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Chapter 1066 Where is your value?

Adelei still thinks that El Alf is an undercover agent hiding next to Yang Hui, waiting for the right moment to kill him with one blow.

"……There will be a chance."

Kane also understood why Adelei did not think that El Elfo was betraying him. Although Adelai was the captain of El Elfo, El Elfo's ability was the best among the team, no, it should be said that the entire team

The best in the secret service.

This also led to El Alfo often accepting confidential missions and leaving the team to perform tasks alone. In this case, El Elfo would cut off all contact with them until the mission was completed and returned.

Adelei should treat it as a special mission situation that occurs on weekdays, and now Al Elf is next to the enemy he fears most. Once Yang Hui can be killed, Xinjior will be self-defeating, and there is no need to pay so much.


Kane knew all this, but he knew even better that El Alf did not receive any lurking missions, nor did he take it upon himself to lurk beside Yang Hui, but actually rebelled.

However... Kane did not tell anyone about this information. Firstly, he did not want to dampen the enthusiasm of Adelei and others. Secondly, he also felt that it was more interesting and more conducive to his plan.

"I see."

As Adelei retreated, Kane looked at the wine glass, and the swaying red wine reflected the blood-red color in his eyes.

"What is your plan? What is your goal? The king of the world? Haha, interesting, really interesting..."

A few days later, in the conference room of the Promes, Yang Hui, Youlin, Sima and all members of the Valvrave special team were present, including Yehuo Hui, who had completed the treatment process.

After Takashi Kiyokawa's research, all the lost runes of Wild Fire Takumi were replenished. Although she is still an incomplete third-generation familiar, and her past memories have not been recovered, there is no need to worry about lifespan, even

His personality is also a bit more cheerful.

After the treatment was completed, Yang Hui called her over and asked her to prepare to replace Shi Qingqing and pilot Valvrave Unit 1 again.

To this, Wildfire Tieme had no objection, although she disliked fighting, and also deeply hated the Valvrave Unit 1 and the VVV plan that had harmed her.

But Yang Hui cured her, and this kindness allowed her to accept Yang Hui's order, and Yang Hui also tested her. Wildfire Hui can drive Valvrave Unit 1 normally. Under normal circumstances, there will be no excessive rune consumption.

The situation will no longer be life-threatening.

After that, Cornelia also tested the combat ability of Wildfire Tie, and it was indeed much better than Toki Haruto, who never trained seriously. Her ability to execute orders and accept abilities were all good, and she was even better than Toki Haruto.

Suitable for taking to the battlefield.

However... the final decision still has to wait for the announcement from the combat meeting.

"This is the situation. The combat plan is divided into three stages. In the first stage, [Dawn Gundam], [Luna Gundam] and [Wildebeest PLUS] will operate in three directions, taking the initiative to attack the fleets of Dorsia Army and ARUS.

, the expected attack locations are here, here, here..."

As Kati arranged the combat mission, three space zones were marked. The three space zones are all meteorite areas not far from the enemy's march route, which are very suitable for individual ace soldiers to conduct guerrilla operations and diversionary operations.

"...The goal of the three-way operation is to at least contain and eliminate more than half of the enemy's troops."

"Understood." X3

"In the second stage, Promus will separate from the first sky shell. The first sky shell will continue to move towards the moon. On the way, the Valvrave special team will be responsible for the defense mission. Anyone, remember, what I said

Anyone who is close to the border is allowed to directly attack.

At the same time, the Promus will proceed along this route, with the final destination scheduled to be Z90, and the missions of [Dawn Gundam], [Luna Gundam], and [Wildebeest PLUS] will be to drive the enemy fleet towards

Coordinate Z90."

"Understood!" XN

"In the third stage, use the Promes as bait, [Dawn Gundam], [Luna Gundam], and [Wildebeest·PLUS] cooperate with the Promes to attract the enemy and annihilate them all!"

"Understood!" X3

"Report!" Half a minute after Katie finished assigning their respective combat tasks, Yamada Raizo raised his hand.


"Isn't this too chaotic? Lord Yang Hui, Lord Yulin and Lord Sima took the initiative to attack. Facing such a huge fleet and attacking in three directions, it is too dangerous!" Yamada Raizo said worriedly,

He admires Yang Hui and the three of them very much, and knows that they are very powerful, but... no matter how powerful they are, there are only three of them. The opponent is the total strength of the space army of the two most powerful countries in the world, so what's the use of being powerful?

"I said that my combat plans are the best choices based on the current combat strength."

"But... Master Manekin, we can also help!" Yamada Raizo was not completely trying to be a hero, but he was also really worried about the safety of Yang Hui and the others.

"It's not allowed. You are not capable enough. If you go there, it will only hold them back. Moreover, my combat plan is just a combat plan. There are too many variables in actual combat. The enemy may deviate from the planned plan and directly attack the first sky cover star shell.

, so... don’t think that the first day you are responsible for defending the star shell is safe, be prepared for the enemy to attack at any time!”


"Remind you." He said, his sharp eyes swept across the Valvrave special team, causing them to lower their heads in fear, "The first sky cover star shell is the absolute territory of New Geor, and all the missions we perform are for

Protect the territory of New Geor from any infringement, so your mission is the most important, and no mistakes are allowed, do you understand!?"

"Ming... understand!" XN

"Very good, [Dawn Gundam], [Luna Gundam] and [Wildebeest PLUS] can set off after the meeting. Go to the predetermined location and wait. The Valvrave special team will transfer and go to the first sky cover star shell to stand by. The meeting is over!


"Understood!" XN

"Oh, by the way, one more thing, Wildfire Tsugumi, for this battle, you will be piloting Valvrave Unit 1 instead of Haruto Haruto."


Everyone was about to get up and leave, but Kati suddenly added an appointment, which made everyone in the Valvrave special team stunned for a moment. Rukino Saki shrugged nonchalantly, took Renbo Koji Akira's little hand and left the combat conference room.

Yamada Raizo and Yomoto Hito sneered twice, and sarcastically said in a low voice, "You deserve it."

In the end, only Inuzuka Kuma stayed, looking at his good friend worriedly.

"Please wait! Why are you doing this?" Shi Qingren asked Katie in a panic if Yang Hui had left. He was not worried about his absence from the battle, but worried that his performance would involve the people he cares about.

, he also knew the price to pay for driving Valvrave.

"Don't you understand why you were replaced?" Yang Hui asked Shi Qingren coldly.

"I...I was wrong! Master Yang Hui, I won't do this again! I will drive Valvrave Unit 1 well, please...please don't hurt my friends!" Shi Qingqing begged in a panic, completely

He forgot that Inuzuka Kuma was still around, and he didn't know the agreement between Yang Hui and him.

"Haruto, what are you talking about?" Inuzuka Kuma wanted to plead for Toki Haruto, but after listening to Toki Haruto's plea, he immediately realized something was wrong because of his outstanding mind.

"Inuzuka-senpai, you go first! This matter is none of your business!" Toki Haruto knew that he had spilled the beans and was worried that Yang Hui would silence him, so he pushed Inuzuka Kuma out of the conference room anxiously.

But Yang Hui didn't give him this chance. He said the cold and cruel truth in a calm tone: "It's nothing. I just threatened him. If he behaves worthless, I will kill the people close to him."

"This! Are you... joking? Master Yang Hui, you are joking, right?" Hearing this, Inuzuka Kuma immediately broke out in a cold sweat, because he was one of the people who had a close relationship with Toki Haruto.

In other words... he is on Yang Hui's kill list.

He already knew that he had become a third-generation familiar, immortal, and that many fatal injuries would be healed, but that didn't mean that he really couldn't die.

"No." The reality of the bones was placed in front of Inuzuka Kuma. He was so frightened that his legs weakened and he fell to the ground. He knocked over many tables and chairs with his hands, "Yang...Master Yang Hui...you...

…You really…”

Yang Hui ignored Inuzuka Kuma and looked at Toki Haruto, his eyes revealing a chilling murderous intent.

"I...I...I was wrong! I was really wrong! Master Yang Hui! Please! Don't hurt them! They are innocent! You can kill me if you want! I am worthless! It's all my fault!

Please! Just kill me! Don't hurt them!" Toki Haruto stood in front of Inuzuka Kuma, knelt on his knees, and kept hitting the cold steel ground with his head, stained with bright red blood.

A touch of color and warmth.

Yang Hui stood up and walked slowly towards Shi Qingqing. The sound of the soles of his shoes hitting the ground got closer and closer. Inuzuka was so frightened that Inuzuka hurriedly retreated until he retreated to the corner. But Shi Qingqing just kept kowtowing his head and begging for mercy.

"Ah...ah~!" Inuzuka Kuma was so frightened that he couldn't stand it anymore and immediately ran towards the door.

"Lock the door." With a soft word, the cold door was locked, and Inuzuka Kuzen slammed into it.

"Someone, come on! Help me! Anyone can do it! Help me! I don't want to die!"



Yang Hui had already arrived at Inuzuka Kuma's side, pointed it like a knife, and hit him on the back of the neck. Qiao Jin knocked him unconscious, picked up his back collar, and threw him in front of Toki Haruto.


"So... tell me, Shi Qingren, you know that I am not joking with you, but you still dare to treat me like a waste, do you really think that I don't dare to do anything?" Yang Hui asked Shi Qingren in a cold tone.

"I'm sorry! Sir! I'm sorry! I really know I was wrong! Please! Don't hurt them!"

"Still the same question... Where is your value?" Yang Hui asked Shi Qingren.

"My worth...my worth...I will train well! I will fight well! I will show my worth! Please! Give me another chance!"

"The opportunity has been wasted by you. Your body has been handed over to others. Think about it, what value do you have, so that I don't kill him?" Yang Hui knelt down, with a cruel smile on his face, and touched it with his hand.

Inuzuka Hisama's neck.

"no, do not want……"

"You still have 10 seconds, 10, 9..."

"Please! Give me another chance! I will really fight hard! I can really..."


"Wait! I know it was wrong! Please! Please don't..."

"...2,1, time is up..."

"I can be a test subject! You can do whatever you want to me! Please don't hurt them!"

The hand that was about to break Inuzuka Kuma's neck stopped exerting force, and the clenched palm slowly opened, and he patted Shi Qingqing's pale face: "Go back to the first sky Gaixingke, and go find Guisheng by yourself.

Check in, don’t play tricks, do you understand?”

"Ming... understand..."


This chapter has been completed!
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