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Chapter 1267 The shame of being an adult

Looking at the three children and two dwarves in front of him, Yang Hui had an ugly expression and complicated thoughts.

"Hello, my name is Ernesti Echeberria. I am the leader of the Silver Phoenix Knights of the Kingdom of Fremevilla. Just call me Al."

"Assistant to the leader of the Silver Phoenix Knights, Archide Ota, just call me Chide."

"I am Adelchu Ota, can you call me Adi?"

"My name is Batson Tymonen, and I am the riding blacksmith of the Knights of the Silver Phoenix."

"Davey Hopkin is also the riding blacksmith of the Silver Phoenix Knights."

"Hello everyone, I am Mitsuba Greyvale, the person in charge of Drei Kreuz, and the captain of [Drestliga]."

"...Yang Hui, Inspector Drei Kreuz, military rank colonel."

Compared to Sanye Grayvale's friendly greetings, Yang Hui's attitude was not so friendly, and he could not help but feel dissatisfied.

"That...Yang Hui...Colonel?" The five Als were startled by Yang Hui and were a little scared.

"I would like to ask, the Knights you call... is it just a game played by you, or is it a real fighting legion?" Yang Hui asked Al with a serious expression.

"Please don't underestimate us, Colonel Yang Hui. We are the official knights of the Kingdom of Fremevilla, and we have helped the kingdom through crises several times." We were questioned, and we were also suspected of being children playing house.

The expressions of the five Als immediately became a little ugly, especially Chid and Artie. They are real teenagers and hate others denying their achievements.

And Al... Yang Hui's mental waves discovered an abnormality. The body is indeed that of a child, but the soul... is a bit too mature. It's not that Al's performance is too mature, but the age of the soul, just like...

"Sorry, no offense." Yang Hui made a bold guess, but now is not the time to delve into this issue, and it is not suitable to bring this issue to the table. "Just watching you children go to the battlefield makes us adults very ashamed."


"It's okay, Colonel Yang Hui, I can feel that you don't mean any harm." The more mature Al took the initiative to stand up and extended a friendly hand to Yang Hui.

"...Thank you." Yang Hui shook his hand, and because of the physical contact, Yang Hui's guess was confirmed, "I heard from Katie that you are obsessed with MS?"

"MS? The giant robot in this world!?" The key words were correct, the switch was activated, and Al's mature expression immediately disappeared, replaced by the innocent and cute excitement of a child.

"Yes, I have some experience in MS design and development. If there is a chance, we can have a good exchange." Yang Hui smiled and nodded.

“Please make sure you include me!”

"Oh, it's starting again." Chide, Batson and Dawei covered their faces and were speechless. Artie looked at Al angrily, as if the most precious thing was about to be taken away.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Colonel." As the only adult among the five, Dawei stood up and explained with a pained face, "My family leader is an obsessed with Silhouette Knights. As long as Silhouette Knights are involved, he will fall into

In this state, oh, by the way, Silhouette Knight is the name of the robot in our world."

"Haha, it doesn't matter, I used to be very obsessed with MS." Yang Hui said with a straightforward smile.

"Once?" The five Els wondered, why once?

"..." Yang Hui was silent and did not explain, but his expression became much more serious, "Captain Sanye, I will go back to check on the maintenance status of the aircraft. If you need anything, please contact me directly."

"Okay, Colonel Yang Hui, thank you for your hard work."

After Yang Hui turned around and left, Katie looked at his back and sighed. Considering Yang Hui's mood at the moment, Katie did not ask Yang Hui to stay with her.

"Commander Katie, did we say something wrong?" Al asked Katie worriedly. Yang Hui's mood changed a bit quickly, and it could be seen that Yang Hui's mood was not very high.

"I don't care about your affairs, it's... an adult's self-esteem and sense of responsibility." Katie looked at the five people in front of her with complicated eyes, especially the four underage children. In this regard, her and Yang Hui's feelings were


"I understand." David, the only adult, lowered his head and sighed. If a child is too good, it makes the adults appear too incompetent. At the same time, it makes the adults feel ashamed that they are not good enough and can only rely on their children.

"Eh? Boss, what do you mean?" Batson asked David in confusion.

"You'll understand when you grow up, brat."


"I'm curious...why did Colonel Yang Hui say he was obsessed with robots?" Al thought thoughtfully. His intuition told him that Yang Hui and he were the same type of people. They loved robots very much, even obsessed with them. However, Yang Hui said that he had been obsessed with robots.

"...Because it is a weapon." Katie was silent for a moment and explained for Yang Hui.

"Eh? Just because of this?" Al was puzzled. He also knew that robots were weapons, and had piloted his own body in a large number of battles. However, he was still obsessed with robots and would not reject them just because of fighting.

"It seems your world is quite peaceful." Katie smiled. Sure enough, she was still a child and had no idea what weapons actually were.

"Um...it doesn't count, right?" Al raised his delicate little face and pointed his finger on it, "Our world also has the threat of Warcraft. Powerful Warcraft are also very dangerous. There is also...the Kingdom of Jalovude.

They are also making trouble and launching wars against other countries, and we have also joined the war."

"Then...have you ever killed anyone?" Katie asked Al with a solemn expression.

"Of course not, it's just to prevent the war. Why kill people?" Al asked innocently.

"..." Katie said nothing and finished her words. Some words were not suitable to be explained clearly to them, "Next, you can follow Drei Kreuz. Drei Kreuz's main task is to investigate the DBD phenomenon around the world.

Maybe we can help you find a way back faster, Captain Sanye, they will leave it to you."

"Understood." Sanye Grayvale responded. She also understood what Katie meant. She also envied Al and their world for being so peaceful and understood the truth, so she didn't have to explain much, "Everyone.

, please come with me."

"Oh, oh, okay." The five Els were still a little confused, but seeing that neither Katie nor Sanye Grayvale had the intention to continue, they didn't ask any more questions and followed Sanye Gray obediently.

Hualai went to [Drestliga] behind him. There was no need to worry about their aircraft, as someone would help transport them to the Gnaku of [Drestliga].

"Oh!!!!" After arriving at Gnaku, Al's eyes were filled with light again after seeing all kinds of mobile suits. "So many robots! So many types of robots!"

"Oh, Al, please restrain yourself." The four Kidds were helpless. Kidd and Artie, who grew up together, didn't expect Al to quit his robot obsession. It would be impossible in this life, but they had just arrived, right?

Be a little more restrained?

"Are you also from another world?"


At this moment, Ida Takamori hurriedly ran over, with Furinsai and Ladis F. Blasita following behind him. They were also very interested in other visitors from other worlds, even if they were not from the same world.

people, but they are all in a different world. With a little more intimacy, you might even be able to gain information about going back.

"My name is Date Takamori, a member of the SRX team, and I am also from another world." Date Takamori pointed at himself with his thumb.

"Hello..." Immediately, the five Als introduced themselves one after another. Although they learned from Katie that there are people from other worlds in this world, it was still strange to meet them for the first time.

On the other side, Aggie Santa Claus, Huso, [Rabbit Team], Lita Bernal, Xina and others are also here. Only Team Schulak and Mabet are still receiving training from Char.

, knowing that a new companion had joined, they started chatting happily.

"It feels... very consistent with what Colonel Yang Hui said." When Aiji and the others said that Yang Hui's attitude towards them was not very good at the beginning and raised questions, Hu Suo nodded empathetically. At the beginning, Yang Hui said

He also has a similar attitude, maybe a little better.

"Rita, you know Colonel Yang Hui best, do you know what's going on?" Jonah asked Rita Bernal. He also wanted to know more about Yang Hui.

"Well..." Lita Bernal organized her words and said to everyone with a smile: "Brother Yang Hui likes to say something very much."

"What words?"

"The adults are not dead yet, when will it be the children's turn to worry about these things?"


The scene was silent. Al and the other teenagers could not fully understand this sentence and only thought it was very powerful. However, the adults present were thoughtful and felt ashamed in their hearts.

"It really... fits Colonel Yang Hui's style so well." Aggie Santa Claus scratched his hair and sighed. After more contact, you will find that Yang Hui is a very responsible person. He is not only responsible for himself, but also for others.

Be responsible for others and teach with all your heart in every small class to ensure that what you teach can be learned by others.

"That's right, Mr. Yang Hui told us when he was training us, don't go to the battlefield half-heartedly. I would rather you die in my training than die in the hands of the enemy on the battlefield." Ida Takasheng

He recalled.

"Well... Colonel Yang Hui is really a good man." Al sighed. He was different from others. Although he was a child, his soul was not, which made the somewhat vague memories a little clearer.

"Mr. Yang Hui is more than that." Ida Longsheng smiled and told the El Five that he was now Yang Hui's number one fan. "Mr. Yang Hui is also very good at tactical command, mobile suit design, development, maintenance, and mobile suit piloting...

…He is very capable in every field, and he even helped us design a brand new body…”

"Really!? Please let me know about your new machine!"


"Oh, Al..."

(End of chapter)

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