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Chapter 110 Girl Yulin

As Nora began the tense but orderly evacuation procedure, Yang Hui also received a communication request from Commander Bruza.

"No problem, leave it to me. Fleet will also help." Yang Hui agreed to Commander Bruza's request without any hesitation, but it was not just because of his kindness. Yang Hui originally planned to follow the singer.

, how else would you participate in the final [bat-driving battle]?

You must know that the first mission in the Gundam AGE world is [Follow the Diva to complete the first stage, participate in the [Bat Exorcist Operation] and reveal the true face of UE.]

If it hadn't been for this opportunity, Yang Hui would not have found a good reason to follow the singer all the time. Gurudik was not someone who was easy to fool. If he insisted on joining later, it would inevitably make him doubt his own motives.


After hanging up the communication, Yang Hui found Fleet and Fangas, and asked Fleet to pilot the Gundam AGE-1 to escort the AGE system to the Diva. The Gundam can be rebuilt if it is gone, but it is hard to say if the AGE system is gone.

Haven’t you seen that there is only one model for three generations?

Although there are also factors such as the pride and face of the military leaders, in the end they only talked about transformation and did not say that mass production would be enough to prove its preciousness.

"But UE..." Fleet still wanted to fight UE, so he planned to refute.

Yang Hui had no choice but to patiently explain to him.

"Listen up, Fleet, the battle is endless. The most important thing now is to protect the Singer to successfully pull the axis to separate. Don't you want to be the savior? What the savior should do is to save more people and fight.

It’s just one of the ways.”

"……I see."

"Well, I will ask Graham to transport the Samurai Gundam and some spare parts to the Diva. Vangus, please help receive it. I will drive the Dawn Gundam directly to the outside through the shortest route to fight the enemy."

"give it to me!"

After the mission arrangement was completed, Yang Hui set off in the Dawn Gundam and followed the route sent by the headquarters.

"This route should not be Fleet's route in the original plot, right? Should I fly over and kill Yulin first?" Yang Hui suddenly thought, but he immediately wanted to get rid of the idea.

"No, no, no, the other person is just a 15-year-old girl! How could she do such a crazy thing?"

"No, I'm only 17 now, only two years behind."

"But my real age is not!"

"Isn't there a precedent for Wang Rumei? Just wait until she grows up!"

It was as if an angel and a devil appeared in his mind, arguing with each other, causing Yang Hui's entire brain to become confused.


Unable to bear it, Yang Hui slapped his face hard and drove away the angels and devils. Now is not the time to think about these things. This is the real world, not the anime world. Whether he can touch it or not is still a question. What if...


The feedback from the sensor made Yang Hui "piapia" slapped in the face, because Yulin was not far ahead and had to pull on the guardrail to prevent it from being blown away due to the strong wind.

"I'll go! What do these mean? They're not the same path, right? Don't you want to change the scene?"

Although he was complaining about himself, it was impossible for Yang Hui to ignore her. After all, she was the biggest regret in the world. He wanted to save her from the beginning, and the deviation caused by saving Yu Lin would definitely not be small.

Sure enough, Yulin was frightened by the Dawn Gundam at first and ran away desperately. It was not until she fell that Yang Hui walked out of the cockpit and took Yulin into the cockpit.

The cockpit of Daybreak Gundam is a simplified version of the all-round linear cockpit, and the space is still very large, so even though I am holding Yulin, it is not crowded.

"Sorry, the conditions are limited, so I can only make do with it."

"I'm the one... I'm really sorry just now..."

"It's okay. After all, ordinary people will be scared when they see MS approaching."

"Well, my name is Yulin, where are you?"

"Just call me Yang Hui, Yulin, where are your parents? Why are you the only one?"

"My parents..." Youlin burst into tears thinking that her parents died in the UE attack when she was very young.

"Sorry, I was too talkative."

"It's okay." Yulin wiped her tears, smiled and shook her head.

Yang Hui was amazed by You Lin's smile. It was as warm as the sun and as pure as clear water. This was the first time Yang Hui had seen this kind of smile.

"What's wrong?" Yulin asked, tilting her head.

"No...it's nothing." Yang Hui blushed and looked away. He really wanted to slap himself. After all, he had three wives. Why was he still so unsure?

"So cute! How about... just obey her?"

"Take her! Take her!"

The angel and the devil didn't quarrel this time, but agreed with each other!? Could it be that he was really moved?

However, these random thoughts were interrupted by a sudden explosion, and the ground collapsed. The Dawn Gundam immediately started the backpack engine, weakening the force of the fall, and slowly landed.

"Are you in trouble now? You must have fallen into the quarantine area." Yang Hui has a headache. The Transformer mode can be used even without GN particles. Yang Hui can control it now, but the Transformer is different from NT in that it does not have mental induction.

What a function!

However, what he didn't know was that Youlin had already closed her eyes: "Just keep walking like this."

"Huh?" Yang Hui realized at this time that he couldn't find the way, but Yu Lin could!

Yulin is one of the very few people in the world who is born with X-Rounder abilities, and has the strongest endurance and predictability in the world.

Following Yu Lin's guidance, they advanced all the way and came to a dead end. Before Yang Hui could blast away the obstruction with a shot, there was an explosion outside. The powerful air flow sucked the Dawn Gundam directly out of the isolation area and arrived in the universe.

"Youlin's X-Rounder ability is really amazing." Yang Hui praised.

"X-Rounder ability?"

"Well, you should be able to sense something, right? Just like you just gave me directions."

"...Well..." Hearing this, Youlin lowered her head and responded in a low voice, and even her body began to tighten.

She has never revealed that she is different from ordinary people before, and even her parents don't know, because they are afraid that others will regard her as a monster if they find out.

"You don't have to be afraid, Yulin. Actually, I'm not an ordinary person." Yang Hui comforted.


Youlin raised her head and saw colorful light flowing in Yang Hui's eyes, and the gentle expression before became dull.

However, this state lasted for a few seconds and then disappeared. Without the support of GN particles, the transformer's ability was really weakened without limit.

"Is this also an X-Rounder?" Yulin asked, with a smile on her face again, because she had found her kind and she was no longer a lonely monster.

"What's different is that I am a changer. Human beings will evolve themselves in order to adapt to life in the universe. The ways of evolution are different. My ability will enhance communication capabilities under certain circumstances."

"Then my..."

"It is also a kind of evolution, which strengthens the ability to predict and sense."

In fact, X-Rounder is not an evolution. Although it is very similar to NT, it is completely opposite. It is the battle instinct of the beast that has been sealed in the brain for a long time that has been awakened in the constant war, allowing people to be sensitive to crises and at the same time agile.

Coping can only be used in combat, so strictly speaking it is a form of degradation.

But of course Yang Hui would not tell You Lin the truth, otherwise I don’t know what the little girl would think.

Just as it happened, we encountered the enemy when we arrived in the universe. Different from the original work, three Gallanves swarmed up, including a captain's aircraft.

"Huh? What a warm welcome ceremony." Yang Hui looked at the three approaching enemy planes and grinned.

"Yang Hui..." Yulin felt the obvious malice from the enemy and subconsciously grabbed Yang Hui's clothes.

"Don't worry, they can't do anything to me yet, but hurry up, Yulin, the exercise may be more intense later."


After making sure that Yu Lin hugged him tightly, Yang Hui also controlled the Dawn Gundam and headed towards the enemy plane.

Maybe UE is better at fighting in the space environment. The movements and coordination are completely different from the enemies inside the previous colonial satellites. Even the formation connection is much better.

"That's cool, but..."

While Dawn Gundam was shuttled in the beam, it fired. Two pink beams directly hit the enemy aircraft. One Galanf was directly shot down. The captain's aircraft that was attacked at the same time may be stronger and dodged to the side.

, only one of its arms was damaged.

Immediately afterwards, two more Garanf squads attacked from behind, and a total of ten enemy planes began to attack the Dawn Gundam. Perhaps they knew how powerful the Dawn Gundam was, so the attack was not as violent as at the beginning, but was used as a containment.

Lord, I want to trap the Dawn Gundam in place.

But... this was not a problem for Yang Hui. During the dodge process, both guns connected. The very few pinks were particularly cute in the large area of ​​​​yellow, but they were also deadly. Every shot fired by the Dawn Gundam would hit.

Enemy planes were either shot down directly or had their arms and legs severed.

Within a few minutes, the firepower network maintained by ten mobile suits was torn apart by the Dawn Gundam, leaving four Gallanfs with missing arms and legs slowly retreating, wanting to attack but lacking the courage.

And when Youlin saw that Yang Hui didn't even have a change in his expression, she easily solved the crisis, with a look of admiration in her eyes: "Yang Hui, so awesome..."

"It's okay, this level is nothing." Yang Hui said that this is all basic and don't take it too seriously.

If it weren't for the Dawn Gundam that limited his performance, just ten Gallanfus could wipe them all out when they met.

At this moment, Dawn Gundam's communication was connected.

"Yang Hui, are you okay?" Fleet asked anxiously.

"It's okay. How is the situation on the Diva? How far is the towing operation going?"

"There were three UE MSs attacking the Diva. One of them was shot down by me, and the other two retreated. The towing work has been completed and the separation operation can begin soon."

"Okay, I'll leave the Diva and Nora to you. Tell Graham to pick up Commander Bruza. If the Samurai Gundam can't be used, just use Xenoas."

"how about you?"

"I still have guests here, so I might not be able to leave." Yang Hui raised the corner of his mouth and looked at the small red dot displayed on the radar, which was approaching at more than twice the speed of Gallanf.

"Something... is coming." Yulin's expression was a little painful, because the malice that was approaching quickly was stronger than the ten machines just now put together.

"It's okay, trust me." Yang Hui patted Youlin's back and comforted her.

"Well, I believe Yang Hui." After being comforted by Yang Hui, Youlin showed a pure smile again, and faced the upcoming malice with Yang Hui.

This chapter has been completed!
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