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Chapter 197 Goodbye Sid, the gift prepared

Approaching the Universe No. 1 Cemetery, [Bai Ze] is separated from the Diva No. 1.

"The radar enemy detection system is fully activated. Due to electromagnetic interference, the detection range is only ten kilometers."

"The optical detection system starts, the thermal detection system starts, the system is normal."

"Level 2 battle preparation, the weapon system is online, and the enemy's location must be found in advance."


After arranging all the work, the captain came to the combat conference room, where Yang Hui, Graham, Yulin, Yasem, Gerard and Reina were all gathered.

The space area of ​​Universe 1 Cemetery is not small. Searching aimlessly is like looking for a needle in a haystack. They must first determine a few areas with high probability of occurrence before they can continue to act.

"Here, here, and here. Among these three areas, merchant ship attacks are the most intensive. And here, a large number of VEGAN wrecks were found..."

On the combat map, Rena marked the predicted area where EXA-DB and Sid would most likely appear.

"Then let's detect this area first..."

"No, we won't go to these areas." Yang Hui retorted as soon as Yasem decided on the target.

"Why?" Everyone was puzzled.

"EXA-DB is in a drifting state and its whereabouts are unclear. Moreover, Sid's mission is to protect EXA-DB from being discovered. These three locations have been approached many times. Do you think Sid will let EXA-DB stay?

Are you going to continue to be harassed in these areas?" Yang Hui asked everyone.

"In other words, the area with the most accidents is the least likely to find EXA-DB and Sid?"

"That's right."

"But... the other areas are too wide, and our little search will take too long." Yasem shook his head and said.

"Then narrow it down."

"How to shrink?"

Yang Hui connected the four marked areas, drew an area at the intersection of the connecting lines, and then stretched it, marking the area farthest from the intersection.

"The distribution of these four areas does not have any regularity, but as long as it appears, it will definitely leave traces. Sid is very intelligent, but there are only two choices he can make. One is to maintain the previous action pattern. Then

The intersection of these four areas is the most likely place, because they will pass by with EXA-BD; second, since they have been discovered many times in this large area, it is very likely that they will judge that these areas have been

It’s no longer safe, go to the farthest place and continue hiding.”

Yang Hui analyzed and explained to everyone one by one, which made everyone feel convinced and nodded in approval.

They had all fallen into a fixed mindset before, thinking that Sid was VEGAN when analyzing it, which was naturally the wrong direction.

If VEGAN is hiding a secret force in Cemetery No. 1 to attack federal troops or merchant ships, then the accident-prone area is naturally the most likely place for them to hide. After all, they will continue to attack passing warships or merchant ships.

But Sid's purpose has never been to attack, but to protect and hide. If he was exposed too many times, he would naturally have to find another hiding place.

"We mark the intersection point as area A, and the other direction as area B. Captain, which area are we closer to now?" Yang Hui asked.

"Area A."

"Then explore area A first. The MS troops are divided into three teams, led by me, Graham and Yulin respectively to escort the battleship."


Although Yang Hui is no longer the captain of the [Celestial Being] brigade, everyone will still carry out the orders he gives without compromise. This is a benchmark and a belief, whether it is Asem, the second captain of the brigade, or his future successor.

No one can reach such heights.

The first batch of escort troops was naturally led by Yang Hui's Daybreak Gundam. Although the radar enemy detection system for the [Parasol] system has been completed, it is basically a large-scale detection equipment. Only fortresses and battleships have been installed, plus

The electromagnetic environment in the Universe 1 Cemetery is very chaotic and cannot have much effect at all.

The miniaturization research was completed not long ago, and the cost is too high, so it cannot be installed on mobile suits at present, so it is currently only installed on Dawn Gundam, Flag Gundam and Luna Gundam.

This is also the reason why the three of them led the troops separately to escort [Bai Ze].

"We are about to enter the target area. All aircraft, please stay vigilant."


I don't know if it was just my luck, but not long after entering area A, the radar enemy detection system reacted.

"Beep beep beep..."

"The E detector responded, and an unknown signal was found in the area of ​​coordinates A21... Wait, unknown signals were found at coordinates B15, D74, and E52!"

"What?" After receiving the report, Yang Hui frowned and immediately asked: "Are there any signs of activity?"

"They are all moving at a very low speed. The system determines that they are not floating objects in the universe!"

Hearing this, Yang Hui's frown deepened. There were four unknown signals, and none of them were floating objects in the universe... How is this possible? Could it be that he encountered...

When he thought of this, Yang Hui immediately ordered: "All MS troops attack! [Baize] retreat at a slight speed! Graham, take Asem and a team to determine the unknown signals of A21 and B15; Yulin, take Gilad

I'll go to D74 with Reina and another team, and another team will follow me to E52; the remaining troops will protect [Baize]."


Before Flag Gundam and Luna Gundam could attack, Dawn Gundam led a small team of [Adele III] towards the furthest coordinate of E52.

Flag Gundam and Luna Gundam did not dare to delay, and quickly led people to the designated coordinates for confirmation. [Bai Ze] and the remaining troops were also ready to retreat.

If Yang Hui's guess is true, then even if they prepare gifts for Sid in advance, they will have no choice but to retreat.

Fortunately, the Dawn Gundam, Luna Gundam and Flag Gundam arrived at the designated coordinates almost at the same time, and it was confirmed that the unknown signal detected was not Sid, which made Yang Hui breathe a sigh of relief.

But... this tone was quickly raised again, because the unknown signal they found was a small signal transmitter, and its shape was exactly like an unarmed miniature Sid.

"Be careful! Sid has gone to your side!" Yang Hui immediately informed [Bai Ze].

"Wh... sizz..."


"Ah...sizz...the enemy comes out...to win the whole team...the port side is installed...sizz...lieutenant general! Please come back..."

The signal was very unstable and the communication was intermittent, but Yang Hui had received the news that [Baize] was attacked and immediately led people to return for reinforcements.

"Damn it! I was tricked!"

Galloping back to support, Yang Hui saw two Sids surrounding [Bai Ze] and the escorting MS troops. In just a minute or two, several Sids were floating around the battleship.

The remains of Adele III], half of the remaining [Adele III] are missing arms and legs.

Even the surface of [Baize]'s hull had several large holes opened, with thick smoke billowing out.

"Don't mess up! Formation D11, escort [Baize] retreat, Graham, Yasem, entangle Sid at position Z9; Yulin, join me to kill the other one!"

"Understood!" X3

"Leina, reorganize the front, Gerald, lead the two teams in a fan search, Sid is here, EXA-DB is definitely not far away!"


The search force returned and four Gundams joined the battle. The panic formation immediately stabilized, and the danger faced by the [Bai Ze] and [Celestial Being] teams also suddenly decreased.

I don’t know if Sid was too impressed by the Dawn Gundam, Flag Gundam and Luna Gundam. Before the two sides engaged in battle, they immediately activated the [Parasol] system and hid themselves.

But how could Yang Hui, who had suffered a loss once, make the same mistake again?

"Where to run!?"

Dawn Gundam raised his hand and fired a shot. The beam of light shot towards a place where there was nothing, but hit an invisible wall.

After being attacked, the [Parasol] system failed, and Sid showed his body again.

Perhaps out of embarrassment, Sid appeared and opened fire directly with the four beam cannons at the rear. At the same time, the missiles behind him fired in unison, and dozens of missiles flew towards him with claws and claws.

Facing the overwhelming attack, the floating cannons on the back of Dawn Gundam all unfolded, and the beams of light were like raindrops, destroying all the missiles with billowing smoke, but the most terrifying purple-red beam was ignored.

"Haha, are you ready to accept the gift I prepared for you?"

Facing the beam that was about to hit, Yang Hui didn't feel nervous at all, and the Dawn Gundam didn't even make any dodge movements, as if it was frightened.

But the next second.


Support from Luna Gundam arrived, and several floating cannons caught the beam cannon with their sides.

"The mirror reflection system is activated, and the mental link system restrictions are lifted at LV.3."

It was originally a sharp weapon for killing enemies, but now it was attacking him in turn. Sid's calculation program was unable to react for a moment. At the last moment, he looked sideways to dodge, but he was still penetrated by two beam cannons on his left wing.

"Don't think about it ending like this, I also have a mirror for reflection!"

At this time, the floating cannon of Dawn Gundam had arrived behind Sid. Whether it was the beam cannon that it dodged or the beam cannon that penetrated its body, it was firmly caught and attacked Sid again.


Sid's calculation speed has been increased to the extreme. His beam cannon was judged to be a threatening target. The beam cannon fired again, meeting his targets one by one, bursting out with dazzling brilliance in the universe.

But... Yang Hui and Youlin would not miss this opportunity. They fired all the missiles, and the dense beams of light fell on Sid like a continuous drizzle.

Sid's armor uses EXA-DB technology, which is several levels higher than the current Federation Army and VEGAN, and cannot be penetrated by ordinary weapons.

But since it has been injured, the damage to the armor is its fatal flaw.

"Boom boom boom..."

In an instant, countless firelights surrounded Sid, and explosions continued, drowning him.

The next second, a broken voice rushed out from the smoke. The wings and cannons had disappeared, leaving only a slender drive to escape outside.

"Don't even think about running away!"

Dawn Gundam accelerated and caught up in an instant, discarding the gun in his hand, and the two [Shigure Blades] shone with cold light.


With the beating of sparks and arcs, the emerald-green [Shigure Blade] cut open Sid's remaining body bit by bit, and was divided into four petals in the cross wound.


This chapter has been completed!
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