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Chapter 1207 The long-lost battleship command

"Don't panic! Speed ​​up and hit us!"

Yang Hui was also a little nervous at this moment. According to the information he saw, the armor of [Drestliga] was still very strong. From the front, even the most fragile bridge, an ordinary beam rifle could withstand a direct shot.

Yang Hui saw clearly that the machine standing in front of [Drestliga] was the main production machine of the Zanskar Empire [Zorroat]. Although the performance of the beam rifle has been improved in all aspects, it will not exceed

Yang Hui knows too much.

At this distance, [Drestliga] immediately accelerated, and the time it took for it to hit [Zoroat] was just enough time for [Zoroat] to fire two shots. He could only pray that both shots would not hit the bridge.



"Obey the order! Speed ​​up and hit it!"


The helmsman did not dare to think too much at the moment and could only carry out Yang Hui's order. [Drestliga] accelerated and crashed into [Zoloat] in front of him.


"Ah~!!!" XN

During the acceleration process, [Zorroat] fired. With luck, the beam hit the lower pillar of the bridge. The beam was blocked by the thick armor, but the impact caused by the energy was also uncomfortable.

"Hold on! It's just an ordinary beam rifle. The armor of [Drestliga] can block it! Keep accelerating!"

"Yes...yes!" XN



Another shot, this time hitting the bridge directly. The glass used to observe the outside with the naked eye was filled with the light of the beam. Fortunately, the bridge glass of [Drestliga] has been specially treated and can withstand it.

This shot.

"hold onto!"

Yang Hui was also gritting his teeth at this moment, because for a moment, the speed of [Drestliga] had not yet increased, and it was unknown whether it could hit [Zoloat], but... the machine was blocked,

Since there is no backup MS on the ship, this is the only way Yang Hui can think of and the only way to survive.

And the beam rifle in [Zoloat]'s hand once again shined with deadly brilliance, and the muzzle of the gun was locked on the bridge.

At this moment, the flow of time slowed down, and everyone's brains went blank. [Drestliga] was about to hit [Zoloat], but [Zoloat] had already pulled the trigger and was ready.

The beam fired is about to leave the gun chamber and penetrate the bridge.

"Tch!" Yang Hui suddenly turned around, hugged Rukino Saki behind him, and rushed towards the door of the bridge. At this time, he could no longer control so many people, and he had to risk his life to ensure that he and Rukino Saki survived.


The beam of light was getting closer and closer, and everyone on the bridge was waiting to die. In the next second, a black figure stood in front of the bridge of [Drestliga]. The shield on his left arm was raised, blocking the fatal attack.



Everyone was stunned, staring at the unknown MS that was getting bigger and bigger in their sights.

"Idiot! Get out of the way, we're about to hit you!" Seeing that the beam shot was blocked, Yang Hui immediately let go of Rukino Saki, rushed to the side of CIC, grabbed the communicator and alerted the mobile suit that saved them, [Dleist

Li Jia] is still accelerating and is about to hit him. If the MS doesn't move out of the way, not only will he block the shot in vain, but he himself will be smashed to pieces.

"Oh! I'm so scared!"

After receiving Yang Hui's warning, MS turned around in confusion and saw the huge bridge approaching continuously. She was so frightened that she quickly dodged, and a lazy but deep man's voice came from the communicator.

At the same time, [Zoroat] who was standing in front of [Drestliga], wanted to take credit, and stayed in place and wanted to continue shooting. When he wanted to dodge, it was already too late, and he watched the huge giant.

The ship hit it, was torn apart, and exploded.

"The weapon system is fully activated, the missile launcher is loaded with anti-air missiles, the Gatling close-in defense gun is set to automatic interception mode, the heavy particle impact cannon begins to accumulate energy, and the radar detection system is searching for the enemy!"

"Okay...understood!" XN

Yang Hui glanced at Sanye Greyvale, but before he could recover from his daze, Yang Hui ignored anything else and temporarily took over the command of [Drestliga].

"Compare the database with the information on this MS!"

"Yes...yes! Database comparison is in progress...it's the sealed Fierce Bird 30!"

After receiving the report, Yang Hui immediately connected to the communication of Fierce Bird 30 and issued a question: "This is the flagship of the Earth Federation Special Operations Force [Drestliga]. I am the research director Yang Hui, the subordinate in the report!"

"Research director, shouldn't he be the captain? Forget it, it's not important, that... Director Yang Hui, my name is Aggie Santa Claus. I am not a soldier but an ordinary wanderer. I only discovered it during the attack.

I got on this mobile suit for self-protection."

"...So, your choice? Enemy or friend?" While speaking, Yang Hui took the communicator to the area where the fire control system is located, and his fingers turned into butterflies flying on the keyboard. These students were too inefficient to be affected by the impact.

, Yang Hui could only do it himself. The missile launchers were all loaded, and the close-in defense gun turned and aimed at the Fierce Bird 30.

"Well...although I'm not a soldier, I can't stand what the Zanskar Empire is doing. I should...be considered a friend." Seeing the Gatling close-range defense cannon locking on him, he couldn't help but wince.

Han Shi immediately explained that it was indeed what he was thinking.

"Okay, the Bird 30 is temporarily under the command sequence of [Drestliga]." After receiving the answer, Yang Hui reset the Gatling close-in defense cannon to automatic interception mode, and added the Bird 30 to the friendly force identification signal.


"What a great man, I feel pretty good." The homeless man who called himself Aiji couldn't help but sigh when he saw Yang Hui acting so resolutely. He also got on the Fierce Bird 30 by chance, and was also involved in the Earth Federation and Zans.

During the war in the Karl Empire, there is no problem in following Yang Hui's command first.

"Radar detection system! Where is the enemy?" Yang Hui asked immediately after completing the settings of the weapon system.

"It has been completed. There are 12 MSs at coordinates D91, and they are fighting with two teams of the Federation Army! There are 12 MSs in F89 and K14, both of which are [Zoraat] from the Zanskar Empire!"

"Fierce Bird 30, immediately go to coordinates D91 to support the remaining forces of the federal army."

"Eh? I'm going to support you alone?" Aiji was horrified. He was not a super ace.

"This ship does not have MS troops on board. Only you can support it. This ship will deal with the Zanskar troops in the other two directions and then go to support. You must cooperate with the federal MS troops to hold back the enemies there." Yang Hui said sternly.


"Oh, it's really...I know." Aiji also understood the current situation. The battleship in front of him looked very scary, but it was just an empty shell. Its specific combat power was unknown. He was the only one who could go to support it.


Now, the people of the Zanskar Empire should have regarded him as an enemy, right? Since the hostile relationship has been established, if he does not defeat the opponent, it will be his own death, and he does not want to die yet.

Firebird 30 lit up its back and flew towards the coordinates of the federal army for support. [Drestliga] also successfully sailed out of the secret dock of Yales and completely entered the universe.

"Director Yang Hui..." Sanye Grayvale finally came to his senses. The reason why he couldn't come to his senses for so long was not only the death threat just now, but also Yang Hui's resolute command.

"Shut up, watch, and wait until this crisis is safely over!" Yang Hui was in no mood to argue with Sanye Grevalet about authority.

"Um, yes..."


"Leave it to Director Yang Hui." Sanye Greleihua was a little disappointed, but there was nothing she could do. Yang Hui's performance just now was not comparable to hers. If it was left to Yang Hui, their survival rate would be higher.

"...Understood." Although Vice Captain Reynold was not angry, he was reasonable, so he suppressed his personal emotions and fixed his calm eyes on Yang Hui, who was commanding.

Yang Hui on the other side determined the enemy's location from the radar detection system and issued orders one after another.

"Missile launcher, covering the E90 to L14 area, launching shotguns into the air!"

"Understood, anti-aircraft shotguns, all fired!"

"Load immediately. Missile launchers No. 1 to No. 20 load automatic mines and place them silently in areas A01 to D42. The rest continue to load anti-aircraft shotguns and launch coordinates K14 to L14."

"Eh?" Everyone didn't understand Yang Hui's intention. Why would he drop automatic mines at a location where there were no enemies, and now that the war had already started? Shouldn't the automatic mines be deployed as a trap before the war started?

"Execute the order!" Yang Hui said, one of the two was bigger than the other. These student soldiers were worthy of being student soldiers. The efficiency of executing orders was horribly low, but they were good at questioning orders and being distracted.

"Yes...yes!" XN

Due to the momentum that could not be refused, everyone started to operate fearfully.

"Anti-air shotguns are effective, destroying four enemy MSs, and the remaining 20 MSs all attack our ship!"

"Continue to fire anti-air shotguns! Carry out fire suppression and push them to the left. Use the No. 2 heavy particle impact cannon to lock the target H21 and fire!"


Orange light wrapped in deep black light shot out from the muzzle, piercing the universe in an instant.

"The No. 2 heavy particle impact cannon hit! Knocked down 3 enemy MSs!"

"Recharge, the missile launcher continues to suppress fire, turn the rudder 15° to the left, advance at a medium speed, No. 1 to No. 20 continue to deploy the mine group on the right rear of the ship."


Although everyone is confused as to why Yang Hui keeps ordering mines to be deployed where there are no enemies, instead of using all the firepower for artillery battles, the firepower of [Drestliga] is indeed very strong, but the MS of about 14 meters

There are only mosquitoes in front of it, and the hit rate of cannons against mosquitoes is not very high. The correct approach should be to eliminate the enemy's effective forces as much as possible before the opponent is close, and move closer to the friendly MS units.

But soon... they understood Yang Hui's intention. Yang Hui told them with actual actions that even if a huge battleship was approached alone by MS troops, it could easily destroy them as long as the tactics were used properly.

(End of chapter)

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