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Chapter 1234 It’s hard to face Lelouch

In the desert near the border of Kyrgyzstan, there are huge refugee camps, where a large number of refugees who have lost their homes due to the war have gathered.

Nunnally and Euphemia are currently conducting condolence activities in the refugee camp. Nunnally has perfectly integrated herself into this world, and all the memories belonging to this world are stored in her brain.

To be honest, Nunnally couldn't accept it at first. She didn't expect that her brother would do those terrible things. Although he sacrificed himself for the peace of the world in the end, Nunnally still didn't know what to do.

How to face Lelouch, after all, she was the enemy of Lelouch, and Lelouch died in front of her, that is, the last one, Nunnally in this world knew everything about "Zero Requiem"

the truth.

Lelouch of this world adopted cruel and ruthless methods to become the ninety-ninth emperor of the Holy Bunitalia Empire, and after taking complete control of the Earth Federation, he governed with a very cruel attitude, causing panic and making the people miserable, but

This is all to focus all the hatred of the world on Lelouch, and then he will be killed by the black knight ZERO disguised as Suzaku under the spotlight, thereby ending the dominance of the Holy Bunitalia Empire and making the world

Towards peace.

This is [Zero's Requiem].

The Lelouch of this world should have met his death at the end of [Zero Requiem], but when he defeated Charles DI Bunitalia, because of the [Sword of Akasha] system,

When World C was shattered, he absorbed the fragments of World C and made Lelouch immortal.

But at the same time, because his consciousness has been trapped in the broken C world, he has become crazy and has no self-awareness, so he has been traveling around the world with Lelouch, exploring the ruins of GEASS, and looking for a way to save Lelouch.


According to this world's plan, the underground ruins of Gilkustan are her last hope. However, on the way to Gilkustan, the Promes Army came, and Lelouch of the two worlds merged, and everyone in Gilkustan also merged.

, the conflict did not occur, and there was no need to continue executing the plan.

But after learning the truth about [Zero's Requiem] and knowing that Nunnally was Lelouch's enemy, even if she knew what was happening in this world, she couldn't accept it immediately.

"Nunnally, take a rest." Euphemia couldn't help but worry as she saw Nunally sweating profusely under the scorching sun.

"It's okay, Princess Yuffie, there are still so many people here who haven't received water or food."

"You're not the only one, let's take a rest first."


Nunnally's visit to the refugee camp to offer condolences was not a temporary decision, but the Nunnally in this world had arranged her itinerary before arriving, and she happened to avoid meeting Lelouch.

"Nunnally, Yuffie, you've worked hard, come and take a rest."

At the military camp belonging to the Earth Federation Army, Clovis had just returned from leading a team to complete a patrol mission around the area, and happened to meet Nunnally and Euphemia.

"Brother Clovis, thank you for your hard work on patrol." Nunnally and Euphemia saluted Clovis at the same time.

"Okay, Nunnally and Euphemia, there are no outsiders here, so there is no need to be so restrictive." Clovis waved his hand, telling Nunnally and Euphemia that they don't need to be like this and just stay as they were before.

"Okay, Brother Clovis." Nunnally and Euphemia smiled sweetly. After coming to this world, everyone has changed, and their relationship with each other... has also changed slightly.

"By the way, Nunnally, how long will the condolences continue?" Clovis asked.

"According to the schedule, there are still three days before we leave here." Nunnally replied.

"Three days..."

"What's wrong with Brother Clovis?" Nunnally asked curiously. Although she didn't feel impatient, she could feel the eagerness.

"Oh, I feel like I can't keep up." Clovis sighed and said.

Clovis and the [Starry Knights] led by him had just joined the Promethean Legion and were at the bottom of the list in terms of strength and had no experience in carrying out missions. They encountered the chaotic world of Mecha 30 for the first time. Naturally, it was impossible for them to do it all.

They were assigned too dangerous missions from the beginning, so Clovis and the [Knights of the Stars] were assigned to Nunnally and Euphemia's escort formation.

But even so, Clovis and his [Starry Knights] are still a little unable to keep up with the high-speed pace of the Promethean Legion, especially since Kyrgyzstan has just been attacked by hostile forces, and the refugee camp not far away is naturally

They also encountered danger. Clovis and the [Knights of the Stars] were beaten by these enemies and couldn't hold their heads up for a while. If it weren't for the fact that there was Shoko Hazama from the world of Favna in the sky, Hazama

Kanon, Kenji Kondo, Kaname Sakura and others held the battle, and with the timely reinforcements from [Twelve Zodiacs], they were all wiped out.

Clovis was very confident before, not as good as Yang Hui and Cornelia, but in his own world, there were countless battles, big and small. But after he really came into contact with the mission world, he realized that Yang Hui never meant to look down on him, and then he realized that he

It's really just the bottom one.

"Brother Clovis..."

"It's okay, I just don't want to be such a coward anymore. Speaking of Nunnally, Yuffie, are you really not going to meet Lelouch?" Clovis waved his hand and skipped the topic.


"..." Nunnally and Euphemia were silent. They didn't hate Lelouch or hate Lelouch because of the fused memories, but... they didn't know how to face it for a while.

"Brother Clovis, you...don't you care about anything?" Euphemia asked Clovis hesitantly, because Clovis, like her, died in this world with Lelouch

in hands.

"What's the matter? It's not the Lelouch we know who did it." Clovis is older than Nunnally and Euphemia, and has experienced more things than the two of them, so he is naturally more tolerant than them.

, the mentality is also more calm.


Of course, Clovis knew that Nunnally and Euphemia had not been able to completely move forward, but on this matter, no matter how much persuasion from outsiders, it was useless, they had to figure it out themselves, and at the moment they figured it out

, is also when they really grow up.

After all, the fused memories are the experiences of another person, not entirely their own.

"Clovis...Prince, Princess Nunnally, Princess Euphemia..."

"Huh? Kondo, you are here. Don't be so polite, please come and sit down." Clovis turned around and saw Kenji Kondo and others in uniform arrived. Both their names and their attitudes were a bit different.

Being cautious, this made Clovis a little unhappy.

"Isn't this... not good? We..."

"What's not so good? We're all companions, come and sit down!" Clovis didn't give Kondo Kenji a chance to refuse, so he took his hand and sat down next to him. When the others saw this, they couldn't say anything else.

, we can only find a place to sit down and rest.

"That...His Royal Highness..."

"Just call me by my name. I don't think Yuffie and Nunnally will care."


"That's right!"

In fact, Clovis also understands the thoughts of Kondo Kenji and others. They have been living in seclusion on the island before and have not had much contact with the world outside the island. When the Promes Army takes them to the world

, human civilization has been destroyed, which also makes them full of curiosity and fear of all new things, such as...

The prince and the princess! They are existences that only exist in stories. I didn’t expect them to actually exist!

Although they are both companions, and the other party does not assume a superior attitude, when they think that the other party is a real prince and princess, they subconsciously feel a little cautious.

"Emperor Clovis... Clovis, you guys are completely different from the royal family I imagined." Kondo Kenji complained.

"So, those are just stories, not true." Clovis said with a smile, "Look at Yang Hui, he is also a prince, doesn't he look like him?"

"Uh..." XN

Everyone from the world of Favna in the Sky raised their heads and began to imagine the image of Yang Hui as a prince, and all shook their heads.

"It's not like that." XN

"So don't think of us as some lofty royal family. That kind of royal family either only exists in third-rate stories or is insane." Clovis complained.

"Yes, royal etiquette is a required course for us since childhood." Euphemia added.

Hearing this, Clovis also sighed in his heart. Nunnally and Euphemia were okay. They were born into the royal family, but they have been very gentle since they were young. They would not act like royalty even to civilians, but he could

The difference is that he used to look down on civilians very much. The reason for such a big change is that in addition to the experience and growth of going out to manage an area, Yang Hui had the greatest influence and change on him.

"Well, I understand, Clovis, Nunnally, Euphemia."

"That's right. I wanted to thank you just now, otherwise we would have left it here." Clovis patted Kondo Kenji heavily on the shoulder and said.

"It's okay." Kondo Kenji scratched his hair in embarrassment. In terms of strength, the existence of [Excalibur-type Favna] and SDP gave them powerful power. In terms of experience, they would face Festum from time to time.

I still have plenty of experience in raids and high-intensity combat.

"Compared to Ichiki, Chief Sergeant, and Jonathan, we are relatively relaxed." Kasakira said.

"Yes, I contacted Maya yesterday. Ichiki, Minato-san and Mr. Jonathan are also traveling around the world. They can only rest on the road. Maya is also very busy because he is studying with Ms. Yulin.

." Shoko Hazama said with some disappointment, her boyfriend and her good sisters were growing up rapidly, but she was the only one lagging behind.

"Don't be discouraged, Shoko." Canon Hasama comforted Shoko Hasama gently, "The Chief of General Staff and General Rebir considered the pressure and gave us a chance to adapt. After a while, we will catch up with them."

"Well, I'm fine. I'll try my best."

"Didi didi..."

"Huh?" Clovis' PAD rang. He picked it up and saw that it was Lelouch. He was stunned for a moment and connected the communication.


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