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Chapter 1272 Escaped by it

As expected, the giant white wolf Enoba did not dare to make any more moves. This was the first time that it felt that death was so close to itself. It was absolutely loyal to its master. As long as it was an order given by the master, it would complete it at the risk of its own life.

But as a living thing, it still retains the fear of death, which is the survival instinct of living things.

"I know you can command the Colossus soldiers to immediately give up all resistance, and the ones on the other side of the blue hole to stop coming." Yang Hui threatened the white giant wolf Enoba. He noticed that more and more enemies were springing up.

When the storm comes, except for Char, Lala Xin, and Rukino Saki, everyone in Drei Kreuz can cope with it freely, but the others have fallen into fatigue. Char and the three of them need to support others while annihilating the enemy, and they are gradually overwhelmed.

Well, even if the [White Fortress] and the Londo Bell team join the battlefield, it will be difficult to save the situation.

Yang Hui also has a hard time dealing with this. This is on earth, not in the universe. Large-scale strategic weapons and methods cannot be used easily, such as reaction bombs. Even if they do not cause large-scale radiation like nuclear bombs, they will have a negative impact on the ecosystem.

The damage is still huge. What they want to do is protect the earth, not leave a Death Star for themselves.

"This is Sergey Smirnov, Drei Kreuz has begun to retreat, and we have taken over the battlefield!" Just when Yang Hui was struggling, should he kill the white giant wolf Enoba directly and turn around to support the others?

At that moment, Sergey's voice sounded in the communication channel, like the sound of nature.

The next second, countless high-speed missiles trailed long smoke tails and fell into the dense enemy. MSs from all directions transformed into a tight formation and joined the battle, with guns and cannons firing and fireworks everywhere.

"Brother, you are finally here." Yang Hui sighed happily.

"I discovered it when the dimensional coefficient increased sharply again in the blue hole. I immediately led the team to set off." Sergey Smirnov said, while teasing Yang Hui, "What? Regressed? It took only a few minutes to persist.

Can’t stand anymore?”

"Stop making trouble, I have a prisoner in my hand. It's a bit troublesome. I have to keep an eye on... huh?" Yang Hui shut up mid-sentence and looked at the white giant wolf Enoba. His face was a bit ugly and cold, because the white giant wolf

The wolf's eyes turned white, its pupils dissipated, and its whole body stopped moving. It was like a lifelike and exquisite statue. The surrounding magical energy quickly dissipated, and Yang Hui also sensed that the white giant wolf Enoba did not have any mental fluctuations, or that

...There is no mental wave at all.

"Dead? Suicide? Or..." Yang Hui frowned and thought, he valued the giant white wolf Enoba very much.

The situation on the other side of the blue hole has been partially known from the mouths of the five Al, but only part of it. According to Al, the world on the other side of the blue hole is very big, with countless countries, and the Silver Phoenix Knights are located in

The Kingdom of Fremevilla is considered one of the largest and most powerful countries, but the territory it occupies is not large. There are countless countries, large and small, and the Kingdom of Kalovud is one of them, and it is relatively close to Fremevilla.

Sifero, where Hikaru Shido and the other three are located, is also a powerful country, but the two countries are a bit far apart and there is not much communication. Al and the others only met them by chance.

And Al and the others failed to provide much valuable information. There are still too many mysteries about the Blue Hole, Sifiro, Warcraft and the Colossus Soldiers. After finally meeting the Warcraft with advanced wisdom, it can be said that

The existence of human speech is also a very important source of intelligence.

The result is now...

"I hope Shido Hikaru and the others can provide valuable information." After saying this, [Dawn Erstellen (Creation)] snapped his fingers, and the green crystals completely enveloped the white giant wolf Enoba, and finally turned into dust and dissipated in the

Between heaven and earth.

It has been determined that only the body is left, and there is no point in taking such a prisoner back. Yang Hui is not afraid that it wants to fake death and escape and kill it by mistake. On the one hand, Yang Hui may laugh at its IQ; on the other hand, even if it really fakes death, in Bi

Before the green crystal completely eroded and shattered the body, the survival instinct would subconsciously resist and cause mental fluctuations, but Yang Hui did not notice it.

"Sure enough, there is no soul anymore." After the white giant wolf Enoba was assimilated and devoured, Yang Hui did not receive any memory information, which proved that he was right.

"Yang Hui! What happened?" Seeing Yang Hui's sudden stop, Sergey asked immediately.

"They must have been captured and escaped." Yang Hui responded, and then piloted [Dawn Erstellen (Creation)] to join the battle to speed up the destruction of the enemy army, without paying too much attention to the situation of the giant white wolf Enoba.

"Should?" Sergey asked. If he escaped, he escaped. If he didn't escape, he didn't escape. When did Yang Hui use such ambiguous rewards?

"Well, the body is still there, but there is no consciousness. It is probably some kind of special magic." Yang Hui replied while driving [Dawn Erstellen (Creation)] to quickly kill the enemy. Without the white giant wolf Enoba's release, Yang Hui replied

Interfering magic, GN particles are once again under the complete control of [Dawn Erstellen (Creation)].

"Magic...stop this invasion first."


Originally everyone thought this would be a battlefield of Shuras and were prepared for a bloody battle. However, shortly after Sergei led the team to arrive and [Dawn Erstellen (Creation)] joined the battlefield, the blue hole stopped spewing and the enemy was no longer there.

It fell like raindrops, giving everyone a shot in the arm.

In less than an hour, all the Colossus soldiers were wiped out, and the Silhouette Knights of the Kingdom of Garovud were dying and falling. They were surrounded from all directions, with no chance to escape.

"What was the result?" After the battle, [Erstellen (Creation)] landed at the temporary camp, and Yang Hui found Sergey and asked.

"Based on our common sense, we have a complete victory, but..."

This battle report was difficult to write because it was in a different world. It was difficult for him to judge how many troops the Jia Luo Wude Kingdom had. The birth method of monsters like the Colossus Soldiers and their numerical scale were not clear. Even Xie

Even a veteran like Ergai could not estimate how much of a blow it had caused to the opponent.

If the hundreds of Colossus soldiers or Silhouette Knights eliminated today were just a drop in the ocean on the opposite side, then the three-digit number would lose its meaning.

"...Don't talk about it anymore, I will take care of it. What's going on with the prisoner you mentioned?" Sergey asked Yang Hui.

"Three magic knights came from the other side of the blue hole, and a giant white wolf with high intelligence came from the other side of the Colossus soldier. He could also speak human language. After he was caught by me, his soul suddenly disappeared, leaving only his body.

It's probably the effect of some special magic." Yang Hui said.

"Magic... it's really a magical existence." Sergey never thought that one day he would be able to see Warcraft and magicians. These things originally only existed in novels, movies, and comics.

Dream exists.

"Well, according to what Al said, Shido Hikari, Ryuzaki Kai, and Phoenix Temple Wind are from the same world as them, but the three of them seem to be people from this world originally. They were summoned by magic over there. Wait a moment

I will return to [Drestliga] to ask for information." Yang Hui said.

"Well, I leave it to you."

"Sergey...you are here too." At this time, Xia Ya took Lara Xin into Sergey's camp and joked when he saw Yang Hui.

Hearing this, Yang Hui rolled his eyes and ignored him. You can't see such a big [Dawn Erstellen (Creation)] outside? Where could I be if I wasn't here in the entire camp?

"Haha." Xia Ya shrugged. It was just a habit. If he didn't say a word or two to Yang Hui every day, he would feel uncomfortable all over. "Sergey, I captured two prisoners over at Jalovude. One of them should be the Silhouette Knight.

Commander, a captain whose position is that of an airship, his status should not be low."

He has not forgotten the mission that Yang Hui gave him. The commander on the Warcraft side failed to capture it, so the prisoners on the Jialuowude Kingdom side are even more important. Both sides appeared at the same time, and there seemed to be exchanges during the battle.

Maybe we can get information about World of Warcraft from them.

"Well, I will personally send them to the rear and hand them over to Kruse for interrogation." Sergey nodded seriously. He also understood the importance of these two prisoners. The enemy also had weird magic. Just now Yang Huicai was killed.

He didn't feel at ease if he didn't escort him there personally.


"By the way, have you gained anything from the investigation of the blue hole?" Sergey asked Yang Hui. They also investigated the blue hole at the beginning. After all, it is the largest in the world and the only one that has always retained the DBD dimensional distortion phenomenon. Not only

It has very high research value, and it is also the connection channel between the other world and this world. If we can figure out the principle, then... after this world is stable, we can start to conquer the other world?

"At the moment, there are not many valuable results." Yang Hui shook his head. After the battle, Yang Hui asked Clover Grayvale and Maeby. According to the data recorded by the equipment, the dimensional distortion coefficient when someone passed through

There were violent changes, but they subsided after they stopped, as calm as the surface of a waveless lake, without any change.

Now [Drestliga] is still conducting further investigation and research on the blue hole, hoping to get some valuable information.

"Really? I understand. Mr. Aeolia is also stepping up to complete various projects in his hands and is preparing to personally lead a team to study the DBD phenomenon." Sergey said to Yang Hui.

"Understood, [Drestliga] will also continue to investigate."

Now that the business is done, [Drestliga] will still investigate the blue hole for a while and will not leave in a short time. Yang Hui also plans to stay and chat with Sergei for a few words, but Sanye Grevalet

The information forced Yang Hui to rush back to [Drestliga] immediately.

"Colonel Yang Hui, please return to [Drestliga] immediately. Shido Hikaru and the others have brought very valuable information related to the emergence of the blue hole and the origin of Warcraft."

(End of chapter)

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