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Chapter 1027 The finals of the small team competition are over, and the champion and runner-up are born.

"I understand, Mr. Yang Hui." Yuuki Tatsuya, like Niels Nielsen, are both outstanding young people. Excellent young people have a common quality, full of curiosity and thirst for knowledge about unknown things.


But what makes Tatsuya Yuki better than Niels Nielsen? It’s that he knows when enough is enough.

Yang Hui has clearly refused, so he will not break the casserole and ask for the truth. Although curiosity and thirst for knowledge will drive him to explore the unknown truth, he will not pursue it like Niels Nielsen and will do it under limited conditions and

Find the answers yourself within your ability.

If he discovers the truth, it may be very shocking, and the consequences of knowing it will be very serious, he will voluntarily give up the search.

Regarding Yuuki Tatsuya's attitude, Yang Hui and others nodded with satisfaction. After all, it is commendable that an outstanding young man like Yuuki Tatsuya has achieved high achievements at a young age and can stabilize his mentality and not be arrogant.


"Huh? This little girl actually has such determination? Not bad."

While chatting, the battle below also changed dramatically. Although the opponent's formation was divided by the Interstellar Creation Strike Gundam, and there was also fire cover from the Demon King Skeleton Gundam, Kousaka China's operating skills were indeed inferior to others.

For a long time, in the melee between the two sides, [Xiong Ba III] was still targeted as a breakthrough point. It soon became dilapidated and was about to lose its combat capability.

But Ricard Fellini and the others clearly underestimated the threat of the unexpected No. 1, and also clearly underestimated the determination of Kosaka China.

The high-power beam sword of Valkyrie Torukis has penetrated the chest of [Xiong Ba III]. After crying in pain, [Xiong Ba III]'s face immediately turned into a tearful determination, and the cotton on the broken arm

He sprayed wildly, wrapping Valkyrie Torukis with himself, then kicked off his legs violently, the thrusters behind his back burst into flames, and rushed in the direction of Valkyrie Torukis' fully armored Gundam.

"No! Stop her quickly!" The ghosts of Ricard Fellini, Gregor and Scott appeared. The current action of [Bear Fighter III] is obviously a desperate self-destruction, and according to the special characteristics of [Bear Fighter III]

Setting, the destructive power caused by self-destruction will not be too great, but a lot of cotton threads will definitely explode.

Kousaka China chose the Full Armor Gundam because the absorption shield of the Full Armor Gundam was a huge restriction on the Star Strike Gundam and the Demon Skull Gundam. Once the Full Armor Gundam was entangled, it would be difficult to escape. At the same time, the Star Build was strong

The Strike Gundam and Demon King Skull Gundam will also be completely freed from their restraints, and the balance of victory will be completely tilted.

"Fellini! Scott! Do it!" Gregor, who understood the current situation, shouted to his two teammates. The only way now was to sacrifice him to stop China Kosaka's conspiracy.

"..." Ricard Fellini and Scott paused at the same time, then locked on the Valkyrie Torukis entangled with [Bear Tyrant III] and pulled the trigger.


Two thick beams hit Valkyrie Torukis and [Bear Tyrant III] at the same time, and penetrated them. The flames of the explosion devoured them, and the erupted cotton thread was burned completely.

"Huh~ It's okay."


After being eliminated, China Kosaka and Glico left the console with both hands at the same time. Glico breathed a sigh of relief, while China Kosaka regretted that her plan failed.

However, they adjusted their mentality at the same time and looked at their teammates with cheering eyes.

During the battle, Ricard Fellini and Scott also breathed a sigh of relief. Their first step of the plan was finally completed, and the unexpected No. 1 was eliminated.

But... the price is also heavy, Gligo and the Valkyrie Torukis are also out.

The current situation is still two against two. The Interstellar Strike Gundam and the Demon Skeleton Gundam still maintain high combat effectiveness. On their side, the Full Armor Gundam's most important absorption shield has been lost. As far as the situation is concerned, they have fallen into


"Trouble, Scott, be careful!"

At this moment, the thick moonlight cannon suddenly penetrated the explosion of fire and pointed directly at the fully armored Gundam.

"Damn it!"

Scott was startled and wanted to dodge, but the fully armored Gundam's mobile version couldn't dodge at all. In desperation, he could only put up the remaining heavy shield in front of him, then fully opened the thrusters, stabilizing

The body shape was shot away.

"Damn it! Don't even think about it!" The cover of the firelight had been shattered by the moonlight cannon, and the Demon Skeleton Gundam also appeared in Ricard Fellini's sight. The new Phoenix Wing Gundam immediately raised its beam destruction cannon and locked onto the Demon Skeleton Gundam.

It is not necessary to destroy it directly, but it must interrupt the continuous bombardment of the moonlight cannon.

"Don't forget I'm still here! [Create Flying Kick]!"

Just when the beam destruction cannon was about to roar, the Star Strike Gundam descended from the sky, its blue flying kick stabbing down like a sharp sword. The new Phoenix Wing Gundam could only give up firing and hurriedly retreated, raising the beam destruction cannon.



The retreat distance was enough for the new Phoenix Wing Gundam to escape the deadly threat, but its most powerful weapon, the beam destruction cannon, was broken and had to be discarded.


Before Ricard Fellini could relax, the Star Creation Strike Gundam actually used the new Phoenix Wing Gundam as a pedal and kicked his legs violently. Not only did he kick the new Phoenix Wing Gundam away, but he also flew towards it.

The fully armored Gundam launched a surprise attack.

"Damn it! The target is actually me! Look at me blocking..."

As soon as the power of the moonlight cannon weakened and disappeared, Scott saw the galloping Interstellar Creation Strike Gundam. He immediately shifted the direction of the heavy shield. The two-unit high-power beam gun on his right hand also began to charge up. As long as he blocked this

One blow and an immediate counterattack.



The blue iron fist bombarded the heavy shield. The expected perfect defense did not appear. Instead, the heavy shield was penetrated by the [Creative Iron Fist] and shattered into pieces.

"How is that possible!?" Scott was horrified. His heavy shield was a killing move specially prepared for [Creation Iron Fist]. He had successfully blocked it before, so why was it penetrated.

With such doubts, Scott's vision was filled with pink light. When the Interstellar Strike Gundam shattered the last heavy shield, the other hand had already pulled out the beam sword from his waist and swept it out of its sheath.

, cutting the fully armored Gundam in half.

"It's over." The screen dimmed, Scott and the fully armored Gundam were eliminated, the [Old Man is Handsome] team only had Ricard Fellini left, and the [Creation Heart] team still had Reiji and Yasaka.

Really born two strong generals.

"Hey, Fellini, you're the only one left, do you want to surrender?" Reiji joked as the Interstellar Strike Gundam and the catching-up Demon King Skeleton Gundam surrounded the new Phoenix Wing Gundam on the left and right.

"Tch, you really dare to say that. You are obviously the one who least wants me to surrender." Ricard Fellini answered Reiji with a wry smile, but he soon became fiercely fighting again.

"That's how it is! Real life!"


The Star Creation Strike Gundam retracted its beam sword and clenched its fists. The Demon King Skeleton Gundam stopped charging its moonlight cannon and held two wings with both hands, which turned red due to electric heat. The new Phoenix Wing Gundam also gave up its beam rifle.

One hand holds a shield and the other holds a sword.

"let's go!"

The Star Creation Strike Gundam and the Demon King Skull Gundam were activated simultaneously, rushing towards the newborn Phoenix Wing Gundam one on the left and the other on the right.

Caught in the huge danger of being attacked from two sides, the newly born Phoenix Wing Gundam was immediately in a panic. It was dodging and resisting at the same time. Ricard Fellini broke out with unprecedented concentration and showed unprecedented strength and tenacity.

, trying his best to resist the fierce attack of the two powerful enemies.

But... there is no chance to counterattack, and the outcome of the new Phoenix Wing Gundam is failure.

"At least one must be taken away!" Ricard Fellini did not want to suffer such a humiliating defeat. He had already anticipated his own outcome, so he simply gave up his defense and made a desperate move to take away one of them.

As soon as he thought of it, he did it. The new Phoenix Wing Gundam raised his shield and let the two electric heating knives of the Skeleton Demon King Gundam embed into the shield. He swung his arms violently and threw the shield with the two knives. He raised his beam sword.

The thorn penetrated the chest of the Demon King Skeleton Gundam.

"What..." Yasaka was horrified. He didn't expect that Ricard Fellini would suddenly give up all defenses and take him out with him.

However, Yasaka Shino soon smiled with relief, held down his hat and murmured: "I really can't relax when I'm fighting with you. You won, but... we won."

The moment the New Phoenix Wing Gundam pierced the beam sword into the Skeleton Demon Gundam, the back of the Star Creation Strike Gundam was unreservedly displayed. The blue [Creation Iron Fist] also fell, and it was buried in the back of the New Phoenix Wing Gundam.

, the chest is exposed.

"Battle technology...winner! [Creative Heart] Team!"


At the end of the game, teammates from both sides packed up their models and came to the center for a friendly handshake.

"I feel a bit unwilling to lose this battle. Chinana-chan is indeed the number one accidental one, and I couldn't prevent it even with all my precautions." Greco said regretfully.

"Thank you... thank you." Kousaka China said shyly.

"It's so embarrassing for you to be the first to target Kousaka." Reiji and Yasaka Masao unceremoniously mocked the three old men.

"Nonsense! No. 1 in accidents! I don't know how many players have died due to her accidents!"

"Haha, why did you underestimate Kousaka in the first place?"

"But... it was a great fight. I hope we can fight again next time!"


"Pa bang bang..."

"It was a very exciting game, congratulations." At the end of the game, Yang Hui walked to the center of the venue while applauding, and awarded trophies and medals to the two teams.

"Mr. Yang Hui/Yang Hui." X7

"Take it, this is the symbol of the championship. Congratulations to you, Iori, Yasaka, Reiji, and Kosaka." Yang Hui handed the gold trophy representing the championship to the four people, and also brought them the medal representing the championship.

Then there is the [old men are handsome] team. The runner-up also has a trophy and a medal, but it is just a silver trophy.

Like the champion, everyone has a medal, with their name and model engraved on the medal, and the trophy with their team's name, their name and model engraved on it.

"I won't say anything to comfort you, and you don't need it. If you lose this time, win it back next time!" Yang Hui said to Ricard Fellini and the other three.

"As expected of Mr. Yang Hui, he really understands us." Ricard Fellini, Gregor and Scott smiled cheerfully and gave a thumbs up.

Yang Hui nodded and took the microphone from the staff: "In the team competition, the champion and runner-up are born! The champion is the [Creative Heart] team, and the runner-up is the [Old Man is Very Handsome] team! Congratulations to them!"


"Pah, pah, pah, pah..."



Yang Hui's speech was interrupted by a roar, and the entire venue trembled.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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