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Chapter 67 Violent Suppression

Chapter 67 Violent Suppression

Author: Follower 1

Chapter 67 Violent Suppression

Ye Cang didn't know what Vegapunk was thinking, and he didn't know what the microwave stance that Vegapunk was talking about was, but he also understood that it was definitely a more terrifying weapon of destruction than the so-called atomic disintegration beam.


In fact, she thought well. If the Suna Ninja was really stubborn, Vegapunk had a backup plan to directly use the microwave to steam half of the Suna Ninja.

No matter how stubborn the ninja is about their integrity, they can only bow their heads in the face of irresistible violence. If Otsutsuki Kaguya didn't want to hang everyone on a tree, but simply wanted to rule the world, she would probably be the fourth time.

During the Ninja World War, the five village ninjas would jump on the spot and become their lackeys.

In order to prevent Vegapunk from taking action again, Ye Cang was the first to jump out of the aircraft and manipulate the magnetic field in mid-air, causing a large amount of metal to form a platform under his feet, and he slowly fell down.

At this moment, the Sand Ninja, who was still immersed in despair, looked at Ye Cang falling from the sky, and their eyes suddenly opened wide.

"No...it can't be right? Are we in the underworld now? Isn't that Lord Ye Cang who has been sacrificed?"

"It seems like it's really Mr. Ye Cang? What is going on?! Why did Mr. Ye Cang appear from that aircraft? Was it Mr. Ye Cang who was attacking us just now?"

When ordinary ninjas saw Ye Cang, most of them were just surprised and confused. However, the high-ranking Suna ninjas and a few jounin showed a bit of shock and fear.

These people all know very well what happened to Ye Cang, the Suna Ninja hero's "sacrifice". Some people are participants, and some are insiders. Comparing their feelings, they don't think so.

Ye Cang was here to help Suna Ninja this time, not to mention the attack launched by the aircraft just now showed that the attacker was evil.

"Everyone, be careful, Ye Cang is now our enemy! Don't forget, it was her who controlled the aircraft to launch the attack just now!"

Several senior executives were frightened and nervous. One of them turned his eyes a few times, gritted his teeth, stood up, and pointed the finger at Ye Cang.

"Taking this opportunity now, she left that weird aircraft. Let's take her down together!"

As soon as the senior Suna Ninja finished speaking, the eyes of many Suna Ninjas changed. It was an indisputable fact that Ye Cang flew out of the aircraft that had just attacked the Suna Ninja Village. Most ninjas would not be able to tell that much about the character of the Suna Ninja.

Direct attacks that threaten oneself have become a habit of almost all ninjas.

If it were an aircraft that had powerful destructive power and was also nearly indestructible, the Sand Ninjas might not have any idea. However, facing Ye Cang, who was just a flesh and blood body, a group of Sand Ninjas were immediately ready to take action.

"Yes, Ye Cang is no longer the hero of the Sand Ninja! She is now the biggest traitor to the Sand Ninja. All the Sand Ninja must work together to capture her while she leaves the aircraft!"

Several other high-level officials reacted at this time and immediately issued orders to all the Sand Ninjas.

The reasons that prevented ordinary sand ninjas from taking action were simply the aircraft in the sky and Ye Cang's previous reputation. However, under the orders of those high-ranking sand ninjas, many sand ninjas still took action directly against Ye Cang.

More than a dozen sand ninjas jointly performed a combination of ninjutsu, and a giant dragon that merged with wind and fire rose into the sky. Seven or eight puppet masters controlled the puppets to transform and fly. The puppets fired a large number of poisonous needles. Three masters controlled the sand.

The powerful ninja controlled the sand and turned it into a small sand storm...

Facing the various ninjutsus performed by the sand ninja, Ye Cang's face was cold, and he directly stretched out his hand, and a golden sandstorm instantly filled the sky.

That was the placer gold held by Luo Sha, which was collected by Ye Cang.

Ye Cang's Magnetic Release can control all metals. Although placer gold is at the bottom among metals in terms of combat effectiveness, its value is extremely high. Ye Cang naturally will not waste it, and now it is temporarily used in battle.

No matter how soft the metal is, it is much stronger than the defense of earth escape and water escape of the same level. A large amount of sand gold covered the sky, extinguishing the wind and fire dragon, crushing the poison needle puppet, crushing the small sand storm, and bursting out.

Ability to suppress dominance.

As the final inheritance of the Sand Ninja Kazekage lineage, Magnetic Release naturally restrains other traditional Ninjutsu of the Sand Ninja, whether it is puppet, wind release, or sand control. Otherwise, it must be restrained by it, or it must be controlled by it.

Otherwise, the branches at its lower level could easily defeat all those attacks with Ye Cang's magnetic escape ability, which was much stronger than Luo Sha's.

Then Ye Cang directly stretched out his hand, and a piece of sand gold in the sky turned into a golden spear. It condensed into one under the strong magnetic force and shot through a high-ranking sand ninja like a stream of light in an instant.

"How is that possible? When exactly did Ye Cang learn Magnetic Escape?!"

"So fast! How can gold dust controlled by magnetic escape be so fast!?"

After seeing Ye Cang's counterattack, the Sand Ninja below was almost shocked and frightened. Different from the niche route of Burning Release that Ye Cang came out with, Magnetic Release is an exclusive secret skill of the Kazekage lineage and is used by almost all Sand Ninjas.

Having grown up hearing the reputation of this ninjutsu, the psychological pressure on these people is also different.

"Ye Cang, you actually secretly learned Magnetic Escape! The village will not let you go..."

"Shut up, idiot!" Ye Cang shouted coldly, raised his hand, and another golden golden spear turned into a beam and shot out. Amidst the screams, another high-ranking sand ninja was torn apart and turned into pieces.

Meat cubes.

Looking at the silent expressions of the remaining senior executives, Ye Cang felt a flash of joy in his heart. If it weren't for these bastard senior executives, he wouldn't have almost become a fertility tool in Hai Ninja Village.

Fortunately, I met Vegapunk, otherwise I might not be able to turn around in my life.

Slowly falling to the ground, Ye Cang looked at all the Sand Ninjas with stern eyes: "Among you, some of you may know that I was plotted by the higher-ups and sent to the Sea Ninja Village to seek peace, and some may not know.


As Ye Cang's words spread, the sand ninjas below immediately started whispering to each other, and the discussion was quite intense. Things like betraying one's own people are actually not unfamiliar to many ninjas.

The profession of ninja is destined to be impossible to completely escape from this kind of thing.

But this kind of thing can only happen in the dark. Once it is brought into the light, it will be another matter, especially for a ninja of Yakura's level, who is one of the pillars of the Sand Ninja. Even such a ninja can betray him.

, wouldn’t ordinary ninjas be even more insecure?

However, Ye Cang did not pay attention to the discussions of these ninjas, and still said with a cold expression: "But no matter what, I will not let go of the senior officials of Suna Ninja Village who did such a thing!"

"Now is the time for you to choose. Should you choose to follow me or die with the senior officials of Sand Ninja Village!"

It has to be said that Ye Cang's eloquence is not very good. Even with the bonus of his own personal experience, this simple and crude approach makes many Suna ninja feel resentful and dissatisfied.

But now, a large group of sand ninjas looked at the aircraft in the sky above their heads, and the light was shining at the front. One or two of them looked like quails, and they didn't say a word.

(End of chapter)

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