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921 Did you peek at my tablet before!?

 On the holy mountain of Harrogas, Burcasso's constant knocking finally stopped.

The finger-tiger in his hand had been turned into scrap metal by the constant punching.

"Have you finally figured out how to have fun?"

The first generation ancestor took out his hand and rubbed the blood on his face and said.


No injuries.

Even if blood bursts out at the moment of being hit, it will disappear the next moment.

The recovery ability of the first generation ancestors is particularly terrifying.

Just like Auriel can harvest hope from all those who have hope.

The gifts given by the first generation ancestors to the descendants are also rewarding for him.

Ordinary barbarians can only learn the inherited moves in a rigid manner.

Even because of his own tribal blood, he is still unable to master some skills well.

But the first generation ancestors were different.

All abilities created by barbarians are rage-based.

And anger is his authority.

Therefore, the first ancestors can use all skills known to barbarians.

In other words, the strength of the first generation ancestors can be seen as the integration of all legendary ancestors.

Hellab's ability to use anger to restore vitality was unreservedly displayed by the first ancestors at this time.

"I just made sure of one thing.

You are not as selfless as others say.

But at least you are a good person."

Bulcaisel shook his hand, trying to get rid of the blood on his hand.

But this kind of dirt could not be shaken off, so Bulcaisso wiped his hands on the clothes of the first ancestor.

"Oh, good man."

The first generation ancestors obviously had some opinions on this evaluation.

"Good people have long since died in countless years of struggle.

I am the baddest among our siblings!

That's why I'm alive until now.

As for Rasma, he is alive today entirely because he is stupid!

No one cares if the idiot is strong enough.

They only care about whether this idiot is easy to use.

If I guessed correctly, my stupid brother must have been deceived by someone else.

That guy has never been very smart.

Or naive?"

The ancestors of the first generation lay very straight when they spoke.

After Bulcaisuo glanced at the first generation ancestor, he slowly stood up and walked to the side.

"You two boys teamed up to beat me up, and I'll remember it in my heart.

If I have a chance, I will definitely beat him back."

The first generation ancestors finally regained their freedom.

He didn't stand up immediately, but just adjusted his posture slightly.

Just changed from lying down to sitting.

"If you want to remember it, then remember it.

You won't get a chance to return it.

Now is not the time to talk about this, don't say you can't feel the breath of despair brewing in this world.

Rakanos has revived."

Bulcasso rubbed his temples.

This incident still exceeded his expectations.

Even if a demon as powerful as Rakanos could resurrect in the Burning Hell, it would not be something he could do in such a short period of time.

This only shows that the Burning Hell is a little anxious.

"Didn't you take away the Shadow Fang?

If this kind of thing happened to me, it would be almost the same as taking away my anger.

Even though the Burning Hell is a thing without brains and thoughts, it has instincts.

Something similar to the desire to survive?

That’s what happened anyway.

If Burning Hell takes no further action, his decline will be a foregone conclusion.

Although it’s pretty much the same now.”

The first ancestor bared his teeth and didn't look very cute...

This expression appeared on him, and he didn't look like a naughty monkey.

It's more like a silverback gorilla making this expression, looking a little more sinister...

"There are so many troubles during the celebration.

Do I, the immortal king, have to personally invite guests to the ceremony?"

Bulcaisuo looked at the first ancestor with squinting eyes and said.

"Aren't you already prepared?

Holding a celebration at this time, in the final analysis, just gives you a reason to beat someone up.

But are you really ready?

Harrogath is an excellent holy mountain.

I don't want to see this holy mountain turn into ashes during the battle between the Archangel and the Demon King of Hell.

Of course, you are much stronger than me now.

Just make your decision."

A sly smile appeared on the face of the first generation ancestor.

A celebration at this time?

This itself is not normal.

The truth of the matter was that Bulqueso found a reason for himself to take action unscrupulously.

In front of the barbarian festival, everyone has to give face!

If it were put in the past, barbarians would certainly not have such great dignity.

But things are different now.

Bulcaisuo can directly pin the Archangel and the Demon King of Hell to the ground and hammer them!

During the celebration everyone was fighting and even plotting against each other.

This was enough for Bulcasio to come to ask everyone to give him a face.

It's just that you may get beaten up before you give me face.

“A world with a brilliant civilization cannot just watch it turn into a place of refuge.

Archangels and Hell Demons always want to be superior, or they can only accept equality with each other.

Although I don't want the Nephalem to be the one standing at the top like Jotun Kule.

But at least we have to let these bastards see our faces clearly!"

A smile appeared on Bulkesso's face.

A set of white teeth, coupled with facial muscles that look a bit old and squeezed together.

And the messy hair and beard swaying in the wind are so scary... ①

"It's better to forget it and scare them again."

The first generation ancestor said this, but a smile exactly like Bulkeso's appeared on his face.

Then the ancestors who were watching around began to snicker quietly.

Then the snickering turned into laughter!

"Those bastards will like this surprise."

Hailab was making noises on the side.

Cassius was stroking his beard and organizing swear words in his mind.

If given the chance, he would definitely spit out the "venom" he had accumulated.

Among the archangels, it is true that Prius is Bulcaisu's friend.

The relationship between Auriel and Bulqueso is also going well.

But there is no problem in saying that the other three are enemies!

Auriel and Imprius will definitely give in this time!

This was already doomed after Auriel had a child in her belly!

It’s okay to say it was an accident that happened at the right time, and it’s okay to say it was Bulkesso’s plan!

That child will grow up as a barbarian in Harrogath!

Although it seems a bit despicable to take advantage of an unborn child.

But the barbarian has no intention of harming this child!

"Auriel probably doesn't want her children to be bullied where they study, right?"

I don’t know where I learned this expression from. It’s a bit disgusting to look at...

"Auriel doesn't want her husband to be beaten violently, right?"

Cole held the Wrath of the Hidden Peak in his hand and said coldly.

"Did you two bastards peek at my tablet!?"

Hailab stared at these two bastards who looked like they were living a good life...

As for the tablet... this is what Hellabo asked Rumlow for.

As for the network... Hailab transferred one from Kamal Taj next door...


Cassius let out a weird laugh, and then took out a tablet computer from his pocket.

Then he pretended to be cold and threw it towards Hailab.

"Tch, boring. Who would peek at your tablet?

I took it directly and read it! Olongus also read it!"

Cassius said and stroked his braided beard nonchalantly.

"I just didn't expect that humans can be so playful.

So I’m just a little curious.”

Kol coughed dryly, and then said righteously.

"Yours is a dead man! Can your thing still work!?"

Hailab was angry, and he couldn't tell if it was because of the shame and anger caused by the scandal being exposed.

"What's wrong? If you don't know how to cook, why can't you watch others cook?"

Cassius said without blushing at all.

"Well, I plan to let Kerik take a look.

When Ms. Happy played with him back then, was she as happy as in the videos you collected?"

Olongus said very seriously.

"I feel like you might be hacked to death by him out of shame and anger."

Bulcasso said expressionlessly.

The atmosphere of all villains created before suddenly went astray.

"I'm afraid of him?

Wait until he can catch up with me.

I can jump and slash three times in a row!"

As he spoke, Olongus also raised his feet to let everyone see clearly the treasure boots he was wearing.

It can be seen that he cherishes these boots.

It was wiped clean, not even a scratch.

"Come on, what about that.

Bulcasso, which way do you plan to go first?"

The first ancestor coughed before asking.

"Let's give High Level Heaven a surprise first.

The three ancestors are all over there, so I don’t have to rush there, just a portal is enough.”

As he spoke, Bulcasso raised his head and glanced at the horizon.

He didn't know yet that Malthael was in the higher heaven at this time.

But even if he knew about it, Bulcasso might just be more excited.

"I'll keep it to look after the house.

Anyway, you are only going this time to intimidate them.

There is a high probability that the fight will not start.

I stay here just enough to watch the guests you brought to the celebration."

The first-generation ancestor shook his head as he spoke, and a series of bones rubbing sounds came from his neck.

He is ready to fight.


In the absence of another World Stone that they can detonate,

Barbarians are not afraid of them!

The worst case scenario is just a fight.

Auriel and Imprius will not take action.

Then the only archangel who needs a special "invitation" is Israel.

Although Israel, the Archangel of Balance, is not in the higher heaven.

But to find his location, you can only go to the higher heaven first.

As for Malthael, not to run into Bulcaisu was probably his only thought at this time.

Malthael, the Archangel of Wisdom, hates surprises.

Because accidents always make his plans fall apart.

But humans are the best at creating accidents!

Humanity has yet to learn any lessons from its own history.

Naturally, human beings are not an existence that the wise Malthael could predict.

"What, Hailab!

Show me that tablet of yours!"

The first ancestor sat cross-legged on the ground and stretched out his hand to Hailab.

Hailab blushed and reluctantly walked towards the first ancestor.

He will also feel embarrassed.

"I didn't download this thing.

Well, I already had these things when I got this tablet."

Herab explained while walking in a jittery manner.

"Stop pushing!

Why have you become a civilized person, right?

Hyrab the Conqueror! Didn’t you notice too much when you rushed into the palace of King Naraushzi and pulled the king out of bed naked?”

The first generation ancestor roared without hesitation.

He didn't save any face for Hailab...

Hyrab the Conqueror, this guy didn't do anything to conquer others, so he wouldn't have received such a nickname.

What? Conquer nature?

The authority of nature now resides in Bulcaisona.

Back then, Hyrab couldn't beat Bulkeso who woke up, could he do it now?

Of course not.

Of course, the objects he conquers cannot be those demons who rush to fight regardless of whether they want to or not.

There is no way for demons to surrender to the Nephalem.

The most they can do is run away.

If they were ordered by the superior demon, they wouldn't even be able to escape...

As for angels, that's even more impossible.

Angels are the type who would rather die than surrender, and would rather break than bend.

How could an angel who kept talking about being "mortal" be conquered by Hirab?

What Hyrab conquered was just a country that was born in the endless years of Sanctuary.

Although demons were still a problem at that time, the situation had not worsened to the point where they could be seen everywhere.

Human beings' fighting spirit, like human dreams, will never disappear.

"Sometimes I wonder why there is no fighting spirit or comparison among the Seven Demon Kings.

If there is such a guy, I feel like he is a genius!"

Hailab is still looking for reasons.

"One jealousy is enough.

Jealousy is much scarier than comparison.”

The first ancestor snatched the tablet from Helab, who had finally reached him.

Then he said something casually.

Obviously, in his eyes, King of Jealousy Vidien is not someone who can be dismissed casually.

"Then let's prepare for a circle kick first?"

Cassius tilted his head and asked.

If nothing else happens,

Before the celebration begins, Israel, the Archangel of Balance, will definitely come.

Of course, there should also be Baal, the God of Destruction who is currently burning in hell.

As for Malthael, 80% of the time he will not appear on the holy mountain of Harrogath.

If he dares to come, he must be prepared to be beaten by a group of people.

As for the representatives of authority in this world, Bulcasso may not invite them.

After all, this time is just the beginning.

The targets are just those guys with grudges!

Israel, the Archangel of Balance, caused trouble for the Nephalem when he was in Sanctuary!

Although the barbarians are taking the lead this time, other Nephalem will come as well.

At least Li Min will definitely come!

"Loop kick? Who are you going to circle kick?

Israel or Baal?

After these two guys come, don’t they have to be faced by the first generation ancestors?

Are you still planning to intervene in the fight? Do you really think that bastard Volusk can jump out and help you out in the open?

That guy had embarrassed the first ancestor before, which was probably the limit of what he could do.

Oh shit!"

Olongus said and jumped up from the ground.

He was slightly stimulated by Warusk in the Holy Mountain...

The energy accumulated in the Holy Mountain has never been a peaceful thing.

The souls of a group of barbarians who use anger as the source of their strength would be the biggest joke if they were peaceful.

"Come and take a look together. I'm also curious about what this bastard Hailab was secretly looking at before."

The first generation ancestor waved to the ancestor spirits around him.

Hailab could not wait to disappear directly at this time...

Shame probably exists just to make people feel embarrassed...

This chapter has been completed!
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