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Chapter 1361 Choose one of the two

"Oh, so arrogant? Yang Hui, I can't control my sword, what should I do?"

"I do have the urge to kill him."

"No, let me become a puppet. It's just too easy to kill him."

At the same time, the shadows of Graham, Char and Cruze appeared next to Yang Hui, with the same sneer on their faces.

"I want it more than you do." Yang Hui complained angrily, and then persuaded him, "But Sanye is right. We know too little about these two forces. If we can get some information, it will be better than directly

It's more valuable to kill them."

"How about capturing a prisoner? Isn't it easier to obtain information?" Xia Ya suggested, but immediately changed the subject, with a hint of sarcasm, "Oh, by the way, the hook-claw man didn't ask anything."

"Interrogation is a profound art. It requires inspiration, time, and even more observation. Not everyone can do this job, and people who are not engaged in this job will not understand the profoundness of it." Treat Xia Ya.

Kruse dealt with the sarcasm easily and counterattacked calmly.

"I can't help it. I don't have that dark temperament. I'm not suitable for living in the dark, and I can't stand such dirty hands."

"Okay, don't start a fight with us first." Yang Hui scolded, rolling his eyes.

These two guys, the eldest brother, don’t talk about the second brother. One of you is throwing small stars at the earth, and the other is sending gamma ray bursts to the earth. What’s the difference? They are both old coins. Don’t laugh at the crows and laugh at the pigs. Don’t blame the other.



The two of them smiled at the same time and did not continue to argue. Of course they were not fighting among themselves, it was just a verbal quarrel.

[Dawn Erstellen (Creation)] has also completed its attack, and all MS belonging to [Drestliga] have completed their attack. Under Yang Hui's arrangement, a defensive formation has been formed, and it can also be flexibly converted into an attack formation.

"Captain Sanye, the MS troops are ready and can start communicating." After everything was arranged, Yang Hui informed Sanye Grewale, but secretly, Yang Hui informed Graham through the [Siegfried Network]

, Char, Cruze and others are always ready. Ignore all other enemies. As long as communication fails, take action immediately. The only humanoid creature in the unknown force that can communicate... Well, you can call him Ka now.

Lureium Faur is here, we must catch him before he escapes.

Yang Hui now doesn't dare to completely trust Sanye Grayvale.

"Understood." With Yang Hui's permission, Sanye Grayvale began to talk to Kaluleum Faur: "The earth does not need a king. People who are not even willing to reveal their organization and purpose, I

I don’t think I’m qualified to be a king.”

Mitsuba Grayvale did not adopt a gentle and reciprocal attitude to communicate with the other party, but directly chose to provoke him. The other party's behavior always revealed the word "arrogant". Although the provoking method was very clumsy, he did not treat this kind of

It is best to carve pride into your genes, so use sharp words to stimulate it from the beginning.

"These words... are indeed reasonable. He is worthy of being the chosen one, Mitsuba, Mitsuba Grayvale." Kaluleum Faour's attitude exceeded everyone's expectations. Generally speaking,

When an arrogant person is stimulated, he either remains rational and continues to take the initiative, or he loses his rationality and loses the initiative.

However, Calureum Faul looked like she was sure of Mitsuba Grayvale. That way... she wasn't pretending, but she really thought so.

"His mental age is very young." Yang Hui was sure that Kaluleum Faur was a quick-acting existence, the same as a clone, otherwise he would not behave so ignorantly and immaturely.

"So...who are you? What kind of organization are you? What is your purpose?" Sanye Gravelay chose to use the most direct way to ask, trying to question Kaluleum Faul.

Carry out induction.

"Sanye, you are very interesting, so direct, so frank. According to my long-term observation, human beings are very complex creatures. I personally also judge that human beings are very dangerous creatures, insidious, cunning, cruel, and self-indulgent."

The world is full of all kinds of negative emotions all the time. If human beings are left alone, it will threaten the entire universe. And you, Sanye, let me see the shining side of human beings. I am very happy to meet you like this.

A human being and talk to you." Calureum Faur replied plainly, looking at Sanye Grevalai with a somewhat gentle look, "However... I can't answer your question immediately.


"So I can't accept your compliments. I will only regard them as low-grade flattery."

"This word is not used correctly, Sanye. Based on my study and understanding of human language, flattery is usually used between inferiors to superiors, and we... you are the inferior."

"I don't think so." Sanye Grayvale shook his head and responded to Kaluleum Faour with a firm look, "In my opinion, you are just a guest who came to Earth, and I

Master, I dare to confess everything about me, but you can only hide your head and tail, wrap yourself in a mysterious robe, and dare not show anything. No matter which one you are, you can only be the inferior!"

"Interesting remarks, sophistry, but reasonable. This is what teachers and masters say...is it something I should learn?"

"Teacher? Masters?" Sanye Grevalet was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then glanced at Reynolds Harting.

The latter understood and immediately highlighted these two words.

"So, I plan to make a deal with you. Don't you people on Earth like to make deals very much?" Kaluleum Faur said with a smile.

"What deal?" Sanye Greyvale's expression became serious. This was a very good opportunity, but it also depended on the content of the deal. If she was asked to betray the earth and humanity, she would not be able to agree.

"How about answering my question and I will tell you part of the answer you want to know? I think this is a very fair deal." Kalureum Faour said.

"..." A very longing emotion suddenly emerged in Sanye Grevalai's heart, and she immediately wanted to agree, but her reason finally defeated her emotions and selfish desires, and she looked at Yang Hui on the other screen.

"What's wrong with me? Why would I..." At this moment, Sanye Grayvale was also afraid, and she was almost controlled by the inexplicable desire that suddenly emerged in her heart, and... it was like

The person who lost her memory suddenly regained her memory. She recalled the previous tit-for-tat confrontations and conflicts with Yang Hui, and even earlier... She had no memory of the hatred and murderous intention towards Yang Hui, the Prometh Legion and others.

The thought of them dying made her feel extremely frightened.

Obviously... obviously I shouldn't be like this!

Fortunately, Sanye Grayvale breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Yang Hui nodded and agreed to the deal. He took his mind back from memories and fears and focused on the present. As for what was wrong with him, Sanye Grayvale

Gray Valet decided to talk to Yang Hui after it was over.

"Okay, I agree, just ask."

"Huh? It seems... you are not the real leader of this army, Sanye. It's really sad. You should be their leader, but you were deprived of your due status and power by outsiders."

Kalureum Faur glanced at [Dawn Erstellen (Creation)] through the screen of the machine, and his eyes flashed with a light called "dread".

"A clumsy provocation, Calureum Faour." Sanye Grevalai's voice was calm and a little angry, "Colonel Yang Hui is a respectable person and my teacher.

He taught me a lot and protected us many times. The bond between us cannot be slandered by your words!"

"I see. Are you playing the same role as teachers and masters? They are indeed worthy of respect."

"Okay, Kalureum Faur, I have agreed to your deal and raise your question." Sanye Grayvale had no intention of continuing to chat with Kalureum Faur.

, although the other side seems to have nothing to do with Calureum Faul's side, it is also eyeing the outside and cannot be ignored, but it cannot be given an opportunity to the other side just because of communication.

"Okay, listen clearly." Kaluleum Faour also followed Sanye Grevalai's wish, but he didn't understand a little. As the future king of the earth, he put down his body and met Sanye Grevalai.

Lei Hualei's conversation was already a charity, but the other party seemed unwilling to accept it, "There is a meteorite approaching a planet with a population of one billion. If this continues, the impact of the meteorite will completely destroy the planet and take away a billion people.

life... and you, who are observing this situation in space, have ways to change the trajectory of the meteorite, but if you take action, the meteorite that changed the trajectory will crash into a colony with a population of 100 million... What will you do?


"It's actually this kind of question!" Sanye Grevalet was shocked. This kind of two-choice question, no matter which answer you choose, is not the most ideal answer, or... it is not the correct answer, at least.

This is what Sanye Grevalet thinks in her heart.

"Colonel Yang Hui..."

"No, Sanye, this question... can only be answered by you, otherwise the deal will be invalidated." Seeing that Sanye Grevalai could not make a decision, Kaluleum Faour planned to ask Yang Hui,

He immediately stopped him. Although he was afraid of Yang Hui, he was just an outsider after all. The purpose of his questions was not to get answers from outsiders, because the outsiders' answers could not be used as a reference for the final judgment, and at the same time... they could not open the door.

"..." Sanye Greyvale gritted his teeth and hesitated, but at this moment, a memory came to mind again.

(End of chapter)

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