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Chapter 1231 Without Yang Hui, everything would be useless!

It is not difficult to understand Aggie Santa Claus' doubts. After all, the Earth Federation is large enough and has developed brand-new battleships and MSs, which can temporarily drag wars in various places into a stalemate. So as time goes by,

As there are more and more new warships and mobile suits, the strength of the federal army will become stronger and stronger, which will naturally break the stalemate and reverse the current situation.

The most typical example is the one-year war with the Principality of Zeon. The Principality of Zeon took advantage of the new humanoid mobile weapon MS to catch the Federation Army off guard, and almost completely wiped out the Earth Federation's powerful fleet that had been developed for many years, leaving the Federation with a sweeping force.

The only territory left in the universe is [Luna 2].

Half of the Earth's territory was occupied by the Zeon army, and for a time everyone thought that Zeon's victory was inevitable.

However, the Earth Federation Army, under the command of Ray Bill, used a large number of fighter planes and tank troops to hold back the progress of the Zeon Army, and secretly developed MS belonging to the Federation Army, and then relied on its huge size and many years of experience

, the military structure was quickly adjusted, the MS units were popularized and the fleet was replenished. The transformation was carried out at a rapid pace, and the defeat was quickly reversed and the Principality of Zeon was defeated.

If this is a common sense situation, there is nothing wrong with thinking so.

But the problem is...the current situation has gone beyond common sense!

“First of all, although new battleships and mobile suits have been developed, the Promes Legion has consumed almost all of the Federation’s resources, and within two years, it will be difficult to build another new battleship.

Secondly, the technology contained in the new battleships and mobile suits is also very complex and conflicts with existing technology. The current size of the entire Promis Legion was built by the Federation during the "Year of Miracles", which concentrated all its manpower, material and financial resources.

Come out, otherwise why do you think the Earth Federation has achieved nothing except [Drestliga]?

Third, due to unknown reasons, DBD phenomena occur frequently around the world. In addition to the known enemies, there may also be unknown enemies we need to face. No one knows whether new enemies will appear next. Of course,

We also look forward to the emergence of allies.

To sum up, it will be impossible for the Federation Army to break the stalemate by relying on new warships and mobile suits for at least two years."

Of course, Yang Hui did not tell them that the new equipment announced to the outside world such as the Macross-class battleships of the Promes Legion and the [Dawn Series] and [Rising Sun Series] were not developed by the Earth Federation at all. Although the technology can be used directly, the production line

, basic technology, materials... nothing can be matched. How can we build Macross-class battleships and series of mobile suits on a large scale in this world?

Let alone this world, the earliest Gundam AGE world linked to Promis Fortress cannot build a Macross-class battleship alone.

"Okay, I understand." Aggie Santa Claus's mood was complicated. He was disappointed that he still had to live in a dangerous and troublesome combat life. Fortunately, he would not be unemployed in a short time.

"Ask a question." The person who raised his hand to ask a question this time was not everyone in the audience, but Sanye Grayvale beside Yang Hui.


"Now that the Federation Army has a powerful new fleet, will the mission of [Derestliga] change?"


The question of Sanye Grayvale was not something she wanted to ask herself. Although she was confused about it before, she had already gotten the answer from Yang Hui before the meeting.

This question is asked by Sanye Greyvale on behalf of the people sitting below. After all, [Drestliga] is a universal battle mothership secretly developed by the Federation. It is also an independent force with very high authority. Its positioning is the most powerful.

Strong elites have no fixed combat missions, and their combat targets are everywhere. They unite the most elite forces, travel around the world, constantly seize opportunities, create opportunities, and create breakthroughs to break the decline of the Federal Army.

But now, the emergence of a new fleet with super powerful combat capabilities has stabilized the situation of the federal army for a while. So, are the heavy responsibilities they shoulder less necessary?

If this is the case, then everyone's hearts may be agitated.

There will definitely be worries, but Mitsuba Grayvale considered that people would not ask directly, but would hide it in their hearts, so he took this opportunity to explain it to everyone in a suitable way.

"Yes, and no." Yang Hui nodded to Sanye Grayvale, then looked at the others and replied, "Because the federal army has stabilized the situation and the degree of crisis has been reduced, [Dleist

Liga] has also gained more time and opportunities. It does not need to be as urgent as before and can slow down its schedule to a certain extent. However, the positioning and mission objectives of [Drestliga] will not change. The new fleet

It is true that he has great power, but he is either dragged on the front line of the battle by the enemy, or he acts as a firefighter all over the world, making it difficult to escape. Therefore, if you want to completely break the deadlock, you still need a breakthrough created by [Drestliga]."

"..." XN

Everyone was silent, but Yang Hui could feel through the mental waves that the mood of relaxation, discouragement, and disappointment began to rise again.

"Everyone, I know you are doubting and worrying, but what I want to say is that the responsibility of [Drestliga] is still heavy, and your mission is still important. Until the war is completely over and the world is completely restored to peace, we will not

I allow you to relax, and I don’t have any extra energy to make you frustrated. Captain Sanye and I have sought the consent of Commodore Fix. If anyone wants to quit, you can go to Captain Sanye and she will sign a retirement certificate for you. The time is only

It’s limited to three days, because after the third day, our ship will arrive at the Gopher Space Domain.”

"..." XN

"Who else has questions?"

Next, Yang Hui answered some people's questions, none of which were too important. Until the end of ten minutes, even if there were still people raising their hands, Yang Hui simply ignored them, announced the meeting was adjourned, and asked everyone to return to their respective posts...

"By the way, let me announce that in order to better understand everyone's health status, everyone will unconditionally cooperate with the comprehensive physical examination organized by Maeby. Remember what I said, it is unconditional cooperation."


Everyone has gone through physical examinations and the like, but when they think about Mabby being interested in many people's bodies, special abilities, and other things, and often showing a crazy, devilish expression, it scares them.

"What? Do you have any objection?"


"Hold it, yes! This is not a request, it's an order! You just need to execute it! Do you understand?"

"Um...listen...I understand..." XN

"Louder! You haven't eaten yet!?"

"I understand!" XN

"Very good, then let's get ready and wait for Mabby's summons." Yang Hui was very satisfied with everyone's reaction, which reminded him of his time in the 12th Independent Technical Force. Those cowards were all stupid now.

He didn't train this stick with his own hands. If he doesn't practice it hard, it will be useless!

After Yang Hui left, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and touched their foreheads. Everyone found that their foreheads were covered with cold sweat.

"It's finally over, I was scared to death just now!"

"Is Director Yang Hui still in this state? It's like..."

"Tough iron-blooded soldier!"

"Yes, yes! That's it!"

"I can't even compare to Sigma, it's really scary!"

"Who is Sigma?"

"Oh, our dean has a sullen face all day and night, as if everyone owes him a million. Not only that, any small mistake will be punished and taught severely for two or three hours.

, not only the students, but also the instructors, who are afraid of everyone who sees him, known as [Ghost Sees Sorrow].”

"...It's not easy for you either."

"Who says it's not?"


Sanye Grevale originally planned to listen quietly to everyone's comments about Yang Hui, and relax while empathizing with him. After all, she was also frightened by Yang Hui's iron-blooded temperament just now.

But...listening to what the others said becoming more and more outrageous, and the content becoming more and more distant, I still chose to interrupt them with a cough.

"Captain!? Why are you still here!?" Everyone was frightened again. Their attention was all on Yang Hui, and for a moment they ignored that Sanye Greyvale and Renaud Harding had not left yet. Although

Yang Hui has no real official position or real power in [Drestliga], and everyone knows that he is a scumbag, but...

Everyone respects Yang Hui very much. Among other things, when the students from the 30th Sergeant Academy set sail on [Drestliga], it was Yang Hui's on-the-spot command that allowed them to survive safely.

In addition to the various strengths that Yang Hui has shown, as well as the fact that he has received a lot of guidance and guidance from Yang Hui during daily chats, it is impossible for anyone to have any opinions about Yang Hui.

At the same time, they also treated Yang Hui as a senior officer.

Although it's not a bad word, the real boss heard the talk behind Yang Hui's back, so he won't be put in the wrong position, right?

"Okay, let's all go back to our respective jobs and wait for Mabby's notification."


He was startled by Sanye Grevalet, and he was definitely not in the mood to continue the discussion. He left in panic, and saw Sanye Grevalet shaking his head and smiling bitterly.

"You're still too lax, you need to get some exercise!" Reynolds Harding said with a serious face. He was originally an instructor at the 30th Sergeant Academy. When he saw his students losing their composure, he immediately regained his former state.


"Forget it, Vice Captain Reynold, it's good if everyone has a little energy." Clover Grevalet didn't feel the need to teach them a lesson. After all, most of the people on the ship were young people, and young people are naturally energetic.

A little is better, and... Sanye Grevalet does not want everyone on the ship to completely become a normal superior-subordinate relationship.

"……I see."

"Okay, Vice Captain Reynold, you should also return to your duties."


Sanye Grevalet and Reynold Harding were the last to leave the briefing room, and they were going in completely opposite directions, so Sanye Gravelay didn't notice at all that Renaud Harding turned around.

At that moment, his face became extremely serious.

"There must be something wrong with this Yang Hui. We need to find an opportunity to report it..."

(End of chapter)

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