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Chapter 180 The end of an era is also a new beginning

Before Dix could even finish his words, the shots from two Dorados arrived. It was as if they could tell at a glance that he was different from the other security forces, and forced his [Adele Special Type] out of the formation.

, and then the new frog-like machine shuttled back and forth in the front line like chopping melons and vegetables. Its sharp claws and sharp blades at the tail quickly turned the friendly MS into parts and debris scattered on the ground. The front line

A gap was immediately torn open.

"Damn it!" Dix got a little impatient and carried out this escort mission with confidence, but was suppressed by the opponent from the beginning. "This kind of cooperation... is so elite, but I am not someone to be trifled with!"

The two Dorados had already approached the [Adele Special Type] and left the most comfortable shooting area of ​​the Vangus rifle. Dix made a prompt decision, threw away the Vangus rifle, and drew his beam saber to face a Dorado.

Go up.

But this does not mean that the situation has reversed, but rather that a crisis is coming. At the moment when Dorado and [Adele's special type] are in a stalemate, another Dorado has already circled behind [Adele's special type]

, the beam sword shining with dazzling light was pointed directly at the back of the cockpit.


The alarm sounded, and [Adele's Special Type] swung away the stalemate Dorado with one sword. He stepped back and turned around, raising his shield to resist, but before he could do it, Dorado was attacked by a sneak attack and cut off the left arm holding the shield.


[Adele's Special Type] did not stop, rolled sideways, picked up the Fangas rifle that was thrown aside, raised the gun and fired, while increasing the distance between the two sides.

But the opponent is also an elite force. If they have an advantage, they will not let it go. They alternately cover and perform tactical moves vividly. Soon they passed through pink beams and came to the front of [Adele's special outfit].

The sword sliced ​​through the Vangers rifle.

"This is simply a foul..."

Having lost its Vangus rifle and left arm, [Adele's Special Type] faced off against two Dorados with only a beam sword.

"Now we're in trouble."

Not only was his own aircraft completely destroyed, but even the [Jedalus] (new aircraft) that was attacking other friendly forces also came over. The three aircraft formed a triangle and surrounded the [Adele Special Type]. Dix was sweating coldly.


"The elites of the Federation have been able to persist until now in the face of us... Are you from [Celestial Being]?" Medel Sant suddenly started the public frequency communication and asked.

"Yo? You can see this. It seems that our intelligence has been betrayed a lot." Dix said.

"Hmph, are you still going to fight stubbornly? For your decadent federation?"

"Who cares if they die?" Dix scolded back angrily, "I don't care whether they live or die for those disgusting guys, or I hope they all die soon!"


"But this is a task assigned to me by the captain, and I can't screw it up. Also... you Martians are causing trouble on the earth, and I'm very unhappy!" Dix cursed angrily.

"...Do you deserve to be him? Then I will give you a knot that matches a warrior..."

"Beep beep beep..."

"Reinforcements? Disperse!"

The siren blared loudly, and several beams of light fell from the sky, leaving several large holes where the three planes had originally fought.

"That's it! Gundam!"

Gundam AGE-2 fell from the sky, changed from fighter form to MS form, and protected [Adele's special type].

"Sorry I'm late, Dix, are you okay?" Yasem asked with concern.

"Tch! Who wants you to save them? I've almost finished them off!" Dix was so arrogant.

"Really?" Asem smiled jokingly. Dix was his competitor, and he knew his character very well.

"Hmph, I stayed up late last night and didn't sleep well. Now I can catch up on my sleep and they will be left to you."

"no problem."

The broken [Adele Special Type] retreated towards the base, leaving the Gundam AGE-2 alone to face the three VEGAN machines.

"Gundam...will it stand in front of us again?" Medel Sant gritted his teeth. VEGAN's plan had been going smoothly until the appearance of Gundam, so whenever VEGAN mentioned Gundam, there would be an indescribable feeling.

Anger and resentment surrounded my heart.

"Of course, as long as you haven't given up the war, I will stop you no matter how many times you try!"

"Hmph! Young people who talk shamelessly, you are just working for the corrupt federation. We VEGAN will never lose to the unjust army!"

His speech was particularly impassioned, no less than that of speech expert Floyd, but his behavior was not impassioned at all. He caught the moment when the Gundam AGE-2 struck vertically with his sword, stepped sideways, and immediately took off into the air.

"I'll settle things with you someday. I have a mission now."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

"Don't even think about running away!" Yasem was about to catch up, but was blocked by two Dorados.

"Don't block the way!" Yasem also knew very well that his mission was to protect, so he didn't hesitate at all. He faced the fire blockade of the two Dorados and quickly killed them, catching up with [Jedalus] who was one step ahead.


Before Floy Orphea was completely escorted, [Jedalus] had already arrived at the central square. Fortunately, all the people and reporters at the scene had been evacuated. Otherwise, we don’t know how much damage it would have caused.

Even if Fleet's coup succeeds, it will leave quite a stain.

"It's...it's really here..." Floy Orphea looked at [Jedalus] in front of him in disbelief. The red light from the head scanner converged into a small dot and locked onto his eyebrows.

If he still couldn't tell that the other party was here to kill him, then his life at such an old age would really have been in vain.

"Don't worry, I said I can't let you die now."

As he spoke, Fleet looked up past [Jedalus] and looked at the sky behind it.

A small dot approached quickly, and soon people could see its appearance clearly.

Gundam AGE-2 completed its transformation in the air and stood directly in front of Fleet and others. It hugged [Jedalus] without hesitation and flew out. It did not stop until Fleet and others were in a safe area.

"Why...why do you still have such fighting spirit?" Medel Sant has always been puzzled. In his opinion, the people on earth are rotten, but in every battle, the federal army bursts out with incredible fighting spirit.

Never give up until the last moment.

"You should understand, VEGAN." Yasem said.

"I see?"

"I'm the same as you!" Along with Yasem's roar, Gundam AGE-2 easily cut off both claws of [Jedalus] during the fight and shattered the sharp blade at the tail end, "It's not for the Federation.

, it’s not for any righteousness, my reason is very simple, I just want to protect the people I care about most!”

After the words fell, the two swords left a fiery red and ferocious cross on [Jedalus]'s chest.

"So... that's it... if I was... someone like you... maybe... Lord Izelkandar... I could be considered... back to Eden..."

At the last moment before the explosion, what he saw was not the Gundam AGE-2 or the dilapidated venue, but a grassland full of life, with a sapphire-like lake on the edge that sparkled in the sun, and his elderly wife was

Standing on the grassland enjoying the breeze, I saw him and waved to him.


Medel Sant's end is in the Eden he longs for, and in his most beautiful dream.

Floyd Orphea's true identity has been exposed, and no matter how much important information he provides to the federation, he can only spend his life in prison.

But he is not alone. The Orphea family is a huge family. With people like him as the pillar, other people will naturally not be so clean. Whether they are businessmen, politicians, scientific researchers... they have all discovered that

There is little dirty information. As long as they are important members of the Orphea family, no one is clean. They are all accompanying him in prison.

"I didn't expect that this Orphea family actually did so many things. It's really..." Yang Hui couldn't help but shook his head after seeing Floyd Orphea's confession.

How should I put it...should I say that he was not disappointed at all?

The crimes committed by the Orphea family are truly unimaginable and impossible to describe.

"So their family is finished, and they will never think about it again in this life." Graham shrugged, indicating that it didn't matter.


"Speaking of Yang Hui, Floy Orfea has been arrested, and Fleet has taken power, right?"


The two looked at each other and smiled, and the next second, Mavis's voice sounded in their minds.

[The second phase of the Gundam AGE World mission is completed, the defense of Nordram is a complete success, assists Fleet Asuhino in launching a coup, seizes the power of the top federation, and exposes the secret relationship between the top federation and VEGAN. All members of the Diva survive.

(Including Gruddik, Woruf Anik, and Remi), the rewards have been increased.

Rewards obtained: 1 opportunity to build, 2 opportunities to strengthen the building, 1 opportunity to draw skills, 2 opportunities to strengthen skills, material gift pack (small), world deviation will be calculated uniformly after the end of the Gundam AGE world...

PS: Skill extraction opportunities, skill enhancement opportunities, and material gift packages must be returned to Promis Fortress before they can be used.

The third phase of the Gundam AGE world mission is released: obtain XEA-DB, destroy Guardian Sid, and finally fight to prevent the destruction of the second moon, and develop a method to cure unknown diseases on Mars as soon as possible.

PS: Ensure that all members of the Diva survive before the end of the mission. The reward will be increased for each additional person who survives, and the reward will be increased every year in advance.]


The two looked up at each other at the same time. One was because they had obtained the EXA-DB mission. This was originally the goal that Yang Hui and Graham had agreed upon and had to be completed. Unexpectedly, it also appeared in the mission; the other was...

"Yang Hui...Members of the Diva..." Graham felt that he found the characteristics of the mission release, but it was very vague and unclear.

"Well, I also discovered it, Mavis..."


"The restoration of Promes Fortress...is it really as simple as completing tasks and getting rewards?"

[…The commander does not have enough authority to answer.]

"I understand." Although he didn't get the exact answer, Yang Hui knew that even if his guess was not completely correct, it was still very close to the answer.

"It seems that this time when I go back, I have to increase my authority." Graham suggested.

"Yes, it seems that authority is the most important thing in the entire fortress."

"are you ready?"

At this time, Youlin opened the door and came in to ask them. She was not wearing a military uniform or casual clothes, but a beautiful purple dress.

"Yeah, of course."

"You can't be late for Asem's wedding."

Wearing formal suits, Yang Hui and Graham followed Youlin outside the church. The bell rang, the doves were released, and the newlyweds once again signed a lifelong vow.

This chapter has been completed!
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