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Chapter 132 Im going to kill him!

There are more and more enemy planes blocking the path forward of the Diva, and the advantages previously established have been lost. The combined MS forces of Zaram and Aubba have suffered more and more casualties due to the UE's counterattack.



Yang Hui and Graham knew that now had reached the most critical moment and it was no longer time to consider whether the machine would fall apart. They released their restraints one after another. Dawn Gundam and Samurai Gundam turned into two streams of light and began to move back and forth in UE's formation.

Shuttle back and forth, and soon the formation that had gathered together again was torn into pieces.

"It's now!"

Seeing that the passage was opened, Gurudik made a quick decision: "Photon blast cannon, prepare for bombardment! Diva, maximum combat speed!"

The Diva burst into flames, and its speed suddenly increased. It directly threw away the escorts of other battleships and MS troops, and rushed into the path opened by Yang Hui and Graham.

"Protect the Song Dynasty! Don't let the enemy hinder the bombardment!" The MS troops also gave up guarding other battleships and all stayed around the Song Dynasty.

The anti-beam diffusion bombs that were opened at the beginning were almost exhausted, and Fa Boser's bombardment had also arrived. UE also noticed the abnormal behavior of the Song diva, and the entire team surrounded it, trying to directly hit the diva.


"The energy filling rate of the photon blast cannon is 92%!"

"Speed ​​remains unchanged!"

The MS troops tried their best to hold back the intrusion of UE's MS troops. Fa Boser's naval guns had already hit many of the Diva's guns, and even the armor on the starboard side had been penetrated. However, this did not make everyone panic, Guru

Dick stared at the display screen. In about one second, Fa Boser would be able to enter the effective shooting range.

It's a gamble of life and death, either the Diva is sunk now, or the photon blast cannon opens fire.

It was only a second, which was stretched infinitely. Everyone was staring at the coordinates of the enemy ship, and sweat had soaked their foreheads and hair.

"Enemy ship, enter effective range!"

"Photon blast cannon energy refill 100%!"

"Okay! Target! UE battleship ahead!" A large number of pink photons in the belly of the Diva began to shrink, condensing huge energy, "Launch!"

A thick pink beam of light spurted out, as if splitting the space into two. While it instantly swallowed up Fa Boser, it also directly penetrated the Anbat Fortress behind it. Any mobile suit that was slightly closer along the way would be hit.

It was caught in the aftermath of energy and eventually exploded.


During the wear and tear of the beam, the anti-beam coating and thick armor on Fa Boser's surface were completely worn away, and finally exploded in the furnace of energy under the background of the leaping arc.


"Haha, it worked!"

Everyone was very excited. This shot almost wiped out the remaining 70% of UE's troops. The obstacle of Fa Boser was also cleared. There will be no more obstacles in the subsequent storm landing operation.

"It's not over yet! Be careful of the Diva! Part of the enemy mothership has broken away, and it is suspected to be a small battleship!" Yang Hui, who knew the plot, kept a close eye on Fa Boser, and indeed saw a small battleship break away from Fa Boser at the last moment. No,

In the event of an accident, a suicide attack will be launched.


Everyone was stunned for a moment, and before they had time to recover, they saw a dilapidated small battleship breaking through the blockade of fire and heading straight towards the Diva at an extremely fast speed.

"Don't even think about it!"

Dawn Gundam followed immediately and fired all the bullets towards the rear of the battleship, immediately destroying the propulsion device. Other mobile suits also opened fire, hoping to destroy the UE battleship to prevent the opponent's suicide attack, but the battleship's armor was indeed not

Compared to the MS, the shots from the Vangus rifle were all bounced away by the remaining armor.

Although there was no power, it still hit the Diva under the influence of inertia.

"Emergency Evacuation!"

In the end, the UE battleship almost passed by the Diva, which really scared everyone into a cold sweat.

"Huh~" Gurudik breathed a sigh of relief, immediately adjusted his condition and issued the final order, "The fleet will clear out enemies along the way and break into the Anbat Fortress! MS troops will continue to support each ship!"


Fa Boser was defeated, but Anbat itself also had a terrible firepower deployment. More than half of the MS troops were wiped out, but there were still objective numbers. The road to log in to the Diva was still difficult.

"The eighth area on the starboard side was shot, the sealing system failed, confirm the situation in this area!"

"Understood! The emergency squad is dispatched urgently!"

"The power transmission system is normal and we can still hold on!"

Bad news and good news kept intertwining, and Gurudik couldn't help but clenched his fists.

"It can't sink yet. We must hold on no matter what before landing at Anbat Fortress!"


The Diva still maintains its maximum combat speed. Dawn Gundam and Samurai Gundam have returned to the surroundings of the Diva to protect them. The previous explosion caused all the body parts to turn yellow, and they can no longer engage in high-intensity battles.

"Tch, it's really troublesome." Graham couldn't help but cursed. Problems with the machine's body during battle are the most fatal.

"Be patient, our mission will be basically completed when the Diva lands... huh?" Yang Hui stopped abruptly mid-sentence, and a familiar voice sounded in his mind.

"You're still so awesome, big brother..."

"Graham, it seems we have no chance to rest."


"Beep beep beep..."

The sound of sirens interrupted Graham's inquiry, and the radar reality revealed that a mobile suit was launched from Anbat, approaching them at more than twice the speed of other mobile suits.


Dawn Gundam and Samurai Gundam dodged to both sides, avoiding the beam cannon, but the two aircraft were also separated. Jedus, in high-speed jet mode, directly hit the Dawn Gundam and took it away from the battle area.

"Yang Hui!" Samurai Gundam hurriedly followed. Yang Hui couldn't let anything happen to him, otherwise what would he and the people in Promis Fortress do? Even if everyone here died, he still had to protect Yang Hui.

"Hmm~ Disil..." Yang Hui looked at Jedas who was very close to him on the screen, with an angry look on his face, and he directly pulled out the beam sword and was about to thrust it into the driver's cab.

Desir sensed the danger, and Jedus transformed into his MS form and threw away the Dawn Gundam. He held a physical sword and collided with the Dawn Gundam.

"Hahaha, I have been waiting for this opportunity for too long. Big brother, come and play!"

"I don't have time to play fighting games with my little kid! So can you please stay still? I will send you directly to meet your parents whom you have never met."

"That's not okay, big brother, I hate losing to you!"

The voice in his mind became ferocious, and Jedus' movements also became more ferocious. With only one physical sword, he used his claws and kept swinging at the Dawn Gundam with both hands.

"You are indeed a naughty child. The battlefield is not a place for fooling around!"

Dawn Gundam stepped sideways and passed Jedus. At the same time, the beam saber was raised, aiming directly at the cockpit above its head, but...

Jedus's arm suddenly retracted to protect his chest. The super beam sword slashed at Jedus' arm but failed to cut it off in two. The strong flash and bursting sparks indicated that the sword he was determined to win was blocked.

"how come……"

"Hahaha! How is it? Big brother, I have made a lot of preparations to win against you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Jedus swung his super beam sword with his arms, kicked Dawn Gundam in the abdomen, and immediately followed up, firing his two-handed beam Vulcan cannon.

"Have you strengthened the armor and beam resistance of both arms? But only the arms, otherwise the mobility will be affected. In this case..."

While dodging, he allowed Jaydas to close the distance, and the physical sword raised high struck down like lightning. But what Yang Hui was best at was subtle movements. With a slight movement, Jaydas once again exposed his back to

Dawn Gundam.

"There won't be any armor on the engine, right? Goodbye, naughty kid, in the next life..."

"Beep beep beep..."


Hearing the siren, Yang Hui subconsciously pulled the joystick. Dawn Gundam stopped piercing Jedus with a sword and quickly retreated. Just the next second it left, the original position was penetrated by several beams of light, and a pink figure appeared.

Flying quickly from a distance, he stood in front of Jaydas.

Seeing Falcia's appearance, Yang Hui's pupils shrank. He knew who the driver was without any evidence. It seemed that Yulin should have been taken away directly instead of leaving her in Minsley.

"How about it? Big brother, in order to win you, I have prepared a lot of trump cards. If I heard correctly, you and this sister should be... tsk tsk tsk..."

Hearing Disil's arrogant voice, Yang Hui's hand holding the joystick became harder and harder, but his expression became more and more dull, and his eyes became colder and colder.

"Yang Hui! Are you okay?"


The indifferent and cold voice frightened Graham, and he quickly asked with concern: "What happened?"

"That pink machine is Yulin, and Yulin was captured by them..."

"What? Then I..."

"Cut down the cockpit in an instant and stay away from the aircraft. Help me rescue Yulin, and then don't overload the aircraft..."

"This is very difficult..." Graham frowned. If the machine's condition is to save Yulin safely in the shortest time, it is inevitable that the body parts will appear red. Yang Hui's request is a bit overwhelming.

"Then help me sweep the formation, don't let the other one escape..."

"Yang Hui..."

When Graham saw that Yang Hui ignored him completely and kept talking to himself, he knew that he was extremely angry when he saw Youlin being tied to the battlefield, but it was difficult to fulfill Yang Hui's request in the current situation.

At this time, Yang Hui raised his head, allowing Graham to see his expression clearly. No matter how much he tried to dissuade him, he couldn't speak out. With the colorful light in his eyes and his expressionless face, Yang Hui had already entered the stage of change.

mode and become absolutely rational.

But...Graham could feel the anger in Yang Hui's heart that was suppressed by reason, like a volcano about to erupt.

"...I'm going to kill him."

With an expressionless face and the most cruel words in the calmest tone, it was the first time for Graham to see such an angry Yang Hui, and the first time to feel such a biting coldness from Yang Hui.

This chapter has been completed!
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