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Chapter 3 Phantasy Star and the Plan

Chapter 3 Phantasy Star and the Plan

Author: follower 1

Chapter 3 Phantasy Star and the Plan

"Okay, boss, it seems that you are already prepared... According to time calculation, the Navy and World Government agents should arrive at Future Island in two days. Don't let the boat capsize in the gutter by then!"

Glancing at Boya Hancock and Nick Robin, Stussy said a few words before preparing to disconnect. Seeing that Vegapunk had already made preparations, she didn't think the World Government and the Navy could do anything.

Got this cunning tech genius.

"Wait a minute..." Vegapunk, who was still rubbing his bruised arm, suddenly said, "Wait a minute, I'll pass a list over. This time, after I fake my own death and escape, you will be in charge of the security system on my behalf."

Brela’s people!”

Umbrella is an organization secretly established by Vegapunk. It includes intelligence, espionage, technological research and other aspects. In the past, Vegapunk was personally in charge and communicated with each other through some kind of projection ring.

Stussy was stunned for a moment, but she didn't refuse. As a clone created by Vegapunk, she must be full of loyalty, and her status is not low, so she is indeed the best person to entrust her to.

In addition to some clones who are loyal to Vegapunk, Umbrella also has a large number of non-core members. After so many years of development, with the support of Vegapunk's black technology, Umbrella has long become a behemoth.

Among the people Vegapunk trusts, Stussy has both full IQ and EQ and is able to play well. Others, such as clones, although loyal, lack a little EQ and ordinary people with up-to-date intelligence and means.

Not much loyalty.

After passing the list of documents to Stussy, as well as the planned goals for the next period of time, Vegapunk disconnected and his face gradually became serious.

He stood up, looked at the almost sci-fi town outside, and the large number of robots walking in the steel town, and sighed: "It seems that the future island cannot be saved!"

Nico Robin, who was standing behind Vegapunk, also frowned slightly: "Do you need me to inform everyone to retreat?"

Vegapunk shook his head and said:

"No need, all the data on Future Island has been uploaded to Fantasy Star by me. What was destroyed was only the mechanical body outside. As long as the soul of the data still exists, it can be rebuilt at any time."

"Even those small numbers of clones are actually controlled by Phantasy Star's operating chip. They are not considered real life forms and can still be recreated."

And once you make preparations in advance, wouldn’t you tell the Navy and the World Government that you have spies there?

"By the way, speaking of which, Robin, how were you discovered?" Vegapunk suddenly asked as if he had thought of something.

Nico Robin has been staying here in Future Island. Even if he makes transactions with other forces, he will not show up in person. Logically speaking, it should be impossible to be discovered.

"I don't know either," Nico Robin shook her head, "But, boss, a lot of your research is based on ancient documents. Maybe the World Government can get clues from them."

"I have paid great attention to this aspect. I have revised various scientific and technological materials for the World Government several times. I didn't expect that something was still seen?"

Vegapunk said distressedly, but he was not too surprised. To be precise, the ancient technology in the pirate world is all-encompassing. If he wants to completely erase the inspiration and knowledge obtained from ancient technology, he basically can

Nothing can be done.

(Perhaps, the World Government has long had the idea of ​​killing the donkey. After all, the World Government must be the one who knows the most about ancient history. They probably also know very well that when science and technology develop to a certain extent, scientists will definitely pay more attention to ancient times.


An idea flashed through Vegapunk's mind, but it didn't come as too much of a surprise. In fact, he had long been prepared to fall out with the World Government, and this time period could be said to be just right.

(I just don’t know...whether the back-up I left behind in Future Island will satisfy the World Government!)

Everyone on the sea knows that Future Island is the home of Vegapunk, the world's most powerful scientist. The island is full of all kinds of black technology weapons, and even the most powerful pirate group on the sea cannot use it.

I guarantee that I can conquer this island.

Compared to the original version of Vegapunk, who didn't like to research weapons very much, this enhanced version of Vegapunk has almost built the entire island into a steel fortress, with a large number of robots and clone soldiers patrolling it.

Many people even believe that Vegapunk's future technology island is second only to Mary Joa and the Navy Headquarters in terms of danger and defense.

However, that is only Vegapunk's superficial home base, and Vegapunk's real home base is not on this sea.

With a flash of light, Vegapunk, Nico Robin and Boya Hancock appeared in a metal room. There were transparent windows on the walls of the room, and outside the window was a dark universe.


Phantasy Star, whose real name is the Brain Satellite Space Station, is also the real home base of Vegapunk. It is an autonomous super-large artificial satellite space station that is built directly on the satellite orbit and is as big as an island.

At the same time, this is also where Vegapunk's big head was removed. The modified quantum brain has terrifying computing power that far exceeds that of a supercomputer.

With incredibly strong computing power, coupled with Phantasy Star itself being full of black technology and adding Devil Fruit ability parts, its technological level can be said to be far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

The reason why it is named Fantasy Star is because the brain of this space station has parts of the Dream Fruit, which can directly expand the dream world, allowing the entire space station to freely enter and exit dreams and reality.

In fact, Phantasy Star does not only possess such a Devil Fruit part. Through the manipulation and conversion of different Devil Fruit parts, this space station has a variety of special abilities. If you really want to choose the most dangerous place in the world,

So those who know the inside story will definitely choose Fantasy Star.

Returning to his hometown, Vegapunk sensed the powerful spiritual stance that echoed throughout the interstellar space station, and suddenly felt a sense of security.

The Brain Fruit is not actually completely harmless. The development direction of the Devil Fruit's abilities mainly depends on the developer's own intentions and imagination. Vegapunk has developed some abilities such as telekinesis.

However, after he removed his brain case, most of his mental power remained on the Fantasy Star, and only a small part of himself remained.

Only when he returned to this dream star could Vegapunk feel more complete.

"It's almost time, Phantasy Star, prepare to launch Project A35!"

(End of chapter)

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