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Chapter 1103 Festum’s conspiracy

"Retreating?" Yang Hui, who was on the front line, frowned deeply as he watched the Festum army slowly retreating into the wormhole and disappearing. He knew that the Festum were a race with advanced intelligence, and there was a more mysterious mastermind behind them.

They have an absolute advantage. Even the highest-level Azazel type has not been dispatched yet, and they retreated because of a wave of moonlight cannons and reactive bombs?

However, even if they retreated, it gave them a little chance to breathe. Encountering a war as soon as they arrived in the world was still very stressful for them.


After confirming Festum's retreat, there was no need to continue to use the [Linkage System] to replace wireless communications. The [Linkage System] was released. After each fleet arranged for the remaining troops to clean the battlefield and guard the battlefield, they immediately held a video conference.

"Yang Hui, this is very wrong. The other party's actions are too abnormal. They have the ability to consume us to death, but they retreated. There must be some hidden conspiracy." Fleet put forward his own idea.


Everyone present at the meeting nodded in agreement. Even ordinary people can find problems in this kind of thing. The other party is a highly intelligent race. There is something more behind it. How could they not know about it?

The other party's behavior was so weird that it was difficult for everyone to decide how to act next.

"Maybe something happened on Earth."

"Or maybe they want us to accumulate them and catch them all in one fell swoop."

"Well... it's very possible. The question is what happened on Earth?"

"It needs to be determined that since Festum has retreated, we should also seize the opportunity to establish contact with human civilization on Earth."


Everyone unanimously decided that even if Festum really wanted to wait for them to gather with the human civilization on Earth and then catch them all, they must contact the surviving human civilization in this world. This is not only the mission goal, but also the only chance to complete the mission.

Is the Promes Army powerful? It's very powerful. It can directly push through worlds as high as Gundam G Battleden.

But... in the face of an advanced race like Festum, no matter how powerful it is, it is still a weakling. Even if its individual strength is not comparable, it can kill the Promethean Army with a sea of ​​​​human tactics.

So...under such circumstances, how do the remaining human civilizations in this world support themselves?

Yang Hui knew that there must be a savior-type Fafnir on the other side, but the savior-type Fafnir was not invincible. The power of the savior-type Fafnir was indeed beyond imagination, but the savior-type Fafnir had two very deadly qualities.


1. Krypton life. Driving the savior-type Fafnir consumes the pilot's life. It is not only the assimilation phenomenon, but also the life span. The longer the driving time, the more powerful the force used, the faster the pilot dies.


Second, not everyone can pilot the savior-type Fafnir. If you are not a person with the Festum factor, you will be directly assimilated after sitting on it. After awakening, the savior-type Fafnir can only be piloted by pilots who have been flying it.

It can be driven, but the pilot can only be replaced in rare cases. In other words... once the original pilot of the Savior Valrhona dies, then the Savior Valrhona will most likely have to be used as a warehouse.

So... there must be something on earth that they don't know about that would make anyone who enters the Festum fearful...

Wait! The intruding Festum!

Yang Hui suddenly thought that the Festum they were fighting just now was an intruding Festum, not the original Festum that existed in this world. So... what is the relationship between the native Festum and the intruding Festum? What is the relationship between them and the surviving Festum?

Human beings...what's the relationship?

"Contact with human civilization on the earth is urgent. The fleets advance. The first fleet, the second fleet, the third fleet, the fourth fleet, and the fifth fleet land on the earth together with Promius. The first fleet and the second fleet follow Prome.

The Si is looking for humans in this world. The Third Fleet, the Fourth Fleet and the Fifth Fleet are exploring the earth, looking for a suitable station and collecting available supplies. We will also look for refugees by the way. The rest of the fleet is on standby in the universe."

Festum retreated, not disappeared. This space was temporarily safe, but the golden ocean surrounding the earth still existed, still watching with eager eyes.

"Understood." XN

"Natal, is there a problem with the FOLD jump channel?"

"No, there is no FOLD fault found, which can jump directly into the atmosphere."

"Inform the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth fleets to start the FOLD jump and go directly to the earth. The coordinates... are placed on the sea."

"On the sea? You mean that island?"

"Well, if humans have not been exterminated, that island must still exist, and it must be the main force."

"Understood, CIC will pass the information to other fleet commanders, calculate the FOLD jump position, notify the entire ship, and prepare for the FOLD jump."


On the earth, above the vast sea, waves appeared in the calm sea. They were not formed naturally, but seemed to be separated by something. At this time, the transparent force field disappeared little by little, and two huge islands appeared on the sea.

Standing tall, the sea breeze blows gently, the flowers and trees sway in the wind, and the seagulls spread their wings and fly near the coastline, and their chirping brings comfort and peace.

"Orihime, are they really coming?"

"It will come, that's what Xinghe told me."

On the coastline, a group of men and women wearing blue and white uniforms were protecting a black-haired girl wearing the same uniform as a small one, looking at the sea and sky. The men and women had complicated expressions, and they didn't know what they were thinking. And beside them, there were several

A giant robot over 30 meters long, armed with various weapons, also looked into the distance.

"Chief officer, you said... is Orihime telling the truth? Do we really have help?"

"...You don't have to believe my words, but Orihime's words are what Xinghe means, and Xinghe will not lie."

In the sky, two machines, one black and one white, similar to but different from those below, were suspended, guarding the sky and the people below.


"We'll find out later, Ichiki, don't forget that Miu and Orihime said the same thing."

"I understand, but why doesn't Miu-chan come?"

"Miss Yumiko and Director Chizuru accompanied Miyu to Poseidon Island. Emily also informed the people on Poseidon Island to prepare for the upcoming guests. Isn't Michihiro over there?"


"What are you worried about? Yiqi."

"It's nothing, it's just... suddenly saying that a guest is coming, and it can bring us hope of survival, it always feels... a bit... unreal?"

"...Yeah, it's not true. Obviously there are only Ryugu Island and Poseidon Island left on the earth, but... Orihime is the star core of Ryugu Island, Emily is the star core of Poseidon Island, and Miu is because of the star core.

When a child is born, what they say will not be wrong."

"Yeah, I understand...huh?"

Suddenly, a large number of purple-red circles suddenly appeared in the sky directly in front of Poseidon Island and Dragon Palace Island, and a huge fleet slowly sailed out from them, showing a majestic posture. The fleets lined up in a row, which made people shudder.

"This! This is what you said!" Everyone looked at the girl in the center, the horror in their hearts completely written on their faces.

"Yes, they are finally here, the hope of this world, the hope of the continuation of human civilization." The girl looked at the arriving huge fleet, and a smile finally appeared on her unsmiling face.

"But if they are enemies..." The middle-aged man next to the girl looked solemn. Even though they had the power in their hands to survive countless Festum attacks, facing such a huge fleet, he really

I don't know if they can defeat it, even if they have three savior-type Fafnir.

"No, here we come."


Everyone looked up and saw that the fleet floating in the sky had moved. It not only flew towards Longgong Island and Poseidon Island, but also spread out, surrounding Longgong Island and Poseidon Island in the center. It did not frighten them, but frightened them.

They fell silent, because the gesture of surrounding the two islands was not a deterrent, but a protection. The most vulnerable stern of the ship was exposed to their sight, and countless ferocious muzzles on the body were pointed outside.

At the same time, they also saw many small black dots leaving the battleship, some guarding around the battleship, and others leaving outwards.

"These are...Fafna?"

"It's not important, Yiqi."

"Yeah, I understand."

As a ray of golden light shines, the golden meteor attacks from the central battleship. Under the escort of mobile suits of different shapes, it arrives at the center of Ryugu Island and Poseidon Island. What is waiting for it.

"They are..." The people on Longgong Island and Poseidon Island looked at this move and couldn't understand it for a moment. Only the three girls on the two islands laughed.

"Pfft~ They are in trouble." The girl from Longgong Island laughed.


"Yes, it's a dilemma. There are two islands. I don't know which side to establish contact with first. I don't know which side our command system and civilization representatives are."


Everyone was surprised. The representatives sent by the other party to contact them... were a little cute? Or were they natural? Or were they... childish?

In the next second, in their sight, all the battleships and mobile suits in the sky began to spray green light particles, which soon covered the entire island.

"What is this!? Everyone, be careful..." The man was about to ask everyone to take refuge when he was interrupted by the girl next to him.

"Don't worry, Shi Yan, there is no danger. This is a way for the other party to communicate."

"Mean of communication?"

"Yes, look, it's begun."

Following the girl's line of sight, her eyes returned to the MS teams staying on the two islands. Suddenly, the golden meteor in the middle spread its wings, spraying a large amount of green light particles, and under its guidance,

The discrete light particles began to gather together, like wings that covered the sky and the sun, turning into mist, completely covering the two islands, and the next second...

"Here is the commander-in-chief of the Promes Army, Yang Hui, issuing a formal exchange application to Longgong Island and Poseidon Island..."


This chapter has been completed!
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