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Chapter 1331 The Power and [Plan Z]

Drei Kreuz, who ascended into space, went directly to the GGG orbital base for supplies. This time, Sanye Grayvale and others finally met the leadership team of the new GGG. The last time they came to the GGG orbital base, because of Ray Bill

The accompanying team temporarily took over the orbital base, and the members either went to Earth to support Tenkai Mamoru and Jie Dojimi, or they stayed at their respective jobs without a chance.

"First meeting, Captain Sanye, Colonel Yang Hui, I am Agazon, the commander-in-chief of the new GGG. Welcome to the GGG orbital base."

"First meeting, Sir Agathon, Drei Kreuz has arrived at the GGG orbital base for supplies. I ask for your full cooperation." Clover Grevalet stretched out his hand and shook hands with Commander Agathon.

"Don't worry, we have also received the order from General Rebel. All supplies are ready and can start supply operations at any time."

"Thank you." Sanye Grayvale thanked him, and said the second thing mentioned in the order, "General Rebir's order mentioned that Drei Kreuz would assist GGG in executing [Plan Z], but did not mention it.

Please tell us the details as well as the specific plan content.”

"Of course, no problem!" When he mentioned [Plan Z], Commander Agathon's eyes lit up. This was the plan he had dreamed of completing to bring back his friends and family whose lives were unknown.

At that time, he accepted the suggestion of the supervisor Yang Longli and submitted [Plan Z] to the Federal Army Headquarters without reservation. It was immediately highly recognized by Ray Bill and Huang. The two of them also personally improved the entire plan and made the plan feasible.

The performance and chance of success have improved a lot, which made Chief Agazon very moved and recognized the current Earth Federation Forces even more.

"It's just..." But Chief Agathon did not immediately tell the information to Sanye Grayvale, Yang Hui and others. Because of this plan, Drei Kreuz was required to fully cooperate, and the risk was very high, even if Huang and Ray Bill were perfect.

The plan was still the same, so he believed that it was the responsible thing to inform all Drei Kreuz members about this information. "...If possible, I suggest that all Drei Kreuz members can listen to the relevant content of [Plan Z]."

"That's no problem." Sanye Grewale nodded in agreement, and that was what she planned to do. "Due to limited space, team members who are unable to come can listen to our conversations, specific mission briefings and combat deployments through the ship's radio.

It will be issued after this conversation.”

"I understand. It's great to have your support. During this time, I have troubled you to take care of our young people. Thank you very much. Just leave the preparation and supplies to us!"

"Then we would rather obey orders than be respectful."

"Although the systems are different, we are also one of the agencies affiliated with the Earth Federation Army, so you are welcome." Supervisor Yang Longli agreed, introducing himself at the right time, "I am Yang Longli, the supervisor of GGG. Please give me your advice."

"Well, this is a rare opportunity. Before introducing [Plan Z], let's also invite the rising stars of our team to attend the meeting. You guys, please introduce yourselves." Chief Agazon looked at the young people behind him.

people said.

"I am Hana Hatsuno, the correspondent of the mobile unit. Please...please give me your advice."

"I am Ushiyama Suueo, the correspondent of the Maintenance Department."

"I am Noki Ayaka, the correspondent of the Research Department. I am also a synchronized sensor, so I also serve as the junior sensor pilot of the Kiba Kai."


Now, everyone was acquainted, and Chief Agazon did not start to excite anyone, and began to talk about the specific content of [Plan Z]: "You must also know that our Gutsy Global Guard is the successor organization of the former Gusty Galaxy Guard. Because of the triple

Even during the great war in the solar system, although the members of the previous generation saved the world, they were all trapped in the universe that was about to be destroyed, with their lives and deaths unknown, and [Plan Z] was a plan made to rescue them...to rescue the brave men."

"Rescue... the brave!?" To be honest, Mitsuba Grayvale had thought about whether [Plan Z] was a combat power enhancement plan, or a development or exploration plan, but he never thought that the ultimate goal was to rescue Ten

The previous generation of brave men who disappeared years ago.

"Really...can they be rescued?" Reynold Harting asked somewhat unimaginably.

"According to the records within the Federal Army, they are in a time and space earlier than the Big Bang...the universe 15 billion years ago..." Sanye Grayvale was equally unbelievable and proposed.

own doubts.

"This matter is indeed very difficult, but it is not impossible." Tianhai Mao stood next to Commander Agazon and added that although he is a member of Drei Kreuz, he is also a new generation of GGG braves and an old generation of braves.

As our important companions, we are naturally eager to rescue them.

"The facts are right in front of us. Mamoru and I have traveled through 15 billion years of time and space and returned to the earth." Jie Daoji said. He and Mamoru are both people from the triple-connected solar system, not Earthlings. At that time, the older generation

Before the brave men completely disappeared, they sent back two children from the Triple Alliance Solar System, namely Amamigo and Jiedo Ikami. They are the best proof of the feasibility of the plan. It is possible to bring people back from the time and space of the Triple Alliance Solar System.


"So... Hu Heji has been able to travel through 15 billion years of time and space. Should he have used some special means, energy? Or technology?" Yang Hui thought for a moment and asked.

"The key to our ability to travel through time and space is The Power, the super energy that exists on Jupiter." Amamigo said.

"It's Jupiter again..." As soon as Jupiter was mentioned, Yang Hui couldn't help complaining in his heart. It was really a strong sense of déjà vu. If there were any villains, they would throw them into the universe and Mars. What kind of special appearance groups and special powers?

Just throw it at Jupiter.

"But I heard that that kind of power is too powerful, and there is currently no way to control it..." Sanye Grayvale asked while recalling the corresponding information.

"It is indeed the kind of power that can bring destruction. In fact, the main body of the alien weapon - Z Master Brain, was destroyed because it could not control The Power." Jie Daoji said.

"However, the huge meteorite that the 31 original species of the former machine world tried to hit the earth was sent to the past by The Power." Tian Haihu added, "And the huge meteorite that was sent back 65 million years ago became

The reason for the extinction of dinosaurs on earth during this era..."

"In other words, although The Power is the power of destruction, it can also be said to be energy that can travel through time and space."

Tian Haihu and Jie Dao have been complementing each other for a while, allowing Yang Hui to roughly understand what kind of energy the so-called The Power is.

"The characteristic is violent, both quality and quantity are high, and it can link time and space... Is it the result of the violent characteristics of energy and the high quality of flying bricks, or is it its own characteristic of linking time and space... It's really curious..."

"Uh... Colonel Yang Hui?" Seeing Yang Hui muttering to himself, his eyes gradually became heated, and everyone present twitched their mouths.

"Huh? Sorry, I thought of something." Yang Hui shook his head to tell everyone not to worry, and then continued to ask, "So you decide that The Power will be the key to opening the door to the triple-connected solar system?"

"Yes." Everyone from GGG nodded.

"Although the mission of our new GGG is to protect the earth, we also hope to rescue the old GGG, and we believe that to complete [Project Z], we must conduct on-site investigations on Jupiter." Chief Agathon said with a serious expression, "But this

The matter was of great importance, and if it failed, the consequences would not be borne by a single GGG organization. Therefore, I accepted Supervisor Yang’s suggestion and reported the plan to General Raibil, who would improve it and the Imperial Chief of Staff.

Drei Kreuz assists in investigating Jupiter and The Power."

"No problem. General Ray Bill's order also mentioned that we will fully cooperate with you in the implementation of [Plan Z], and they are the brave men who saved the earth. I am honored to participate in the plan to save the brave men. I want Drei

Everyone at Kreuz has the same idea.”

"As the deputy captain, I also agree with the captain's opinion." At the critical moment, the deputy captain has to support Clover Grevalet.

"Of course I agree." Seeing a lot of eyes falling on him, Yang Hui shrugged and agreed, "Firstly, the power of the previous generation of braves is a great boost to the federal army, and secondly, the return of the braves can also

It greatly boosts morale, and...I am also very interested in the previous generations of heroes, oh, by the way, and The Power."

"Uh... Colonel Yang Hui, The Power is a very terrifying destructive force. Do you think we should... forget it?" Tian Haihu's mouth twitched and he quickly persuaded him, showing the scene of the destruction of Mastermind Z ten years ago because he could not control The Power.

I remember it vividly.

"Huh? Don't worry, I'm measured and won't act rashly." Yang Hui waved his hand, asking Tian Haihu and others not to be so nervous. He is not a crazy careerist. He knows that he can't touch the power casually, but he still touches it easily.

I will definitely do research, but I will also definitely be fully prepared.

"That's good." XN

Tian Haihu and others breathed a sigh of relief, especially Tian Haihu and Jiedao Jisi. Once Yang Hui made up his mind, no one could persuade him to change.

"But... Sir Agazon, our team is about to go to the designated space area to rendezvous with the friendly fleet, and is about to participate in the Battle of Kamiya, so regarding assisting [Plan Z]..."

"I also know about this, and General Rebir also told me that the Federation will launch large-scale battles around the world in the near future, with the Battle of God Valley and the Zanskar Counterattack as the core. I understand the difficulties of your department, so my

The idea is that after the Battle of Kamiya is over and your department has not received any other instructions, please take the trouble to go to Jupiter to conduct an investigation. Everything will be based on the plan of the Federation Army Headquarters."

Although Chief Agazon is anxious, he can also distinguish what is important and what is important. In the face of the federal army's big plan, an agency's small plan must be put aside no matter how important it is. Drei Kreuz is also the biggest booster and supporter of [Plan Z].

The biggest guarantee of success is that GGG itself would never dare to execute it without the help of Drei Kreuz.

(End of chapter)

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