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Chapter 189 Flashy? Ask VEGAN!

Facing the figure rushing towards him, Yang Hui didn't hesitate at all, he directly picked it up in his arms, picked it up and spun it around a few times before putting it down.

"Oh! My little cotton-padded jacket has grown so big? I'm finally willing to meet your uncle." Yang Hui said, rubbing Yunoa's head affectionately.

"Hehe, aren't I busy?" Yunoa hugged Yang Hui's arm and coquettishly.

The last time Yunoa and Yang Hui met was when Qiao was born. Yunoa had been insisting on carrying out medical assistance activities all over the world. It was not until recently that he joined the army and was assigned to the Diva.

It's not that I didn't go home for a visit, but I missed Yang Hui and the others every time, so they haven't seen each other for more than ten years.

Qiao and his little girlfriend behind him were dumbfounded. In their eyes, he was gentle and mature and took his work very seriously.

But now she acts coquettishly and cutely like a little girl, which almost subverts her outlook on life.

"Yes, yes, you are busy, my Yunoa is the best." Yang Hui pinched Yunoa's cheek and said.

"Hehe, you know uncle loves me the most."

"Well, how is it? Are you adapting to military life?"

"Being able to adapt to it, it was really hard when my team and I went to the mountains."

"Hey, little cotton-padded jacket is very sensible, much more sensible than your brother."

"Uncle, can you belittle me and praise Yunoa without letting me hear you?" Asem, who followed behind, covered his face and was speechless. He has felt like he was picked up in front of his sister since he was a child.

"Hmm? Do you have any objections?"

When Yang Hui glanced at him, Yasim immediately shrank his neck and did not dare to speak any more.

"Hehehe." Yunoa smiled coquettishly and stuck out her tongue playfully at Asem.

"Qiao, come here."

Letting go of Yunoa, Yang Hui waved to Qiao.

When Qiao saw this, he came to Yang Hui obediently. Although he didn't know much about Yang Hui, his father and aunt had to be obedient in front of him, so he should be a little more obedient.

"Grandpa Yang Hui."

"You kid..." As he said this, Yang Hui glanced at Wen Li who was standing behind him with a half-smile, and secretly sighed that the Asuka family is really the same family. The knowledge of "nurture" is all self-taught.


"Why do you want to fly a Gundam to the battlefield?" Yang Hui asked Qiao.

"Because... because grandpa said that I am also a bloodline of the Asano family, and it is my mission to pilot the Gundam and become the savior..."

I don't know why, Yang Hui behaved very kindly, but Qiao felt a vague pressure on his shoulders.

"Mission...savior...did you know? Qiao, every MS and every enemy you defeat is a living life, and you are killing people." Yang Hui's eyes were solemn and his tone was serious.

"Kill...kill!" Qiao was startled, and suddenly felt that his mind was empty and he couldn't think of anything.

"Yes, you are killing people. No matter how glorious and legitimate your reasons are, or your goals, you cannot hide this fact."

"But...but...grandpa didn't mean...didn't he say...VEGAN is...is..."

"The demons that invaded the earth? Have you met the VEGAN people? Have you talked to them? Do you know that they also have their own families? Why did they invade the earth?"

"I...I don't know...but it's true that they...they invaded the earth! I...I saw it with my own eyes...they attacked the city..."

"Qiao, you are still young and don't understand what combat is at all, let alone what war is. I hope you can understand this before deciding whether to sit on the Gundam." Yang Hui said earnestly.

"But VEGAN..."

Hearing this, not only Yang Hui smiled, but behind him Graham, Yulin, Asem, and Yunoa all laughed.

"Little brat, your grandparents were Izelkandar's nightmare back then. We are not dead yet, and it is not your turn to carry the banner yet."

With that said, Yang Hui left with Graham. Youlin had the gentlest personality, so it was most appropriate for her to stay and have a good chat with Qiao, and Asem also had to chat with her son.

As for the combat deployment... Yang Hui is back, is there still a place for him in the [Celestial Being] brigade?

"How is the situation?" Yang Hui and Graham came to the command room and asked Alugureas.

"The latest information from the Intelligence Department is that VEGAN's fleet has been assembled, and the reconnaissance team has also discovered VEGAN's traces." As he spoke, Alugureas projected the intelligence and investigation results on the big screen, "I speculate that VEGAN

The attack will be launched from both the ground and space directions."

"What are the arrangements for us?"

Yang Hui's qualifications and prestige qualified him to replace Alugureas as the commander-in-chief, but Yang Hui did not. Although the tone of the exchange did not have the respect of a subordinate for a superior, it was still the attitude of an elder towards a junior.

But he will never exceed his authority, let alone seize power. This is the duty of a soldier.

"It's still the same as before, free to hunt." Alugureas grinned and said.

Although Alugureas is different from Fleet, his views on Yang Hui and the others are the same as Fleet. Arranging them in any fixed front is a waste of combat power. Only by letting go of their shackles can the hunt be carried out.

The role of the agent is fully realized.

"No problem." Yang Hui also smiled, this kind of job is his favorite.

After knowing his mission, Yang Hui left directly and ignored other arrangements.

Yang Hui and Graham went directly to the base of the [Celestial Being] Brigade and prepared their and Graham's machines step by step. At the same time...

"Hmm... Fleet, you said you would put down your burden and retire, but I think your machine... doesn't look like it." Yang Hui teased Fleet.

"I...I have nothing to do. Don't you often say that the machine is also the best companion? I have to take good care of my old friend." Fleet said arrogantly.

"Haha, you old boy, let me see, what have you changed?" Yang Hui cried, shook his head with a smile, took the PAD and checked it.


"Tsk, tsk, you guy, no wonder you often run towards my company."

The data of Gundam AGE-1 is very impressive. It still looks simple and unpretentious on the outside, but from the external armor to the internal skeleton, it has been completely changed.

The materials, technology, etc. of the armor and skeleton are all of the latest generation. Also upgraded are the energy system, radar enemy detection system, sensor system, etc. Regardless of the shape and armament, Gundam AGE-1 and Daybreak Gundam, flag

There is no difference between Gundam and Luna Gundam.


"What are your thoughts on armament?" Yang Hui asked Fleet. Gundam AGE-1 has indeed been maintained and upgraded well, but it can't just go into battle like this.

Not to mention that Fleet is different from Yang Hui and Graham, and his physical functions must have declined. Moreover, the form of war has changed, and it is impossible to kill the enemy with a gun and a shield.

"I've asked the arsenal to work overtime, but I just don't know if it can be made before the war starts."

After speaking, Fleet showed his design drawing to Yang Hui.

Yang Hui took a look, good guy, is this the wonderful correction power?

Unexpectedly, after Fleet had seen so many different types of armed weapons designed by Yang Hui, he would still be the Brilliant type without any change at all.

"I'm not you. I don't pursue magnificence, but practicality." Fleet guessed Yang Hui's thoughts and said angrily.

"Haha, if it's really not practical, you can ask VEGAN." Yang Hui rolled his eyes and sneered twice.


"Okay, there's nothing wrong with your design, and I won't interrupt."

"...Where is Yulin?" Fleet, who had been silent for a long time and was debugging the OS (Operating System, English: Operating System, abbreviation: OS), suddenly asked.

"Staying with Qiao."


"I don't need your apology. The people you should apologize to are Asem and Romary."


"Let me tell you first, Fleet, I will not object to Chio's choice to go to the battlefield, but if he does anything unbecoming of a soldier, I will cut off the Gundam AGE-3 and let him go home.


"……I see."

"... Let's not talk about this anymore. Let's adjust your body properly so that we don't have to visit your grave."

"Get out! I won't die even if you die!"

"Hey! How dare you talk to your brother like this? Have you grown up?"

"Um...you heard wrong."

On the sea, VEGAN's fleet is heading towards Lost Loulan, and one of them, the big red Fazos, is particularly dazzling.

"The location of Lost Loulan...is it really so easy to get it?" Gerhart asked doubtfully, and the sound of his fingers tapping on the table echoed in the room.


"Come in."

"Long time no see, Lord Gerhart."

Gerhart felt very complicated because Oribanoz's invasion plan failed because of the new Gundam, but when he saw the coming person, Gerhart had a happy smile on his face.

"Dole, Offa, Dieter, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

The visitors were none other than the three members of the Guards who survived the invasion of Nordlam twenty-four years ago. Like Gerhard, they were taken back to VEGAN's homeland and entered the cryostat not long after they sneaked into the earth.

Sleep, so he still looks so young.

"I'm very sorry, Sir Gerhardt. The awakening procedure has been delayed. I will come to see you only after my body functions have been restored."

"It doesn't matter, it's best if you can come. Who is she?" Gerhart saw the petite girl behind the three of them.

"This is our first meeting, Lord Gerhat. I am Flamnara. Lord Zanader ordered me to be your adjutant." The girl introduced herself.


Hearing this, Gerhardt grinned sneer. Will the person who has always been at odds with him be kind enough to arrange a beautiful adjutant for him?

"You go back and tell Zainard that I don't need adjutants, Dole and the others are enough..."

"Lord Gerhart." Before Gerhart could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Doll Frost, who lowered his head and begged, "I'm so sorry, Lord Gerhart, Flam is my sister, please."

Sir, please leave her by your side to take care of you."


This chapter has been completed!
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