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Chapter 1334 The shock brought by Macrss

"Huh? Is the performance explosive? There are also changes in the structure of the body. It is also a biological-like body, but..."

In order to make the other party's arrogance less useless, Graham also gave Klein enough opportunities. [Flag Abschneiden (cut off)] elegantly dodged the huge claws, and the sharp swords in both hands either cut off the long drawn ones.

The whip flicked away the whipped tail, and the energy cannon in the palm of the claws fired, not even touching the [Flag Abschneiden (cut off)].

Although it can be seen that the burst of performance of Ulugaru is different from the form transformation of the Temple of Killing, Graham still has a small hope that the other party can bring him the long-lost passion and excitement, even just a little bit.

Unfortunately... not at all.


The sword light flashed, and the sharp claws that were shot were cut off directly from the wrist. At the same time, the [Flag Abschneiden (cut off)] disappeared from the place, and ducked behind the purple humanoid body. It had a long whip left arm and a hard long tail.

Cut off all the roots.

"How is it possible!?" Klein was horrified. Just now, the opponent couldn't break through the reinforced armor. Why... why could it be cut so smoothly this time!?

"How dare you call me prey when you can't even see the obvious betrayal?" Graham sneered.

According to the information provided by the exiles of Ulgaru, in the language of Ulgaru, Ramata means prey, and the earth... is the hunting ground identified by Ulgaru, which is spread throughout the universe.

Seed of Life, a civilization that cultivates its own hunting grounds. In Ulugalu, the main goal of hunting is to cultivate excellent genes and then integrate them into one's own genes.

As the commander of Ulugaru, he is one of the few people with complete self-awareness, and he is also a real high-level person. When they choose their prey, they will definitely choose a target that can make their genes agitated.

And Klein...Graham's strength did not make his genes restless, but fearful. But Klein is an arrogant and conceited person. As a member of Ulgaru's legion, he was actually treated as a prey.

The prey, this humiliation, absolutely cannot accept it.

However... Graham was greatly disappointed. The one he killed before was also the legion commander, right? If Ulgaru's legion battle was only at this level... it would be too disappointing.

"You... you are an earth species..."

"Let's send you to meet your colleagues, Boring."

"Damn... damn earth species~!!!!!"

The purple humanoid body was about to escape, but the moment it started up, it saw the [Flag Abschneiden (cut off)] that should have been behind it appeared in front of its eyes, holding a sharp sword pointed directly at itself, and as soon as its own body started up, it happened to hit it head-on.

Going up, the sharp sword penetrated the chest of the purple humanoid machine without any obstruction, penetrating along with Klein inside the machine.

"There are too many flaws, and the intention is too obvious, haha." Graham sneered. In his sight, at any time, the purple humanoid body was covered with [Death Star], and the whole body was full of flaws. He wanted to kill it.

He is just an idea difference.

[Flag Abschneiden (cut off)] With a wave of his hand, the purple humanoid body attached to the sword was smoothly thrown away, becoming one of the garbage of the universe.

"There should be no good prey left, right? And..."

[Flag Abschneiden (cut off)] was not in a hurry to chase down other prey. He just floated in the universe and looked around, observing the surrounding battle situation. [Drestliga]'s MS troops were enjoying the pursuit, and at the same time

The mutual cooperation has not been broken, but it is obvious that the physical strength and energy are consumed very quickly, and the movements have begun to stagnate.

Although it can be seen that everyone's morale is high and it is impossible to stop now, there is not much time left for them. According to the battlefield arranged before the battle begins, the fleeing Ulgaru has already entered the combat area of ​​the two fleets.




The Kamiya star was hit by two thick spiral torrents, and they hit the same point. The distortion of space twisted the entire Kamiya star to pieces. It was visible to the naked eye that deep ravines appeared everywhere on the planet's surface.

Under the cover of light, the point burst into flames that reached the sky.

At the same time, four Macross-class battleships had transformed and surrounded them from three directions. Following them were dozens of 400-meter-class Macross-class battleships. The [Xuanwu-class] deployed their shields at the front with all their strength.

, a large number of small fighter jets directly collided with it, destroying the aircraft and killing everyone. The humanoid mobile weapons and battleships tilted their fire towards the shield, but they could only make little ripples.

Behind the [Xuanwu-class], the [White Tiger-class] fired with full firepower. Except for the super-heavy quantum reaction cannon, which was not used, the micro-missiles tilted like a violent storm. The secondary guns all over the body roared one after another, leaving countless fireworks wherever they went.


The MS troops could not remain idle. They formed small teams and launched an assault, killing the remaining enemy troops wantonly under the cover of the battleship's firepower.

"This feeling of oppression is too strong."

[Drestliga], which had been in the safe zone, also began to move forward, moving cautiously while maintaining a tilt of firepower. Sanye Grayvale had always followed Yang Hui's instructions and not to be dazzled by the achievements in front of him.

But when everyone on the bridge saw the four huge Macross-class battleships turning into steel giants and pressing over them, even the friendly forces were shocked beyond measure.

I had witnessed the transformation of the [White Fortress] during the encounter with the Zanskar Empire, and it was already very shocking. But now that four Macross-class battleships have transformed and are approaching, the deterrence has increased exponentially.

What shocked everyone in [Drestliga] was not only the four transformed Macross-class battleships, but also the fleet with clear division of labor, and the MS troops with superior combat capabilities...

This was the first time that the Promes Legion showed its extremely powerful combat power in front of their eyes, not only its powerful battleships and MS, but also its superb fleet tactics and MS team tactics...

All this is beyond their common sense.

They have no doubt that even without super-generation battleships and aircraft, even if they have the same level of technology as the original Earth Federation and Zanskar Empire, they can still defeat the original Earth Federation and Zanskar Empire.

"This is the Prometh Legion..." Sanye Grayvale murmured to herself, a fierce light flashed in her eyes. This was not her independent thought, and she didn't know where this anger and hatred came from.

But... I just hate the existence of the Promethean Legion very much.

However... because her attention was all on the Promethean Legion in front of her, she didn't notice that Reynold Harding beside her was recording her every move.

"[Promis] called, the Ulgaru outpost has been confirmed to be completely destroyed. [Drestliga] stepped forward to cooperate with the friendly forces to complete the encirclement, and the remaining Ulugalu troops on the battlefield were all on board!"

"...Understood." Mitsuba Grayvale was silent for a moment, accepted the order, and ordered [Drestliga] to start moving forward, without any reservation of all the firepower in his body.

"Ha~ha~ha~the...the 412th machine...next..."

"Lita, retreat and take a rest!"

"No...I can feel it...just a little bit...as long as I can hold on..." Lita Bernal rejected Jonah Bachta's suggestion, even though her whole body was soaked and her energy began to fade,

She had to grit her teeth and persevere. She could already feel that the barrier was only a little bit closer to breaking through. Once such a good opportunity was missed, she didn't know when she would encounter it next time.

Rita Bernal is a gentle and sunny girl, and she is also very kind. Everyone in the legion likes her very much and has a good relationship with her, but...

Who told her to be the soldier brought out by Yang Hui? The pride is already engraved in her bones.

This kind of pride is not the kind of pride for others, but the pride for herself. She doesn't want to be unknown in the legion. She doesn't want to have to watch her favorite brothers at the front to resist the biggest enemy every time.

danger, and I can only clean up the miscellaneous soldiers behind.

"Okay Lita, retreat and take a rest."

Just when Phoenix was about to pursue the next target, a dark green Gundam MS wearing a cloak suddenly appeared in a place where there was nothing, and stretched out its hand to block Phoenix's path.

"Who are you!?" Jonah Basuta was startled by the sudden appearance of [Angel of Destruction Tarnung (hidden)], and subconsciously raised the muzzle of his gun.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Neil grabbed the beam rifle in the hand of the NT Gundam with his other hand and moved it sideways. The beam passed by [Angel of Destruction Tarnung (Hidden)] and landed in the empty space.

"Jonah! Not an enemy! It's brother Neal!" Leta Bernal said quickly.

"Sorry, I'm so nervous." Jonah Basuta knew that he almost accidentally injured a friendly force, and he was very ashamed, but he also blamed Neil in his heart for suddenly appearing next to him, especially now that the battle is fierce. Who wouldn't be frightened?


"It doesn't matter, young man, it's also my problem." Neil told Jonah Basiletta not to pay too much attention, and then looked at Phoenix with a serious face, and the shadow appeared in Phoenix's cockpit, "You are upset.

Rita, haste makes waste, promotion to A-level cannot come in a hurry, and if the opportunity is not there, it will be useless even if you exhaust yourself to death."

"Brother Neil...I just..."

"I understand, and Yang Hui also understands, so Yang Hui told me to be optimistic about you from the beginning." Neil explained patiently. Anyway, [Angel Destroyer Tarnung (Hidden)] is not good at large-scale destruction, and these soldiers are not very interested.

, it is better to leave it to other ordinary members, so I stayed with Phoenix and watched Lita Bernal.

"Brother Yang Hui..."

"Okay, Rita, your body can't hold it anymore. Instead of trying to be brave, it's better to digest what you've gained this time and have a good communication with your body. Although you haven't awakened yet, it's not completely impossible to communicate.


"Well, I understand, brother Neil..."

"By the way, be prepared. You will definitely be punished this time, and we can't help you."



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