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Chapter 200 Its really a transport ship!

In the vast sea of ​​​​stars, there is nothing except the bright stars, but a pure black transport ship is hiding its figure and quietly moving towards VEGAN's base camp - the second moon.

"It's really a transport ship." Yasem sighed.

"Well, it's really a transport ship." Gerald and Reina nodded with deep understanding.

Then the three people looked at Yang Hui with even weirder expressions.

"Aren't you all sure? This is the transport ship. Why are you still looking at me like this?"

"How should I put it..." Yasem's face was tangled, "...it doesn't seem to be in line with your style, uncle."

"Hmm, Lieutenant General, why don't you tell us? Are there countless gun ports hidden under the armor? Or...missile launch bays?" Gerald added.

"Haha, this ship is so big. You have visited it several times. Don't you know something? Where is the missile launcher? Where is it installed? Where is the ammunition?" Yang Hui rolled his eyes and said angrily.

"But...well...uncle, don't you hate sitting in the cosmic coffin the most?"

"So I installed the [engine overload] system and the [parasol] system."

That's right, Yang Hui's transport ship is completely inconsistent with his frenzied style. It is just a transport ship without any weapons.

But...in addition to weapons, there are many other things.

For example, high-cost new alloys can only be used in general MS at the joints of the skeleton, but the entire transport ship is made of this expensive material. Not only that, in addition to the inner and outer three layers of armor, there are also

The electromagnetic armor obtained from VEGAN.

At the same time, this transport ship is also equipped with the most advanced radar enemy detection system and energy system. In terms of top speed and instant acceleration, it definitely exceeds the most cutting-edge warships of the Federation Army.

There is also the extreme propulsion engine that [Bai Ze] has used before, and the [Parasol] system, which is a powerful escape weapon, and uses a new energy system to greatly shorten the charging time.

So... to say that it doesn't fit Yang Hui's style at all... it doesn't matter. This transport ship throws away its weapons. It can be considered crazy, right?

If there was no time, Yang Hui would definitely use the technology obtained from EXA-DB to upgrade the transport ship again.

The Federation does not allow people outside the military to own battleships. Armed transport ships are also called battleships. Well, I won’t install any weapons. Is it okay if I build a turtle shell that can run fast?

"..." Asem, Gerald and Reina were silent.

Well, this is very Yang Hui.

"Speaking of which, Yang Hui, do you have a plan?" Graham asked.

The Second Moon is the base camp of VEGAN and is also a restricted area of ​​the Earth Federation. Since the [Giant Ring] base was destroyed, all the spies placed inside VEGAN have lost contact. Now it is simply impossible to place spies inside VEGAN.

Without the guidance and support of spies, how could they sneak into the iron-barrel second moon?

"Someone will come pick us up."

"Huh? Who?"

"The independent intelligence system of Yang's company, people installed within VEGAN."

"Is this... is this true?" The three of them were horrified.

They are familiar with Yang Hui, but not familiar with Yang's Enterprise. They only know that Yang's Enterprise is an unshakable giant in military and civilian machinery. Their machines have also been reconditioned by Yang's Enterprise, and the machinery and electrical appliances used in their homes are all

It is a product of Yang's Enterprise. Even Yasim's frequent visits to Yang's Enterprise are related to the Gundam AGE-2, but that's all.

I didn’t expect Yang’s enterprise to be so powerful! It could actually place people into VEGAN...


The three of them thought of a very serious problem at the same time, that is, Yang's company has never interfered in military affairs, and has never probed into VEGAN's intelligence. This was originally a guarantee to reassure the federal leaders, but by placing personnel within VEGAN, this

Isn’t it a breach of contract?

The three of them looked at each other intently, waiting for Yang Hui's answer.

"It can be regarded as a casual move. In case of emergency, there will be no backup plan available." Yang Hui spread his hands and said.

The three of them accepted this explanation, because in their eyes, Yang Hui never fought an uncertain battle. He considered things to be four or five steps ahead of others, and he held who knows how many trump cards in his hand to nip problems in the bud.

But the truth is...

How did Yang Hui think of so much? He placed a few people in VEGAN just to rescue Qiao.

Although he was unwilling to admit it, the facts had told Yang Hui many times that the mysterious thing called correction power still existed, and some important nodes were difficult to change. Qiao's arrest was almost certain.

But Asem's trajectory was changed by him. He was not severely injured by Sid, and he did not become a space pirate. So he couldn't expect Asem to successfully rescue Qiao like his original trajectory, and he couldn't just watch.

So I made preparations in advance.

The reason why these people were not found out is because they were never used after they were installed, and they were all in insignificant positions, so they were not discovered.

As for relying on them to pass on VEGAN's information... it's really unnecessary. For Yang Hui personally, the information from the Intelligence Department is enough.

"Don't worry, Yang's Enterprise has no intention of replacing the Federation, and I have no intention of controlling the Federation. If you ask me to join the Federation Conference, I'm afraid that I will be unable to resist and shoot those fat-headed and big-eared congressmen to death." Yang Hui



The three of them nodded with deep understanding. It was Yang Hui whom they were familiar with. He could really do such a thing.

"Okay, let's all go and have a rest. There won't be any chance to relax in a while."


As Yang Hui expected, Qiao, who was worried by everyone, was not harmed in any way. Instead, he was taken care of by Izelkanda as a distinguished guest.

Not only can you freely enter and exit Izelkandar's official residence, but you can also tour the interior of VEGAN at will. There is not even a person watching. It can be said that you can eat well, drink well, and be free.

Here, he also made two friends, his sister Lu Ailon and his brother Dean Ailon. They were both civilians, and Lu was suffering from a disease caused by Mars rays. He was short-lived and could only stay in bed most of the time.


Both Dean and Lou were kind-hearted. After learning that Chiao was a pilot of the Federation, neither of them were hostile to him because of his identity. However, Dean was unwilling to let Chiao meet his sister Lou because he was afraid that his sister would be sad.

Lu is different. From birth to now, she has spent most of her time lying in a hospital bed, full of curiosity about the unknown and the outside world.

After getting to know Qiao, she kept asking him about the scenery of the earth. She knew that her body might not be able to reach the Eden that Izelkandar described to them, but she still did not give up her vision, even if it was only in her imagination.

Will also be very happy.

On the high platform inside the second moon, Chioti Lu obtained a special medicine, which gave Lu the physical strength to move freely. The three of them traveled together in the city of the second moon, and finally came to a high platform.

"Qiao! Look, look, look!"


The three of them looked down at the city below. It was all gray and white. Although the sky was stealing light, it was as dark as if it were covered with a layer of gray. At a glance, they were all messy low-rise houses. There were no other colors at all.

The city is lifeless, without much life.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Lu asked excitedly.

Qiao was in a dilemma. He didn't know how to answer. To be honest, he didn't think the scenery here was very beautiful. Whether it was the colonial satellite Tordia where he was born or the earth where he lived later, nothing could compare with it.

But...Qiao feels very sad. Lu and Dean feel satisfied and excited because of this level of scenery, but they have no way to go to the Eden of their dreams to see the truly beautiful scenery.


In the end, Qiao nodded. He was unwilling to hurt Lu and Dean, so he could only hide his true thoughts.


How many people here are like their brothers and sisters, they have done nothing wrong, but they have to face the threat of death all the time. They have done nothing wrong, but they can only live in a narrow city full of twilight. As time goes by,

Hope is bit by bit extinguished by twilight.

"Grandpa, VEGAN...are they all really bad people? Fight...kill enemies...kill people...Is what I do really right?"

Qiao Ao's heart went through many twists and turns, but he still couldn't get the answer.

He has always abided by Fleet's teachings to him since he was a child. Even after learning the truth from Yang Hui, he did not change. Because he was still young and did not have the ability to judge of his own, he thought that Fleet was right.

, pilot the Gundam to fight and protect what you cherish.

But now... he feels that what he values ​​is too narrow and he is too selfish. He has something he values, but what about the people he killed? Is VEGAN gone?

Having never met VEGAN, he could assume that there is no such thing, but now that he has met Izelkandar and his wife, and has become good friends with Dean and Lu, he can firmly answer: Yes!

We are all human beings, and we all have things we value, so...can he still fight and kill as a matter of course?

When he thought of this, his hands began to tremble.

"It's so beautiful." Just when Qiao was struggling, a warm touch came from her hand. Lu looked at the "beautiful scenery" and took Qiao's hand, "Thank you, Qiao, my wish came true."

A gentle and pure smile should have brought beauty, but it deeply hurt Qiao's heart.

"She...VEGAN...shouldn't be like this!"

"Dew, Dean."

"What's wrong? Qiao?" The brother and sister looked at Qiao, wondering why he suddenly became so serious.

"I will take you to the earth, let you see the real beauty, and cure your disease. You can go to school, go shopping, and live happily like normal people! I promise!"

"Qiao..." The brother and sister smiled warmly. Although they both knew that Qiao's promise was almost impossible, they were very happy to get such a guarantee.

At this moment, a sudden call interrupted the warm scene.

"Qiao! I finally found you!"

This chapter has been completed!
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