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Seven Hundred and Five Cottonseed Oil

Zhang Yu really didn't want to continue looking at Zheng Gouzi's sticky eyes, so he quickly told what he knew?

In most people's eyes, Ding Peng's little childhood sweetheart should be a bit jealous of him.

After all, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Ding Peng may not really love her. The reason why he has been unwilling to let her go and give her a place for so many years and imprison her in such a unclear way is actually just possessiveness.

Just causing trouble.

In the eyes of everyone, this woman who neither cares about wealth nor status, and only hopes that Ding Peng can visit her more every day is really stupid.

But in fact, she is not as ignorant as everyone imagines. She is a dodder who can only survive by clinging to Ding Peng.

What everyone can't see is that Xiao Qingmei is actually a smart and determined woman, otherwise she would have collapsed when her childhood sweetheart and lover who was discussing marriage suddenly disappeared.

It is even more impossible to resist the forced marriage of family members in this world situation where men are expected to marry and women are expected to marry, and resist the shady tempers of several sisters-in-law, stubbornly waiting for Ding Peng's return.

In fact, in a sense, Ding Peng might not be worthy of her if it weren't for the feelings cultivated by his childhood sweethearts.

How could she be deceived by an uncaring man for decades like this?

She should have discovered long ago that Ding Peng is no longer the simple and passionate young man in her memory. His passion for love has long faded, and his love for her has long been buried in his youth. She is the only one.

Silly enough to believe that the other person still loves me, stupidly unable to get out of the cage in the name of love.

Logically speaking, a normal woman has only two choices when encountering this situation, either to completely break up with the other person, or to turn a blind eye to everything for the sake of money, have a few children as soon as possible, and get it from the other person.

More property.

However, Xiao Qingmei is also a paranoid person.

This can be seen from her willingness to wait for Ding Peng and her determination not to have children for Ding Peng after discovering certain truths.

Ding Peng was unwilling to let her go, and the paranoia in her character prevented her from completely letting go of Ding Peng.

In the torture day after day, after finding traces of other women from Ding Peng again and again, Xiao Qingmei's mentality gradually changed.

She both loves and hates Ding Peng, and with the intertwining of love and hate, she attacks Ding Peng.

So, she took advantage of the fact that Ding Peng would go to her place for a meal every two days, and ostensibly cooked delicious food for him, but in fact, she replaced all the cooking oil with cottonseed oil.

While Ding Peng was still immersed in the fact that Xiao Qingmei still cared about him and was happy even after he had done these things, his fertility was getting lower and lower with each meal.

Over the years, Ding Peng no longer has the ability to have children.

Zheng Gouzi thought that what happened before was surprising enough, but he did not expect that he would hear even more explosive news.

Zheng Gouzi licked his dry lips, opened his mouth, and sighed nervously: "Sure enough, some women cannot be messed with!"

Ding Peng's fate is a warning.

But when he turned around, Zheng Gouzi seemed to remember something, and asked with some horror: "You are saying that eating too much cottonseed oil will cause infertility, is it true or not?"

"Of course it's true. I can still use this to deceive you." It has become common knowledge in later generations that eating too much cottonseed oil will have adverse effects on male fertility.

Although he forgot the specific book he read it in, he still remembered that cottonseed oil seemed to contain something called gossypol, which has obvious reproductive toxicity and can directly act on the testicles and cause a reduction in sperm count.

In addition, gossypol may also interfere with hormone synthesis and secretion, further affecting male fertility.

After getting Zhang Yu's affirmation, Zheng Gouzi's face suddenly turned pale. He grabbed Zhang Yu's arm, and his voice became sharp because he was so frightened: "I have also eaten cottonseed oil."

Hearing his words, Zhang Yu was stunned and quickly asked: "When did you eat it? How long have you been eating it?"

Zheng Gouzi replied with a sad face: "It's been a while."

Hearing this, Zhang Yu couldn't help but frown. Although he had not interacted with him a few times, it could be seen from the attitude of the Tao family's housekeeper that the Tao family valued the inheritance of their heirs.

Zhang Yu also heard about Mr. Tao's conditions for choosing a son-in-law this time. He said both implicitly and explicitly, except for the fact that he could allow his daughter to have children.

If Brother Zheng's fertility is really in trouble because of cottonseed oil, Mr. Tao will definitely oppose it, if nothing else.

Brother Zheng's heart is now tied to the eldest daughter of the Tao family. If this fails, then it will really be...

Zhang Yu was now worried about the two of them. As for whether the storm a few years later would affect them both, he really forgot for the moment.

Looking at Zheng Gouzi, a grown-up man, he was about to burst into tears at this moment, and Zhang Yu couldn't help but hit him too much.

He just said in a bad tone: "Okay, if you don't eat so much oil, why should you eat sesame oil?"

"I didn't mean it." Zheng Gouzi said aggrievedly: "You also know that my cooking skills are really not that good. I cook and eat by myself. One or two meals are fine. After a long time,

I really can’t eat anymore.”

Hearing what he said, Zhang Yu couldn't help but think of the bite he tasted that day. Thinking of that taste, his face instantly turned green.

Don’t say that people don’t want to eat that stuff, even dogs may not eat it if you let them out.

“So what does this have to do with cottonseed oil?”

"Isn't it true that I usually work in the small courtyard during the day? It happened that two of the brothers were good at cooking. After some discussion, we decided to open fire in the small courtyard.

The soybean oil in the yard ran out some time ago, and we happened to receive a batch of cottonseed oil at that time, so we kept a bucket for ourselves."

As soon as these words came out, all the men in the yard who were listening with their ears perked up were stunned.

You look at me and I look at you, with disbelief on their faces.

After a moment, the first person to react jumped up with a "howl".

After him, other people also reacted, with the same panic on their faces.

It would be unusual not to panic at this time.

Fertility is such an important topic for men.

They are all still young, and most of them have not yet gotten married and have children. If there is really no way to get a woman pregnant, then, then...

No one dared to think about that possibility anymore, and the hands of a few men who couldn't stand it started to tremble.

Seeing this, Zhang Yu quickly reassured: "It's not that serious. The reason why Ding Peng can't have children is because he took too long to eat. How long have you been eating? There is probably nothing wrong with it. Don't worry too much."

This chapter has been completed!
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