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Chapter 1159 Intelligence Summary

Three days were enough for the research team to thoroughly study the "Happy Knight". The plenary meeting was held again to summarize all the information and also decide on the next plan and whether it was time to implement it.

"Professor, teacher, please tell me about the situation on your side first." Yang Hui said to Professor Elfman and Mr. Wang on the rostrum.

"no problem."

Professor Elfman and Mr. Wang got up and went to the center of the conference room, took out their PADs and put out the experimental data obtained in the past three days, and then began to explain to everyone one by one.

First of all, it is the body of the [Happy Knight]. The new elements and new materials make everyone's eyes shine. This new material represents that the technological level of the Promes Legion will be taken to a higher level. Previously, because of

Projects that cannot be realized due to material bottlenecks can be completed.

Then there is the human tissue under the armor. According to the research of Professor Elfman and Mr. Wang, the human tissue of "Happy Knight" brings higher flexibility and stronger strength to the body. The organisms covered by human tissue

Compared with the general lines used by the Promes Legion, the conduction efficiency has been increased by 14 percentage points, while the energy loss during the conduction process has been reduced by 3 percentage points.

The source of the black liquid has also been found. It is distributed on the shoulders, waist, and knees of the body. There are a total of five small generators. When the body is severely damaged, according to the pilot's will, energy can be directly extracted from the subspace to generate

The black liquid can repair and regenerate injured parts of the body, and can even grow additional external organs such as wings.

But at present, all the black liquid has lost its activity. Apart from the foul smell, nothing special has been found. All the small generators have stopped operating. Professor Elfman and Mr. Wang have the same speculation. The operation of the generator, the black liquid

The ability to repair and regenerate is closely related to the divine sword. Without the divine sword, the generator will not be able to operate, and the black liquid will lose its special effect.

The current goal is to continue the research on small generators. Although the black liquid has strong repair and regeneration capabilities, it is not the goal of Professor Elfman and Mr. Wang. Their goal is a small generator that can be torn apart.

Subspace barrier, and technology to directly extract energy from subspace to generate objects.

If this technology can be successfully explored, then in addition to the awakened [Dawn Series], all Legion machines and warships will gain powerful repair and regeneration capabilities. The repair technology of nanorobots has been used, but nanorobots are always limited.

Yes, the upper limit of repair ability is not high either.

Also, the energy extracted from the subspace can be used for repair and regeneration. Can it be used for defense, attack? or even manufacturing?

"We found traces of energy from the fragments of the gem. We can determine that the gem is not only the cockpit of the body, but also the energy source of the body, providing the energy for the basic activities of the body. But this energy...may be

You won't like it too much." Mr. Wang said, shaking his head.


Seeing the expressions of Mr. Wang and Professor Elfman, everyone started to speculate, whether it was a 360° all-round antenna cockpit, a somatosensory cockpit from Gundam G World, or a [Dawn Series]

The cockpit has space for people to move, either with a tight instrument panel, operating levers, complicated buttons, or a tight somatosensory transmission system. Even Valrhona's [Nibelungen System] is

The pilot takes the lead in driving the aircraft, leaving ample room for movement.

However, that gem tightly wrapped the pilot without leaving any gaps. How could the pilot fly the machine?

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that the gem is some kind of special sensing system that allows the pilot to directly control the body through consciousness, but...

If this were the case, Mr. Wang and Professor Elfman would not have such expressions.

"The pilot's autopsy has also yielded results. From its body, not only human genes, amphibian, wolf, bear, eagle... but also more than a dozen genes that we have never seen were found. The only organ in the body is the heart.

, there is no digestive system or filtration system, which means there is no need to eat or excrete. The heart is twice the size of a human and the cell density is four times, which can provide faster blood supply. The brain is no different from that of ordinary people.

, but the sophistication and complexity of the nervous system are more than three times that of humans."

"In other words, this kind of creature is not born like this, but is made the day after tomorrow?" Kruse asked.

"Yes, there is no doubt that no matter how many genes of other creatures are mixed, the core genetic code is human, and...how old do you think that creature is?"

"what do you mean!"

No one who has seen that creature dares to say how old it is. If it is a human, judging from its height and body shape, it must be at least 20 years old. But after all, it is not a human, or... not completely human, so it is impossible to judge.


But Mr. Wang specifically asked this, which shows...

"3 years old, the age test result of that creature is three years old."

"Sure enough!" Everyone's guess was verified.

"It seems to be some kind of biological cloning technology, but the problem is...the body can be quickly transformed, but what about the consciousness? His combat skills are not like those that a 3-year-old creature can possess." Fleet asked.

"We also thought about this problem at the beginning, but after repeated age tests, it was confirmed that he was 3 years old. As for mature consciousness... both photocopiers and revolutionaries can make sense." Mr. Wang replied.

The photocopier is the product of genetic cloning. At the same time, the photocopier has the technology to directly instill memory, so that the newborn clone immediately has the memory and consciousness of an adult; the changer digitizes his own consciousness and uploads it to VEDA to use quantum numbers.

They are alive in the form of poly, their bodies can be changed at any time, just upload the data.

The Implant technology in the Macross F world can also do it, but it requires biochemical transformation of the body, and most of it becomes a machine.

However, the possibility of a quantum data form or Implant technology similar to the Transformer was ruled out by Professor Elfman and Mr. Wang, because before the [Bloody Knight] disappeared, he clearly stated that the [Happy Knight] was dead.

It is not ruled out that this is a lie by the enemy, but combined with all the current performances of [Bloody Knight], this possibility is very small.

"Finally, there is the special ability that Yang Hui and Graham mentioned that makes people unable to move. There is currently no discovery. We speculate that this ability should be related to the Excalibur. The battle with the [Bloody Knight] brought detection.

Equipment, it can bring back more data."

"No problem." Yang Hui nodded and agreed to Professor Elfman's request. Collecting data during intense battles is a dangerous job, but considering that there will definitely be more [Knights] appearing in the future, no

Determine whether the [Bloody Knights] have the same special abilities. If each [Knight] has different special abilities, then more data also means a safer future.

"This is all the results so far."

After the report on the results of the Scientific Research Department was completed, Professor Elfman and Mr. Wang returned to their seats.

The harvest is not small. What is certain is that the [Knight] is a half-mechanical, half-biological body. It has driver operation, various armor data, and... the two cores of the [Knight], the divine sword and the gem.

"Now it is certain that every [Knight] has a divine sword, and this divine sword is their main source of power. The gems are the heart of the body. Lock them. It is best to activate [Excalibur Fusion]

】If you destroy the Divine Sword before, you will at least cause some damage."

"Understood." XN

At this point, [Bloody Knight] has told them that not every [Knight] can perfectly control the power of the Divine Sword, and the integrity of the Divine Sword itself will also affect the power level of [Excalibur Fusion].

For example, [Happy Knight] was unable to fully control the power of the Divine Sword. After activating [Excalibur Fusion], he was controlled by the power and turned into a beast.

Another example is [Bloody Knight], which not only maintains sanity, but also displays much higher combat power than [Happy Knight].

"Then... we can implement the final plan." Yang Hui crossed his hands in front of him and solemnly gave orders to everyone.

"...The other party already knows our plan, and they still want to continue to implement it?" Fleet questioned. The words [Bloody Knight] said before leaving were already very clear. They were to tell Yang Hui and others that their plan was theirs.

Everyone knows it and will wait for them to find him in the final place.

The plan has been exposed. If it continues to be implemented, the risk factor is too high and it should be carefully considered.

"We have no second choice." Yang Hui thought for a moment and said to everyone.

Everyone was silent after hearing this. It is true. If they want to complete the mission, if they want to eliminate the alien Festum and bring the world back to life, they must kill the [Bloody Knights] and find their base camp. Otherwise, they will just defend and resist.

, will be dragged to death one day.

"Then start preparations. In a week, we will begin to implement the final plan. Mjolnir, please."

"No problem." Monnier, who attended the meeting on behalf of the Festum community, was a listener from beginning to end. She preferred listening and learning to speaking.

After uniting with the Promis Legion, Mjolnir's Festum tribe has never participated in a single battle. On the one hand, their number is too small. They are just a drop in the ocean in front of the large army of the foreign Festum tribe. On the other hand, they are peace-loving.

Such a fast evolution speed, and it is not a combat-specific evolution.

Therefore, Yang Hui did not arrange for them to go to the battlefield. He also suggested that they all transform into human forms as soon as possible. Not to mention whether they would integrate into human society, at least they would not scare people away when they appeared, or directly turn their guns on them.


Mjolnir discovered that the Promes Legion was not only powerful in combat, but also had outstanding performance in all aspects, including politics, economy, people's livelihood, construction, entertainment, etc. These were all things she wanted to learn. She and her compatriots did not

He plans to fully integrate into human society and develop his own civilization independently, so... Festum, who is as pure as a blank sheet of paper, needs to learn these things.

(End of chapter)

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