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Chapter 1226 Critical Support

"A few of us... are quite capable of fighting!"

"Yes! It's easy at this level!"

The five members of [Rabbit Team] have officially graduated from the MJP Organization's Gulan Zere City Academy, and have been awarded the rank of second lieutenant. They have received the latest machine body developed by the MJP Organization, AHSMB Five, and drove their new machines in Yala for the first time.

Carrying out exploration missions in the Lat space.

AHSMB-001 BLUE ONE-FORWARD: Shunichi Asagi's special machine. The dark blue body has a golden metal ribbon-like decoration on the head. The arms are wrapped with dark blue ribbons that can be used as shields. The main armament is the Type 88 that integrates both near and far.

The variable ax, gun, and gun [halberd] and the solid katana are positioned as general-purpose models suitable for all battlefields, and serve as the vanguard of the team.

AHSMB-002 PURPLE TWO-CONTROL: Katsura Kugimiya's special machine. The whole body is mainly purple. It has a humanoid torso but no arms and legs. It has a ring-shaped enhanced detector around it. Its main weapon is light particles sliding on the ring detector.

The gun is positioned as a wide-area tactical alert and control type, serving as the team's ears and eyes.

AHSMB-003 ROSE THREE-BOOSTER: A special machine for entering the river ring. It is mainly pink. The whole body is like a huge butterfly, but it is equipped with a huge jet at the tail, giving ROSE THREE a terrible explosive propulsion. Mainly

It is armed with a built-in missile launch bay, a waist lens, and heavy particle cannons on both wings. It is positioned as a highly mobile guerrilla type and serves as the shortstop and disruptor of the team.

AHSMB-004 GOLD FOUR-GUNNER: Jun Hezhong's special machine. It has a golden structure. The entire head is equipped with a precision bombardment sensor. The right arm is replaced by a high-position charged particle cannon. A rapid-fire cannon is attached to the left arm. It comes as a bonus.

The position and right arm can be added to replace almost all shooting weapons of GDF and MJP. It is positioned as an ultra-long-distance artillery support type and is the sniper of the team.

AHSMB-005 RED FIVE-LEADER: A special machine produced by Hitachi, it is a general-purpose command AHSMB developed by MJP. Based on the general-purpose fighter body BLUE ONE, it has improved various configurations such as the main computer and enhanced command and management functions. It mainly

The weapon is a composite weapon - a HEP beam cannon, which can be transformed into a melee chainsaw, beam rifle or rail gun depending on the situation. It also supports a wide variety of optional weapons. It is positioned as a general-purpose command type and is the leader of the team.

Originally known as the "Regretful Five", they were confused and uneasy at first, because their grades were at the bottom of Gulan Zelei Urban College, and they were definitely not outstanding. Even if they graduated early, they would not be able to configure the new machine body.

Can't reach them.

But the appointment has already been made. No matter how many doubts there are, I can only hold back and obediently accept the appointment from the top military officials.

With uneasiness and panic, they immediately carried out their first mission. During the combat briefing, they were only told that the mission goal was to explore the abandoned colonial satellite in the Ararat space, and that there was no danger. Who knows the result, not long after the attack,

Before they could enter the abandoned colonial satellite, they encountered Ulgaru's army.

Seeing the densely packed enemies, the five Hitachi people immediately panicked. As a result, the five AHSMBs equipped with the [Julia System] began to act randomly and were unable to drive normally at all.

At this time, MJP Supreme Commander Shimon Yatang, who was in charge of the first combat command, explained to them that the [Julia System] is based on genetic development and can improve the affinity between the pilot and the aircraft by identifying the genes of the exclusive pilot.

, achieving the operational performance of man-machine integration.

However, it also has a certain degree of artificial intelligence and will follow the most primitive survival instinct of human beings. Therefore, the [Julia System] sensed the pilot's panic and fear, activated its automatic defense instinct, and subconsciously wanted to escape. At the same time, the body's output

The power drops sharply and the will to fight is lost.

It was also Simen Yatang's reminder that allowed the five of them to slowly calm down, suppress the fear in their hearts, restart their bodies, and regain their will to fight.

I have to say that the performance of these five people in the simulated battle in the school was really disappointing, but in the real battle, they were still remarkable. Everyone performed their own duties, and PURPLE TWO was responsible for controlling the overall situation. Everyone followed the instructions.

Gong Gui's instructions easily eliminated the vanguard of Urugaru, so Junhe Zhonghe and Ruijiang Huan were confident and even made some conceited speeches.

"Don't be careless! The opponent's main force is observing the situation from beginning to end!"

"If those troops also launch an attack, just a few of us might..."

Unlike Shunwa Naka and Irie Tamaki, Hitachi De, Asagi Shunichi and Kugimiya Katsura have always remained calm and rational, and have not been dazzled by the victory in front of them. The Ulgaru army they dealt with just now was only composed of ordinary fighter jets and extreme fighters.

The vanguard force composed of individual humanoid mechas may seem large in number, but in fact it is only a drop in the ocean compared to the main force watching from behind.

If all the main forces in the rear were to press on them, it would be too much trouble just for the five of them...

"Be careful! Something is approaching...this is it!"

At this moment, a civilian ship came into everyone's sight. The civilian ship entered the combat area and was immediately targeted by Ulgaru's fighter jets.

"Run away! You are being targeted by Ulugalu!" Upon seeing this, Irie Huan immediately warned her and wanted to rescue her as quickly as possible, but she was too far away from the civilian ship and could not catch up.

"No! It's too late!" Gui Gonggui was also very anxious, her hands kept beating on the operating table, anxiously trying to find a rescue method, but no matter how she calculated, she could only get a result that could not catch up, which made her extremely desperate.


"Uh oh oh oh oh!"

Everyone gave up, but only one person did not give up, and that was Hitachi. RED FIVE's eyes suddenly lit up, and he suddenly appeared between the civilian ship and the Ulgaru fighter at an abnormally fast speed, replacing the civilian ship.

Blocked the fighter jet attack and saved the entire ship of innocent civilians.

"I...we...were saved?" Looking at the red mobile suit they had never seen before, the people on the boat felt a dreamy and unreal feeling, as well as the joy and joy of surviving the disaster.

"Retreat now!" Hitachi warned immediately, while protecting the civilian ship, he eliminated the approaching Ulgaru fighter jets.

"Okay...Okay! Thank you very much!" Suppressing the joy of surviving, the civilian ship immediately turned around and left the war-filled space as quickly as possible.

"Get out! Come back quickly!" Katsura Kugimiya reminded Hitachi, "The enemy's main force is heading towards you!"

"But... if I escape now, the ship just now will..." Izuku Hitachi knew that he was just mantising, but... the civilian ship has not gone far yet. If he gets out of the way, Urugaru's army will be very

He could catch up quickly, and then the civilian ship would be dead without a burial place, which he absolutely couldn't do.

"This is too messy, come back quickly!" Shunichi Asaki scolded.

"If you don't mess around, you can't be a hero."

"You are not this kind of character."

"Isn't this different from your usual position?"

"What happened to you? You became so hot-blooded?"

"Hero? Are you serious?"

Sure enough, Hitachi's passionate speech was criticized by his teammates, but complaints are complaints. They have been together as a team for so long. To say that they have no feelings would be false. While complaining, the other four machines have also been adjusting.

He took his position and moved closer to RED FIVE. Soon, the five machines gathered together, acting as small mantises in an attempt to block the big car Ulugalu.

"Everyone..." Hitachi was very moved. Everyone acquiesced to his impulsive behavior and followed him into crisis.

"Ah! Damn it! I didn't expect that something like this would happen as soon as I complained about you!" Shunichi Asagi is a typical person who is dissatisfied with his integrity. He kept complaining and complaining, but his body movements did not stop and he kept protecting him.

The left side of RED FIVE cannot be broken through by Urugaru.

"We have to think of a way first!" Kugong Gui accelerated his calculations to find a way to solve the current crisis.

"Sure enough...it's better to run away..." Jun Hezhong said frustrated words.

"The enemies are surrounding us. We can't escape, right?" Ruijiang Huan said naturally.

"Fight...flee...fight...run away...fight...run away..." Two completely different choices have been echoing in Hitachi Ide's mind, attacking each other from left to right. In the end, the choice of fighting defeated escape, a piece of music

The singing voice inexplicably rang in his mind, igniting the firewood in his chest and burning brightly, "Fight! Haaah~!!!!"

In an instant, RED FIVE's eyes lit up again, bursting out with extraordinary fighting power, transforming into a wolf and pounced on the sheep, killing everyone.

It's a pity that Hitachi is just a young wolf, and Urugaru is not a sheep without resistance.

"Out! Right!"


When RED FIVE was massacring Ulugaru's fighter group, two humanoid robots had already arrived at RED FIVE. One punched RED FIVE violently, knocking it out, and the other

The light beam has begun to condense in the palm of his hand, and the target is locked on RED FIVE. At this moment, the unbalanced RED FIVE has no time to adjust its balance and becomes a lamb to be slaughtered again.

At this moment, a bright pink beam of light pierced the universe, crossed the barriers of the battlefield, accurately penetrated the chest of the humanoid robot, and saved RED FIVE.

"Thank you, little rabbits, you did well."

"Huh? Who is this?"

"Have reinforcements arrived?"

"Look! The battleship is coming!"

The next second, there were several orange-black heavy particle beams that cut the dense Ulgaru army into several pieces. All the Ulgaru fighter jets and humanoid robots on the beam were swallowed up, and even the approaching enemy planes were swallowed up.

, and because the aftermath of the energy exploded, the battlefield fell into silence for a while.

Looking in the direction of the heavy particle beam, the huge [Drestliga] appeared in everyone's sight. At the same time, there were about ten more machines directly in front of [Drestliga].

The MS quickly enters the battlefield.

"Members of [Rabbit Team], I am the captain of [Drestliga], Agent Lieutenant Colonel Mitsuba Grayvale. I have received a request from the GDF Colonel Four, and I am now taking cover!"

(End of chapter)

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