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Chapter 191 The old mans childishness

"So there is such a connection!"

After hearing this, Flamnara felt unbelievable that Gerhat actually had such a relationship with Yang Hui.

Although Jerhat did not explain it very clearly, Flamnara could hear the key point. That is, the reason why Jerhat changed now was because of his contact with Yang Hui. It can even be said that Yang Hui deliberately transferred Jie Ha

I was specially led to this road.

In this way, Flamnara is a little confused. It stands to reason that Jerhat is VEGAN and Yang Hui's enemy. Even if he is optimistic about it, he should instigate rebellion. If instigation fails, he should be eliminated immediately. Why should he be allowed to grow?

It was as if... he was deliberately cultivating him.

"Lord Gerhardt..."

"I know what you want to ask, Flam. I also can't figure out why Mr. Yang Hui did this, but I haven't been able to get an answer. Since I can't get an answer, I can only focus on the present and achieve our ideals.

, maybe...the answer will be right in front of us." Gerhat said.

"Yes, I understand……"

Flamnara nodded in approval. Although she did not recognize Gerhart yet, she was more curious about him, and also curious about Yang Hui and his purpose.

"Lord Gerhardt, what should we do now? Should we contact Zainard..."

"Order our fleet to slow down and let Zanader's fleet explore the way for us." Gerhat ordered.


They don't like cheating on their compatriots and engaging in internal strife, but they are not naive people either. Zanard and his men are not people who are with them at all. Even if everything is peaceful now, a life-and-death battle will break out in the future.

Turning to the other side, Lost Loulan has also completed the final defense deployment to ensure that VEGAN can be pocketed as soon as they invade. The final inspection and filling of gaps is now underway.

"Hmm..." Arugureas looked at his deployment and felt that it was already perfect, but he didn't know whether it was because of obsessive-compulsive disorder or paranoia, but he always felt that there were still some flaws in his own.

"Go and ask the lieutenant general and the old commander to come over." Alugureas ordered.


After a while, Yang Hui and Fleet came to the headquarters side by side.

"What's the matter?" Fleet asked directly.

"Lieutenant General, old commander, you are here. I have completed the combat deployment, but I always feel that something is missing, so I would like to ask you two to help me." Arugureas requested respectfully.

"I have retired. I am an ordinary person and am not qualified to give you advice. Just follow your own ideas."

After saying that, Fleet turned and left without waiting for Alugureas's response.

But when he turned around, he secretly glanced at the strategic deployment, and this action was discovered by Yang Hui.

This old guy is just being arrogant. Alugureas is the proud disciple he single-handedly brought out. He is extremely trustworthy in terms of ability. Moreover, he glanced worriedly at the end and found no problem. Naturally, he doesn't know anything.


Seeing this, Yang Hui shrugged towards Alugureas and did not explain anything to Fleet. The master and apprentice still had a quite tacit understanding.


"Oh, it's still a bit hot here in Lost Loulan. Let's find a chance to go play in the river."

To other people, this sentence sounded like a naughty old man with a childish heart, but to Alugureas' ears, it was completely different.

"Lieutenant General is really..." Aruguleas was suddenly slapped by Yang Hui, and he smiled bitterly and shook his head, but a flash of light flashed in his mind, and his movements and expressions froze.

"In the river! Play with water! Call up the water flow map around Lost Loulan, including the underground river!"


Although everyone didn't know what was happening, they still followed the instructions.

The water flow diagram was overlaid on the holographic map, and Arugureas was pleasantly surprised. He finally knew what he had missed.

"Notify the garrison inside the base to strictly guard here, here, and here."


The locations pointed out by Arugureas are all close to the edge of underground rivers and are easily invaded by enemies from the water.

"The lieutenant general is still very powerful. He can even think of places that are invisible to the eyes. It's a pity..."

Arugureas felt that it was a pity because the federal army currently did not have underwater mobile suits. Otherwise, they would have directly set up an ambush in the river, preventing VEGAN from even invading the base.

Not only did Aruguleas understand Yang Hui's last words, but Fleet also naturally understood them. He glanced at Yang Hui with a rather unhappy look, like a child who lost a bet and refuses to admit defeat.

"I asked you, old boy, how old are you?" Yang Hui slapped him on the back angrily and cursed.


"You, I really don't know what you are trying to do. Don't forget that I am your brother!"

"I just don't believe it. I can't compare to you."

"Believe it or not, your brother will always be your brother." Yang Hui said proudly.

"At least there is one thing you can't do compared to me!"

"Have it?"

"Of course! I have grandchildren, but you have nothing!"

Yang Hui:(▼DRAN▼#)

My fist is so hard that I really want to hit someone.

Isn't it my fault?

Well, it really doesn’t work. After joining Promis Fortress, his body will change and it will become extremely difficult to have children. Moreover, he does not dare to have children now. He has a heavy responsibility and has no time to take care of children. Promis Fortress is just starting now.

There is no environment for children to grow up healthily.

Faced with Yang Hui's helpless expression of "I want to kill someone, but I can't do it", Fleet laughed heartily.

"Flit, did you forget something?" Yang Hui asked with black lines on his head.

"Wha...what?" Facing the weird and dangerous smile, Fleet couldn't help but tremble and retreat.

"You can't beat me."


"No wait!"

One day later, after the last vacancy in the deployment of the line was filled in Arugureas, the bright and clean sky was polluted by fire. A large number of VEGANs, led by the blue flagship, broke through the atmosphere and fell from the sky, aiming directly at the Lost Loulan.


"Hmph! They are indeed despicable earth species, they are all trash."

Seeing that Lost Loulan's defenses were very simple, and the garrison troops rushed out to resist in a panic, like a mantis using its arms as a chariot, it was simply ridiculous.

"Where is Gerhat's fleet?" Zanader asked.

"We are expected to arrive at the battlefield in ten minutes."

"Hmph! You brat, you dare to delay the fighter plane, you really can't be reused... Forget it, my fleet alone can capture the Lost Loulan, and the whole army will attack! I want to capture the Lost Loulan before Gerhardt joins the battle!


"This..." The adjutant hesitated. Lost Loulan is the largest and most dense base of the federal army. With their small fleet... even if they can win it, they will suffer heavy losses and will be unable to compete with Gerhardt's fleet.

"What? Are you going to disobey orders?"

Zainard's eyes erupted with cold light, making the adjutant tremble with fear. He was a tyrant and would not tolerate the irresponsible remarks of his subordinates.

"I'll go deliver the order right away."

The adjutant quickly passed on the order, but his mind was extremely active.

"Zanader...it seems I have to leave a way out for myself..."

Zanader's fleet descended from the earth's orbit. Under Zanader's order, there was no effective front arrangement at all, and he did not see any problems. He directly attacked with the entire army, rushing toward the Lost Loulan like overwhelming locusts.

Facing VEGAN's fierce attack, the scattered garrison troops could only retreat in a panic.

Upon seeing this, VEGAN's landing troops naturally took advantage of the victory and pursued fiercely, but little did they know that they had fallen into a fatal trap.

"Admiral, 73% of the enemy troops have entered the ambush circle!"

"Okay! Inform the entire army that the [Maw of the Abyss] operation has begun!"


"Hahaha! The Earth species are indeed all trash!"

"Go to hell! Give us back Eden!"

"You don't deserve the earth! Give it to me..."

"Beep beep beep..."

Just when the VEGAN army was feeling triumphant, the siren suddenly sounded. Just when they were about to figure out what was going on, they were penetrated by a deadly beam of light in the rainforest.

"Boom boom boom..."

Explosions came one after another, fireworks bloomed one after another, and the federal MSs sprung up in directions they would never expect. The red marks on the enemy tracking system were densely packed, guarding them fiercely.

"How can it be!?"

"Where did the earth species come from?"

"Damn, we're surrounded..."

"This is a trap...ah~!"

The fierce offensive of the VEGAN army was cut off with a single sword, and the torrent seemed to hit an invisible wall. The force suddenly stopped, and instead showed a rout.

"Despicable Earthling! Where did so many enemy troops come from?" Zanader asked viciously.

"I don't know, it's like they appeared out of thin air!"

"Lord Zanader..."

"The reserve troops attack immediately! The frontline troops retreat slowly and reorganize the front line!"


With command and orders, VEGAN was no longer a headless fly. He quickly stabilized his position in the encirclement, retreating while fighting. If he had enough energy, he would cover the surrounding friendly troops. The scattered MSs tried their best to merge into the main force.

A front was formed.

Although the surprise attack had turned into an encounter and the advantage of the first move was lost, they managed to stabilize their position and organize a rout and total annihilation.

Of course...it should have been like this, but what they didn't expect was that the death trap aimed at them was more than that.

"Gerald, Reina, it's time for us to take the stage."

"Understood, I've been waiting for it for a long time!"

"Copy that, but captain, you can't rush so fast this time."

"Uh...I know! Gundam AGE-2, Barrett Hunter, attack!"

"G-Titan, flying type, attack." X2

The [Celestial Being] brigade appeared on the stage, like a sharp blade cutting through the newly established front line like a piece of meat pie.

Although Yang Hui and the others are gone, the [Celestial Being] Brigade is still the benchmark for the Earth Federation Army. After seeing the [Celestial Being] Brigade on the stage, the already determined Federation troops' morale was like sparks falling into a haystack.

A catastrophe is imminent, and the fire of a prairie fire will swallow up the confidence that VEGAN has finally built up.

This chapter has been completed!
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