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902 Lex Luthor's Choice

 Constantine would not do anything in vain.

This man standing here must have some purpose.

If he continues to waste time, not even Nick Fury, not even Amanda Waller can stand it.

Although these two people have a lot of tolerance for capable people, their time is not wasted.

"Actually, I just came here to remind you.

While you were conceiving these conspiracies and calculations, some conspiracies were already unfolding.

Didn’t I often go to Canduras before?

The situation over there is not optimistic at all.”

Constantine said with a smile.

His words were somewhat alarmist, but they did not surprise the two people present.

Nick Fury and Amanda Waller don't know anything about Canduras.

There are many satellites floating on the surface of the earth.

Most of what happens will not escape their eyes.

Especially the battle between Leoric, Bizarro and Dieche.

That place itself is a key area for satellite surveillance.

When Leoric and Bizarro started fighting,

This matter is no longer a secret.

"What you said is of no value.

If you have nothing more important to do, it's best to just leave.

This way I can pretend I haven’t seen you before.”

Amanda Waller's words were threatening.

Although she didn't tell her boss anything specific when she arrived,

But you still have to submit a report after you return.

Now that the world is full of demons, nothing related to the supernatural realm will escape the eyes of the powerful forces.

Amanda Waller is, after all, a pioneer in extraordinary human research.

Such people are talents and are of great value to America.

"I just want to say that it is impossible for Canduras to help you in a short time.

Of course you won't know the name of that angel,

But it's not difficult to recognize that guy is an angel.

I can responsibly say that after Leoric fought with that angel.

The attitude of the High Heavens toward Khanduras is about to change.

Although there will not be a full-scale war, it is normal for people to have some friction between the two families.

And high-end paradise will never suffer from this kind of friction."

Constantine had a smile on his face.

It seemed that telling such shocking news made him feel happy.

"Are those guys finally going to take action against humans?"

There are finally some changes on Amanda Waller's face.

For humans,

Any move by the High Heavens is a very dangerous signal.

It's like they decided that the devil was not someone they could cooperate with.

The high-level heaven opposite to the burning hell will naturally not be fully trusted.

This is a very common thing.

"That's not what I'm talking about.

What I want to tell you is that you have misunderstood Canduras' position from the beginning.

Of course His Majesty Leoric cannot be said to be a human being.

But the existence of His Majesty Leoric and Canduras is the power left to mankind by the Nephalem.

Of course, it’s okay to call it charity. There’s no problem in treating it as help.

What Canduras brought us was an out-and-out help.

Even though those people were once criminals and the like.

But they didn't become Nephalem.

This is very obvious, and it can even be said that it is a rare idea of ​​savages to take care of human beings.

As for Leoric, you have no problem treating him as a monster.

But when mankind faces real danger, Canduras is a protective umbrella.

Although the treatment of this umbrella is still somewhat insufficient at present."

Constantine had a weird smile.

His words sounded very convincing, but neither Nick Fury nor Amanda Waller would believe them easily.

"This doesn't seem to have anything to do with what we were going to discuss before."

Nick Fury's tone was not very good.

These words were a forced question to Constantine.

"What I mean is very simple, you can place the battlefield in Khanduras.

Whether it's Denzamo's very ancient soul or the so-called witch.

You can achieve your goals in Khanduras.

And this is something that Canduras has already prepared for.

Under such circumstances, you wouldn't still intend to offend Bruce Wayne, right?

Maybe Nick Fury doesn't care much about this, but Ms. Waller, you are not capable of facing Wayne's revenge."

Constantine put out the burnt cigarette butt and lit another cigarette for himself.

"There are no such worm-like creatures in Canduras.

And those moths also know what's going on over there.

They will not take risks easily.

Even getting them to go to Gotham City is still a difficult task.

In particular, witches would probably not be willing to do such dangerous things.

Or do you simply want to set the witch free?

Let her join the Khanduras!?”

Amanda Waller took a deep breath before speaking.

Her suspicions are justified...

"I can give those worms a reason to go to Khanduras.

How about immortality?

What I said is true, but the process will not be pleasant.

Although it's not immortality, it can at least lead to a longer life than those vampire bastards.

Don't forget, those vampire bastards generally only exist for a few hundred years.

This kind of longevity is not difficult for Canduras."

Constantine said in a very bewitching tone.

This time Amanda Waller's eyes also changed.

"This is indeed very tempting, but I don't think you can get what you say for free.

This is definitely not as simple as you said.

Constantine, what are the benefits to you by facilitating this matter?"

Nick Fury asked.

Constantine spread his hands and said that he had no such idea.

Then Nick Fury's eyes became serious.

Nothing good would come of it to Constantine,

Then it means that this matter is part of his plan.

Such a result is even more disquieting than Constantine's benefit from it...

"Why do you always judge me this way?

When Canduras' role as the last protective umbrella was weakened,

It’s not bad to think about it the other way around.

It is also a good thing to let them serve as the vanguard of mankind facing the enemy.

Instead of the two vanguard teams in Buster Tower, Canduras was the first place to be attacked.

You haven't met His Majesty Leoric for a long time, so naturally you won't understand why I am so full of admiration for him.

I don't know people like you very well, but from my perspective, His Majesty Leoric is trustworthy.

At least he is more worthy of the trust of others than the two of you."

A somewhat sarcastic smile appeared on Constantine's face.

Facing this smile, Nick Fury didn't show much.

But something seems to have changed on Amanda Waller's face.

"If the information I got is correct, Leoric should have been killed by that angel.

According to the information we have, a skeleton monster cannot be resurrected after being killed by an angel."

Amanda Waller asked.

She knew this information a long time ago.

But I heard that many of what Constantine said were based on the fact that Leoric still existed.

It was hard for her to imagine that Leoric was not dead...

It's just that she needs a more certain answer.

"So you know too little about His Majesty Leoric.

At least Director Nick Fury didn't ask that question."

Constantine did not hide his sarcasm at all.

He just thinks that the United States, which is so superior, is making a fool of itself...

But he is not ashamed at all, because he is English...

"There is still a lot of time, but I still hope that you can make a decision before His Majesty Leoric gets rid of that angel.

Because the only way to prevent His Majesty Leoric from making any decision is to give him other options before then.

Don't think that His Majesty Leoric has no complaints against that angel.

Almost none of the powerful Nephalem I know would show mercy to their enemies.

No one is indifferent to the provocation of the enemy."

Constantine rubbed his fingers.

This little gesture did not escape Nick Fury's eyes.

Nick Fury knew this was certainly not Constantine's intention to ask for a favor.

But what exactly this action means, Nick Fury is not sure.

When this kind of action occurs to ordinary people, it may mean that the person is thinking or uneasy.

But Constantine…

This guy is a master of deception, and his little actions will never reveal much of his emotions.

"If you are late in giving the results, I do have a second plan.

But believe me, the second option will be more complicated and carry more dangers."

Constantine also added.

He is good at deception, but in fact Constantine doesn't like lies.

He was once too weak,

So there is no choice.

But now, he is considered a Nephalem after all.

Especially now that Vera is gone, he still has freedom...

The feeling of being targeted by Vera is very bad...

It was an illusion that even the surrounding air would turn into a sharp blade and pierce one's body.

In that kind of danger, Constantine would also feel tortured.

On the battlefield of Canduras.

Diesch finally caught up with Lex Luthor.

The break in his hand was about to pierce Lex Luthor's body.

As long as the sword blade touches Lex Luthor's body, the legendary effect of "the enemy will inevitably die without a whole body" will take effect.

Lex Luthor's body is just that of an ordinary person.

Being touched by a weapon by an angel known for his fighting would be pronounced dead.

But he finally bought enough time, or Leoric still didn't want him to appear as a dead person.

The Skeleton King's hammer hit Angel Diesh's face hard.

This angel once again turned into a gourd...

"Angel, I have an idea.

Get out of here and get out of the range of Khanduras.

I don’t have to kill you and let Canduras bear the hostility of other angels.”

Leoric said coldly.

He has completed resuscitation...

This ability is the most terrifying thing about Leoric.

Before he was sent to wait for recovery,

That's because Skeleton King doesn't realize that his state of existence is special for separation. 1

But some methods or tricks can only work once.

"Human wisdom is also an extremely valuable asset.

But Leoric, you have no reason to let me go.

Of course, even if you break me into pieces, I will revive in a high-level heaven after a period of time.

As long as I still have the value of existence.

Knowing this, why would you choose to give me a chance to make a choice?"

Dieche got up with some difficulty from the ground.

During the process of getting up, he also spoke.

After the legendary effect of disconnection lost its previous suddenness, the only result when Diesh faced Leoric again was to be blasted.

"Of course, I have no reason to let you go.

Likewise, there is no reason why I must kill you.

Seeing as you let Lex Luthor come up with something more, I'm willing to be more tolerant of you.

I can tolerate any attack on me because you can't kill me.

As long as you don't mess with Canduras, as a warrior I welcome you to fight me with the determination to kill me."

Leoric felt a little nagging.

This behavior seems somewhat unusual.

Dieche wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth...

When the body is hit by the Skeleton King's heavy hammer, the injuries on the body's surface will naturally not be limited to them.

Internal organs and other things will also suffer extremely serious impacts!

"You should have more of the will of Lakis I now, right?

If it was that crazy Skeleton King, I should be waiting for recovery in the high-level heaven by now, right?"

Dieche said with a slight smile.

This behavior seems a bit provocative...


The body of a headless angel is turning into light and dissipating little by little.

Only then did a ferocious heavy hammer slowly fall to the ground.

"My tolerance is the same as the opportunity I am given, there is only one chance."

Only then did Leoric say something lightly.

Then his eyes burning with cold flames looked at Lex Luthor...

As for the legendary handle, it was stuck crookedly on the ground.

This legend can be used as the original legend until Dies is revived.

But this does not mean that anyone can use disconnection.

The original legend also requires the qualification of the holder to be reviewed.

Leoric's solution to talking nonsense to Dieche was to hit him with a hammer.

For Lex Luthor, this is also a warning to the monkeys.

After Dies dissipated, Bizarro, who was standing motionless in the distance, chose to fly away directly...

He is free.

Leoric had no intention of chasing him.

Bizarro's disappearance was a good thing for Leoric.

Because Lex Luthor lost a trump card.

"I would like to join Canduras.

Just follow the conditions you proposed last time."

Lex Luthor gave his answer very discerningly...

Dieche's example happened just now. Lex Luthor is not a stubborn guy.

"How will the higher heaven respond to your previous actions?"

Only then did Lex Luthor ask.

Dieche did not agree to Leoric's conditions immediately, so he was shot in the head.

So Lex Luthor knew exactly what he should do.

Agree to Leoric's conditions and requirements first, and then raise your own questions.

This will at least prevent you from getting shot in the head.

Being able to exist alive, few people are willing to become undead.

This chapter has been completed!
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