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Chapter 178 The Assassin Attacks

One year has passed since the Battle of Nordram ended with the complete destruction of the Downs Fortress and the victory of the Earth Federation was announced, and the time has come for the new year's [Memorial of Courage].

"I said Fleet, why didn't you get them earlier? Aren't you ready?" Sitting in Fleet's office, Yang Hui complained to Fleet.

"Waiting for [Courage Day] to arrive, wouldn't it make more sense to implement the plan on this day?" Fleet said with a smile.

Hearing this, Yang Hui, Graham, Youlin, and Yasem all looked at Fleet with strange expressions, secretly sighing when did Fleet become so sinister?

"Well, it seems that I am really not suitable for joking." Fleet sighed, feeling that he was being victimized by Feng Ping, so he took out a piece of information and handed it to Yang Hui, "This is the reason why I chose to take action today."

Yang Hui and others circulated it. Except for Yasem who was a little nervous, Yang Hui and the other three were calm, as if they had expected it.

"Assassination!? Father, I will make preparations immediately." Yasem said seriously. He knew Yang Hui and Fleet's plan to purge the federation, so VEGAN's assassination must not be successful, otherwise all plans will be destroyed.

Destroyed once.

"Go ahead, Asem, this is your first battle after being promoted, don't fail." Yang Hui encouraged with a smile.

After landing on Earth a year ago, Asem and Gundam AGE-2 were transferred to the [Celestial Being] Brigade. Not only Asem, but also Oblett Roley, the original member of the Wolf Team,

Especially Obret Luo Lei, after Uncle Wolf was killed in the original plot, he was the strongest natural person. In terms of performance alone, he was even more powerful than the second-generation protagonist Asem. He killed one of Gerhardt's generals by himself.

Then he immediately died together with Gerhardt's right-hand man, Flam Nala.

The one he was flying at the time was not the Federation Army's most elite Croncia, but an older model of Xenoas II.

When the performance of the machine is lagging behind and he is not an X-Rounder user, he can kill two outstanding X-Rounder users by exchanging one for two at the limit. I asked, what can Asem compare with this record? There are countless entanglements.

Is it the Gerhardt of ten years? Or the cut-off Dishir under the explosion?

Of course, there must be more than just the two newcomers joining the [Celestial Being] Brigade. The war has once again entered a stable and peaceful period. As the "star-making factory", the [Celestial Being] Brigade will naturally play its greatest role. This is also what we have been fighting with before.

Fleet agreed and transferred a lot of X-Rounder ability users from the secret research institute, but none of them could be named.

And Yasem is also very ambitious, trying hard to stand out from a kind of X-Rounder ability user and become a team leader.

"Don't worry, Uncle Yang Hui, I didn't spend this year in vain." Yasem replied confidently, then turned and left.

Afterwards, Yang Hui and others who stayed in the office continued to watch the news broadcast on TV: "41 years since [Angel Fall], on [Memorial Day of Courage], a memorial ceremony is scheduled to be held in the capital Brescia. Under strict protection, the Earth

Federal Prime Minister--Floyd Orphea arrived at the venue, and the crowds on the street waiting for the ceremony to start were extremely excited... Di~"

Yang Hui couldn't stand it anymore and turned off the TV directly.

"Today's journalists... really don't even have any professional ethics, and they are extremely fierce. Aren't they just a group of reporters trying to dig up dirt?" Yang Hui complained.

"I never thought journalists had such a thing as professional ethics," Graham sneered.

"So in your plan, we are just going to be spectators?" Yang Hui asked Fleet.

"No, if you guys show up, the most important assassin won't show up. If something goes wrong with the plan, that's the time for you to show up." Fleet said.

It is precisely because Fleet received the information that on this special day [Memorial of Courage], VEGAN will take action against their long-standing collaborator, Federal Prime Minister Floy Orfea, and directly divide the relationship between them.

The secret has been lost forever.

And this is the most powerful evidence Fleet needs, to reveal the true face of Floyd Orphea in front of the world's live broadcast, and to use the killer of his enemy VEGAN to substantiate the evidence that he colluded with VEGAN, so that he does not stand up.


If this cannot be recognized by the people, then the only option is to throw out the last trump card.

What would the people think if they learned that the top leaders of the Federation had betrayed their heroes more than once?

"Okay, just make arrangements."

Yasem boarded the Gundam AGE-2 and began to deploy the team members. The team of the [Celestial Being] team is different from other troops. If it can be arranged to perform such an important task, it must be someone who can handle it alone, so like

This kind of guarding task naturally needs to be dispersed to maximize combat effectiveness.

"Conrad went to the west entrance of the National Mall, Nadia went to the south avenue of the main entrance square, Dix and the security forces on the north side have been deployed, and I am in charge of security in the hilly area to the east. Any questions about the above?


"Captain, has the attack been confirmed?" Nadia asked.

"Well, the captain and the commander all judged this way, so they sent us to assist with the escort."

"Oh, I didn't expect that our [Celestial Being] brigade would also be recruited as guards..."

"Doesn't this mean that the earth is unsafe now? Don't forget that we have been hunting VEGAN lurking on the earth this year."


"It's time, everyone is at your place. From now on, radio wave interference level 3 is not allowed to communicate except in emergencies."

"Understood." X2

On the way to the designated place, Yasem recalled the experience of this year.

Joining the [Celestial Being] Brigade is the opportunity that Asim dreams of. He wants to surpass Gerhard, wants to be recognized by his elders, and wants the best growth, then the [Celestial Being] Brigade is the fastest and best.


To be honest, looking back now, he doesn't know how he survived the arduous and tedious training during this year. After the defense of Nordram, among the first batch of trainees of the [Celestial Being] brigade, except for Yang Hui and

Graham, he and Obret Luo Lei were the only two people who did not have X-Rounder ability, so in order not to fall behind, but also to cheer up Yang Hui, the others, and the old captain Woruf, he and Obret Luo Lei,

He put in twice as much effort as anyone else.

And...Romari's retirement.

At the Earth Airport, Romary chose to retire and go home, and Asem saw her off.

"When we get to Tordia, Yunoa comes back to pick me up," Romari said.

"So you have contacted me?" Yasem asked in surprise. He had forgotten how long it had been since he had contacted his family.

"She was very happy. She said that she had joined the star team of her uncles and aunts and became the captain of the team. Her brother had finally made his mark."

"That guy..." Yasem scratched his hair depressedly, "It's not a happy thing to be told by my sister that everyone is starving."

"Hehehe." Romary smiled and said, "But she is amazing. Now as a medical volunteer, it is said that she has flown all over the world."

"Well, she said that she would be willing to go to the back of the moon if necessary." Yasem was a little troubled by his sister's restless personality, but he was also very pleased that his sister was also pursuing her ideals and goals.

"There's no comparison."


"Eunoa is much more sensible than me." As she said that, Romary lowered her head and tightened her hand on the bag, "I... was too naive at the time. I didn't have any excuse for joining the army. I admired Asem and Jay.

Hart is always chasing your shadow, worshiping you wishfully, and wants to impose his own ideas on you..."

With that said, Romary finally plucked up the courage and apologized to Asem: "I'm sorry, I...have always wanted to apologize..."

"Romary." Asem interrupted Romary before she could finish speaking, "You don't need to apologize. Romary just needs to be the same Romary as before."

"Asem..." Hearing the gentle words and seeing Asem's gentle and mature smile, she was delighted? Or heartbroken? No matter what the specific emotion was, Romary still replied forcefully, "Yeah!"

The atmosphere heated up. The two of them just stared at each other, both wanting to shorten the distance between each other, but they were both waiting for the other to make the first move. As a result, before the two of them could take any actual action, the airport announcement interrupted the ambiguous and awkward atmosphere.


"I...I have to go."


Romary was a little hasty, maybe because of shyness, and turned around to leave, but Asem called her back.

"Romari...Although it has taken a long way around, I...I have found the true meaning of my fight..."

Romary turned around, anticipating the content and feeling shy, but still listened attentively.

"I have always wanted to fight for the most important people in my life and protect them, but... I didn't realize it before that. This was just the concept that Uncle Yang Hui and my father instilled in me, but now... I find that I am indeed

I am fighting for this idea, but...among the most important people to me, there are my father and mother, my uncles and aunts, Yunoa, and...and you, I want to continue to protect you."

"..." Hearing this, Romary's face turned red, and so did her eyes. Moist mist condensed into tears hanging in the corners of her eyes. These were not tears of sadness or pain, but tears of happiness.


"After today, both the Earth and the Federation will change. I will no longer be confused. But my uncle seemed to have said that I have a long vacation. Do I want to go back... No, no, no, I can't set up a FLAG." He shook his head to clear away the distracting thoughts from his mind.

Get out there and give your full attention to the task at hand.

On the other side, the expected assassins were also ready. Their routine speeches began, and they were still impassioned, but... that was all.

"Huh, keep shouting." Medel Sant murmured to himself in the cockpit, "You are useless. Everything is the will of Lord Izelkandar."

This chapter has been completed!
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