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Chapter 30 Young Xuanyuan Junyu

The Blue Wolf King originally thought they were walking slowly, but now that he saw that they were still dizzy, he naturally became even more impatient.

The Canglang King ordered: "Xiao Dezi, go and let out the Canglang dog that I have raised."

Xiao Dezi bowed and replied: "Hey! I guarantee that if His Majesty's wolf dog barks a few times, these imitators will run faster than anyone else!"

Who doesn't know that the Wolf Dogs raised by the Wolf King are ferocious in nature. As long as they are released and given a command, they can tear people into pieces and eat them with their bones in a matter of seconds.

The Canglang Dog raised by the Canglang King was the sacred beast of Cangshan Mountain back then. It is because of the Canglang Dog that Cangshan Mountain has become a natural barrier to the Canglang Kingdom.

Because anyone who enters Cangshan Mountain will never return. Back then, people on the land of China had rumors that there were mountain monsters in Cangshan Mountain that could eat people without spitting out their bones.

Therefore, before Xuanyuan Junyu surrenders to Canglang Dog, people from the Canglang Kingdom cannot leave, and people from other countries cannot enter.

At that time, the young Xuanyuan Junyu was not a prince. He was not even recognized as a prince for a time. All because his biological mother was a rough maid in the vast palace.

At that time, Emperor Canglang lived a languid life in the deep palace with wine and meat and no desire to make progress.

Once, Emperor Canglang got drunk and casually raped the maid who was working as an errand in the Haohan Palace.

It was at that time that the rough servant girl became pregnant with Xuanyuan Junyu.

However, because Xuanyuan Junyu's biological mother was from a lowly background and was illiterate, she was not as valuable as her son.

After Xuanyuan Junyu was born, his biological mother still lived a low-class life in the vast palace.

The young Xuanyuan Junyu was kept in the vast palace because he was not taken seriously by Emperor Canglang.

Fortunately, except for being bullied and ridiculed as a son of a bitch, everything else was fine.

It is precisely because of this kind of care that Xuanyuan Junyu was able to grow up under the care of his biological mother.

Therefore, even if he is not welcomed by others, at the very least, his life in the vast palace can be considered free.

When Xuanyuan Junyu was called "son of a dog" by his brother, he responded with bared teeth and said that the dog was the Canglang Emperor, and they were also the sons of dogs;

When Xuanyuan Junyu was beaten, he fought back fiercely. Inadvertently, he also developed his extraordinary skills;

As for Emperor Canglang not allowing him to study and read, Xuanyuan Junyu secretly climbed over the wall and entered the school. Because no matter how unfavorable his background was, his surname was Xuanyuan, so the tutor in the school did not embarrass him. Whatever.

He just listened.

Unexpectedly, Xuanyuan Junyu would be a loser if he didn't learn. Once he learned, he would get out of control.

Xuanyuan Junyu relied on his talent and intelligence to learn better than all the princes and grandsons who were qualified to attend the school.

Therefore, Grand Tutor Shangguan Shurong directly introduced Xuanyuan Junyu as his disciple. From then on, Xuanyuan Junyu's knowledge advanced by leaps and bounds.

Of course, in addition to studying literature, Xuanyuan Junyu also sneaked into the martial arts hall. The gentleman who studied in the martial arts hall was the then general Babrutu.

Babrutu was a cheerful man. He took a fancy to Xuanyuan Junyu's exquisite bones and immediately caught Xuanyuan Junyu who was hiding in a tree. After some forging, Babrutu

All his lifelong skills were passed on to Xuanyuan Junyu.

Babrutu was a bachelor and never married. He devoted his life to the Wolf Country.

Until later, Babrutu followed Xuanyuan Junyu on his first expedition. He died heroically because he protected Xuanyuan Junyu.

At that time, the reigning Canglang Emperor, Xuanyuan Junyu's biological father, was very arrogant. One day, his mind was anesthetized by alcohol, and he suddenly became desperate and decided to take his children and grandchildren to Cangshan Mountain for hunting.


Xuanyuan Junyu is still excluded from group activities.

Before setting off, Xuanyuan Junyu's brothers mocked Xuanyuan Junyu as usual. They said arrogantly: "Look, my father took all of us to Cangshan for hunting, but he didn't take you with him. So, in

Among the many princes and grandsons, you are not worthy of the surname 'Xuanyuan'." After saying this, they walked away.

However, Xuanyuan Junyu didn't care. He continued to study literature and martial arts with Shangguan Shurong and Balutu while everyone was away.

However, Emperor Canglang took his descendants to Cangshan Mountain for a day and a night, but never returned.

In the entire Canglang Palace, only the bloodline of Xuanyuan Junyu is left.

Soon, Xuanyuan Junyu risked his life and led his troops to Cangshan Mountain in the name of King Qin with the help of Babrutu.

Xuanyuan Junyu saw that the mythical beasts in Cangshan Mountain were not so-called mountain monsters, they were just a group of wolves.

There is no doubt that Xuanyuan Junyu's army was also attacked by the Wolf of Cangshan. However, according to Xuanyuan Junyu's later recollection, it was General Babrutu who sacrificed himself to protect him, so he was able to escape unscathed.

So in the end, the entire army led by Babrutu was wiped out, and only Xuanyuan Junyu returned with bloodshed among all the people who went on the expedition.

The young man, covered in blood, explained to everyone what happened in the mountains with great pain and sorrow.

However, Xuanyuan Junyu’s Uncle Wang didn’t buy it.

As the saying goes, a country cannot live without a king for a day. Xuanyuan Junyu's uncle Wang was dissatisfied with his young succession and tried to rebel.

Xuanyuan Junyu's uncle Wang insisted on pointing at Xuanyuan Junyu who was surviving the disaster and said that he was a devil.

Uncle Wang of Xuanyuan Junyu also spread the news that the demon boy led troops to conquer Cangshan Mountain in the name of King Qin. Not only did he refuse to save him, but he also used the hands of mountain monsters to kill his father and brother. Even the general Babu

Lu Tu and the troops he brought out were all executed in Cangshan Mountain because they witnessed the crimes of the demon boy with their own eyes.

Xuanyuan Junyu, who had experienced life and death, had already had his eyes stained red with blood.

A moment ago, Xuanyuan Junyu was still immersed in the sadness of losing Babrutus. The scene of Babrutus, who was also his teacher and father, sacrificing in front of him was replayed over and over again in his mind, and then he became extremely self-blame.

At the last moment, Xuanyuan Junyu heard that his uncle Wang had placed him on an unfounded charge for plotting to usurp the throne. With a sword in his hand, he personally put down the rebellion started by his uncle.

After clearing all obstacles, Xuanyuan Junyu officially ascended the throne wearing a blood-stained cloak and scars all over his body.

After ascending the throne, the young king of the Canglang Kingdom grew rapidly under his strong desire to avenge Babrutu.

Until one day, Xuanyuan Junyu, who had become extremely powerful, pointed to the top of Cangshan Mountain and said: "I will definitely conquer this mountain, and then tame the wolf of Cangshan Mountain into a dog and control it in my hands."

For a time, memorials criticizing and criticizing the king were flying all over the court.

However, Xuanyuan Junyu said confidently: "The wolf blocking the way is like besieging our people. If we can't get in or get out, the economy will be blocked."

However, the ministers were not convinced.
This chapter has been completed!
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