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Chapter 51 Defeat and inspection

Chapter 51 Defeat and Inspection

Author: Follower 1

Chapter 51 Defeat and Inspection

The screams of the Sand Ninjas were endless. Ye Cang just looked around and realized that the battle had just begun and the Sand Ninjas on the battlefield were already on the verge of defeat.

There is nothing that can be done about it. Even including Yakura himself, the Suna Ninja side only has enough jounin for ten people. This is because the battle situation is unfavorable during this period, and the battle has a tendency to expand. Support from the Suna Ninja Village

gained a lot of fighting power.

In a normal time period in the past few months, on the entire battlefield, the total number of jounin from the fog ninja and sand ninja would have been less than double digits, and the jounin from both sides were basically stationed in the main camp, with very few

There is a real fight of life and death.

However, as the Mist Ninja Village, no, it should be said that the current Sea Ninja Village has stepped up its efforts, the Sand Ninja Village has no choice but to bite the bullet.

It's just that the Sea Ninja Village said it was adding layers of pressure, but in fact it was just used as a testing ground. The Suna Ninja had reached the end of its rope. The Third Ninja World War was originally triggered by the disappearance of the third Kazekage. The Suna Ninja's

The losses were also the heaviest. At the end of the war, there were only thirty or forty jounin left.

Coupled with the friction with the Mist Ninja during this period, the defeat of the Wind Country daimyo reduced the funds allocated to the Sand Ninja Village. These reasons have resulted in the Sand Ninja being unable to recuperate properly.

Even after the Mist Ninja Village became the Sea Ninja Village and the fighting intensity increased, the Sand Ninja sacrificed several Jonin. It can be said that the current level of support has reached its limit.

After the war, the Sand Ninja's economy was on the verge of collapse, and the Fourth Kazekage had to let some Jonin go to collect funds from missions. Even within the Sand Ninja Village, there are probably only a dozen or so Jonin left.

This is already a very dangerous sign for a great ninja village. The mobility of ninjas is far beyond that of ordinary people. Therefore, in order to avoid the danger of their hometown being stolen, no matter what, there must be some jounin in the sand ninja village.


"All sand ninjas, retreat now!"

Ye Cang gritted her teeth and finally had to order a retreat. Although this meant that another large settlement in the Kingdom of Wind would be looted by ninjas from the Kingdom of the Sea, she could not let these sand ninjas be ruined in this land no matter what.


If we lose this group of ninjas, Suna ninja may really fall out of the level of the five great ninja villages! Which great ninja village will have less than 30 jounin!?

After giving the order, Ye Cang not only did not escape, but his offensive became even more fierce. One person dragged down more than a dozen Corpse Vein Ninjas from the other side. Orange fireballs flew all over the sky, forcing the entire force of the Sea Ninja Village to fight.

Back up.

"Lord Ye Cang, you should retreat as soon as possible!" At this moment, several Ye Cang's subordinates were trying to persuade them while organizing the retreat.

Ye Cang shook his head and spoke firmly:

"No, if there is no one to cut off the rear, let these guys from the Sea Ninja Village chase and kill them. I'm afraid not many people will be able to escape in the end! You should leave quickly! Pass my order and organize everyone to retreat to the desert!"

The desert of the Kingdom of Wind has always been dangerous. Even a sand ninja may die in the desert after being dispersed and without adequate supplies. However, compared with the threat of being chased by hostile ninjas, crossing the desert is already the best option.


Half an hour later, all the ninjas had retreated, and even Ye Cang found an opportunity to leave the battlefield. The Sea Ninja Village seemed to have no idea of ​​chasing them, and instead went directly to occupy the coastal oasis city.

"Lord Vegapunk, why don't you let me go after that girl who set off the fireball! That guy killed many of us?!"

The leader of the Kaguya clan, waving his arms, loudly walked into the tent in the middle of the camp. In the middle of the tent, a blond boy was checking the body of a ninja. After hearing this, he just glanced at him with disgust.

However, a tall and stunning beauty next to the blond boy did not hesitate to punch him, and with a bang, the tall Kaguya clan leader was directly knocked out, with endless clicking sounds.

, I don’t know how many bones were broken.

The guards outside the tent only felt a gust of wind passing by, and then saw the leader of the Kaguya clan leaving a long ravine on the ground and collapsing to the ground.

The two guards, the ninjas around the camp, including many ninjas from the Kaguya clan, just glanced at the Kaguya clan leader silently, and then went to do their own work.

"Oh, that's so powerful! Hancock's fists are still so powerful!"

The voice of Clark was heard endlessly. This was the leader of the Kaguya clan, who was recovering the bones in his body. After a while, he stood up again. This recovery power was amazing enough.

Of course, bones recover the fastest, while muscles recover much slower. There was still blood coming out from many places on this guy's body, but he looked indifferent.

After Vegapunk developed the method of activating the Bloodline Limit, the entire Sea Ninja Village became a sensation. Although activating the Bloodline Limit requires a lot of meritorious deeds, these Bloodline Limit families are very powerful. Together, they can still make people

Many tribesmen have awakened to the limits of blood inheritance.

After that, the Kaguya clan who received the news did not know whether it was cerebral palsy or not, so they did not make the choice to return to the Sea Ninja Village, but prepared to snatch Vegapunk away directly!

Of course, before they could approach the Sea Ninja Village, they were discovered by Vegapunk's biomagnetic field detection radar. Vegapunk, who was extremely bored, led Boya Hancock to intercept these guys. The two of them directly relied on

He knocked over the entire Kaguya clan with his fists, and then the Kaguya clan followed the two of them wholeheartedly.

To be honest, maybe because of the blood stains on the bones, the brains of the Kaguya clan are also calcified! Anyway, in Vegapunk's view, these manic guys are indeed similar to a group of monkeys, as long as they can

If you defeat them purely with your fists, you can become the Monkey King.

After receiving a punch, the leader of the Kaguya clan walked in honestly and watched as Vegapunk used some weird instruments to extract something from the ninja and then put it into a test tube.

"What are you doing?!" Chief Kaguya scratched his head and asked a little strangely.

"I'm extracting the essence of Chakra," Vegapunk replied casually: "Chakra is a fusion of spiritual power and physical power, but in fact the two need some kind of medium to work during the fusion. This kind of

Although the medium seems to have little effect, it is actually an important element that affects the amount of chakra."

"For the Kaguya clan, the medium in your body is much higher than that of ordinary people. This is one of the reasons why your chakra is many times more than that of ordinary people."

"Theoretically, the amount of chakra should be the fusion of mental energy and physical energy, but in fact, there are many children in this world who have chakra content in their bodies as soon as they are born, which exceeds that of ordinary ninjas and even jounin! Anyway,

It cannot be said that the mental and physical energy of these children exceeds the level of jounin!"

(End of chapter)

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