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Chapter 34

Chapter 34 Zabuza’s actions

Author: follower 1

Chapter 34 Zabuza’s actions

Inikaki Kisame was in a state of indecision, while Zabuza, another one of the future Seven Ninja Swordsmen, was on the contrary, in the midst of a sudden and sudden move.

Zabuza was originally a type of ninja with incredible mobility. He hacked all his classmates to death at first, and later directly assassinated and attacked the Mizukage, which clearly showed this guy's mobility.

As for the sea ninja that the Kingdom of the Sea had created this time, after Zabuza got the general information, he was ready to take further action.

Although he was part of an investigation team, in addition to the normal detection methods, it was also a normal detection method to capture the opponent for torture. Zabuza, who had always had great confidence in himself, naturally chose the second method.

The Kingdom of the Sea is originally an island country with thick water vapor, and heavy fog often appears every morning.

This is undoubtedly a great enhancement for Zabuza, who is proficient in the art of Kirigakure. In the heavy fog, the secretiveness of the art of Kirigakure suddenly doubled several times. Many ordinary ninjas do not even feel anything at all.

He was subdued in the thick fog that suddenly became stronger.

However, after Zabuza succeeded three times in a row, he began to feel that something was wrong.

The three ninjas he captured were only mediocre in terms of combat intelligence and ninja quality, and could only be considered mediocre genin.

However, their physical fitness and chakra content are higher than those of ordinary chunin, their nerve reflexes are also extremely fast, and their overall strength basically reaches the level of chunin.

If this happens only occasionally, it's not a big deal.

To put it bluntly, things like combat intelligence and ninja quality are fictitious. Although in most cases they are consistent with the level of the ninja, situations where physical fitness is very strong but combat intelligence is very low do sometimes happen.

However, this was the case for three consecutive years, and during the battle, there was an obvious disconnect between their fighting rhythm and their current physical reactions. It seemed as if their strength suddenly increased greatly, so they were unable to control their own bodies. This made Zabu

Zhan also murmured in his heart.

To be on the safe side, Zabuza, who was originally planning to attack some stronger prey, finally stopped.

Although these ninjas have some shortcomings, their chuunin strength is real. According to Zabuza's observation, the status of these ninjas seems to be at the lowest level in the ninja village, that is, the feeling of ordinary genin.

, this is really scary.

A ninja village where all members are chuunin or above? If this level of strength really exists, then this sea ninja village might not be a joke anymore!

With a sullen expression, Zabuza asked a few of his subordinates to lead the three ninja prisoners to their temporary stronghold, where there were several torturers.

People's energy is limited, and it is difficult to cover everything. Among the same level, most of these ninjas who are proficient in torture are a little weaker than normal combat ninjas, so those few people have stayed at the stronghold and have not taken action with Zabuza.

But when Zabuza arrived at the stronghold, the entire stronghold was already empty. No, we can't say it was empty. There were still a few ninjas standing at the door of the stronghold, but the fog ninja who stayed behind had disappeared without a trace.


Almost as soon as he arrived at the stronghold, Zabuza's expression completely changed. Was his home stolen?

"Very good. It seems that I underestimated you. I didn't expect that a small ninja village that had just been established would actually have such intelligence capabilities!"

After hearing what Zabuza said, standing at the front, the ninja named Wolf Fang Avalanche blushed slightly. With their ninja village with little knowledge, how could they detect the movements of the Kiri ninja?

It's nothing more than Vegapunk opening a plug-in for them. Relying on his Devil Fruit ability, he directly simulated and developed a life magnetic field radar, which can observe all people with a life magnetic field intensity exceeding a certain level in the entire Kingdom of the Sea.

Although this thing can only detect the life magnetic field of human beings and cannot mark people, the life magnetic field of ninjas with strong chakra must also be strong. The fog ninjas sent to the Kingdom of the Sea this time are all elites, and there are a lot of powerful ones.

It would be strange for the magnetic fields of life to gather together without being discovered.

Of course, Wolf Fang Avalanche would definitely not tell Zabuza about this kind of thing. He just pulled out the kunai quite indifferently and pointed it at Zabuza: "What are the ninjas of the Mist ninja doing in our sea ninja's territory?"

"It's a meaningless statement. Ninjas don't make a living by talking. If you want to occupy our Mist Ninja's territory, what you really need is kunai and shuriken!"

Zabuza spoke coldly, and at the same time he grasped the imitation beheading sword behind his back, and instantly pulled it out and pointed it at Wolf Fang Avalanche.

"Okay, then let's let our strength speak for itself!"

Langya Xuebeng had a sullen face, and also raised the kunai to his chest, getting ready for battle.

In fact, when it comes to strength, the original Wolf Fang Avalanche is undoubtedly far inferior to Zabuza.

The chakra armor from the movie version has not yet been developed, and the ice escape he relies on has basically become a pure water escape after leaving the country of snow. Without the ice escape, Wolf Fang Avalanche can only

He's just a special jounin.

The Seven Ninja Swordsmen are all jounin at worst, and most of their strength should be around the elite jounin level. Zabuza Momochi is undoubtedly that standard elite jounin.

Even if the current Zabuza does not have a decapitating sword and is theoretically weakened a bit, the decapitating sword has the weakest bonus to combat effectiveness among the seven ninja swords. As long as it is not a protracted battle, the decapitating sword can be regarded as ordinary.


In other words, even without the decapitating sword, Zabuza's strength is around that of an elite jounin. Even if he may have just scratched the surface of this level due to his age, it is not the case that a special jounin in Langya Avalanche can touch the porcelain.


However, since Wolf Fang Avalanche dares to stand outside the Snow Country, he naturally has sufficient confidence in himself. As the strongest expert in the original Snow Ninja Village, he is naturally also the first experiment for Vegapunk's transformation and training.


After passing the training in the training cabin, and being injected with the snow wolf gene unique to the Snow Country, the current Wolf Fang Avalanche is completely different from before.

Langya Avalanche and Zabuza had a brief confrontation for a while. Compared to Zabuza's murderous aura that he had accumulated from killing countless people since he was a child. In the past, when he was just living in the Land of Snow, the number of people he killed was probably less than double digits for Langya Avalanche. There is no doubt that

At a disadvantage in terms of momentum.

Feeling that his momentum was at a disadvantage, Langya Avalanche waved his kunai without hesitation and threw the kunai directly. After Zabuza shook his head slightly to avoid the blow, he heard Langya Avalanche's sound.

The wolf howled, and the whole person turned into a white werewolf and rushed forward.

(End of chapter)

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