.

After all, I don’t have the legendary suit anymore, and my power won’t leave.

I'll just hand her my suit then.

None of this is a problem."

Ulena said as she stuffed the medicine bottle into Ms. Shiva's mouth.

In the blink of an eye, the injury was completely healed.

"I remember I seemed to be in a coma?

And my injuries?"

Ms. Shiva was not confused when she first woke up.

This experience is not unfamiliar to her.

Coma and then wake up...

This cycle has enabled her to ensure the stability of her will when she is awake.

"You lost, but you also got a chance.

At least in my opinion, Ulena may not find a student more suitable for her than you.

Although there are not many requirements to become a monk, there is still a question of suitability.

And you seem to be a good match for Ulena, at least she thinks so."

Cassius smiled.

The battle is over, so there is no need to continue to be serious.

Outside of battle, Cassius seemed a little heartless.

"I feel bad about this fight.

I thought I would be defeated by some clever moves or something.

Although your way of moving like the upper and lower body parts of two people is indeed quite subtle.

But I can’t respect him at all.”

Ms. Shiva seemed a little disappointed.

Of course she wouldn't consider pulling her hair as a move.

It's just that this technique is a bit too simple and crude.

"Haha, at first I planned to use some pressure on the bottom of the box.

But your fist, which only took part of my strength, hurt your spine.

If I use that move, you won't even be able to save him.

No matter how much you want to punch, you must use all your strength to punch, which is the heaviest.

But you have absolutely no ability to withstand that kind of attack.

Don't say it's you, even if it's Johanna standing here.

She also doesn’t think it’s something to be happy about withstanding my full attack.”

Cassius explained a little.

After all, the gap between the two is quite big.

Ms. Shiva never showed any skills in relieving herself from the beginning.

This made Cassius unable to estimate whether the opponent could withstand his heavy blow.

"So be it.

Bulkesso gave us time to fight.

Go there now.

I don’t think he’ll keep waiting for us to deal with our own affairs.”

Uliana looked in the direction of the Elder's Temple.

She could detect a hint of urging in Bulcasso's gaze.

"I almost forgot, the trip to Bulqueso is about to start.

Kotur, did you scold me just now?"

Cassius shook his beard and glared at his old friend.

There was a hint of threat in his eyes.

"The way you fight is so ugly!

I don’t feel very comfortable, do you have any other opinions?”

Couture had no intention of giving in.

It was very common for the two of them to argue about this kind of topic.

It's just that they haven't done so recently.

"What can I say?

I'm afraid you'll grab me somewhere on my body and plant me directly into the ground."

Cassius rolled his eyes and said.

This was said with a bit of sarcasm.

But it's also true.

When Kotur grabs a certain part of the body, that means the beginning of pain.

Things like being torn into pieces happened to the devil more than once.

There is absolutely no better way to look like that than by pulling your hair.

"Let's go, it would be terrible if Bulcaisau came to urge us in person.

I'm not going to experience that feeling."

Cassius turned his back to Ulena and waved his hands as a farewell.

This is the festival of barbarians.

Guests are free to come and leave at any time.

But as barbarians, Cassius and Cultur do not have this level of freedom.

If they are late before the celebration begins, then they will have to experience the majesty of the Immortal King.

There are three immortal kings on the Holy Mountain now!

Although only two can move freely.

But the one who can't move freely is the one who poses the greatest threat to them.

Volusk is now in charge of the mobilization of power in the Holy Mountain.

Offending him means that Cassius and the others may not be able to use their power very often.

This taste is terrible...

"Is the matter over there kid over there?"

The first generation ancestor looked at Bulcaisuo in front of him with a smile.

Although two people with the same name may cause some confusion.

But this does not affect the kindness of the first generation ancestors to their descendants.

This guy doesn't show any anger at all now.

It's like returning to nature.

"If we didn't all know you.

I can also feel the rage burning in your body.

Just by looking at you, we have no way of believing that you are the one with the wrathful power.

You don't look angry at all."

Hailab started to act strangely again.

There is definitely something wrong with the way this guy shows intimacy with others.

It's like he can only be happy if he makes others unhappy.

"Hyrab, if you really want to experience some of the power of anger.

Then you can imagine for a moment that you meet a Banal with twice the strength who has not recovered his sanity.

That look can probably give you an idea of ​​what it's like when someone with the power of anger fights."

Bulkesso curled his lips.

It's like Hairab likes to make others unhappy.

It's normal for Bulkesso not to like to follow Hyrab's words.

"Hehehe, it's actually not that exaggerated.

I still have sense.

I have mastered the power of anger, not everything about me has been replaced by anger.

All you have to do is think about how Bulcasso acted like a fear that didn't exist.

You can probably understand my current situation.

Although you are also a dead ghost, not being able to continue to be strong does not prevent you from gaining more knowledge."

The first generation ancestors squeezed Hailab a little bit.

Then he turned his attention to Rumlow.

"Has this kid's will been changed?

Evidence of shame?

There’s no way that idiot Tarik hasn’t figured this out after all these years, right?”

The first ancestors spoke as if they had specially chosen a topic.

"This thing is the product of Rakanos' weapon being broken.

It's still made of that garbage from Billie.

After using this thing to influence your mind for a long time, the fake things become real.

Of course, judging from the boy's appearance, this result doesn't seem too bad.

But not everyone can accept the feeling of intertwining falsehood and reality.

The closer you get to the truth, the easier it is to collapse.

This thing itself is not used to enhance our combat effectiveness.

To be precise, this thing was Billie's conspiracy from the beginning.

But it's a pity that most barbarians don't like to use their brains.

Therefore, those who were killed by this weapon were those who were not firm enough.

Not even smart enough…

If you're smart enough, you won't be fooled by a mere weapon."

The first generation ancestor didn't care at all whether his words would affect Rumlow.

He has confirmed Rumlow's status.

Even the first ancestors themselves didn’t care too much about a person’s good or evil.

Because judging from people's current concepts of good and evil, he is the kind of guy who commits extremely evil crimes...

After all, the reason for killing the angels and demons in those sanctuaries was definitely not just.

Therefore, his requirements for others do not require others to do good deeds.

He would only feel sorry for the nephalem fighting each other.

The only thing that the first generation ancestors cannot accept now is falling into a demon or an angel.

"Shut up now.

There is a generation gap between you and us."

Hailab yelled unceremoniously.

Conflicts over ideas are sometimes the most troublesome.

At that point, it doesn't even have anything to do with things like good and evil.

It's just that the two sides are blocking each other's way.

That kind of battle cannot be said to be meaningless.

But compared to the great goal of allowing human beings to continue to exist, it is still a bit weak.

"If Bulcaisuo simply wanted to kill all the demon kings of hell, he wouldn't have to go to such trouble.

It's even like stuffing the Three Demon Gods into the Dark Soul Stone back then.

The worst option is to wait until those guys get out of trouble and start over again.

Anyway, the Nephalem will continue to get stronger.

As long as there is no change in belief, it doesn't matter how many times the Seven Devils come back.

There was no way they could beat Burquetso.

But can he do this!?

We are always outsiders to this world.

Do you, an old man, really think that the disappearance of Sanctuary is a good thing!?"

Hailab chattered endlessly to the first generation ancestors.

He was not polite at all.

Although what he said was somewhat hollow.

After all, the conclusion that no one is eternal has been proven countless times.

Just like there is no guarantee that a child will like eating crispy rice from childhood to adulthood.

Who can guarantee that Bulcasso will always be like this?

Hailab was right about one thing.

That means Bulkesso and the others are outsiders to this world.

If possible, it would be a good thing to be able to do it once and for all.

But the problem must be solved in a place like Sanctuary!

That's the home of the Nephalem!

If you want to re-establish Sanctuary, you can't use the simplest and crudest way to deal with the Demon King of Hell!

For the Demon King of Hell and the Archangel, the existence of a place of refuge is not that important.

After all, during the Eternal War, there was nothing in Sanctuary.

This will not affect the existence of the Burning Hell and the High Heavens.

In other words, no one cares about Sanctuary except the Nephalem themselves!

"I know what you mean.

But I don't agree with it.

I still have this level of freedom, right?

Sanctuary is home to you and me.

But one day we are different.

Sanctuary is not only a place where beautiful memories happen to me.

It is also the origin of all tragedies.

Although I care about the place of refuge, I won't be as indifferent as the Archangel and the Demon King of Hell.

But there's no reason why I have to save Sanctuary.

If I have to say it, my only desire for that place is to go home.

But I don't have a home anymore.

This holy mountain is the holy mountain of the barbarians, the holy mountain of Bulcasso.

But he does not belong to me, Bulcaisso.

My holy mountain disappeared without a trace long ago with the explosion of the World Stone."

It was rare for the first generation ancestor to express a long paragraph about his thoughts.

This guy's sudden frankness made everyone present fall silent.

This topic is a bit heavy.

Bulcasso was stunned for a while and then slowly uttered four words: "Do you mind my business?"

It's like the first generation ancestors didn't care much about what other people thought.

The idea of ​​​​the first generation of ancestors also has little meaning to Bulcaisuo.

It's enough for everyone to act on their own ideas, and there is no need to think so much about others.

To put it bluntly, you can’t even decide whether you can survive. How can you have the time to think about whether others can survive?

"Well, how about the celebration begin?

I think it’s almost time.”

Hailab asked with some anxiety.

There is no problem in letting him fight against a certain Immortal King alone.

You can even directly confront two immortal kings.

But if he was sandwiched between two immortal kings, he would not be able to accept it.

Because the two immortal kings will not fight easily. When they are angry, they will naturally find a place to vent their anger.

Caught in the middle, he can easily become a punching bag.

"I have the final say on the Holy Mountain of Harrogas!

I'll look for people to build a city halfway up the mountain!

Then it will be called Arreat City!"

Although Bulkesso didn't use any curse words.

But there is almost no difference between the expression when speaking and cursing.

The first generation ancestors smiled happily.

Although the names of the city and the mountain are reversed.

But the roots of the barbarians are still Arreat and Harrogath.

This seems good too?

This chapter has been completed!
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