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Chapter 1 The plot of falling into the ditch

Chapter 1 The plot of falling into the ditch

Author: Praise of Dreams

Chapter 1 The plot of falling into the ditch

At the Academy of Science of the Human Revolutionary Federation, Myr'in Yang, or Yang Hui, our main protagonist, was escorted out of the gate with a tired look on his face.

"Hey, these old people, can't they give me a break? After a hard vacation, I was dragged back to the laboratory again." Yang Hui cursed while driving.

He is the youngest recipient of the Honorary Science Award of the Federation of Humanities and Revolutionaries, and is currently the most outstanding MS researcher of the Federation of Humanities and Revolutionaries. He previously went to the International Federal University for exchange and study on the grounds of further study, and became a student of the world-renowned scientist Ralph Ive.

Professor Mann's disciples have made huge gains in knowledge and research.


"Beep beep beep..."

The PDA's ringtone rang. Yang Hui picked it up and saw that it was Ke Ren'er whom he had been missing for a long time. He answered the phone without hesitation.

"Lisa, what's wrong?"

"Can't I call you if nothing happens? I haven't contacted you in a few days!"

"Ahaha, isn't there nothing we can do about it? Those old men agreed that there were only a few minor problems, but the result... you know."

"Stop it, Ah Hui, you don't need to tell me such suspected confidential matters. Although I have plans to change my nationality, I am still a member of the AEU."

"Okay, but Lisa, isn't Professor Elfman going to let him go?"

"No, the professor's research has reached a critical stage, and Billy has been called back. The professor said I can leave, but there is a condition."

"What are the conditions? Just say it! Even if it means going up a mountain of swords and going down into a sea of ​​fire, I will..."

"The professor said I can leave and get you back in exchange."

"I'm sorry, honey, I didn't say anything."

Just kidding! Half of the less than half a month of vacation that I have accumulated for a long time has been wasted by the old men in the laboratory, and now I have to take it back. Is this acceptable?

Besides, it’s shameless to care about Lisa’s vacation...ah! A free and romantic world for two!

With Professor Elfman's character, if he could go back and leave the laboratory, he would be a ghost!

As for Lisa... please do some hard work for your future husband. Anyway, you have many times more vacations than me.

"I knew it. Forget it, when are you planning to come back?" Lisa asked with concern. Although she didn't have a vacation, she was just a battlefield forecaster and wouldn't stay in the laboratory for a long time. She could still stay with her when her boyfriend came back.

"It will take two days. I have made an appointment to come back to see Sergey during the holiday. If I break my promise again this time, I'm afraid I won't dare to go out on the street."

"Okay, I'll wait for you to come back."

"Well, just wait for me, Mua~"

"Pervert! Who wants to wait for you in vain!"


After the communication ended, Yang Hui put down the PDA with a lewd smile, laughed loudly, and drove towards his destination.

"Kujo, are you on the phone with Meyer again?" asked a timid man with long brown hair on the side. His long hair was in a high ponytail. He was wearing a white coat and glasses. He had an intellectual and cultural temperament, just in front of the woman...

..."somewhat" shy.

"Yes, we finally got in touch today." The woman smiled slightly, as if the sun was shining a little brighter, and the sweet smell spread in the air.

This woman's name is Lisa Kujo, she is Yang Hui's fiancée. The two have agreed to get married after graduation. They are both students of Professor Elfman.

And that man, named Billy Katagiri, is also a student of Professor Efman, and is called the "future scientific twin star" by the professor. The other one is naturally Yang Hui.

But in this sweet and cloying air, Billy Katagiri felt endless sadness, because...

He fell in love with Lisa Kujo from the first moment he saw her, and then... he was snatched away by his best classmate and competitor.

Not only that, but I also have to eat dog food here. I’m so... so envious!

"Kujo, you are here too."

"Professor Elfman, is the experiment over?"

"Well... the first phase is over now. The second phase requires that bastard Maierin to participate. Kujo, call him quickly. It can be a honey trap or a flesh-and-blood trap. Call him back!"

"Uh..." Hearing this, Lisa Kujo, the world-renowned scientist and highly respected Ralph Elfman, has no lower limit. Is this the madness of scientists?

"Ahem, Professor, I have to leave first. I also made an appointment with Katie for lunch!"

"Eh? Wait..."

Before she could stop her, Lisa Kujo had already run away, leaving Billy Katagiri alone in the wind.


"Huh? Why are you still here?"

Then I leave?

Billy Katagiri was about to cry. He had just been seriously injured by a sweet critical attack, and now he was ignored by his most respected teacher. Woohoo, I really want to cry! (T﹏T)

"Forget it, let's make do with it. Billy, follow me to calculate the data again, and we'll start the second phase directly when that bastard Merin comes back."

Billy Katagiri's heart was broken. Not to mention being abandoned, he had just escaped from three days and three nights of hell in the laboratory, and now he was going back?

He wanted to escape, but couldn't. He didn't know where Professor Elfman, who was over fifty years old, found the strength. He grabbed Billy Katagiri by the back collar and dragged him into the research room.

Yang Hui drove to a lake, which was the meeting place agreed between him and Sergey. Seeing that Sergey hadn't come yet, Yang Hui fell into thinking.

"It's 2303 now. There are still four years before the plot begins. I don't know if [Celestial Being] will find me. After all, I am also the ace pilot and genius scientist of the original human Revolutionary Alliance. There is no reason to watch it.

Come on me."

Yang Hui is not a native of this world, he is a time traveler from Blue Star.

Originally, he was modifying the newly assembled OO Gundam at home, and planned to post it online to show off his good friends, but he didn't know what happened, and the night was suddenly illuminated by a bright white light, and then...

There was no more. When Yang Hui woke up, he found that he had traveled to the world of Gundam OO, and... he was still a baby.

The standard protagonist template, both parents died, and he was adopted by the Smirnov family, his parents' life and death comrades, since he was a child.

Yes, you read that right, it’s Uncle Bear—Sergey Smirnov’s younger brother who is sixteen years younger than Uncle Bear.

Lisa Kujo, the future [Celestial Being] Battle Forecast Emperor Lee Noriega, also became his fiancée under his intervention. Professor Ralph Elfman was his teacher.

Lee Katagiri is his good friend, and Kati Manekin is Lisa Kujo's best friend, and he is also very familiar with her.

Looking at it this way, except for [Celestial Being], half of the important characters in the plot of Gundam OO are my acquaintances. This opening is simply dreamy.

Of course, as a standard system for time travellers, he naturally has it, but...

Apart from a monkey panel that displays his attributes, the only thing left is the task panel.

The novice gift package is quite impressive. It gives him a strengthening potion upon arrival, which makes all his qualities reach the limit of human beings. There is also a C-class MS driving skill, which he has from the beginning.

He has reached the level of an elite pilot in the OO world. Coupled with his unremitting efforts, he has now reached B. He can fight Sergey back and forth and even gain a certain advantage.

The most important thing (say important things three times!)! There is also a MS design proficiency skill.

This makes Yang Hui very happy. A Gundam with a name is good, but how can it be as good as a body designed by oneself!?

Although he is still just proficient, there is no problem in designing the third generation Gundam in the OO world. If he can reach the master level, Yang Hui can guarantee that he will design the final quantum type OO full-blade type for you now. If there are enough

With the support of technical knowledge, it is not impossible to design a super-type magic stick machine.

Now Yang Hui's mission is simple and clear, which is to join the [Celestial Being] organization.

The mission reward is even more unclear. There is only one chance to build...

What kind of construction opportunity? Where should I build what? I don’t understand it at all! At least give me an explanation?

Ahem, let's get back to the point. The initial mission at the beginning left him at a loss. He couldn't just run around the world with that big loudspeaker, shouting "I want to join [Celestial Being]!" right?

If he really did this, he would have been imprisoned in a mental hospital before the [Celestial Being]'s secret troops came to execute him.

"Well, let's take it one step at a time. Lisa's fiancé is now me, so the tragedy that killed her boyfriend that was originally scheduled to happen this year won't happen, right? But... will [Celestial Being] still come to invite her?"

After thinking about it, I stopped thinking about it. With my own insertion, the original plot of Gundam OO has been taken to the ditch a long time ago. Who knows what kind of development it will be in the future?

Thinking of this, Yang Hui brought up the system panel.

"Name: Yang Hui

Exclusive body: none

Exclusive territory: none

Skills: MS Driving (Level B), MS Design (Proficient), Spatial Recognition Ability (Level A).”

Looking at his monotonous attribute panel, Yang Hui simply didn't know how to complain.

But it’s better to be simple, especially the attribute values. Yang Hui once read novels and thought about it when playing games. Do the values ​​really make sense in battle? There are too many factors that affect the battle on the battlefield, and they cannot be summarized by values ​​at all.

, for example, a certain minion suddenly breaks out and kills the ace, etc. It is too common.

Therefore, without numerical values, there will be no misunderstanding of one's true strength.

"Hey, what are you thinking about? So focused."

Suddenly, a generous palm fell on Yang Hui's shoulder, interrupting Yang Hui's thinking.

"Sergey? When did you arrive?" Yang Hui waved hello to his sister-in-law Hurley and the 15-year-old bear beside her, Andrei Smirnov, and then asked.

"We've been here for a while, haven't you seen that the camping sites are all set up?" Sergey pointed to the tent behind him dejectedly and said.

"Uh... so you just look at me in a daze and don't call me?"

"Hey, isn't it because you are so absorbed in thinking? If I interrupt your train of thought, it will be a big sin, right? Genius scientist Comrade Yang Hui."

"Get out!" Yang Hui rolled his eyes at him, pushed Sergey away and went to find Hurley and Andre.

Seeing this, Sergey also shrugged and joined the family gathering.

A new book is about to set sail. I also ask all readers not to buy the book before it is put on the shelves. Even if you buy the book, please turn to the last page every day. It is still very important to follow it. Of course, if you like it, please use various votes to kill it.


(End of chapter)

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