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Chapter 163 Cheers of victory, serious threat

10 minutes and 21 seconds, this is an ordinary but extraordinary time. It is ordinary for the Federal Army and for Yang Hui himself, but extraordinary for VEGAN, the enemy of the Federal Army, who is regarded by them as the most important person in the war.

The X-Rounder troops with sharp sabers were all wiped out in just 10 minutes and 21 seconds.

A group of eight people pierced through the enemy's tight defense line like a sharp sword, about to cut off the enemy's bones and pierce the opponent's heart. Everyone expected to break the federal army's undefeated myth in one fell swoop and defeat the people.

Fear of death, but...

Reality slapped VEGAN in the face so cruelly.

"How can it be……"

"[Demon] Force...X-Rounder Force...soldiers empowered by God..."

"how come……"

"Monsters...monsters of the Federation..."

On the bridge of the flagship, everyone began to tremble, and their legs became weak and unable to stand.

Medel Sant, who was temporarily in charge of the command, also had a look of horror. Although he never thought that the [Demon] troops could defeat the [Celestial Being] brigade at the beginning, after all, the reputation of the Federation Death God can be forged with the lives of countless VEGAN soldiers.

It is definitely not something that a group of X-Rounder users who are new to the battlefield can defeat easily.

But even so, Medel Sant also had hope that the [Demon] troops could compete with the [Celestial Being] brigade, but he did not expect that within ten minutes, five people on one side would be defeated in a row, and only

The remaining three people managed to escape by luck, and the other side was completely wiped out in about ten minutes. As the core and the only chance, Gerhardt and the personal guards were beaten steadily by the [Moon Angel] who they regarded as the only flaw.


Medel Sant, who was originally in horror, was interrupted by the screams, fear, and despair from the bridge. Looking at the people who were already frightened, Medel Sant knew that they had lost this battle.

, and it was a disastrous failure.

"Jerhart... no, Commander!"

The battle between Gerhat and Asem was not interrupted by anyone. The two planes continued to draw arcs in the universe, colliding once in a circle, or colliding back and forth to draw a spiral picture.



[Jedra] struggled to swing away the physical sword of Gundam AGE-2 and wanted to kick it out, but what shocked Jehart was that Gundam AGE-2 seemed to have seen through his intentions and somersaulted backwards in advance.

Dodge, then change the sword into a gun and keep shooting at [Jadra].

Facing the high-power Vangers rifle of Gundam AGE-2, he did not dare to use his shield to block it, so he dodged left and right, and was forced to feel embarrassed.

"Why? It's obviously not X-Rounder..."

"I have seen through your actions! Gerhart!"

"Could it be that you also..."

"I will not rely on X-Rounder! I have Gundam AGE-2, the guidance of Uncle Yang Hui and Uncle Graham, and the support of Captain Wolf... I... I am a super pilot!"

"This kind of thing...who would believe it!"

His actions were seen by Asem, but the actions of Gundam AGE-2 were still under Gerhart's control. The collision between the two became more intense. You pierced my shoulder armor, and I cut off yours.

Shields, guns and swords, even the machine's constant "crunching" sound was warning them, even though the surface of the machine was surrounded by arcs and sparks were flying, they couldn't stop the crazy battle.



An explosion occurred on [Jadra]'s right shoulder, causing the entire right arm to fall off. The double-wing shields of Gundam AGE-2 had been torn apart, and both legs were cut off, causing a brief pause in the fierce collision.

At this moment, Gerhardt suddenly heard a cry for help coming from the communication. He turned around and saw that a Fa Boser had been blown to pieces by the enemy's fierce attack, and there were two other Fa Boser.

·Boser is also shaky.

"Jerhart... No, Commander! The Federation's tactics have completely suppressed the front line. The [Demon] troops have been almost completely destroyed. The God of Death has lost its restraints. Although the reserve force has been invested, it is no longer possible to continue the operation! We must all

The army retreats!" Medel Sant connected to [Jadra]'s communication and said with a heavy expression.

"Hey, is that the end of it..." Gerhart bit his lips tightly, feeling very unwilling. Although he was not completely sure that he could successfully implement the battle plan at the beginning, he did not expect that he would be defeated so quickly, and even he

The original intention of consuming a large amount of the federal army's effective strength was not achieved, which made him very unwilling.

"Notify the entire army to retreat!"


After ending the communication, [Jedra] did not hesitate at all, put in the maximum effort, and left the battlefield as quickly as possible.

"Wait..." Asem, who didn't want Gerhart to retreat, immediately chased after the Gundam AGE-2.

"That's it." Luna Gundam had already arrived at Gundam AGE-2's side and stopped him in time.

"Aunt Youlin..."

"Call the colonel."

"Uh... Colonel, are you okay?" Asem asked with concern, and he heard a hint of weakness in Yulin's voice.

"It's okay, I'm just a little tired." Yulin in the cockpit had taken off her helmet at this time, letting sweat float in the cockpit, with a hint of paleness on her gentle and watery face.

Yulin's refraction tactics are indeed very powerful, but being completely exposed to the spiritual link system and making a lot of predictions and calculations consumes Yulin's energy very seriously.

"Instead of worrying about me, why not worry about yourself first, Asem, have you forgotten that Yang Hui and Graham taught you to stay calm in battle?"

Yulin's lesson made Yasem take a look at the body monitor. It turned out that the yellow parts were only a few, and even his legs were gone. He couldn't help but break out in cold sweat. If Yulin didn't stop him and rushed forward in this state, it would be

I really don’t even know how to write the word “death”.

"This...it's not because..." Yasem wanted to use Yulin as an excuse, but was slapped back before he could say anything.

"You can't even take care of yourself, and you still worry about me?"


"Go back and face the wrath of the maintenance team yourself."

"Hmm! You...Aunt Youlin, I think..."

"No, you don't think so. Also, call me Colonel."

At this time, Dawn Gundam and Flag Gundam also came to join them. When they saw Gundam AGE-2 for the first time, Yang Hui's questions and Graham's teasing followed one after another. However, Asem, who was already frightened, quickly said "

He slipped away on the pretext that he wanted to return to his original army.

"This brat, I guess the sack won't be able to escape." Graham said with a joking smile.

"You are his master, so of course you have to follow your old path again." Yang Hui teased Graham.

"Uh...you have the nerve to say that? The only time I was caught was when you took action!"

"Haha, so what?"

"You! I...you...hum!" Graham had nothing to say. Before the expansion of the [Celestial Being] brigade, Yang Hui was responsible for the preparation of the Flag Gundam, including the previous Samurai Gundam, so...

Is there a problem with Yang Hui putting on his own sack? Is it okay? Well... forget it, I can't think about it anymore, just be more careful with him in the future.

"Let's go back."

"Well, I also want to take a rest."

VEGAN retreated, the battle was won, the [Giant Ring] base was saved, and the door to the earth was closed. After the pressure, they vented. Along with the cheers, the Federation's MS fired over their heads to celebrate the victory.

"Hehehehe, we succeeded, Commander." Alugureas smiled excitedly.

"Yes, but don't be too proud, Alugureas, we should have expected a battle of this magnitude." Fleet taught him a lesson.


However, Arugureas's expression at this time showed that he did not intend to listen to these words, his fiery eyes, and his hands clenched with excitement.

Although the [Celestial Being] Brigade was the hero and provided important help for the victory of the battle, in this battle, the [Celestial Being] Brigade was more of a blocker and destroyed the enemy's X-Rounder troops. The real

What sealed the victory was a series of tactical commands by him and Fleet.

Defeating more with less, defeating the stronger with the weak, this has always been the highest honor for a tactician. Today, he achieved it with Fleet, and his next goal is to achieve this glory alone and prove to the world the victory of the war.

Success is never achieved by a certain person or a certain unit, but by the excellent command of the commander.

"But this battle also sounded a wake-up call for us." Fleet began to briefly review the situation in his mind, looking for omissions. This is what Yang Hui once taught him, and he developed this excellent habit.

"You mean VEGAN's X-Rounder unit?" Alugureas asked seriously.

"Well, the [Celestial Being] fleet is here this time, but what about next time? What if an ordinary fleet encounters it?" Fleet asked worriedly.

Arguleas was silent. It was indeed true. The appearance of the X-Rounder troops was expected, but the appearance of nearly 20 X-Rounder ability users joining the battlefield at once really shocked him.

Tactical command can contain the X-Rounder troops' attack, but it can only contain them, it cannot repel them, let alone destroy them.

This can only be achieved with sufficient troops and the precise command of him and Fleet.

What if they and the [Celestial Being] Brigade are not here?

When an ordinary fleet encounters the [Demon] force, it will only result in being completely destroyed. Then the [Demon] force will become the VEGAN side's [Celestial Being] brigade.

"But fortunately, the enemy X-Rounder troops were almost completely destroyed." Alugureas comforted, mainly to comfort himself, because he could not think of an effective way to resist.

"You're too lax, Aruguleas. VEGAN's research in field X has always been ahead of the federation. This time 20 people came, but what about next time? Will there be another 20 people? Or more?"

Awakened by Fleet, Alugureas also understood the seriousness of the situation.

"Commander, what do you think we should do?" Alugureas asked humbly.

"We must form our own X-Rounder force. Even if it doesn't work, we must have enough elite troops to resist. When the [Celestial People] brigade comes back, let Lieutenant General Yang Hui, Major General Graham and Colonel Youlin come to see me."


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